A Screenplay by Scott Thompson

Two immature billionaires must use public transportation as they attempt to cure themselves of the Ten plagues of Egypt.


Scott Thompson

[email protected]



Please forgive the formating issues as I can't make the proper formatting work with this sites programming.






A box marked BALLOONS waits in a pile of office supplies.


A WORKER loads the supplies into a TRUCK.


The truck pulls away from the dock.


It drives down a busy




It drives down an




It drives up a busy




Summer. The pedestrians of San Fransisco are dressed accordingly.

The truck drives up to a



A tall glass-faced building gleams in the sun. A sign out front reads, "The Peabody Building."


The truck drives by a MAN in a business suit arguing with a COP.


The MAN throws a parking ticket to the ground.


He screams something.


The cop shrugs.


The man screams again and attacks a parking meter - punching and kicking it!


The cop drags him away from the parking meter.


The truck turns into a




that is attached to the Peabody Building.


It drives by a sign marked "RECEIVING."


The truck beep beep beeps as it backs into a




The truck's back door slides up and open.


The box is off loaded.


It is stacked with other office supplies.


The box is wheeled inside to a




The box is stacked with a bunch of other office supplies.


The room's lights are turned off.


The room's lights turn on.


JUAN, 22, Mexican American, frizzed out hair, dressed in a white shirt and blue tie, loads the box onto a cart.


He checks something off on a list.


                                 Priority for the big guy, huh?
                                 Alrighty. The rest of you will have
                                 to wait.


He leaves with the cart. He pushes the cart out into a broad




The lobby is decorated in a very expensive way. Business people walk determinedly to and fro.


Juan pushes the cart over to an elevator. He presses the up call button repeatedly and impatiently.




The elevator's doors open. PEOPLE exit.


BARRY, 24, blonde surfer type, wire glasses, expensive business suit, is the last to leave the elevator.


Juan enters the




Elevator music.




Juan reaches out to hit the top floor button, and wilts. All of the thrity four floor's buttons are lit.

                                 Aw, man!

Other OFFICE FOLK step into the elevator.


They look at all of the lit buttons.


They frown at Juan.

                                 It wasn't me.

Grumbles and sighs. The elevator's doors close.

                                 It wasn't!










The elevator's doors open.


Juan leans against a wall of the elevator. He looks bored to death. He sighs.


He pushes the cart out into a


Juan smiles at KATHY, 47, bee-hive hair doo, horn-rimmed glasses, chunky, who sits behind the receptionist's desk.


                                 Hey Kath.


Busy - busy - busy.


                                 Good morning, Juan. Service
                                 elevator out again?


No time.


                                 Sucks to be you.


Juan pushes his cart down a




And into a large



The office looks like a high-powered business professional's space. A breathtaking view of the San Francisco skyline is seen out two walls made entirely of glass.

The office door is open. Juan knocks on the door frame.


                                 Supply delivery.


CALVIN, 24, dark hair, angelic face, expensive business suit, looking a lot like Barry (who exited the elivator earlier), sits behind a large desk.


He smiles and walks around the desk to greet Juan.


                                 There’s the man of the hour! Just
                                 the guy I've been waiting to see.


Juan pushes his cart in.

                                 Good morning, Sir.


Calvin thumps Juan good-naturedly on the back.


                               Good Morning. And how does the
                               day find you?


Wary / bothered.


                               I'm doing OK.

Juan pulls out two bags of balloons from the box.


                               I'll take the whole box.


Juan shrugs and hands the box to Calvin.

                               I’ll adjust the inventory.

                               Excellent. You know, Juan, you are
                               one of the most dependable people
                               I've ever met. Ever. Period.

Juan smiles warily.


                               Thank you, Sir.


                               Hey! You want some coffee? I just

                               brewed some up fresh?


Wary again - a little too quickly.


                               No! I thank you, sir. I
                               really should get back to my


Calvin looks disappointed.

                               A man who's committed to his job.
                               Outstanding. Maybe some other time,



                               Yeah. Yeah. Thanks anyway.

Juan exits.

Barry walks into Calvin's office. Now that we see them together - their family resemblance is remarkable.


                               Elevator’s busted.


                               You had to work on it again? This is

                               getting redundant.


                               I know what you mean. It's all old hat. 

                               I'm bored to death, and it's not even....

Barry yawns and looks at his expensive wrist watch.

                               Ten AM.

Barry reaches for coffee.

                                 You mind?


                                 I wouldn't.


Barry looks at the coffee.






                                 With what?




Barry looks impressed.


                                 Exlax on steroids. Nice. Get anyone
                                 with it yet?


Barry puts the coffee down.


                                 Still fishing.


Barry holds up the box he’s holding.


                                 Early lunch? We could do a


                                 Heck, yeah! Let me grab some tools
                                 and a blanket.


Barry nods.


                                 How's the gizmo working?

Calvin collects a small CAN marked “liquid a*s”, a small clear VIAL, and a small flat DISK from a shelf and shoves them into pockets. He then grabs a blanket from a lower shelf.

                                 Couldn't be more pleased. Want to
                                 see it in action?


                                 Heck yeah! Got something for the


Calvin pats a pocket.


                                 Got it covered.




Calvin and barry wait for an elevator.


The elevator's doors open and OFFICE FOLK exit.


Calvin and Barry step into the




Elevator music. The doors close. Calvin and Barry are alone.


                                 Which restaurant do you want to


                                 There’s a new place called Verdon’s
                                 a couple blocks over.


                                 Alrighty. I have One-two-three or
                                 Flush Man. What’s your pleasure?


                                 Let’s do one-two-three if


The elevator stops. DING. The doors open.


PEOPLE enter.


A MAN on his way in takes one look at Calvin and pushes his
way back out of the crowd flowing into the elevator.

Calvin laughs.


The elevator fills to capacity.

The doors shut.


Calvin pulls out the small tube marked "liquid a*s" from his pocket.


He winks at Barry.


Barry suppresses a laugh.


Calvin pushes a button on the tube. A FART sound erupts.


People groan.




Calvin and Barry keep straight faces. Everyone else makes eew faces.


A LADY gags.


Down in the




Juan has a new stack of products on his cart. He waits for an elevator.



The elevator's doors open. PEOPLE exit in a hurry, some coughing and fanning their faces.


In the



Calvin and Barry snicker.

                                 You gonna....?


Calvin nods. In a practiced move, he runs his hands down the buttons quickly. All the floors buttons are now lit. They exit.

Juan rolls his cart in.


He sees the lit floor lights.


                                 Oh, mother of God!


He sniffs the air.

                                 And what the Hell stinks?


PEOPLE file in behind Juan. Sniffs and frowns at Juan.


                                 It wasn't me!



PEDESTRIANS hustle and bustle about. A line of PARKED CARS with METERS lines the street.

Calvin and Barry exit the building.


                                 That just never gets old.


They walk down some




Barry nods at the GIZMO Calvin is carrying.


                                 How does it work?


Calvin holds up the scanner-gun looking thingy.


                                 Just point and click.


                                 That's it?


                                 That's it.




                                 We should set up some cameras out
                                 here. I never get to see people's


                                 That is a great idea! Let's list it

                                  as an action item.


They reach the



                                 So noted.


Calvin holds the scanner-gun under the blanket so it's hidden.




                                 Oh yeah.


They walk down the street.


Calvin zaps the digital readouts of the parking meters with the scanner-thingy. The time balance on each meter readout drops to zero.


                                 Man, that rocks!


                                 Tell me about it.


HARVEY, 57, scruffy face, dirty clothes, wearing a placard that reads "The End is Near," walks toward them. He carries religious flyers.


Barry notices him approaching....


                                 Someone's taking an interest....


Calvin points to a building across the street.


  (Under his breath)
                                 And this building here was designed
                                 in the Broke fashion. She how it's
                                 lines all seem to be, well,
                                 vertical and s**t?


                                 Most impressive!

                                 Now this building over here....


Harvey stops Calvin with a grimy paw.


                                 Have you found God?


Calvin winces.

                                 Oh, Man! You need a breath mint!
                                 Bad! Go peddle your papers
                                 somewhere else, huh?


Barry snickers as they attempt to walk around Harvey.


Harvey stops them with out stretched arms and grimy paws.


He shoves a GOD FLYER into Calvin's hands.


                                 God is watching you!


                                 I'm an Atheist.


                                 Me too. Sorry Pal.


They try to walks around Harvey again but are blocked again.


                                 That's OK, cuz God believes in you.


                                 What a load of crap. Why don't you
                                 take this flyer, and shove it up


Barry frowns and pulls Calvin aside.


Shielded from Harvey, Barry holds out a fist (for rock, paper, scissors).

Calvin looks down at it, then nods.


1. 2. 3. Shoot.


Calvin holds out scissors. Barry holds out paper.


Barry makes a pained face. Calvin laughs.

Barry turns and steps closer to Harvey.


                                 Hey! Can I have a flyer?


Harvey eyes Calvin, then Barry. He nods and hands him one.


                                 You're not beyond redemption.


                                 Hey thanks! Thanks a lot!


Not reading it, he glances over the flyer quickly.


                                 This is good stuff! Really good
                                 stuff! You know what? You're right.
                                 I need some direction in life. I
                                 need a purpose! You've convinced
                                 me. I'm turning over a new leaf.

                                 I'm going to be a christianite!


Harvey looks sceptical.


                                 And I'm supposed to buy that?


Barry puts an arm around Harvey's shoulders. He wrinkles his nose and makes a pained face, but leads Harvey away from Calvin.


                                 Sure! God works in mysterious ways,




                                 Well, see? God placed you here, at
                                 the right time, and at the right
                                 place! It's that simple! I was
                                 looking, and you've provided! I'm
                                 sold! You should feel proud.


                                 Pride is a sin.

                                 I'm sure it is. But, hey, God lets
                                 you feel a sense of accomplishment,


                                 I guess....?


                                 Well, there you have it. Another
                                 soul saved! You're a credit to the
                                 human race. Really!


Harvey looks like he's buying it a little.


                                 Well.....Praise the Lord.


                                 Praise the Lord!


                                 Praise the Lord!


Barry gives Harvey a gentle push down the street.


                                 Praise the Lord!


Harvey walks down the street.


Barry winks at Calvin. Calvin bursts out laughing.


Harvey turns and looks back.


Calvin curbs his enthusiasm.


Barry holds up the flyer and gives Harvey the thumbs up.


Harvey walks away with a smile on his face.


Barry tosses the flyer into the air where it flutters to the side walk.


                                 There aught to be a law.


Calvin laughs openly again.


They walk down the street.


Calvin zaps the meters.

                                 You know, you're going straight to
                                 Hell for that one. Do not pass go.
                                 Do not collect 200.


                                 Yeah, maybe....




                                 You ever think about that?


                                 About what?


                                 If God really exists?






                                 I do. It'd be nice to know if I
                                 need to recant everything on my
                                 death bed.






                                 You know - ask for forgiveness --

                                 so I don’t burn in Hell?


Calvin frowns.


                                 Why so concerned?


                                 Remember that thing we did?


                                 Which thing?


                                 The Tuba and the skunk?


Calvin winces.

                                 Oh yeah. That was bad.


The sun is filtered by trees. Calvin and Barry walk down a paved path. The path is busy with other PEDESTRIANS.


                                 I suggest we list it as an action


                                 List it how?


                                 Prove that God exists.




                                 Sounds intriguing! And just how do
                                 you propose we do that?




                                 Good question.


A MIME performs beside the path. None of the pedestrians pay him any attention. A hat lies empty on the ground before him.


Barry frowns at the mime.


                                 He's still doing that same act....


                                 Pathetic. Definitely needs
                                 something more.


                                 A touch of realism, perhaps?


                                 I like the way you think.


Barry shakes his head at the mime. They walk on.


Calvin and Barry lie on the blanket Calvin was carrying. This location has a great view of an empty park bench that sits about fifteen feet away.

                                 Well, so when has God showed up


Barry pulls a tazer gun out of the box he’s been carrying.


                                 Noah. Saddam and Gomorrah. Moses, I


                                 Alrighty. And why, do you suppose,
                                 he showed up at those particular


Barry thinks.


                                 People were being evil.


A COUPLE sits down on the bench. They look around to see if they're alone.

POV: Up and down the path, they’re secluded. No one is visible.


A long, passionate kiss ensues.


Calvin and Barry whisper.


                                 Alright, that part is simple. We
                                 find evil people to find God. Who

                                 do we know that's evil?


Barry fires the tazer gun at the couple on the bench. Two leads streak out on the ends of wires. They plunge into the male.

Electricity crackles. Locked together through their kiss, the couple shivers. Their hair stands up on end. They both make funny noises.


                                 Beats me.

A LITTLE OLD LADY who is walking her dog, walks around a bend in the path. She sees the electrifying couple. She screams!






Calvin and Barry run.


The tazer's lead lines pop out of the guy and disappear back among the bushes.
The electricity ends.


The couple collapses into each other's arms, panting.

The restaurant is housed inside a high-rise building. It looks expensive. A sign out front reads "GRAND OPENING! Verdon's! A Fine Dining Experience."


The interior is decorated in a very lavish way. It’s still early and the restaurant is nearly empty.


Two empty bowls that contained soup sit on the edge of their table waiting to be bussed.


Barry and Calvin both eat steak. Barry salts his.


                                 How’s your steak?


Calvin shakes his head.


                                 Way over-cooked. And the sauce is


                                 Poor review?


Calvin nods and pulls out the CLEAR VIAL he put in his pocket back in the office.


                                 Poor review.


Barry looks around to see if anyone can see him.


POV: No one is around.

Barry gets up and collects salt shakers from nearby tables.


                                 How would you measure someone's


Barry returns with the shakers and places them before Calvin.






They both remove the lids from the salt shakers.


                                 I would imagine most religions have
                                 a way to measure a man's goodness.


Calvin drips a tiny clear drop from the vial into each shaker.

Barry puts lids back onto each shaker as completed.


                                 You're talking about standards?


                                 Standards. Right. Something that if
                                 broken, might piss God off?


                                 That's easy. The Ten Commandments.

Barry quickly returns the salt shakers to their tables.


A HOSTESS leads a LARGE MAN and LARGE WOMAN in and seats them at a table with Calvin’s tampered salt.


A WAITRESS places soup and rolls before them. They both salt their soup.


                                 The Ten Commandments. Excellent! We
                                 need to find people who have broken
                                 the Ten Commandments.


The large man and woman spoon soup into their mouths.


Barry shakes his head no.

                                 Impossible to tell who's broken


                                 We could use court records.


                                 Innocent people are put in jail all
                                 the time. Guilty people walk free.
                                 Who can tell?


Calvin watches the large lady -- her stomach grumbles loudly! She lets out a small burp.


                                 True. True. Uh....Time to go!


Barry wipes his mouth with a napkin.


Calvin and Barry stand up and walk by the Hostess as she leads TWO BUSINESS MEN in to be seated.


They all watch as....


The large man’s stomach grumbles loudly! His eyes fly wide! He knocks over his chair in a wild rush for the bathroom!

The seat of his pants turn brown as he runs!


The lady let’s out a huge burp! She looks surprised by it, then slaps a hand to her mouth to unsuccessfully keep in a fountain of puke!


The mime performs the invisible wall. The pedestrians could care less.

Two electrical leads fly out of some bushes. They stick in the mime's back.


Electricity crackles. The mime quakes and makes funny noises.

Pedestrians stop. They ooh and ahh.


The electrical leads whip away.


The mime falls on his butt.


The crowd applauds. Money is heaped in his hat.


On a....



Calvin and Barry walk down the sidewalk.

Barry is clandestinely zapping meters.


                                 So you're saying that because it's
                                 impossible to tell who's done what,
                                 that we'll have to be the ones who
                                 break the commandments?


Across the street, Harvey waves to them.


Barry smiles broadly and waves back. He gives Harvey the thumbs up sign.


                                 Hell, no! We're messing with the
                                 big guy here. No way am I playing
                                 guinea pig.


                                 Alrighty. We're going to need a
                                 dupe, then.


                                 A dupe. Yeah! Great idea!


                                 Someone dumb.


                                 Really dumb.


                                 Someone who'd do anything for the
                                 right incentive.


                                 A real kiss a*s.


They look at each other and laugh.




Stalls line one side of the room, urinals line another.


The sounds of SKIN ON SKIN rubbing and LOW GRUNTS are heard.


Two feet can be seen under a stall door. Dress pants are down a round ankles.


STEVENS, 42, salt and pepper hair, clean shaven, expensive suit, enters the bathroom and listens for a moment.

                                 Johnson! Are you in here?

The skin on skin rubbing sound stops.



                                 Johnson! Anderson said you’re in


Johnson's voice sounds horse.

                                 Ah, yes sir. I’m here.


                                 God Damn it! Are you whacking off?



                                 No, Sir!


Stevens shakes his head.


                                 You'd better not be! That would be
                                 highly inappropriate behavior!


Johnson's normal whiny voice returns.


                                 Yes, Sir! I know that, sir. I'm
                                 not, Sir.


                                 Where are those copies I asked for?
                                 The meeting starts in ten minutes!


                                 I'll bring them with me, Sir.
                                 They'll be on time.


                                 Don't let me down on this one,
                                 Johnson, or it's your a*s!


                                 Yes, Sir.


Stevens leaves.

Frantic SKIN IN SKIN rubbing sounds are heard.


GRUNTS grow in intensity.


The legs under the stall straighten out. Intense shaking.


A strange squeal is heard, then the feet drop to the floor.


Frantic toilet paper wiping sounds are heard.


JOHNSON, 32, Jewish, dark hair, cheap suit, geeky, glasses, flushed face, rushes from the stall carrying a stack of papers.


He exits the bathroom.




Johnson pushes buttons on a copier. He holds a covered report in a hand.

ANGELA, 27, brunette, buxom, stunning, dressed in a lady's business suit, walks by.

Johnson ogles her.


The pages of the report he's holding drop out of the cover and scatter at his feet.

He bends over and picks them up. His full attention remains on Angela’s figure.

Angela bends over and fills a water bottle from a cooler.


Without looking at what he’s doing, Johnson stands up and straightens the pages, then feeds them into the copier's feeder and hits copy.


Angela turns and looks at Johnson.


Johnson gives her a smile and a head nod.


She throws up a little in her mouth and makes a sour face.


She hurries away with her bottle only half filled.


Johnson watches her go. He sighs.






Juan, still with his cart, waits for an elevator.



The elevator's doors open. Elevator music. It's empty inside.


Juan pushes his cart in.


He reaches to push the lobby button. All of the buttons are lit again.


                                 How on Earth....?




Juan’s head peaks out. He looks around. He frowns.




Juan shrugs. He double presses the Lobby floor button.


                                 I hate this job.


The doors close.


Calvin presses his eye to some sort of apparatus that looks like a futuristic rifle-like weapon. The weapons long barrel juts out over the building's edge.


POV: Looking through the weapon's scope. The sidewalk far below is amplified. Gusts of wind are measured on a digital read out. Cross hairs blink from red to green each time someone walks through the strike zone far below on the sidewalk.


                                 Alrighty. We have the overall goal.


Barry nods.

                                 Find out if God exists.


                                 A strategy.


                                 Break the Ten Commandments.

                                 If I remember correctly, one of

                                 the commandments is to not kill

                                 anyone. Are we going to kill




                                 Notta. We'll find a loop hole.



                                 You think there is one?



                                 There are loop holes in everything.

                                 Move on.




                                 We have a dupe.


Far below - on the


CARLA, 37, brunette, conservative, neat as a pin, pulls a parking ticket off her windshield and reads it.


Meanwhile - high up above on the




Calvin grins.


POV: In the scope: the cross hairs are green.


Calvin pulls a trigger on the weapon.


POV: A red shaped ball falls away.


Calvin lifts the weapon up and steps back from the wall.


Down on the



A RED WATER BALLOON bursts over Carla's head.


She flaps her hands to rid herself of excess water.


She shrieks in frustration.


She looks up.


POV: Nothing but buildings, empty rooftops, and clear blue sky.




Calvin and Barry walk to another edge of the roof. Calvin carries the weapon. Barry carries a box of water balloons.


                                 Good. Let's focus on tactics.



                                 We'll need a list of the Ten
                                 Commandments. We'll check them off
                                 as Johnson breaks them.


Barry and Calvin trade what they're carrying.




Barry sets up the weapon at another edge.


                                 You actually going to go out and
                                 buy a bible?


Barry places an eye to the view finder.


                                 Internet. Load me?


Calvin loads a water balloon into the weapon.


                                 Locked and loaded.


                                 You think we need props?


                                 Hell, yeah. Let's do this right.


Barry pulls the trigger. A balloon falls away.


                                 You know, it's a real waste of our
                                 talents to be stuck in this dive.


Barry pulls the apparatus over the wall. They walk toward another wall.

DISTANT SOUNDS: SPLASH! A male voice from far below rants curse words.


                                 Yeah. Dad's been dead for what? -
                                 more than a year? - and he's still
                                 a pain in my a*s.

                                 Our a*s. Well, asses. Don’t get me
                                 wrong. The money is great. But why
                                 the jobs?


                                 I’m still trying to figure that one
                                 out. Maybe he had a moral issue
                                 with 24 hour partying.


                                 Who could have a problem with that?


                                 He was just an old fart.


                                 Hey. Speaking of old farts, wasn't
                                 there a meeting today?


                                 You actually remembered! I’m


                                 We going?


                                 Two hours of listening to old
                                 fogies drone on and on about
                                 stuffed animals? Pass.


                                 I knew there was a reason I liked



The cubicle looks like an MBA’s brain threw up all over the walls. Charts and graphs are everywhere. Strings are thumbtacked on walls to create links that chart competitive activity. It is genius.

Johnson is sitting in his cubicle - pondering something - he’s almost nodding off.


ANDERSON, 37, balding, chunky, moderately expensive business suit, sticks his head into Johnson’s cube.


Johnson wakes and falls over backward in his chair.

                                 Ow! What was that for?


Johnson stands up and rights his chair.


                                 You weren’t sleeping were you?




                                 No! I was thinking! You know, deep
                                 in thought? And - I was just about
                                 to solve the Randolph distribution
                                 crisis, but that line of thought is
                                 gone now, thanks to you!


Anderson throws a report at Johnson.


                                 Whatever. Look. Stevens is pissed
                                 at you. His report is out of order
                                 and half the pages are up-sidedown.
                                 He told me to watch you to
                                 make sure you got it right!


Johnson looks at the report and has to spin it.


He frowns at it.


                                 Alright. I’ll do it in a little


                                 You’ll do it now!


                                 OK! OK! Sheesh!


Johnson pulls the pages out of the binder.


                                 I’ll be back in a few. Please. For
                                 the love of god. Don’t mess this


Anderson walks away.

Johnson walks to the


Johnson places the stack of paper into the copier and presses some buttons. The copier churns away.

Angela walks by, this time on her way to a coffee machine by the water cooler.
Johnson leans against the copier and openly admires her figure again.

Anderson sneaks up behind Johnson....


                                 So! Spanky! You going to ask her


Johnson’s hand slips off the copier and he drops to the floor, slamming his head into the top of the machine as he falls.




Anderson laughs.


Johnson looks at Angela.


She looks at him.

                                 Are you talking about me?


                                 Uh, no....No! We’re talking about
                                 someone else!


Johnson turns red, then turns on Anderson.


  (fierce whispering)
                                 Quit calling me Spanky! It's not


Angela looks disgusted.


                                  You two are pigs. I’m outta here.


Angels leaves.


They both watch her go.


                                 Wow. Huh?


                                 Look, Spanky. You've simply got to
                                 ask her out.


Johnson looks in the direction Angela went.


                        think she'd go out with


                                 No way! She's an Alpha! Way out of
                                 your league.


                                 Then why are you telling me to ask
                                 her out?


Anderson slaps Johnson's report to his chest.


                                 So she can grind your pathetic
                                 little dreams into the dust, and
                                 the rest of us can finally read one
                                 of your reports without having to
                                 spin it like a top.


Anderson walks away.


Johnson frowns after him.


In the back ground, a red balloon flashes by a window.


Johnson exits the elevator. He carries a brief case. He walks slowly with his head down.


Anderson walks up.


                                 Hey, Spanks! Wait up!


                                 Leave me alone.


                                 I just want to know if you’re going
                                 to ask Angela out?




                                 Why not?


                                 You said it yourself. She wouldn't
                                 date me if I was the last guy on


                                 Hey, man! Don't sell yourself
                                 short! You could be an Alpha too!
                                 You could! Go out. Fix yourself up.
                                 Get the works done. Blow your wad!
                                 Johnson stops and thinks. He frowns.


                                 An Alpha me? Wow. You really think
                                 that'll work?


                                 Sure! You want her, right?




                                 Well, go get her. Make yourself
                                 desirable! Make her want you.


Johnson nods.


                                 You know what? That's a good....No!
                                 That's a great idea!


Anderson gives Johnson a light shove toward the building's front doors.


                                 That's the spirit! You can do this!


                                 I can! I will! I'm going to!


Johnson walks away smiling broadly.


Anderson points at him.

                                 That's it, my boy! That's the
                                 ticket! Confidence! Confidence!


                                 Confidence! Yeah! A new me! A
                                 confident new me!


Anderson yells to the crowd.


                                 There he goes! There goes the guy
                                 that's going to finally nail the
                                 elusive Angela Dealer!


Johnson exits.


A SECURITY GUARD, 28, uniformed, African American, smiles.


                                 You really think he'll bag her?


Anderson laughs and shakes his head.


                                 Not a snowball’s chance in Hell!




Johnson emerges looking like king of the world.


                                 I can! I really can! I can do this!


He stops and throws his arms wide.



                                  I can be king of the world!


A water balloon bursts over his head.


Johnson wilts.


                                 I hate my life.




Calvin and Barry walk with the weapon and water balloons.

                                 That's an awful big carrot.


                                 The biggest carrots generate the
                                 biggest results.


                                 But control of the whole company?
                                 The man's a goofball!


                                 He sure is.


                                 Well, what if he runs the company
                                 into the ground?


                                 I fully hope he does.


                                 Really? Why's that?


                                 Dad's will didn't say anything
                                 about us losing everything if the
                                 company goes under.


                                 Goes under? You mean out of


                                 Right. Johnson kills the company,
                                 and we retire on our excess cash.
                                 I.e. - no more work.


Barry looks like he's been paroled.


                                 The man's a genius!


                                 What can I say? I’m a natural.




Johnson tries on expensive suits.

Johnson pays for a suit with a credit card.


Johnson carries a suit wrapped in plastic over his shoulder into a high-class shoe store.

Johnson tries on very expensive shoes.


Johnson has a credit card cut up in front of him.


Johnson tries on much less expensive shoes.


Johnson pays cash.


Johnson has his hair and nails done.


Johnson, looking like the bomb, walks away into the night.




A MAN beats the crap out of a parking meter with a monkey wrench.


Johnson, looking damn fine, walks through the cubicle area.

GUYS nod.


LADIES catcall.


PEOPLE applaud.


Johnson does a little dance move, then enters his cubicle.


Anderson runs up -- out of breath....


                                 Hey! Johnson!



Johnson sits in his chair and fires up his computer.

Anderson sticks his head in.


                                 This is a joke, right?




                                 Nope. I did what you said. It's the
                                 Alpha me.


                                 Not you! The promotion! Everyone's
                                 talking about it.

                                 Promotion? What promotion?


                                 Oh, come on! You really don’t know?


Growing interest.


                                 Who’s getting promoted? Me? I am?
                                 What did you hear!?


                                 OK. OK! It's a joke! I should have


Anderson exits.


Johnson follows him out into the





                                 What!? What did you hear!? And
                                 who'd you hear it from!?

Calvin leans against a wall outside Johnson's cubicle.


                                 I would assume he heard it from


Johnson chokes.


Anderson blinks.


                                 Why, good morning, Sir! Excellent
                                 day out isn't it, Sir? Why, I was
                                 just remarking to my lovely wife
                                 this morning how wonderful the day
                                 would turn out to be. And look! Why
                                 its absolutely....


                                 Stow it.....


Calvin struggles to come up with Anderson’s name. He draws a blank and finally finishes with....





                                 Yes, Sir.


                                 Johnson. Come with me.


                                 Yes, Sir!



Calvin leads Johnson in.

Barry waits by an easel.


                                 Johnson, I'm sure you know my
                                 brother, Barry.


Johnson and barry shake hands.


                                 Yes, sir. But we've never been
                                 formally introduced.



                                 Nice to finally put a face to the


                                 Reputation, Sir?


                                 Why, you're the guy who's been
                                 doing all of the work around here.


Perking up!


                                 I'm not sure that I....


Calvin motions to the conference table...


                                 Enough chit chat. Sit. Sit.


Johnson sits at the table, but in a side chair.

                                 No. No. No. Not there.


Barry pulls Johnson out of the chair and guides him to the head of the table.


                                 Here you go! At the head of the


Johnson sits at the head of the table.


                                 How does that feel?




                                 Good? How about powerful?






                                 Yes, sirs. All of those things.




                                 Listen. Johnson. Do you think you
                                 could handle running the show for


                                 What show?


                                 What show? The show! The whole
                                 shebang. The whole organization.




                                 ...are being promoted to Chief
                                 Executive Officer!


Barry sounds like a game show host....

                                 You'll be our new CEO!


He walks over to the easel.


                                 With all of the perks that come
                                 along with the job.


Barry flips pages on the easel.


                                 Your salary grade will increase, of
                                 course, to the low....


Calvin coughs.




Barry looks at the display. It shows mid numbers.


                                 Mid six figures.


Barry flips another page.


                                 A spacious company apartment in the
                                 luxurious Hilton Towers.


                                 Where we have our own apartments.




                                 Plus a company car.




                                 Use of the company jet.




                                 And, of course, box seats for all
                                 of the games.


Big smiles.

                                 So! Are you interested?


Johnson's face is frozen in a smile.


Calvin looks perplexed.


He snaps his fingers in front of Johnson's nose. Nothing.


                                 Is he OK?


                                 Beats me.


Calvin gets in Johnson’s face.


                                 Johnson? Hello? Is anybody in


Johnson's eyes roll up into his head. He faints. His head slams down on the table -- HARD. Bang!


                                 Ow! That had to hurt!


Barry frowns at Johnson.


                                 Well, I didn't see that coming.


                                 We really should have considered it
                                 a possibility.


                                 Do you have any smelling salts?


                                 Sure! Right here in my pocket! Of
                                 course I don't have any smelling salts!


                                 Alright! Alright! I was just




                                 Well, what the heck do we do with
                                 him now?


                                 Wait till he comes around, I guess.


Calvin snaps his fingers in Johnson’s face again. Nothing.


                                 This is odd. I was really expecting
                                 something more climactic.


                                 Like a yell or something?




Barry grimaces.


                                 Better get a trash can.


                                 What for?


                                 He's fainted. What if he wakes up
                                 and pukes.




Calvin grabs a trash can and places it by Johnson.


Barry grins.


                                 Want to draw on his face with
                                 permanent marker?


                                 Tempting. But that won't really
                                 establish the trust we'll need for
                                 stage two, now, will it?




Johnson groans.


                                 Here he comes....


Barry kneels by Johnson.

                                 Wakee wakee.




                                 What happened?


                                 We were promoting you and....


Johnson's eyes roll up white again. Out he goes.


His head smashes against the table again. Blam!


                                 Ow! That's twice! Maybe we should
                                 put padding there or something?


                                 How about we avoid using the word


                                 How can we promote him without it?


                                 I’ve got it! Let's lay him down on
                                 the floor, and stick a note to his


Calvin points at Barry.


                                 Good thinking.

Barry takes one hand, Calvin the other. They pull Johnson from the chair.


Barry looses his grip! Johnson's head slams against the chair, then hits the floor hard!


                                 Are you trying to kill him?


                                 It's not my fault! His hands are
                                 all slimy!


                                 This one isn't.



                                 That's weird. Why do you think just
                                 one of his hands is....?


Calvin drops Johnson's hand.




They both brush their hands off on their pants.


                                 And I touched his hand!


                                 Better you than me.


                                 You asking for a fat lip?


                                 You and what army?


Barry flexes.


                                 It’ll just be me and the gun show!


                                 Just write the note, tough guy.


Barry grabs a pen and a sticky from a small side table. He speaks the words he writes.....


                                 You have been promoted to CEO. Stop
                                 by Calvin's office after lunch.


Barry looks around.




Calvin pulls a roll of tape out of a pocket and hands it to Barry.

Barry frowns at the tape, then at Calvin.






Barry tapes the note to Johnson's forehead.



They both look down at Johnson.


                                 I really do like your idea of
                                 drawing on his face....


                                 I can really be a source of
                                 inspiration at times.



                                 Lost opportunities.


                                 Hey. I hear they have the service
                                 elevator working again. We could
                                 bust that?




                                 I'll get the tools.



Johnson walks slowly. He dizzily weaves back and forth. He rubs the back of his head with a hand. He has two black and blue lumps on his forehead.


He looks at Barry's note. He hyperventilates. He holds a paper bag to his mouth. He breathes heavily. He calms down.


Anderson runs up.

                                 There you are! Come on, man! She's
                                 filling up her water bottle again.


Anderson hustles Johnson along.


                                 I don't feel so good....

A crowd forms behind Johnson and Anderson.


                                 No time for that, now. You’re our
                                 new CEO! Angels loves the rich and


                                 She does?


                                 There she is!

                                 I really think I should just lie
                                 down for a little while....


Anderson gives him a good shove.


                                 Go get her, man.


Anderson quietly chants.

                                 Go. Go. Go. Go. Go. Go. Go. Go.

OFFICE FOLK behind him join in.


Johnson looks like he's going to faint again as he stumbles up to Angela.


Angela turns.


The chanting crowd assumes random forms of milling about -- nope -- no one paying any attention here.

Sexy. Angela sells it! She coos...


                                 Congratulations on your promotion
                                 to CEO.

Hyperventilates. Johnson breathes into the bag.


   (muffled through the bag)

She runs her fingers up Johnson’s suit jacket.

                                 You're a winner. I just love
                                 winners! They get me so hot! You
                                 want to go out and have dinner with
                                 me this weekend?


Stunned crowd!

Anderson's mouth falls open.





                                 You lucky son of a....


                                 Pretty please?

Anderson steps up and works Johnson's jaw like a puppet.


                                 Why, yes. I'd love to go out and
                                 have dinner with you!


Johnson pushes Anderson away.


                                 Will you stop that!


Anderson coughs to mask his words.


                                 Then say something....


                                 Sunday night? Six O'clock? At Chez
                                 trend? I’ve already made
                                 reservations. I won't take no for
                                 an answer.


                                 Uh. OK. Sunday, then. Sounds great.


                                 Wonderful. Pick me up at my
                                 apartment? I’ll email you my


                                 See you.

Angela sways as she walks away.


The crowd cheers.


Johnson smiles at everyone.


                                 This is, without a doubt, the best
                                 day of my whole entire life.


A balloon falls by a window in the background.


                                 You did it! I...I....Holy s**t! I'm
                                 absolutely speechless! You lucky
                                 dog, you!



                                 I think I’m going to faint....


Anderson laughs.

                                 Now all you have to do is get by
                                 her husband!



                                 She's married?!?


                                 Uh huh! To the Death Dealer!


                                 Death Dealer? The professional
                                 wrestler? The guy that just killed

Anderson walks away laughing.


                                 He was acquitted, but yeah! That's him!

Johnson faints.


Calvin and Barry have their heads together whispering.

Johnson knocks and sticks his head in.


                                 You guys wanted to see me after

                                 There's the man of the hour! Come

                                 on in. Have a seat.






                                 No! uh...It's old. And cold! Who
                                 wants old, cold, coffee? Yuck!


                                 Oh! Right! Yuck!


                                 OK? No thanks?




                                 Great. Let's get started then.


                                 Hey. I just want to say thanks for

                                 choosing me. You guys won't regret it.

                                 I'm sure we won't.


                                 Of course we won't! You're the
                                 perfect man for the job.


                                 There's no better fit!


                                 That's right! We expect mindnumbing
                                 results from you!


                                 Absolutely cataclysmic!


                                 You've got the run of the place, so
                                 make policy as you see fit.


                                 Run meetings how you want. Run the
                                 company how you want. We'll back
                                 you up.

                                 We're in your corner one hundred
                                 and ten percent.

                                 More, even!


                                 Thanks, guys! Thanks a lot!


                                 Alright! Let's get to the training.




                                 Heck, yeah! We have to make sure
                                 we're all in alignment, don't we?

                                 You know, moving in the same
                                 direction, if you will?


                                 Oh yeah. Sure.

Calvin hands Johnson a lump of clay.


                                 Good man!

                                 Smart man! First. We'd like you to
                                 make a clay statue of our corporate


Calvin shows Johnson an image of an elephant.


                                 We've had all of the executives do it.


                                 But it really harnesses your drive
                                 toward the company.


                                 Oh. All right.

                                 Good man!


                                 Now, while you form the clay,
                                 please repeat our new company
                                 mantra over and over again.


                                 Thank you, oh great elephant, for
                                 all of the opportunities that you

Johnson forms the clay.

                                 Thank you, oh great elephant, for
                                 all of the opportunities that you

He looks to Calvin and Barry for approval. They smile and nod.

SLAM. SUPER: THOU SHALT HAVE NO GODS BEFORE ME is slashed off in red ink. It fades back into a master list showing the Ten Commandments.

SLAM. SUPER: THOU SHALT NOT MAKE UNTO THEE A GRAVEN IMAGE is slashed off with red ink. It fades back into the master list.

Johnson holds up a clay elephant.


                                 Is that good enough?


Calvin claps his hands.



                                 No one's done better!


                                 Now repeat after me. God forsake me
                                 if I let this company fail!


                                 God forsake me....


slashed off with red ink. It fades back into the master list.


                                 ....if I let this company fail.




                                 He's a natural!

                                 Listen. We're going to need you to
                                 come in to work on Sunday.


Johnson looks stricken.

                                 I can't make it. I have a date on

                                 Right. With Angela.


Calvin kicks Barry's shin.

                                 How did you know about that?


                                 Oh. Well.....

                                 Everyone's talking about it.


                                 Right! That's right! Everyone. It's
                                 all over the office.





                                 Do you guys have a problem with


                                 Of course not!

                                 No way! Do whatever you want.


                                 Remember, you're the one making
                                 policy now.


                                 Hey! That's right!


                                 And don't worry. We're only asking
                                 that you come in for a few hours in
                                 the morning.


                                 Right. It won't interfere with any
                                 of your plans.

                                 We promise.

                                 Actually, I'm thinking about
                                 cancelling the date.




                                 I just found out that she's

                                 That's right. She is, isn't she.


                                 Is that a problem?


                                 Of course it's a problem! That goes
                                 against God's laws.



                                 But, taking her out would be a good

                                 Why's that?




                                 Her husband beats her.


                                 That's terrible!


                                 You're right! Absolutely terrible!


                                 He beats her all the time.


                                 And they're getting divorced.


                                 They are?




                                 She needs a hero. Someone she can
                                 lean on to get her through this
                                 tough time.


                                 Are you a hero, Johnson? The guy
                                 running our company needs to be a


                                 Well, yeah, but...?



                                 She's safe in your hands, then.


                                 She's lucky to have you!


                                 Very lucky.


                                 I guess....


                                 Has the moving company that we
                                 hired shown up yet?


                                 My super let them in. Are you guys
                                 sure they’re not going to steal



                                 They’ll take good care of your
                                 stuff. But -- your furniture is
                                 being placed into storage.


                                 Why’s that?


                                 It just doesn’t fit the decor of
                                 your new place.


                                 We’ve taken the liberty of buying
                                 you some new stuff. You’ll see it
                                 tonight when you get to the


                                 Wow, guys! Thanks!



                                 Don’t mention it.


                                 Phenomenal. You mind if we drop by

                                 We are neighbors, now, you know.

                                 Just to see the place?


                                 A few quick moments?


                                 Sure. Swing by anytime.



                                 Alrighty, we will.


                                 Great! Thanks.




A high class apartment structure is beautifully lit. Valets park expensive cars.

A Limo pulls up to the front doors.


A BELLHOP, 18, clean-shaven, uniformed, opens the Limo's door.

Johnson steps out, followed by Calvin and Barry.


                                 Thank you very much.


                                 You're very welcome, Sir.



A moderately-sized space is decorated nicely. Four floor to ceiling windows look out on the city below.


Double entry doors are thrown wide. Johnson, Calvin, and Barry step in. Calvin carries a bottle of KRYSTAL champagne.


Barry throws his arms wide.


                                 Welcome to your new home.


A huge smile grows on Johnson's face.


                                 Oh, mamma! This rocks!


Johnson walks over and looks out a window.

Calvin looks at his expensive wrist watch.


                                 We called your neighbors. They're
                                 expecting us to drop by any minute.



Barry walks up behind Johnson. He looks out a window too.


                                 Nice view, huh?


POV: City at night from a high vantage point.


                                 It's gorgeous!

                                 It sure is! Let's celebrate! Why
                                 don't you grab us some glasses from
                                 your new kitchen.


Johnson nods. He looks around.


Calvin points to the kitchen.


                                 The kitchen is over there.



                                 Oh. Yeah. Thanks.

                                 Ever have Krystal?


                                 No. Never.


Johnson walks into the


The kitchen is decorated in a modern way. Everything is nice and neat.


                                 I've had Korbel before. I wasn't
                                 too impressed.

           CALVIN (O.S.)
                                 I think you'll find Krystal to be a
                                 little easier on the pallet.


Johnson walks over to a cabinet. He opens it. It is filled with plates and bowls, but no cups.


                                 You guys are awesome!


Johnson opens another cabinet, then shuts it again without looking inside.

The cabinet is filled with swarming beetles.


                                 Hey! Maybe we should take that
                                 bottle next door.


Johnson walks over to the doorway and looks out into the



                                 It'd be mighty neighborly to show
                                 up with a bottle. Don't you think?


                                 That's nice, but....uh.



                                 They're pigs! They'd drink it all.
                                 You wouldn't even get a taste.


                                 Really. They'd take the bottle as a
                                 gift and drink it all.


                                 We should drink it here.




                                 Oh. Alright.

Johnson returns to the cabinet. He opens it, and his mouth drops open. Beetles dump out of the cabinet in a wave. Half of the beetles land on Johnson. Some land in his mouth!

Johnson spits out beetles, then shrieks like a woman!


Barry and Calvin show up in the doorway. Johnson looks at the brothers. He shrieks again.




                                 Don't just stand there!
                                 Calvin stamps his feet.

                                 Kill them!


Johnson's feet herky-jerk up and down. Bugs crunch under them.

SLAM. SUPER: THOU SHALT NOT KILL is slashed off with red ink.
It fades back into the master list.


Johnson shrieks again. He runs into the



He runs in circles and brushes beetles off his body.


                                 Bugs! Bugs! Bugs on me! Bugs!


                                 You know what? On second
                                 thought.....maybe we should take
                                 that bottle over to the neighbors.
                                 This place seems to have an insect


                                 That does seem prudent. Johnson?


                                 Johnson! Calm down! They're just


Johnson stops. He blinks.

                                 They're just bugs? They're just
                                 bugs?! I hate bugs!


Johnson freaks out. He flops on the floor and rolls about screaming.

Calvin motions Barry to go over and help Johnson.


Barry shakes his head no.

Calvin motions more strenuously.


Barry holds out a hand and makes a rapid rock, paper, scissors out of it.

Calvin nods.

They put out fists. 1. 2. 3. Shoot!


Calvin makes scissors. Barry makes paper. Barry wilts.


Barry walks over to Johnson.


                                 We'll call an exterminator,
                                 alright? The bathroom is right over
                                 here. Come on. Let's get you
                                 cleaned up.




Barry helps Johnson up.

                                 Right. Bugs. But we'll get them


Barry walks him over to a door.


Johnson disappears inside.


Barry remains outside. Barry closes the door behind Johnson.


Calvin walks over to Barry and slaps him up the back of the head.


Fierce whispering.


                                 I said one bug! One!

                                 One might have hidden! One might
                                 have run! I simply tipped the odds
                                 in our favor.

Calvin grits his teeth.

                                 But you can count, right? You know
                                 there are other numbers besides the
                                 number one, right? How about the
                                 number two? Or ten? Or even a
                                 hundred, for the love of God? Did
                                 you have to jump to a thousand?


                                 There was a sale! Alright! A sale!
                                 Buy a thousand, get a thousand
                                 free! I was being frugal! I don’t
                                 know how much money we’re going to
                                 have left after the company goes
                                 belly up!



                                 You dolt! We'll still have billions left.



                                 OK! OK! But Angela's apartment will
                                 look that much better now.


Calvin looks at Barry. Calmer, he nods.


                                 Alright. You have a point there.
                                 Knock on the door and hurry our boy

Calvin glances at his wrist watch.


                                 We're cutting it too close.




                                 Johnson? We should get going.


Whisper to Calvin.

                                 You have to admit, that was pretty
                                 damn funny. How often do you get a
                                 chance to do that to someone?


Calvin grins at Barry.

                                 Your right. That was pretty funny.
                                 Barry knocks on the door again.


                                 Johnson! I called an exterminator!
                                 He'll be here and gone by the time
                                 we get back.


Calvin looks at Barry quizzically.


Barry shrugs.


Calvin laughs.

Calvin pounds on the bathroom door.


                                 Johnson! Get your butt out here



Calvin, Barry, and Johnson stand before an apartment's double access doors. Johnson's hands shake. He shakes a bug out of a pant leg.

The doors open revealing REGGIE, 38, tall, thin as a rail, Hitler mustache, neatly dressed in a butler's uniform.


                                 Come in. The lady of the house is
                                 expecting you.

They enter.


The apartment is amazingly spacious. It is decorated opulently. Soft violin music plays gently from some unseen niche.

Calvin hands Reggie the BOTTLE.

                                 Would you mind opening this for us?


                                 Not at all, Sir. I'll have it out
                                 to you in a jiff. In the mean time,
                                 please follow me.


                                 And don't drink it all, you pig!


                                 I would never, Sir. This way.

Reggie leads them in a vast



A lady sobs on a huge sofa.

Reggie clears his throat.

                                 Your visitors have arrived, mam.


Angela, wearing sun glasses, looks up.


                                 Thank you, Reginald.


                                 I will open this, and bring you
                                 some straight away, Maddam.


Reggie leaves.



Angela runs up to Johnson and sobs against his shoulder.


                                 What?....Hey! What's wrong?


                                 It's my husband! He beat me up!


Angela whips off her sunglasses revealing a shiner.


                                 Look what that b*****d did to my


Calvin and Barry sit down on the sofa.


                                 Oh my God! That low down, dirty


                                 You have to help me! You have to!


                                 What...what can I do?


                                 I need you to say you saw my
                                 husband hit me!

                                 But I can't....

                                 You must! Oh, please! You have to
                                 save me from him! He'll kill me
                                 next time! He said so himself!


A knock is heard coming from the front doors.


                                 I'll get it.

Angela throws herself to the floor, wailing.



Johnson bends down.

                                 Alright. I'll do it. I'll say it.
                                 You can count on me.


Calvin opens the door.



           POLICEMAN #1
                                 Someone called in a domestic
                                 violence incident?


Angela pulls herself up into a weepy ball.


                                 Yes, officers, I phoned you.


           POLICEMAN #1
                                 Who did that to your eye?


Angela stares hard at Johnson.


                                 My husband!


The officers snarl at Johnson.


           POLICEMAN #1
                                 You son of a b***h!


           POLICEMAN #2
                                 Get him!


                                 What? No! Wait! I...


The police officers run over and slam Johnson to the floor.



The officers beat on Johnson with their night sticks.

           POLICEMAN #1
                                 This'll teach you to hit a lady!


           POLICEMAN #2
                                 You have the right to remain blackand-
                                 blue! Anything you say will
                                 only lead to more a*s raping during
                                 lock down!


Policeman #1 looks at #2.

           POLICEMAN #1
                                 Say it right, or he'll walk!


           POLICEMAN #2
                                 He'll walk anyway! They always walk
                                 in these wife battering situations!
                                 Get your licks in now!


Policeman #1 hands his nightstick to Angela.


           POLICEMAN #1
                                 Miss? If you want to get even with
                                 him, now's the time. Go ahead. Give
                                 him a good whack!


Angela looks at Calvin.

Calvin purses his lips in thought, then shakes his head no.


Angela looks disappointed.


She sighs.


                                 I'm sorry, officer. That's not my

The officers stop beating Johnson.

           POLICEMAN #2


           POLICEMAN #1

They step away.

Johnson groans.



           POLICEMAN #2
                                 Oh. Sorry about that.


           POLICEMAN #1
                                 Yeah. Sorry.


Calvin and Barry both have frowns on their faces. They look at each other, then shoot rock, paper, scissors.


Calvin loses. He sighs and stands up. He walks around the sofa.


                                 No problem, officer. Really.


           POLICEMAN #2
                                 You're sure?




Policeman #1 nods at Angela.


           POLICEMAN #1
                                 We can still make this right, Mam.
                                 Where is the son of a b***h who did
                                 that to you?

                                 He's not here right now. He stepped
                                 out to the store. He should be back
                                 any second now.

                                 Ow! Ow!

           POLICEMAN #1
                                 We'll wait for him to get back.


Calvin helps Johnson to his feet.


                                 Wait! You said your husband is
                                 coming back? He's coming back
                                 here?! Right now?!?


Angela smiles warmly at Johnson.


                                 This kind young man witnessed my
                                 husband's attack on me. He saw the
                                 whole thing.


           POLICEMAN #1
                                 Is that true?

                                 I'm going to throw up.


           POLICEMAN #2
                                 You saw the whole thing?


                                 Tell them, Sugar. Please?



                                 Yeah. He punched her in the eye.


SLAM. SUPER: THOU SHALT NOT BEAR FALSE WITNESS AGAINST THY NEIGHBOR is slashed off with red ink. It fades back into the master list.




Calvin frowns at Angela.


                                  I mean....yes. Thank you Johnson.


                                 Good work, Johnson!


Calvin helps Johnson to a sofa.


                                 I'll get him some ice.


Angela exits.


A key rattles in the front door's locks. The front doors open.


The DEATH DEALER, 29, 7' 3" tall, muscular, spandex everything, a mountain of a man, walks in.


The Death Dealer sees Calvin and Barry first.


           DEATH DEALER
                                 Hey, guys! Bad news! The ox you

                                 gave me killed the donkey!


The cops looks at each other.


They sheathe their nightsticks and pulls out their guns.


POLICEMAN #1 speaks into his radio.


           POLICEMAN #1
                                 Back up! We need back up!


Policeman #2 draws a bead down the sights of his revolver.


           POLICEMAN #2
                                 Freeze! Don't move!


           DEATH DEALER
                                 What? What'd I do?


           POLICEMAN #2
                                 You're under arrest!


Angela walks back into the room.


           DEATH DEALER
                                 My God, honey! What happened to
                                 your eye?


Death Dealer looks at the officers.


           DEATH DEALER
                                 Which one of you hit my wife?


           POLICEMAN #1
                                 You're not fooling anybody, mister!


Lie down on the ground! Now!


Death Dealer looks at Calvin and Barry.


           DEATH DEALER
                                 Very funny, guys. Ha ha.


           POLICEMAN #2
                                 This is no joke! Lie down on the
                                 ground! Now!



           DEATH DEALER
                                 Somebody better start talking real
                                 fast, or I'm gonna open up a whole
                                 can a whoop a*s on the lot of ya!

Death Dealer flexes.

           DEATH DEALER
                                 And you don't want none a this!


           POLICEMAN #2
                                 That guy over there said he saw you
                                 hit your wife.

           DEATH DEALER
                                 Which guy?



                                 Oh s**t.....

Police officer #2 points at Johnson.


           POLICEMAN #2
                                 That guy! Right there!



Death Dealer charges Johnson!


           DEATH DEALER
                                 Come here, little man! Let's talk!


Johnson shrieks like a woman. He runs away.

           POLICEMAN #2
                                 I said freeze!

                                 Uh oh! Barry? Isn't it time to go?


Barry snaps a glance at his watch.


                                 Oh my! Look at the time!


Johnson knocks over things to cover his escape.


Death Dealer tackles him -- they smash a china cabinet on their way down.

Calvin and Barry exit.

Angela sits down on a couch and places the ice pack on her head. She her eyes with her free hand and wails - peaking up every now and then to show she could care less what happens here.

The Death Dealer pummels Johnson.


           DEATH DEALER
                                 Never, ever, ever, hit a woman!


Back up arrives.

The police run over and spray Death Dealer in the face with mace.


           DEATH DEALER
                                 I'm blind! I'm blind! Oh, Lord

                                 above! I can't see!


They cuff him, and drag him off Johnson.


           DEATH DEALER
                                 Angie! Tell them I didn't hit you,
                                 Honey! Tell them the truth!


Policeman #1 points at Johnson.


           POLICEMAN #1
                                 Cuff him too! There's something
                                 fishy going on here.


Johnson is cuffed.


                                 I want my mommy!

           POLICEMAN #1
                                 Let's put them both in the same
                                 cell together. Let 'em work out
                                 their differences.


They drag Johnson across the floor.


                                 No! No! No! No! No! No!


Death Dealer is dragged right behind him.


           DEATH DEALER
                                 Angie! Tell em the truth, honey!
                                 I'm your big cudewy wudewy pooh
                                 bear! Tell them I would never hurt
                                 you! Tell them!

Death Dealer is dragged out the door.


           DEATH DEALER

The door closes shutting off their yells.


The station's exterior is well lit. Police officers, lawyers, and other folk walk in and out of the building's front doors.


Calvin, Barry, and Johnson walk out the front doors of the station.

Johnson is a mass of black and blue skin.


                                 You did good.

                                 They would have thrown the book at
                                 you if you had caved on your story.


They walk down some



                                 I'm not an idiot.


                                 Of course your not!


                                 No way! You're a man’s man!

                                 The kind of man women love!




                                 It's true! Angela loves you. She
                                 says you're her hero.


                                 Hero shmearo! She's married to Mt.
                                 Vesuvius! See this?


Johnson points at his ruined face.


                                 Look at me! I'm a mess! No way is

                                 Angela going to want me now! And --

                                 I've spent enough time on the
                                 receiving end of Mt. Vesuvius' fists!


                                 Forget about him. I just gave him a
                                 ton of cash. Both you and Angela
                                 will never see him again.


                                 You did what?

                                 We paid him off.


                                 That's right. Paid and leaving.
                                 You'll never see him again.


                                 Angela is all yours.


                                 Why on Earth did you do that?


                                 Wake up, Johnson! He was beating


                                 It was the chivalrous thing to do.
                                 We are gentlemen after all.


                                 That’s right. And man, was she
                                 impressed with you!



                                 Yep. She’s waiting for you right
                                 now. She said, and I quote “I want
                                 to make love to that beautiful


They walk into a parking lot. They walk among cars.




                                 You’re one lucky guy!


                                 She wants you to come over right
                                 now so she can wrap her legs around


                                 Holy smokes!


                                 But here’s the best part! The money
                                 is all hears! Not the Death
                                 Dealer’s. She’s rich!



                                 Absolutely! The Two of you can live
                                 the good life together!


                                 The huge condo!




                                 They even have an ox and an a*s!


                                 The whole shebang!

                                 Can you imagine owning all of that?
                                 Wouldn't that be nice?


                                 Heck yeah! I can see it now!


                                 You're sure? We're spending an
                                 awful lot of money on you. You have
                                 to really want it!


                                 I do! I do! I want it all!




                                 Then, let's go get your girl!


Barry looks around.


                                 Damn it! Where the Hell did I park
                                 the car?


Johnson knocks on a door.

He smiles down the hall at Calvin and Barry.


Calvin and Barry give Johnson the thumbs up.


The door opens.

Angela stands there in a red teddy.


Johnson swallows hard.

Angela pulls him in.


The doors close.


                                 You think she'll go through with

                                 She'd do anything for the COO
                                 position. I don't have a doubt in
                                 my mind.

                                 How long do you think it'll take
                                 them to....


Johnson's strange SQUEAL is heard!

SLAM. SUPER: THOU SHALT NOT COMMIT ADULTERY is slashed off with red ink. It fades back into the master list.


Angela's door bangs open.

Angela pushes a half naked Johnson out the door.


The door slams shut.

Calvin and Barry look stunned.


Johnson turns around and pounds on the door.


                                 Wait! I can go longer! Come on! Let

Johnson notices Calvin and Barry. His mouth snaps shut.


                                 Oh. Uh. I didn't realize you guys
                                 were still here.


                                 Still here? We didn't have time to

                                 Oh. Yeah. Right.


The door opens again.

Johnson ducks. His shoes fly over his head and slam against the wall.


                                 Everything alright?


Johnson dresses.

                                 Yeah. Man, she's quick!

                                 Some girls are like that.


                                 Wham. Bam. Thank you, man.


Johnson smiles at a pair of teddy panties.


                                 What are those?

                                 Just a little memento. I snatched
                                 them on my way out the door.



                                 I just couldn't resist.


Calvin and Barry grin at each other.


SLAM. SUPER: THOU SHALT NOT STEAL is slashed off with red ink. It fades back into the master list.

Calvin guides Johnson down the hall.


                                 That's awesome!

                                 Great work!


                                 Why's that?


                                 Oh. Well....


                                 It's just nice to have a physical
                                 object that you can remember your
                                 love by. It's very sentimental. It
                                 shows that you are a deep person.


                                 It sure does. You're one Hell of a



                                 Thanks guys. Thanks a lot.

                                 Hey, man. No problemo!


                                 Now get dressed. We have two more
                                 stops tonight.


                                 One more.


Calvin looks at the panties.


                                 Hey! Right! We’re ahead of schedule



                                 Schedule? We're on a schedule?



                                 It's nothing. Nothing at all.




A wonderfully maintained suburban home lies on a quiet street. A newly painted white picket fence surrounds a well manicured lawn.

A limo pulls up and stops a few houses down.



Calvin, Barry, and Johnson ride in the back. A small cooler sits beside Calvin.

Johnson grins.


                                 Damn, it's good to be home again. I
                                 can't wait to introduce you guys to
                                 my parents.


                                 Oooooo! I'm sorry. I'm afraid this
                                 is not that kind of trip.


                                 Next time. Right Cal? We'll meet
                                 them next time.

                                 Sure! Right! Next time.


                                 Why are we here then.


                                 A test.

                                 An easy test.

                                 All of the executives have done it.


                                 It's nothing really.


                                 Kind of stupid.

                                 Really just a prank.


                                 But nothing at all.


                                 Oh. What's the prank?


Calvin pulls out a brown paper bag from the COOLER and hands it to Johnson.


                                 Take this.


Johnson wrinkles his nose.

                                 It stinks! What's in it?


                                 Dog s**t.


                                 Doggy doo? In a bag?


                                 Sure! Take it up to your parent's
                                 front porch, light it on fire, ring
                                 the doorbell, and run.



                                 Simple? I'm pranking my parents?



                                 It's symbolic. It shows you're
                                 ready to step away from your
                                 parents and become a man.


                                 Right! The man that runs our

                                 See how it all ties together?


                                 I don't know, guys....


                                 It's harmless.

                                 You'll be laughing with your
                                 parents about it by the end of the


                                 And that's only if you decide to
                                 tell them. We won't tell.



                                 Swear to God.

                                 And hope to die?


                                 Absolutely! Would we lie to you?



                                 Alright. I guess I'll do it.



                                 Good man!


                                 Don't stick around to watch. Just
                                 light it, ring the bell, and hurry
                                 back. OK?



                                 Off with you then.


Johnson exits.


Johnson carries the bag down the sidewalk.


He looks around.

POV: No one is out or about.


Johnson sneaks up to the front porch and lights the bag.


SLAM. SUPER: HONOR THY FATHER AND MOTHER is slashed off with red ink. It fades back into the master list.

Johnson rings the doorbell and runs.


He fades into the night.

The Limo squeals its tires. It races off.


AL JOHNSON, 57, chunky, gray hair, glasses, opens the door. He looks down at the fire on the porch and screams like a woman.

He runs in circles.

                                 Fire! Fire! Help! Help! Fire! Help!


MARTHA JOHNSON, 54, thin as a rail, hair in a bun, smacks her husband upside the head.

                                 Out of the way, you big baby.


Martha steps out onto the porch.


She slides her foot along low and kicks the flaming bag off the porch.


She walks down the steps, pulls out a hose, turns it on, and waters the bag.

                                 There. All better?


                                 Much. Thanks, honey.



The Limo pulls up. Calvin, Barry, and Johnson climb out.

                                 Good work tonight, Johnson.


                                 I couldn't have done better myself.


                                 Thanks, guys.

They walk toward the revolving doors.



                                 See you at the office at 9AM

                                 Sure. I'll be there.


The sun glitters off the building's glass face. Light traffic moves before the building.

A huge blast screen is set up on one side of the room. The blast screen has a window in it.


Calvin sets up a video camera that looks through the window.


Barry positions a chair in front of the camera.


                                 How's this?


Calvin looks into the view-finder of the camera.


                                 A little to the left.




                                 Perfect. You have the questions?


Barry picks up a legal sized pad of paper from Calvin’s desk.


                                 Right here. But...Uh...There's a
                                 question here that bothers me.


                                 Which one?


                                 Number twelve. Why do we need to
                                 ask God if having sex with furry
                                 animals is a sin?


                                 Oh. Well. Uh. Just curious. If he's
                                 here, we might as well ask.


                                 Oh. Alright.


Barry looks around.


                                 Well, I guess that takes care of


He looks at the blast screen.


                                 You think that will hold?


                                 I sure hope so. I wish I has some
                                 clue as to how hard God is going to
                                 smite Johnson.


                                 You think that might happen?


                                 Who knows? Besides, if God shows up
                                 as a burning bush, do you really
                                 want to be standing out in the open
                                 exposed to all of that....


Johnson knocks on the door. He is wearing bandages, but doesn’t look too bad.


                                 Good morning, Sirs.


                                 Hey Johnson. You ready to get

                                 I guess so.

Barry points at the chair.

                                 Why don't you sit there, and we'll
                                 see how you look on screen. We're
                                 going to feature you in a
                                 television spot in a few months.





Johnson sits in the chair.

                                 What about these bandages?


Calvin looks into the camera.


                                 No concern, really. They'll be gone
                                 by the time we shoot anyway. Now!
                                 Let's see what we can see. Barry,
                                 why don't you hand Johnson the
                                 reading material?


                                 Sure thing.


Barry hands Johnson a thin report. Johnson opens the report.


                                 Don't open that yet!


Johnson shuts it.

                                 Why on Earth not?


                                 Just wait!


Barry runs and dives behind the blast shield.


He peaks through the window.


Both Calvin and Barry wear huge grins on their faces.

Calvin presses the record button on the camera.




                                 That's your que Johnson! Go ahead
                                 and read from the first page!


                                 The first line?

                                 Yeah. The first line.


                                 That ought to do it.


Johnson opens the report.

                                 You guys are odd. OK. Here goes.


Sappy voice.


SLAM. SUPER: REMEMBER THE SABBATH DAY, TO KEEP IT HOLY is slashed off with red ink. It fades back into the master list.

The completed list shimmers to a deep black, then disintegrates.


                                 My name is Randolph Johnson. I'm
                                 the Chief Operating Officer of
                                 Peabody Industries,


Johnson blinks at the camera.


                                 Just keep reading or what?



Calvin and Barry look around the room.



Barry looks at Calvin.

Calvin shrugs to Barry.

                                 No. That's enough. We've got what
                                 we need.

Johnson walks over.

                                 How's it look?

                                 Take a look for yourself.




Calvin looks around again.

                                 Nothing. Nothing at all.


He grins at Barry.


                                 That's good news! Good news for us!


                                 He doesn't exist!


                                 He doesn't exist! We can do what we


Barry and Calvin do a jig.

                                 Who doesn’t exist?


Calvin and Barry stop dancing.


                                 Oh. Well....



                                 The old Johnson. Dead and gone!


                                 That’s right! You’re our new CEO!


                                 Drinks! We need drinks! We should


                                 An excellent idea!


                                 Yeah! Let's celebrate!


Barry pops open a bottle of champagne. Blood sprays out of it instead of champagne.

Smiles die on faces.

Johnson looks at the blood.


                                 Ew. I'm not drinking that.


                                 Barry, did you buy a fake bottle?
                                 Just to toy with me?


Barry looks stunned. He shakes his head no.


                                 Uh oh.

                                 Uh oh is right.

                                 What's going on? What's uh oh?




                                 Try the sink.

Barry walks over to a mini-bar. He looks down at the sink.


He takes a deep breath, then turns on the cold water.


Blood dumps out of the spigot.


                                 It's blood. Blood is coming out of
                                 the spigot.


Calvin and Johnson walk over.


They stare down at the spigot.

                                 Wow! That's strange. Maybe the
                                 pipes just need to clear. Let it
                                 run a bit.


They all watch. Blood pours.


                                 Any second now, it will run clear.



                                 Any second.





                                 Maybe someone died in the pipes?


Calvin frowns at Johnson.



                                There would have to hundreds dead

                                in the system. No, this is something else.

Barry turns off the spigot.

                                 I'll have maintenance look into it right


                                 That sounds like a good idea.

Johnson claps Calvin and Barry on their backs.


                                 Alright! Is that it? Are you done
                                 with me?






                                 Great! I have to get ready for my
                                 date with Angela! I'll catch you
                                 boys on the flip side!






                                 Great! See ya!

Johnson exits.


Calvin scratches his head. He appears to be deep in thought.


He turns the spigot on again.




He shuts it off quickly.

He points at the blood in the sink.


                                 That! That's not right!


                                 Of course it's not right. Who has
                                 blood come out of a spigot?


                                 No! No! Johnson is the one who's
                                 supposed to be cursed! Not us!


                                 Cursed? Who's cursed? We're cursed?


                                 Yes! Yes! This! This should follow
                                 Johnson! He's the one that broke
                                 the commandments! Not me!




                                 You think?!?


                                 Well, what do we do about it?


                                 How the Hell should I know?



Sparse cars. Open air walls.



An elevator opens.

Johnson steps out.

He whistles and walks out toward a new luxury car.


Gnats stream in! They swarm around Johnson's head!


Johnson screams!

                                 Bugs?! Bugs!!

He ducks and weaves!


They land in his hair!

They dig into his scalp!

He scratches at his head and screams again!



                                  Bugs in my hair! Bugs!!


He bats at them!

He shakes his head - hair flying wildly about!

He scratches his scalp with both hands.

He screams and runs to his expensive luxury car!


The gnats follow!

An INSECT BUZZING sound is heard. It grows louder as Johnson gets closer to his car!

Johnson slows.


He looks in a window of his car.


It is filled with MOSQUITOES!


                                 Oh, dear God!

Johnson scratches feverishly at his scalp!

He looks around the nearly empty parking garage!


                                 Is someone messing with me?!


He frowns at his car, grabs the door handle. He takes a deep breath, gags on a gnat, then whips the door open. He dives to the side.

Instead of flying away, the mosquitoes swarm him!

Johnson shrieks and fast-limps his way to the elevator. He swats at gnats and mosquitoes as he goes!


                                 Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow!


He punches the elevator call button repeatedly.


                                 Too slow!


Johnson runs in circles!

                                 Ow! What do I do? Ow! What do I do?
                                 Ow! What do I do! The stairs!


Johnson goes through a door marked "STAIRS."


Gnats and Mosquitoes swarm under the door and follow!



Johnson runs up the stairs still slapping at bugs.



Calvin sits at his desk with his head in his hands.


Barry pops open a can of soda. He dumps blood out of it.

Five empty cans are strewn at his feet.


                                 Will you stop that!


                                 I have to see! I have to! This is
                                 insane! Everything is full of

                                 Are you sure? We could go break a
                                 soda machine and try all the cans
                                 in there!


Johnson runs in. He's out of breath.



Gnats and mosquitoes fly from Johnson to Calvin and Barry.

Barry is swarmed!


                                 What the Hell?!

He bats at the bugs with his hands!


Gnats land in his hair! He screams! He gives up with his hands and pulls off a shoe! He wails on his head with the shoe!

Calvin is swarmed as well! ----- but he just smolders at Johnson!


                                 You fool! Why'd you lead them to

                                 They're all over me! Need something


Barry grabs a fly swatter and slaps at his head.


Johnson scratches crazily at his head!


                                 Wash them off! I need to wash them


Johnson runs to the sink.



Johnson holds his head under the spigot. Blood dumps out all over him.

Johnson freaks!

He runs in circles!

                                 Blood! Blood all over me! Blood all
                                 over me!


He shakes his head. Blood splatters everywhere - including all over Barry!.

                                 Hey! Quit it!

Johnson is still swarmed.

He slaps at his head. More blood splatters.


Calvin starts smashing away at bugs now too!


He stops and frowns in thought.


He looks around himself at the floor.


                                 Hey! Have you guys killed any bugs?

                                 Of course I have -- I've been....


He stops smacking at the insects. He looks around.


                                 I have to have killed at least one.


He looks closer.





Calvin looks around as well.

                                 I haven't killed any either.


Barry stops slapping. He looks around on the floor.


                                 Me neither.


Johnson slaps at one.


                                 They move so quick! I've never seen
                                 anything like this.


Barry scratches at his scalp feverishly.


                                 Oh MAN!! They itch!


                                 We need to focus, people! Work the

Johnson thinks for a moment, then screams. He scratches at his head and runs in circles.

                                 I can't think with all of this
                                 buzzing and scratching and itching
                                 and slapping screaming and buzzing
                                 and scratching and itching and....!

                                 Shut it! Shut up! Think! Think,
                                 people! Think!

Johnson stops running. His eyes fly wide.


                                 This is like Egypt! The plagues!


Looks guilty.


                                 No it isn't.


                                 Yes! It is! I'm telling you, we’ve
                                 pissed off God somehow! Barry? Back
                                 me up on this!

                                 I don't know anything about the
                                 plagues of Egypt!


                                 For the love of God! Will you two
                                 let me think?




                                 Birds! Birds eat gnats and
                                 mosquitoes! We could get some

                                 That's a great idea!


                                 No way!

                                 What? Why? Why no way?


                                 God has plagued us! You think a
                                 bird, a cute little tweedlydeet, is
                                 going overcome God's

                                 Well, I don't hear you spouting any


Johnson pouts.


                                 Well, I want no part of this!


Calvin growls. He pulls out the yellow pages, flops it open, rifles through pages, then rips one out. He hands it to Barry.

                                 There! Ten blocks away. Pete's Pet-
                                 A-Rama! Do it! Go get us some

                                 There's a problem with that.


Dripping with venom.

                                 And that is....?


                                 My car was full of mosquitoes!
                                 Yours might be too!



Calvin looks at Barry.

                                 Delivery! We'll get him to deliver


                                 Bird delivery?

                                 There's nothing money can't buy!
                                 Calvin points at Barry!


Calvin picks up the phone.


He listens for a few moments.

He makes an odd face.

He hangs up.



                                 Mom is on the phone. She's bitching
                                 about my room being a mess.


                                 Mom's dead.




                                 Well, what's mom doing on the
                                 phone? Can you call out?



                                  You try.


Barry picks up the phone and holds it to his ear. He winces.


He hangs up the phone.

                                 Good Lord! Doesn't she ever change
                                 her tune?


                                 Skip the phone. Check your car. If
                                 it's indisposed....take the bus.


                                 Gotcha! I'm on it!


Bugs buzz around Barry.

Barry scratches his scalp and looks in a very expensive sports car's window.


POV: It's filled with snakes.

                                 Snakes? Snakes! In my brand new two
                                 hundred and fifty thousand dollar
                                 Cadillac!? Snakes!?


He walks away.


                                 This should be an interesting
                                 insurance claim.


Barry slaps and scratches away as a swarm of bugs buzz around him.


A crowd of PEOPLE stand off to one side and stare at Barry with horror stricken faces.


None of them are plagued.


Barry frowns at them.




Toads dump from a clear blue sky. They land only on Barry.


The crowd takes another step back.


A bus rolls up.

Barry squishes over toads as he walks to the bus. He climbs




PAUL, the bus driver, 27, African American, clean shaven, uniformed, blinks at Barry.



                                 OK. Now I've seen everything.


Paul looks like he’s about to say something nasty to kick Barry off the bus, but Barry holds up an angry finger in his face and stares him down.

Paul swallows hard.

Barry pays, then walks down the aisle and flops down on a seat.

Behind him, AREATHA, 37, fat, African American, frizzed out hair, frowns at the back of Barry's head.

She gets up.

                                 Every God damn time I take public
                                 transportation, some fool with an
                                 insect problem has to sit down by


She moves to another seat.

Everyone stares at Barry as he scratches away.



A tiny strip mall shop has it's front doors open. Puppies bark. Bird's chirp.

A bus rolls up and stops in front of the shop.


Barry steps out. Toads dump from the sky.


He pulls his suit jacket over his head and runs



The sound of ANIMALS gets louder. Pet food, supplies, and animals are everywhere.

No one is at the front counter.


Barry rings the service bell repeatedly.


PETE, 37, tall, bald, jovial, scruffy, walks up.


He stops and stares at Barry.



                                 Whoa! Buddy! You got somethin'
                                 bugging you?


                                 Ha ha. Very funny.


Pete walks around the counter.



                                 Cause you look like the sort that
                                 has a lot buzzing around your mind.

                                 Alright! Alright! I get it! I have
                                 a bit of an insect problem.


Pete shines him on.


                                 No! Really?


Struggling for calm --

                                 Really. I'm looking for some birds.
                                 The kind that eats gnats.



                                 And mosquitoes.


                                 Forget the birds, man! I'd use


                                 Raid? You think that'd work?



                                 Sure! Kills bugs dead - haven’t you
                                 seen the commercials?!



                                 No. No I haven’t.



                                 And! The best part'd burn
                                 your eyes out of your skull too!
                                 What fun!


                                 Alright, pal! Quit screwing with
                                 me! Let's skip the Raid and get
                                 back to the birds. What kind would
                                 you recommend?


                                 You don't like the Raid idea, huh?
                                 Alright. How about this? Have you
                                 tried a shower? If you need to look
                                 it up, it's spelled S H O....

                                 Jesus! I just need a bird! Birds! I
                                 need birds! Are you going to help
                                 me or not?



                                 Alright. Alright. What’s eating
                                 you?! Besides the obvious I

Barry looks like he’s going to go Mt. Vesuvious!


But Pete holds up a finger.



                                 Ah yes! Wild Parrots will do the
                                 trick! I've got some in the back.


                                 I'll take it! Them! I'll take them!



Calvin sits at his desk.

He roars and scratches at his scalp like crazy.


Johnson paces back and forth.


                                 You know, there's a blood shortage.
                                 We should figure out a way to help
                                 people with....

                                 Will you shut up? Just shut up!
                                 God! You're so annoying! You never,
                                 ever, stop talking!


                                 You’re not so nice to me
                                 anymore....what’s changed?


Calvin points at the insects above his head.



Barry runs in.

He holds up a large box with holes in it.


                                  I got 'em! I got us some birds!


Calvin leaps up!

                                 Oh, thank God!

Barry sets the box down on a desk.


                                 I wouldn't suggest anyone else go
                                 outside though.

Johnson sits.

                                 Why...? Why not?


                                 Toads are falling from the sky.




                                 Never mind that! We’ll cross that
                                 bridge when we get to it!


                                 And these birds are hungry! We
                                 lucked out and got them just before
                                 feeding time!

                                 Sweet! Here comes some sweet


                                 OK! Here we go!

Barry opens the box.


Three parrots fly out.

A parrot flies to each of them.


The birds land on their heads - and peck away! But not to get at the insects! They peck at their heads!


                                 Ow! Ow!

A parrot pokes Calvin in the eye.



Johnson runs in circles again. He bats at the bird.


                                 Ow! Ow! Ow!


Barry slaps at his bird but its too quick! He keeps missing.


Calvin slaps on a pair of sunglasses. He gets pecked again.


                                 Ow! Son of a b***h!


Johnson whines.

                                 Why’d you get one for me?! I told
                                 you I didn't want one! I told you!


                                 There was a sale, alright? Buy two,
                                 get one free! I was doing you a

                                 Yeah? Well, do me another favor!
                                 Don't do me any more favors!


Calvin frowns at Barry.

                                 Ow! Any more bright ideas, genius?


                                 Hey! I tried, alright?


                                 OK! Huddle up guys! We need to

All three sit around Calvin's desk. Gnats buzz them. Birds peck at them. Calvin fires up his computer.


                                 Ow. I’m telling you guys! Look up
                                 the Ten Plagues of Egypt!


Calvin types at the keys.

                                 Fine! There it is! You happy?


                                 Gnats, mosquitoes, and toads.
                                 Check. Check. And Check. We're
                                 plagued alright.


                                 See?! I told ya so!


                                 Nobody likes a wise guy!


                                 So, we can expect flies, Ow!
                                 Diseased food, boils on our flesh,
                                 hail, Locusts, Ow! Darkness, then
                                 finally death for our first born


Johnson wilts.


                                 Great! That's just great! Three out
                                 of ten. And the worst is yet to


Johnson gets up and walks around.


                                 Thank God I don't have kids.


                                 Neither do we, but that doesn't
                                 mean I don't want to have one

                                 Speak for yourself - no rug rats
                                 for me thanks!

                                 This is horrible! We have to do

                                 What the Hell do you think I'm
                                 trying to do?!


                                 Well - what did they do to get rid
                                 of the 10 plagues in Egypt?!

                                 Let’s see....hmmm... looks like we
                                 need to free the Jews.


                                 Free the Jews?! Are you demented?!
                                 We need help! Professional help!


                                 You mean like an exterminator?


                                 No! Like an exorcist or something!


                                 A priest! Yeah! Great idea!


                                 Or a rabbi!


                                 Good thinking, guys! Excellent
                                 thinking! Let's go!


                                 Wait. I can't. I need to get ready
                                 for my date tonight.


                                 Have you looked in the mirror
                                 lately? Call and cancel it.


                                 I can't! I can't listen to my dead
                                 Grandmother yell at me for
                                 whack....for taking forever in the
                                 shower again!

                                 So you're going to show up swarmed
                                 by gnats, blood in your hair, and a
                                 bird pecking at your head?
                                 Johnson looks at his watch!

                                 Good point! Quickly then! Quickly!



                                 You think I’m going to walk?

Calvin, Barry, and Johnson, are pelted by falling toads.


They slap at mosquitoes.

They scratch at their hair.


A CROWD stares at them.

                                 I hate my life.

A bus rolls up and stops. They climb




The bus driver, HORACE, 57, silver hair, pudgy, uniformed, stops them in the doorway.

                                 Whoah Nelly! I'm afraid I can't let
                                 you boys on the bus the way you

                                 Why not?

                                 Cause you're crawling with bugs!


                                 No we're not.

                                 Not a one.


The bus driver points at the bugs.


                                 Then what's all this, then?



                                 Holloween makeup. We're on our way
                                 to a party.




                                 No. It's true. They're all a
                                 mirage. It's nando technology.


                                 That's NANO technology. And
                                 Bullshit! Bullshit! Bullshit!


                                 Oh yeah? Try to kill one.


                                 Kill one?


                                 Yep. Any one. Doesn't matter which.
                                 You won't be able to.



He slaps his hands together in front of Calvin's face.


                                 Hey! Not so close, man. You almost
                                 hit me.

Horace looks in his hands. Nothing. He frowns. Slap. Slap. Slap. Nothing.


                                 Alright. Get back there.




Calvin and Barry sit on one side. Johnson sits on another.


                                 Hey! You guys are good!





                                 We know.


GAVIN, 19, long hair, Gothic make up, stoned, grins at Johnson.

                                 Yo, man. You know you have a bird

                                 pecking at your head?



                                 Uh, yeah!


                                 Well, doesn't it hurt?




                                 Yeah. A lot.



A beautiful church gleams in the sun. A CROWD streams out of its front doors. Some mill about, talking in small groups.


A bus rolls up and stops out front. Calvin, Barry, and Johnson exit.

The sky rains toads on them. The crowd stands back! Shock!


People point. People mumble.


                                 Catholic? You brought me to a
                                 Catholic Church?


                                 What's your problem now?


                                 I'm Jewish! I need a synagogue! I
                                 need a rabbi!

                                 Fine! Wait out here if you want!
                                 It's such a nice day to enjoy the

Barry and Calvin run inside. A toad splatters on Johnson's head and sticks there. He nods to himself.

                                 Maybe just inside the door, then.
                                 Johnson runs and stands just



....the entry doors.


FATHER BRIAN ALBERTSON, 38, bald, gray hair, robes, does a double take at Calvin and Barry.

                                 Good Lord! What happened to you


                                 I....We....We're Cursed.


                                 We're plagued, not cursed.


                                 Whatever! We're suffering from the
                                 ten plagues of Egypt.


                                 Holy smokes!


                                 Yeah. Holy smokes.


                                 How did this happen, my sons?



                                 We kinda....




                                 the Ten Commandments.


                                 You did what?!?


                                 We broke the Ten Commandments!


                                 Sweet mother of mercy!

                                 It's a long story. Do you think you
                                 can help us?


                                 Did you kill someone?






                                 We killed bugs!



                                 Then this isn't so bad.

Albertson waves some bugs away.


                                 You've come to the right place, my
                                 sons. I can help you.



                                 Really. I'm sure we can sort this


Albertson crosses his fingers.


                                 God and I are like this. All you
                                 need to do is come into the
                                 confessional, confess your sins, do
                                 some penance, and poof! You're




                                 That’s what I wanted to hear!


                                 If you'll but follow me....?


Albertson leads them to a confessional.


                                 Step in here, my sons. I will be in
                                 the next room. I'll open a small
                                 window, and the two of you confess
                                 your sins. We'll get you fixed up
                                 right away.


                                 Thanks! Thanks a lot!


Calvin and Barry step in one door, and Father Albertson steps in another. The doors close. Then...


Albertson's door slams open! He charges out!

He has gnats swarming around his head!


He slaps at them!

                                 What did you two do to me?!


Calvin and Barry run out the other door.


They both look stunned.

                                 Me? I didn't do anything!


                                 Wow! I sure didn't see this coming!


Albertson scratches at his head.


                                 Oh, Sweet Father in Heaven! It
                                 itches! How can you boys stand

                                 That’s just great! What do we do


Albertson looks to Heaven.

                                 Oh, father in heaven, why have I
                                 been plagued?

A bird flutters down from the rafters.


It lands on Albertson's head and pecks away.


                                 Ow! Hey! Aw, come on! This is


                                 Huh. I didn't see that coming


                                 Well this was a big waste of time.


Albertson snaps his fingers.


                                 Oh, right. Thou shalt not question
                                 the Lord thy God. That explains the
                                 bird.....maybe. But the plague....
                                 To himself.

                                 Ow! What did I do? What did I do?



                                 Well, boys, it looks like God wants
                                 our paths to be intertwined. Looks
                                 like we're all in this together.


                                 There's one more of us. He's
                                 waiting out front.


                                 Another one? Why didn't he come in?


                                 He's Jewish. He wants to go see a

                                 Well, I guess I'll tag along.


They walk out to the



Johnson is sitting on the floor and batting at his bird. He leaps up when he sees Albertson is plagued.

                                 Wow! You too?



                                 Yes, my son, me too.


                                 I wonder if it's contagious?


                                 It does seem to be spreading.


                                 Alright, Johnson. Take us to your

                                 It's about time! The Jewish faith
                                 to the rescue!

Father Albertson frowns.

This time, there's a shelter to huddle in. Toads thump against its roof and are piling up nicely.


A large CROWD stares.

Father Albertson looks back at the crowd and shakes his head.


                                 Is it always like this?





Johnson looks at his watch.


                                 This is taking too long. I'm sorry,
                                 guys. I can't go with you to the


                                 Why not?

                                 I have to go meet Angela.


                                 Are you insane? Look at you!


                                 I made a promise! I told her I'd be
                                 there. If I can't cancel, I have to

                                 That's very noble of you.


                                 I'm not trying to be noble. It's
                                 just the way I was brought up.


                                 Fine. Do what you want. I don't

                                 If you have to go, you have to go.


                                 I have to take another bus. I’m
                                 going to try to catch up to Angela
                                 at her apartment. I'll see you guys

                                 later --- hopefully.


Barry is on tip toes.


                                 Here comes our bus.


                                 You know, something's been
                                 bothering me.

                                 What's that?


                                 Well, the first three plagues came
                                 rather quickly.


                                 And nothing. Nothing's shown up
                                 since. I'm beginning to think that
                                 maybe this is it. Maybe we've seen
                                 the worst....

A buzzing sound is heard. Flies swarm them.

Johnson wilts.





                                 Thanks genius!



                                 This is getting serious.


The bus rolls to a stop.

Calvin, Barry, and Albertson step onto the bus.


EDDIE, 37, African American, bald, super fat, uniformed, does a double take at the trio. His eyes go wide as saucers.


                                 Oh, Hell no!

Calvin pulls out a wad of cash.

                                 Two thousand dollars?


Eddie snatches up the cash.


                                 Don't sit in seat six. Someone
                                 puked there earlier.



A modern synagogue building gleams in the sun.


A bus rolls up and stops in front of it.


Barry sticks a foot out of the bus' door.


Toads fall from the sky.

He pulls his foot back in.


Toads stop falling.

Foot out. Toads fall.

Foot in. Toads stop.

He turns and grins at Calvin.





Calvin pushes him out of the bus.


                                 Quit screwing around!


Toads fall. Hail falls now too.


                                 See? Now you've pissed God off even


They all run for the synagogue.


                                 I'm sorry! OK? I'm sorry!



                                 You guys go seek your counsel. I'll
                                 wait here. I need more time to

They disappear through a pair of double doors.



Albertson bats at the bird pecking at his head.


Defeated, Albertson looks at a statue, the bird pecks away unmolested.

Albertson chokes on a bug.


Two little old Jewish ladies stop and stare at him.


                                 Nothing to see here, dear ladies.
                                 Move along, now. Move along.


Albertson leans against a wall. He sighs.


The double doors slam open.


A Rabbi, GOLDBERG, 37, thinning dark hair, bearded, traditional robes, storms out angrily. He is PLAGUED as well!


But he doesn’t have a bird pecking at his head.


                                 Well, you could have told me you
                                 plagued a priest!



                                 I thought this would be
                                 different! Sue me!


                                 Boy, I sure didn't see this
                                 coming either!


                                 What on Earth possessed you to
                                 break the Ten Commandments anyway?


                                 They were there to be broken! I
                                 regret it, alright?


Goldberg scratches at his scalp.


                                 Oh Sweet Lord, it itches!


Albertson points at the bird pecking at his head.

                                 Whatever you do, don't ask the Lord
                                 why he plagued you. He gives you
                                 one of these.

                                 Thou shalt not question the Lord
                                 thy God?


                                 What's your take on all of this?


                                 I'm not sure about them, but as for
                                 me....Pride, I think. That....And
                                 I’m supposed to travel with them.


                                 Pride. Yeah. That makes sense. Me


                                 So what do we do now?





                                 Why not?

                                 Because we're running out of
                                 standing room under the bus stop
                                 canopies! That's why!


                                 Good point.


Sores break out all over their flesh. Calvin looks at his hands.

                                 Oh great! That's just great! I'm a

                                 We're running out of time.


                                 What do you mean?


                                 These sores are the seventh plague.


There's only locusts left before darkness sets in.


                                 So we have to buy some flashlights.

                                 What's the big deal?

                                 This plague is only affect us --
                                 specifically us. No one else has
                                 suffered any of its effects, right?


                                 That's right. So....?


                                 So....God isn't going to block out
                                 the sun. That would affect
                                 everyone. No. I fear he's going to
                                 do something more personal.


                                 A personal darkness?


                                 We're going to go blind?


Albertson nods.

                                 Whoa! Whoa! Blind!? I'm rich! I'm
                                 filthy rich! What good is a ton of
                                 cash to a blind man?


                                 Well, actually, there's a lot you

                                 How long do we have? How long?!? An
                                 hour? Two?! I'll never see a
                                 beautiful woman again!

                                 Calm down! What we need to do is
                                 dissect the problem rationa....


                                 You dissect! I'm getting laid!


                                 I don't think that having

                                 Oh, what do you know about getting
                                 laid?! You've probably never even
                                 seen a naked woman before!


Albertson roars.



                                 I'm sorry, my sons, but you two got
                                 us into this mess. You're going to
                                 have to get us out.


                                 Forgiveness is the key. You two
                                 need to beg God for forgiveness.


                                 It's not us that needs God's
                                 forgiveness! It's Johnson! He's the
                                 one that broke the Commandments!


                                 Johnson? Who's Johnson?


                                 Whoa! Wait a second! You guys said
                                 You broke the Commandments!


                                 No! It was Johnson! He's the one!
                                 Not us!

                                 You two didn't mention any of this

                                 What else are you two hiding?


                                 And how do you KNOW Johnson broke
                                 the commandments?


Guilty looks. Shuffling feet.


                                 You two look guilty as Judas before
                                 he hung himself! Spill it!



                                 Kinda, sorta....


                                 Tricked him into breaking the

                                 You did what?!?

                                 We wanted to find out if God

                                 And the worst that would happen was
                                 God would smite Johnson!. We never
                                 expected all of this!


                                 Oh, sweet Moses’ toes! You boys
                                 sure put us in a fine pickle!


                                 No wonder the confession didn't
                                 work! You need forgiveness, but not
                                 from God. You need it from Johnson!


                                 From Johnson. He's right.


                                 You're sure? Cause I'm wasting
                                 valuable sex time!


                                 Who knows - but it feels right.

                                 Alright. Let's go find Johnson!


Father Albertson frowns at Calvin.


                                 Oh. Sorry Father.


Dark clouds boil above Calvin, Barry, Albertson, and Goldberg. Thunder booms! Gnats, mosquitoes, and flies buzz them! Toads and hail pelt them! Birds peck at heads!


A small crowd stares.


                                 Ow! This hail really stings!


                                 This is taking too long!


                                 Let's steal a car!


                                 You want to remove God’s curse by
                                 stealing something?




                                 How about we stand here until we
                                 all go blind?

                                 And I thought I was going to go
                                 blind because of my hand.


Calvin laughs. Albertson and Goldberg frown.


                                 So! What are we going to do?






A loud buzzing sound approaches. LOCUSTS by the millions fly toward them! The BUS comes into view behind the locusts.



Goldberg and Albertson run for the synagogue.


Barry grabs Calvin!


                                 Wait! There's the bus!


The locusts swarm them.

                                 Let’s try to make it!


Calvin and Barry run for the bus!



Paul drives the bus.

Up ahead, Calvin and Barry are walking swarms of locusts, bugs, toads, etc.! Calvin raises his hand to signal Paul to stop!



                                 Oh, You have got to be kidding me!


Paul hits the turn signal.

The bus turns down a side street. Calvin drops his hand. He coughs on a locust.


                                 Awwwwwwwee! No! No! No!


Barry coughs on a locust....




Calvin and Barry wade through two feet of locusts to the door of the Synagogue!


They enter....


Albertson leans against a wall.

                                 Lord? I know you don't like me
                                 questioning your plan, but what the
                                 Heck are we supposed to do now?


                                 Well, that's it! Game over, man!
                                 Game over!


                                 No! No! No! There’s still time! We
                                 could get some girls delivered!


A door bangs open in the background.


Death Dealer walks in with a blanket covering two people.


           DEATH DEALER
                                 It's OK. We're in.


Death Dealer removes the blanket revealing Johnson and Angela. Angela is PLAGUED too!

                                 Holy s**t! God got to you too?


                                 That’s what Spanky says....

                                 This is horrible! What did you guys
                                 find out?

Johnson wilts at the sight of the Rabbi.





                                 Oh no! Not you too, Rabbi?





                                 Me too. But never mind that now.
                                 These two have something they need
                                 to tell you.


                                 No we don't.


                                 Yes! You do!


                                 What? What’s going on?


The brothers sigh.


                                 Well, it's just that....well....


                                 We need your forgiveness....


                        end the plagues.





                                 All those things we had you do as
                                 training for the CEO position....


                                 Were really that you
                                 would kinda sorta....


                                 Break The Ten Commandments.


Johnson blinks for a moment stunned, then erupts!


                                 Whoa! Whoa! THE Ten Commandments?
                                 You had me break THE Ten
                                 Commandments?! And that's why we're
                                 all plagued?!




                                 That about sums it up.


                                 This...! You! You guys suck! You
                                 really, really, really, suck!


                                 You have to forgive them, Randolph.

                                 No! No! Screw 'em! Why should I
                                 forgive them? Huh? Why? We all
                                 suffer and they get off Scott free?
                                 No way!

                                 Scott free?! No. No, my son. If
                                 there’s one thing I’m certain of
                                 now, it’s that God is real! Have no
                                 fear about that, my son, they will
                                 pay for their sins!


                                 Pay? What? Like a large donation to
                                 the church?


                                 Sure! How big a check should we

                                 You’re going to need to mend your
                                 ways, boys! Fly the straight and

                                 And there’s no better way back into
                                 God’s good graces than community




                                 No! Please! Anything but that!


                                 Is there some kind of court for

                                 Please, Randolph, please. Forgive


Johnson looks wildly around. His gaze falls on Angela.


                                 You! Why are you plagued?


Angela wilts under his stare.

                                 Oh. to that....


                                 She's in on it too.


                                 We offered her the COO position to
                                 cross adultery off our list.


           DEATH DEALER
                                 Oh, honey! You didn't!


All of the color drains from Calvin's, Barry's, Johnson's, Albertson's, Goldberg's, and Angela's eyes.


Albertson and Barry blink. Goldberg shakes his head as if to rid himself of something covering his eyes.


Calvin falls to his knees. He looks around blankly.


                                 I...I can't see. I can't see!


Barry stumbles forward with his hands out.


                                 I...I'm blind!


                                 Randolph? Randolph?!?


           DEATH DEALER
                                 What the Hell is going on around

                                 I'm here, Rabbi! Over here!


                                 You have to forgive them! Please!
                                 For all of our sakes!


                                 But....I....hate them!


                                 Please, Johnson! I...I'm....sorry.


                                 Me too! Me too, Johnson! I never
                                 would have done this if I'd


                                 Barry?! The truth!


Barry grumbles something - then - heartfelt....


                                 Alright! Alright! I wanted to see
                                 if God would smite you. But I
                                 didn’t really believe God existed.
                                 I am sorry! I really am! You can
                                 see that, right?


Johnson blinks.

                                 I'm guys made me

                                 I’m blind too, my son, but they do
                                 appear to be sorry. Really, truly,
                                 sorry. That....I can see.


                                 I am. I’m so sorry Johnson. I’ll
                                 spend the rest of my life making
                                 this right.



                                 Me too, Johnson! Me too!


Johnson thinks about this for a few seconds, then a smile grows slowly across his face.

                                 Do I get to keep the CEO position?


A small smile grows on Calvin’s face.




Deep sigh.


                                 Then I forgive you. Both of you.


For tricking me.

A loud crack of thunder is heard!


The insects disperse!

The birds fly away!


Johnson blinks!

                                 I can see. I can see!



                                 Me too!

                                 Oh, thank you father!


                                 Yes! Thank you, Lord!


Calvin has a hand over his eyes....


                                 Very funny guys! Very funny!


Barry has a hand over his eyes too.


                                 Don't tease me like that!


                                 Wait! You guys can't see?


                                 You’re not cured!?


                                 Holy s**t! Holy s**t! His judgement

Barry blinks. He looks up and laughs. He has color in his eyes!


                                 Ha! You guys really are suckers!




                                 You guys suck. You know that?


Two birds flutter down and land on Calvin and Barry’s heads.


They peck away!

                                 OK! OK! No more jokes! Sheesh!



                                 Point taken! Point taken! New leaf


The birds fly away.



                                 Well - there goes the good life.



The sun is out. Birds sing. Bells ring. People in their Sunday finest walk into the church.



The church is filled. Calvin and Barry sit in the front pew.


Albertson stands at the pulpit.


                                 And that's what happened to me last
                                 Sunday. That! how I know for
                                 sure that God is up there, watching
                                 over us all! So be good to one
                                 another. Care for one another. And
                                 forgive each other. Go in peace,
                                 and love and serve the Lord.





Calvin and Barry exit the church.


They shake Father Albertson's hand.

                                 So, how are you two getting along?
                                 Up to no trouble, I hope.


                                 I'm bored.


                                 Bored to death.

                                 I have the perfect job for you. It
                                 might help work off some of the
                                 debt you owe God for your past


                                 What's that?


                                 It's not too embarrassing is it?



Calvin and Barry each wear A-frame signs over their shoulders. The signs read: God is ALIVE! And: Judgement is at hand!


They both carry flyers.

Calvin walks up to a LADY in baggy sweats who is facing away from our view....

                                 Excuse me, miss? Are you aware that
                                 God lives?


The lady turns around. It's actually a GUY.



                                 Who the Hell are you calling miss?!


                                 Oh. Sorry about that, Sir. Are you
                                 aware that God lives?



                                 Get a job, buddy!


He storms off.


                                 Well, you have to admit, this sure
                                 beats roasting in Hell.


                                 The jury's still out on that one.
                                 This sucks.


Harvey waves from the other side of the street. Barry smiles and waves back.

                                 Look on the bright side. The good
                                 die young.


                                 Amen to that!

                                 Hey! You ever think about that?




                                 Think about what?


Barry dances ahead a little.


                                 If the Devil really exists?


                                 Come here! Come here so I can smack



                                 Yeah? You and what army?


                                 Just hand out those flyers tough





© 2010 Scott Thompson

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Hey, the format threw me offf, I couldn't keep up with it. But I know something that could help. Go to this website called upload your screenplay there and then insert the html codes in here. After you do that i'll come back to read your screenplay again.
By the way I'm creating this group for screenwriters so that we could read each others screenplays and give constructive reviews.

Posted 14 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on December 23, 2010
Last Updated on December 23, 2010


Scott Thompson
Scott Thompson

Hatfield, PA

I've written 13 screenplays but believe my craft is still in need of a great deal of improvement. I love writing action, adventure, romantic comedy, and comedy scripts. The most recent screenplay .. more..