Chapter 1.

Chapter 1.

A Chapter by Lexi Jackson

"Come on Rosa. You'll love it." Lucy pleaded with me. Mr Robertson stood at the other end of the room as we slid into our seats.
"Yeah. Mr Robertson totally loved your performance last week." Flossy widened her dark brown eyes. Flossy and I had been best friends since we started nursery and when Lucy came to our secondary school in year seven, the three of us became an inseparable trio.
"Okay class, settle down. This term we have started a new topic. Any ideas? No. We're starting Shakespeare." Me Robertson straightened his thin wire glasses.
" So today we start with Romeo and Juliet. Which reminds me, there's a production running at the boys' school. So rehearsals start at lunch. A mini bus will take you to the other side of South Kensington." He nervously glanced to see if anyone was interested.
"So much for being organised." Flossy rolled her eyes.
"You should definitely try out!" Lucy smiled, and her deep dimples appeared. She mouthed please several times throughout the lesson and somehow I actually agreed.

That lunch, me and Lucy hopped in the minivan to see that Flossy was already in there. Lucy and I exchanged glances and shuffled down into the seats. I hated drama. I was confident, but I didn't look for attention, unfortunately, attention came to me.
"You're so going to be cast as Juliet." Myra Port kept telling me.
"You even look like Juliet, they have to pick you." I had no idea what Juliet looked like but Melissa Trellis was persistent with her compliments. My palms were sweaty. Did I remember my lines? I repeated them in my head over and over. For some reason this was important, mainly due to the fact that Mr Robertson had kept giving me desperate glances during the lesson. I still remembered my favourite line, 'Then I defy you, stars.' If only love like that was normal to a sixteen year old. As we pulled up at the school, we stepped out, short skater skirts and low cut vest tops. It was normal for girls out age to be dressed like this anyway. We were led slowly into a name labelled, "the seminar room." Where we sat and waited for rehearsals to start. A group of loud boys swaggered through the room, hollering to the year thirteens on the other side. It was our first day of sixth form, year twelve and we hadn't yet been assigned which of our lessons were at the boys' school. As we mixed our rotas in sixth form, we got to meet a lot of boys. But they were the type of boys I stayed away from. A man walked in after them, rather scary looking and large round the middle.

"Welcome, sixth form to the rehearsals of Romeo and Juliet. For the girls, I know you only found out today so you are allowed a script if necessary, but boys, you had weeks to learn yours. I'm Mr Hopwood, the head of Drama and English, now let's start." He grimaced at Mr Robertson. We were told by the year thirteens that they hated each other. I could see this in the way Mr Hopwood glared at Mr Robertson, and how in return, Mr Robertson carefully peered over his geeky glasses at the other man. The way the rehearsals worked was that anyone who wanted to be Juliet would go up in a pair with any boy who wanted to be Romeo. I really didn't want to be paired with a dorky boy as my part I'd memorised had a bit of kissing in it, and we had been told on the minibus that we were expected to act it out as realistically as possible. I sat patiently, memorising my lines that I already knew off by heart. After about five pairs had gone up, my turn came.
"Rosa Harper." He turned to the group of loud boys, "And Jack Francis." A boy stood, and strolled coolly to the mini stage, I followed carefully after him, feeling eyes staring at me. I looked at Jack for the first time properly. Smooth medium tone skin, covered him. A pair of cognac eyes, green flecks floating in them, looked into mine. I noticed he had a shock of soft cappuccino hair, short at the sides and longer on top. At least I wasn't with a dork.
"Act one, scene five, I believe is the one Mr Robertson said you studied?" Mr Hopwood called from the stage, I nodded at him.
"Okay." Jack had a amused smirk on his face. He knew this was a kissing scene. I blushed, I couldn't help it. He took my hand and started reciting it from memory.

© 2014 Lexi Jackson

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It's good. Nice story. I want to see where it goes.

Posted 11 Years Ago

Lexi Jackson

11 Years Ago

Thanks I'll post chapter two in the either tonight or tomorrow.
I enjoyed reading chapter one, can't wait to read chapter 2. Nice write. :)


Posted 11 Years Ago

Lexi Jackson

11 Years Ago

Thank you I'll try and post it ASAP :)
♔ CrownedDevil ☾

11 Years Ago

Your welcome. :)
This was nicely written. The first thing I thought of after finishing the chapter was the Faerie Path series, by Frewin Jones.
The only part I struggled with was where you wrote, "...and we hasn't yet been assigned which of our lessons were at the boys' school." Hasn't should be haven't, and the last portion felt a bit clumsy; maybe work on explaining it more clearly?
But all-in-all I really quite enjoyed this. Looking forward to chapter 2... ^_^

Posted 11 Years Ago

Lexi Jackson

11 Years Ago

Thanks for reviewing, I actually haven't read the Faerie Path series! You're right there, it should.. read more

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3 Reviews
Added on January 11, 2014
Last Updated on January 12, 2014


Lexi Jackson
Lexi Jackson

Salisbury Area, South West, United Kingdom

Hey, I'm Alexia Jackson, but my friends call me Lexi. I'm a complete Christian and I put all my trust in God. I live in a rural hamlet in Hampshire/Wiltshire in UK. If you want to get to know me; 1.. more..

Chapter 2. Chapter 2.

A Chapter by Lexi Jackson

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