

A Poem by Great God Bird Sibylle

The time between two moments in time


There are things that you think of,

Where do you go with that?

Things that you want, but with what?

Violence you never did touch,

Though in youth, you ran into each other.

“The sun is setting sooner now.” She said.

“Still, even without the light, 

I see that we are getting closer.”

At last, a break in the day,

Finally I can say without delay,

“Riddles fiddle the middle of this dismal fizzle.” He said.

Turns always direct our changes,

But can overlaps happen in rearranges?

It’ll ripple willful wishes wrapped round the spindle,

Until I am older, I am nothing but a loner or a smoker.

So, wait till I grow, below the snow, shown slow, 

You’ll know to forego till just so, before I even thought so.

Like flutes bending your mind to a different time,

You become improved within, from dreams in your mind.

Was there not anything you thought of before this?

Can’t you remember longings? What’s become amiss?

Spinning, grinning since the beginning of the thinning,

Never did anyone expect the deed of greed to succeed. 

Oh, what life will I lead if I become distracted?

Winds winding the lines I drew between us, 

Now, it’s just another spindle to wrap my mind around.

Passing of time, like the sounds beneath us in the abyss,

The clouds, above, are accomplishing more than me in between.

Let me rest, dressed in less than what’s usually seen.

I find that there’s so much, and still, locked in a paradox,

I find that there’s not enough. And All that I had ever wanted to be,

Futile as it may seem, was to live within a limitless dream.

“Unsaid goodbyes are best.” He said, fidgeting with his unease. 

“To be released, to be pleased,” she said, “This is the best to be.

And in this dark, I feel us moving closer, so close, that we pass the other.

There was too much to see during this time without light, too much to uncove

© 2010 Great God Bird Sibylle

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Added on October 12, 2010
Last Updated on October 12, 2010


Great God Bird Sibylle
Great God Bird Sibylle


I hark from the Pacific Northwest and I have many outlets for creativity, but one of the most prominent is poetry. more..
