Now we all know that boB is just a ‘figment of my wild and somewhat crazy imagination right? He lives in a glorious fantasy world in rooms that only exist on the internet and deep in my subconscious.
Why am I explaining this? Well it seems boB is trying to sue me for the renovations we made to his world while he was off on vacation so I am relying on you all as witnesses.
Who would have thought that dear old boB would get his knickers in a knot over some * minor * redecorating changes made while he was away. Not a thing to worry about as we were just practicing. Nothing is carved in steel …err … wood … err … ice… Nevermind…
Can’t understand why he’s concerned about the four foot high wall down the center of his room. For construction reasons, we had to block off one side after someone took the tiny leashes off his bed bug Circus collection and they wandered " umm - everywhere... And by the way, the contractor said the cement ripples in the new floor are supposed to be that height. Oh well... what do we know?..
We thought maybe there should be a *theme* ... you know something that just says boB? To that end, we decided to stop random people on the street for their suggestions and these are the ones we have so far (bg) "
1. A decor of red and white felt hearts (walls), on a sea green, white capped (floor)...Oh, and of course the mirrored ceilings boB loves so much.....
2. Barn-board says it all doesn't it (g)?.... and right in the middle of the frosty, blue pond -- a Canadian Beaver's dam... authentic to the last detail.....And I had better not forget to mention the new chairs... hand-crafted replicas of beavers, tails and all... bOB will love it ... especially the ceiling that is painted black with little neon stars .... Oh, and the sprinkling system supplies the rain....
3. How about an Igloo inspired room with icicles floor to ceiling for pole dancing and the floor an ice blue skating rink. Can’t you just picture it with boB’s harpoon hung on the wall and granny walkers doubling as chairs?
4. And for a change of pace and heat, an Australian outback décor, complete with crocodile pond and Platypus lights. The room stays at a cool 46ºC . . . day and night and all meals are served with French fries, under, beside or on top…Put another Tasmanian Devil on the Barby mate,,,
Ralphie ♥
Now tell me… Just what has boB got to complain about?