Chapter Two: First Day Surprises Parts 1&2

Chapter Two: First Day Surprises Parts 1&2

A Chapter by GreenGrl_32

 Chapter Two: First day surprises Part One

Draco’s P.O.V.


I woke up in the morning with Jadey in my arms. I knew she would be mad if she woke up like this so I gently un-tangled myself from her and made sure she was still asleep. I got up and walked through a door that was connected to my room. I grabbed some clothes and walked into the connected bathroom. I took a shower and changed then decided to go and wake up Jade.


“Jade, wake up.” I said lightly shaking her. “Jade. Jade. Jade Bellatrix Green.” I said laughing. I jumped on her bed and landed next to her.


“Oi, Draco. What’s with you this morning?” She asked me barley awake.


“Come on. We’re leaving soon and I want to spend a bit more time before Christmas. Now hurry up woman!” I said laughing at her.


“Fine. Let’s go get some breakfast.” She said and got up and waved her hand above her head. Her hair went to its blonde curls and we walked downstairs into the kitchen.


Kipper my personal house elf appeared. “What would Master Malfoy and Mistress Green like for breakfast?”


Jade smiled at Kipper and thought for a moment. “I’ll have some chocolate milk and some pancakes Kip.”


Kipper smiled at her. “Okay Miss. And for you Master Malfoy?” He asked me a bit frightened. All the house elves like Jade better then anyone.


“Same.” I said to him.


“Okay Sir.” He said then left.


“You better hope my parents never see you being nice to one of them.” I said to her.


“They haven’t caught me yet have they?” She said smirking.


I shook my head. “No, but they might.”


“Well, I’ll deal with it then.”


Kipper appeared and handed us our plates and our drinks.


“Thank you Kip.” Jade said and hugged him.


I shook my head with disapproval and looked away.


“You’re welcome Miss.” He said then left.


“Disgusting.” I said under my breath. I felt Jade hit me over the head. “Ow, what was that for?!”


“Stop being so rude.” She said to me.


I rolled my eyes and finished my breakfast. “No. Now come on. You’ll have to leave soon and you need to go and see if Ashlynn is up and ready.”


“Fine. I’ll be back in a minute.” She said finishing her breakfast then running towards Ashlynn’s room. I laughed and got up and went up to my room and snapped my fingers. Kipper appeared.


“What can Kipper do for Master Draco?” He asked frightened.


“Take my trunk downstairs for me.” I said to him and walked towards the door. “And take Jade’s to the front of the fireplace.” I said with a hint of sadness in my voice but quickly hid it. A Malfoy never showed emotions.


“Yes sir, Kipper will do as Master Draco says.” He whimpered then levitated the trunks and disappeared with them.


I walked down the hall and saw Ashlynn and Jade talking. Ashlynn was already in her uniform and Jade had hers in her hands. “Getting ready?”


“Yeah.” She said to me sadly. “I’ll miss ya Dray.” She said to me and hugged me. “I promise to send you a letter every time I get a nightmare.”


I hugged her close. “I’ll be waiting and reply as soon as possible.” I said to her and gave her a smile that she always loved. I only showed her what I was feeling.


“Okay you two. Come on Jade. We have to leave as soon as you get your uniform on.” Ashlynn said to Jade.


Jade got dressed and they walked towards the fireplace downstairs. “I’ll write soon as possible Dray.” She said hugging me a final time.


“I’ll reply. Promise.” I said smirking, but when Ashlynn wasn’t looking I smiled and winked at her then took a step back.


Ashlynn walked into the fireplace. “Beuxbatons Academy for Maladies.” Green flames appeared and she vanished.

Jade walked in and gave me a sad smile then followed after Ashlynn.


“Come now Draco. It’s time for us to leave.” My mother said putting a hand on my shoulder. “You’ll be seeing her soon.” She said giving me a knowing smile.


I looked at her weirdly and just followed her without a word. We got to King Cross station about 25 minutes later. I hugged my mother good bye and nodded at my father then ran through the portal and boarded the train. I went to the back and got in my usual compartment.


“Hey mate. I’m sorry about Jade. But you know me. I can’t help it.” Blaise said walking in.


“Whatever. You can tell her that.” I said to him and laid my head against the window and propped my feet on the other side. Just as I was getting comfortable Pansy barged in.


“Drakie! Oh how I missed you!” She practically jumped on me.


“Pansy get your fat arse off of me!” I yelled at her then pushed her off me. She started to cry then ran out of the compartment.


“Nice.” Blaise complimented me.


I fell asleep soon after and woke up when everyone started to get into their robes.


Blaise and I stood behind Crabbe and Goyle as they pushed through everyone. Pansy latched herself onto my arm during some time. I just ignored her and walked through the path that the two goons where making for me.


We all got settled into the Great hall and watched the sorting. Slytherin got at least 10 first years. We waited for Dumbledore to announce who the new D.A.D.A professor would be. Instead what we got was a huge surprise.


“Now that we are all settled in and sorted. I’d like to make an announcement. This year Hogwarts will be hosting a legendary event: The Triwizard Tournament. Now let me tell you this tournament is not for the faint hearted. That is why the ministry has seen fit to send Mr. Barty Crouch.”


“The ministry has seen it fit that no student under the age of seventeen is allowed to put forth their name to try and get into the tournament. Thank you.”


Shouts of protest where flying from every house.


“Now, the two schools who are competing would like to join us. They are small so they will be joining our classes and sleeping in our dormitories’. Please welcome our sisters of the East, Beuxbatons Academy of Magic for Maladies!”


I started yelling and cheering because Jadey would be here with us. All the girls came out and of course did a little strut and made their signature blue butterflies go everywhere. All the guys looked at them and cat called while the girls rolled their eyes and yelled at their boyfriends.


Most of the girls went and sat with the Ravenclaws but Jadey came over and sat by me and Ashlynn went and sat with Potter.


“This is great. Now I don’t have to owl you at three in the morning I just have to find your dorm.” She said smiling at me.


I smirked. “Yeah. But you may want to knock first. Never know when I’m going to have company.”


“Pig.” She said then looked at Dumbledore.


I shrugged my shoulders.


“And now our brothers from the north, Durmstrang Academy for Magic!”


All the girls’ jaws dropped even Jades. That pissed a lot of guys off. Especially me. I growled at the guys who winked at Jade and put my arm possessively around her waist.


“Stop, they are going to think we are dating.” She said with her eyes following a blonde with green eyes and an earring.


“To bad. They aren’t getting you.” I said to her and growled when he sat next to her. I saw that Viktor Krum had also sat next to me.


“Hello my name is Reid. May I ask what your name is beautiful?” The blonde said to Jade. And took her hand in his and kissed it lightly.


“Jade. Nice to meet you Reid.” She said blushing and smiling at him.


I snarled at him. “Get your hands off her.”


“Draco!” Jade scorned then elbowed me in the ribs.


“Is he your boyfriend?” he asked Jade with a raised eyebrow.


“No, just a close friend.” She said smirking at him.


“Oh, good, because you my dear are too beautiful for him.”


She giggled and blushed a light pink.


I gagged and looked up at Dumbledore.


“Now. I’m sure you’re all hungry. Let’s eat.” He said then clapped his hands and then the food appeared. My appetite had disappeared.


“Dray what’s wrong?” Jade asked me.


“What do you think?” I asked her then got up.


Chapter Two: First day surprises Part Two

Jade’s P.O.V

(Same day as Part One)


I appeared at Beuxbatons and followed Ash to where all the other girls where standing. I saw Gabriella and Fleur. I didn’t like either of them but I walked over to see what was going on. “What’s going on?”


“Ve arre going to ‘ohgwarts vor zee Trivizard Tournzament.” Fleur said to us.


Ashlynn looked at me and I looked at her. We both suddenly started squealing with delight. “I’m going to see Dray!”


“And I’m going to see Harry!” Ash said.


We started doing a little dance then saw Fleur and Gabriella looking at us like we were not worth their time. “Go to hell.” We said together and smiled. We didn’t like them and they didn’t like us.


“Girl’s zat is noh vay zo zpeak to zem,” came the sudden voice of Madame Maxime.


I looked at Madame Maxime and then at the Delacour sisters. “I’m sorry I don’t like you. You two are just b*****s.” I said smiling sweetly and then I grabbed my bag and went into the carriage.


Ashlynn came behind me laughing. “Nice one Jade. Wait until Draco finds out you insulted the “Third and fourth prettiest girls in school” and then you know what he’ll say.”


“Who’s first and second?” I said imitating Dray.


“Well wait until he hears the answer.” She said and got out a notebook.


“Can’t wait until he finds out, although he should already know.” I said laughing. I could act like a spoiled brat, but come on. I was raised by the Malfoy’s.


We laughed and followed the other girls into the huge horse drawn chariot that would take us to Hogwarts.


Ash and I talked the whole way there and were excited to see what cute boys would be there and we also talked with a couple girls we could actually get along with.


I saw the castle come into view and gasped. It was even more grand then Beuxbatons. I was defiantly begging Narcissa if I could come here next year. “I am sooo coming here next year.” I whispered to Ash.


She nodded her head. “It’s already been decided for me.”


We smiled and got out of the carriage and led through a couple hallways and stood in front of a huge door and where told to wait. I looked over and saw the Durmstrang boys. I smiled and waved at a couple of the guys who were smiling at us.


“Such a flirt Green.” Ash said to me.


“Oh, yes I know that Lestrange.” I said smirking and looked ahead.


We could all the sudden hear Dumbledore talking.


 “Now that we are all settled in and sorted. I’d like to make an announcement. This year Hogwarts will be hosting a legendary event: The Triwizard Tournament. Now let me tell you this tournament is not for the faint hearted. That is why the ministry has seen fit to send Mr. Barty Crouch.”


“The ministry has seen it fit that no student under the age of seventeen is allowed to put forth their name to try and get into the tournament. Thank you.”


Shouts of protest could be heard flying from every house.


“Now, the two schools who are competing would like to join us. They are small so they will be joining our classes and sleeping in our dormitories’. Please welcome our sisters of the East, Beuxbatons Academy of Magic for Maladies!”


Draco started yelling and cheering. All the girls came out and of course did a little strut and made their signature blue butterflies go everywhere. All the guys looked at them and cat called while the girls rolled their eyes and yelled at their boyfriends.


“This is great. Now I don’t have to owl you at three in the morning I just have to find your dorm.” I said smiling at him.


He gave me his smirk. “Yeah. But you may want to knock first. Never know when I’m going to have company.”


“Pig.” I said then looked at Dumbledore.


“And now our brothers from the north, Durmstrang Academy for Magic!”


All the girls’ jaws just dropped. Even mine! Draco growled at the guys who winked at me and put his arm possessively around my waist.


“Stop, they are going to think we are dating.” I said with my eyes following a blonde with green eyes and an earring.


“To bad. They aren’t getting you.” he said to me and growled when he sat next to me. I saw that Viktor Krum had also sat next to Draco.


“Hello my name is Reid. May I ask what your name is beautiful?” The blonde said to me and took my hand in his and kissed it lightly.


“Jade. Nice to meet you Reid.” I said blushing and smiling at him.


Draco I snarled at him. “Get your hands off her.”


“Draco!” I scorned then elbowed him in the ribs. He was going to ruin any chances I had with a guy.


“Is he your boyfriend?” he asked me with a raised eyebrow.


“No, just a close friend.” I said smirking at him.


“Oh, good, because you my dear are too beautiful for him.”


I giggled and felt my cheeks turn hot.


I saw that Draco gagged and looked back up at Dumbledore.


“Now. I’m sure you’re all hungry. Let’s eat.” He said then clapped his hands and then the food appeared.


“Dray what’s wrong?” I asked him worried.


“What do you think?” he asked me then got up.


I glared at him then rolled my eyes.


“Oh, hello Professor Snape.” Draco said to his Head of House.


“Mr. Malfoy, Miss. Green, we understand you two have a unusual bond so we hope you don’t mind that you two will be sharing a room. No funny business though. Either of you.” He said to us then walked back up to the teachers table.


“Obviously, he doesn’t know what happened on your thirteenth birthday.” I said smirking at Draco.


“Shut up.” He said with his own.


“Well, I don’t think it will be with you. But I know you will have half my girls in your bed before the end of the year.” I said to him not letting him in on the sadness. “Maybe I’ll have some Durmstrang fun though.” I said teasingly.


“No, you won’t.” He said glaring.


“Hey Victor.” I said to him smiling.


“Jade, ‘ow arre you?” He asked me smiling.


“I’m great. Thanks and you?”


“’vonderful.” He said.


All through dinner I was introduced to the Durmstrang boys and flirted shamelessly with a couple of them.


Draco seemed annoyed but when the Beuxbatons girls came he flirted with them so I just let it go.


Half the boys said they would walk with me back to the Slytherin common room, I looked at Draco but he was showing the first years to the Common room so I agreed to my favorite one.


“Thanks Reid. But I think we only have to follow everyone else.” I said to him smiling.


“Yes, but vhen you could just walk wit everyone or have your arm around a very ‘andsome man.” He said to me smirking.


I rolled my eyes and we walked to Slytherin common room together. I walked up to


Draco’s room and found him in it without a shirt and on his bed. “Where’s my bed?” I asked him.


“Right here.” He said patting it.


 “But, that’s your bed.” I said confused.


“Yes, there is only one. I didn’t share a room. And since you share my room, there is only one bed.” He said smirking.


“Fine.” I said then went into the bathroom and changed into my night clothes.


“Night Dray.” I said getting in then curled up.


“Night Jadey.” He said then got in next to me and held me close.


French translation once again


© 2009 GreenGrl_32

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Added on June 24, 2009




Well I write mostly fan fics, but I do write some Originals... I get a lot of my story ideas from people around me, I get inspired easily and sometimes it's a bad thing because i'll be working on one .. more..

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