I Watched Them

I Watched Them

A Poem by GreenPoetry

This is a poem about some people I know who are truly lost.


I watched them

Make the same mistakes

Cry in the shadows

Wishing that someone could hear them


They run from the truth

And are buried in stress

And they do things they can't explain

Their headaches are unbearable


They don't know why they hurt themselves

And they don't understand way they do those things

All that they know is that they hurt someone

But they're killing themselves inside


They know that they are in trouble

But they can't fully understand why

While I watched them

I knew why, but I couldn't tell them

© 2012 GreenPoetry

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Your poem evokes as many intereptations as there are people who will read it. We know people like are in your poem. Perhaps a relative, a friend, those on the news--perphaps ourselves. You might cut out the "that" in stanza 1, and use parallel words like Making and Crying to compliment the word Wishing. You have "way" instead of "why" so you might correct that little typing error. I tell my class that poetry is looking very closely at something. Good job.

Posted 12 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on May 12, 2012
Last Updated on May 12, 2012
Tags: I watched them, poem