Obo...oops...boo...err... boB. (How soon they forget,eh*?)
I think we just found the perfect gift for you when you return from vacation
Seems that in 1988, a Salt Lake
City company had just begun the business of
mummifying dead pets and had a dream of someday mummifying dead people. Since
then, the entrepreneur, whose idea it was, figured he could do loved ones
wholesale for about $7,000. Not too bad a price you say but for $18,000 he’d
glorify and immortalize you as a mummified bronzed statue!
Well this is your Lucky Day !! Guess what boB?
Since June he has so far serviced three dozen dogs, cats, birds, gerbils and
the odd earthworm (don’t ask) and has a customer list of 137 humans, the oldest
of which is 64.
And now, of course, he’s looking for more guinea pigs ... err... boBs ... errr
... customers (g) ... who want someday to be mummified.
Now this is a class business so don’tcha worry boB. His chief associate
supposedly has practiced on over 2,000 roadkills, and on 30-odd cadavers
purchased from a medical school, well not exactly purchased and maybe not
really called a ‘med school’. But hey, it’s all for science, right?
The price for humans now starts at $30,000, and bronzing could run into
six figures. Sorry, but that’s just a teeny bit above our budget of
However, we are requesting prices for Paper Maché so it should be a little
cheaper ...(smirk)
Now, boB, isn't this just the PERFECT gift for the man who has
Keep in touché !
*eh=Canadianism for