broken down, running around in circles because theres no end in sight.
Thoughts of grandure stiffle me as i wish for a light to show me the way.
Tripping over laces that i forget to tie because i was to busy with nothing.
The dirt on my hands is on thick from work i do but can not commit to.
drama always finds a way back into situations where it is not needed.
Moving along in a general direction following the crowd but not to closely.
not to far behind me is the shadow of the past i never wanted but always had.
Legs want to give out from lack of strength i though i had all along.
spacing out my thoughts so i dont confuse the rest of my mind .
the nights get longer while my eyes dont seem to ever want to close.
A broken heart is just another dead weight that i carry around day to day,
life keeps throwing me curves when all i want is a straight path.
Looking into peoples eyes all i see is blank stares, peering past into nothingness.
shut the door, the outside isn't ready for these things i have imagined.
Close your eyes now, do you see what i tell you, listen to the words.
All we want is to be happy...but how can we be happy if we dont know pain.