![]() Code StringsA Story by Sky![]() "On here, we're nothing but code strings. That's why it's so easy to talk." *TRIGGER WARNING: CONTAINS MENTIONS OF SUICIDE, SEXUAL ABUSE, AND VARIOUS MENTAL ILLNESSES*![]() **Welcome to UmeChat!**
3-05-16 1/8 users currently in chatroom; momentarily offline due to inactivity
Twrlin’MahMustache has entered the chat for the first time. Welcome!
12:09am; Twrlin’MahMustache: Um...anyone here???
ImaUnicorn has come back online
12:09am; ImaUnicorn: Who are you??
12:10am; Twrlin’MahMustache: I’m new.
12:10am; ImaUnicorn: *rolls eyes* Well, hello there, New. I’m a unicorn.
12:10am; Twrlin’Mah Mustache: This is stupid. I’m leaving.
12:11am; ImaUnicorn: No, wait! Don’t go...it’s so lonely here in the middle of night...and I’m the only insomniac out of the 8 total users. Please stay?
...Twrlin’MahMustache is typing slowly...
12:13am; Twrlin’MahMustache: Fine, I’ll stay.
12:13am; ImaUnicorn: ^_^ yay!! I love your username, btw. Is that implying that you’re a villain?
12:14am; Twrlin’MahMustache: ...yeah, I guess.
12:14am; ImaUnicorn: what is it that makes you a villain??
...Twrlin’MahMustache is typing slowly...
12:15am; Twrlin’MahMustache: I’d rather not say.
ICDedPeeps has entered the chat
12:15am; ICDedPeeps: Hey, Unicorn! Who’s the new user?
12:16am; ImaUnicorn: Says his/her name is New.
12:16am; Twrlin’MahMustache: *rolls eyes* 1) I’m a guy 2) call me, um...Twrlin’, I guess.
12:16am; ICDedPeeps: *laughs* okay, Twrlin’. I’m guessing you don’t use chat rooms very often.
12:17am; Twrlin’MahMustache: First time. I always thought they were kind of stupid.
12:17am; ImaUnicorn: So why use one now? And use one specified for *coughs and raises hands to make quotation marks* “crazy people”?
...Twrlin’MahMustache is typing slowly...
12:18am; Twrlin’MahMustache: I have to go. Idk if I’ll be back. Maybe. ‘Night.
Twrlin’MahMustache has left the chat.
12:19am; ICDedPeeps: He’s new, alright.
3-06-16 3/9 users currently in chatroom
3:06pm; FudgeSociety: and then that a-hole had the fricking NERVE to tell me I needed to go get my TEETH straightened!! And I’m like “Fack you, a-hole! You need to go get your EQUIPTMENT straightened, if ya know what I mean!”
3:06pm; ImaUnicorn: *laughing* You tell ‘em, Fudge. Guys are such jerks sometimes.
3:06pm; Where’sMyPrince: Is it sad that I, a guy, agree with you, Unicorn?
3:07pm; ImaUnicorn: Well, you are gay, Prince. You don’t think like the rest of your gender does.
3:07pm; Where’sMyPrince: True, true.
Twrlin’MahMustache has entered the chat.
3:08pm; ImaUnicorn: Twrlin’! You came back! :)
3:08pm; Twrlin’MahMustache: Yeah. I kind of need to vent.
3:08pm; Where’sMyPrince: vent away, newbie! That’s what we’re here for. I’m Prince, by the way.
3:09pm; FudgeSociety: I’m Fudge. Prince is a gay guy, just letting you know.
3:09pm; Where’sMyPrince: Thanks, Fudge. Totally skip over all of my good qualities and jump right into my sexuality. BTW, Twrlin’, Fudge is my cousin IRL.
3:10pm; FudgeSociety: Yep, it’s true. We’re related IRL. And, fine, Prince is amazing and sweet and a HUGE bookworm. And he’s going to beat up my ex for me, right, Prince?
3:10pm; ImaUnicorn: Hey, guys, let the newbie talk, would ya? He needs to vent.
3:10pm; Where’sMyPrince: Oh, right. Sorry, Twrlin’. Vent away.
3:11pm; Twrlin’MahMustache: Thanks. Gimme a minute to type it all.
...Twrlin’MahMustache is typing slowly...
3:14pm; Twrlin’MahMustache: okay, so I’m really pissed off. I found out today that my gf has been using me. The whole time we’ve been dating, she’s been sleeping with some other guy who’s like 10 years older than both of us. She’s been dating me so people wouldn’t get all suspicious. And I found that out because the guy she was sleeping with CALLED me from her phone and told me that if I ever touched her again, he’d rip my d(censored) off. Sorry, that’s what he said. So I go and find her and ask her wtf is up and she tells me everything, and I yelled at her, then threw my phone at my mirror and successfully broke both. So...yeah...guys aren’t the only gender who are jerks. Just sayin’. We’re all equal on the scale of jerkiness.
3:15pm; ImaUnicorn: Damn, Twrlin’. That sucks.
3:15pm; FudgeSociety: I’ll say. And, you know, technically...
3:16pm; Where’sMyPrince: Do not say it, Fudge. Do not.
3:16pm; FudgeSociety: *pouts* Oh, fine. I won’t say it.
TigerQueen has entered the chat
3:17pm; TigerQueen: Hey, guys...
3:17pm; ImaUnicorn: Tiger! Long time no chat! What’s up, grrl?
3:18pm; TigerQueen: ...
3:18pm; ImaUnicorn: Tiger? You okay??
3:18pm; FudgeSociety: What happened, Tiger?
3:19pm; TigerQueen: I messed up. He found out about T. He called him from my phone and threatened him, and now I can’t see T anymore.
3:19pm; ImaUnicorn: Oh, no! I’m sorry, Tiger...I know you really liked T... isn’t there anyway you can get away from *him*?
3:20pm; TigerQueen: No, there isn’t. He’ll always find me.
3:20pm; Twrlin’MahMustache: *is confused bc of newbie status*
3:21pm; ImaUnicorn: Oh, sorry, Twrlin’. Tiger is a sexual abuse victim...and she can’t get away from her abuser. He controls everything she does...the only way she can get on this chat is by going to the library and using the computers there.
3:22; TigerQueen: And today he made me break up with the guy I was going out with at school...I really liked that guy...like, really liked him. I was actually thinking about telling T about *him*...and then *he* found out about T and ruined everything.
3:23pm; Twrlin’MahMustache: Damn. And you can’t get away from him?
3:23pm; TigerQueen: Every time I try, he manages to bring me back. And then he punishes me...
3:24pm; Twrlin’MahMustache: S(censored). I wish I could help...oh, crap, I gtg, guys. I’ll see you tmrw or something.
3-07-16 6/9 users currently in chatroom. 2 users momentarily offline due to inactivity.
Twrlin’MahMustache has entered the chat.
8:38pm; Twrlin’MahMustache: Hey.
8:38pm; ImaUnicorn: Hey, Twrlin’! Hey, Demon and Insanity, this is the newbie I was telling you about.
8:39; FearTheDemon: Heyoo!! Welcome to FestusChat, newbie! Where hell just got a bit more bearable!
8:39pm; InsanityIsNormal: Hi, Twrlin’. I’m Insanity. I have schizophrenia.
8:40pm; Twrlin’MahMustache: Hi.
ICDedPeeps has come back online.
8:41pm; ImaUnicorn: Peeps! There you are! Where’d you go?
8:41pm; FudgeSociety: Hey, Peeps, did you ever find that recipe I needed?
8:44pm; ImaUnicorn: Peeps? You okay? I see you’re online...is something wrong?
8:45pm; Twrlin’MahMustache: What’s going on?
8:45pm; ImaUnicorn: Idk, Peeps isn’t talking, but she’s online...Peeps, are you okay??? Plz talk to us...
8:47pm; ICDedPeeps: *File uploaded. Click here to view*
ICDedPeeps has left the chat.
8:48pm; Twrlin’MahMustache: Oh, God. Is that...
8:48pm; ImaUnicorn: Oh, no...I have her cell #, I’ll call her.
8:49pm; InsanityIsNormal: Holy s(censored). Did she write that??
8:49pm; Twrlin’MahMustache: Idk. I hope not.
Where’sMyPrince has come back online.
8:50pm; Where’sMyPrince: Hey, everyone! What’s up?
8:51pm; FudgeSociety: Something’s up with Peeps. She posted something...a note.
...Where’sMyPrince is typing slowly...
8:52pm; Where’sMyPrince: You mean...a *goodbye* note?
...ImaUnicorn is typing slowly...
8:54pm; ImaUnicorn: I have...bad news. Peep’s father picked up the phone...he was crying. He had just found her dead in her room, with the same note on her desk that she sent to us. He found her bc he heard her phone ringing. He couldn’t do anything...
8:55pm; FudgeSociety: Oh, no! Not Peeps...oh, no...
8:55pm; FearTheDemon: Another one gone...d****t. I really liked Peeps, too. She was pretty cool.
8:56pm; InsanityIsNormal: stupid demons. They ate her heart, just like they’ve been trying to eat mine.
8:56pm; Where’sMyPrince: .........
Twrlin’MahMustache has gone temporarily offline due to inactivity.
8:57pm; ImaUnicorn: Twrlin’! Where’d you go??
8:57pm; FearTheDemon: Probably got scared off. He didn’t know we were *this* crazy.
8:58pm; InsanityIsNormal: He thought this would be a really happy sun&rainbows group chat. Little did he know that we’re all just doom and gloom and thunderstorms. Poor guy. Prob was scarred for life.
8:59pm; ImaUnicorn: Hey, shut up! Leave him be, he’s new to this! If you’re going to be mean about it, y’all can just leave.
8:59pm; FearTheDemon: Fine. I have a headache anyway.
FearTheDemon has left the chat.
9:00pm; InsanityIsNormal: Ditto.
InsanityIsNormal has left the chat.
9:01pm; ImaUnicorn: Ugh...why is the world so damn cruel?
Where’sMyPrince has left the chat.
9:02; FudgeSociety: Uh-oh. I better go check on him...you gonna be alright, Unicorn?
9:02pm; ImaUnicorn: yeah, i’m fine. Go make sure your cuz is ok.
FudgeSociety has left the chat.
9:03; ImaUnicorn: Twrlin’? Where’d you go...?
Twrlin’MahMustache has come back online.
9:04pm; Twrlin’MahMustache: Sorry, I had to do something. I’m back now. Did everyone leave??
9:04pm; ImaUnicorn: Yeah...we’re all kind of shaken up now...
9:05pm; Twrlin’MahMustache: Were you close to her? Peeps, I mean?
9:05pm; ImaUnicorn: About as close as online friends can get without turning into an online couple...I created this chat a couple of years ago, and she was the first person to join. We got pretty close...eventually even traded phone #’s, just for emergencies. That’s how I was able to call her...tonight...
9:06pm; Twrlin’MahMustache: I’m so sorry, Unicorn...
9:06pm; ImaUnicorn: The thing about group chats though...really, we’re all just a bunch of code strings. No one is real. Well, except for Prince and Fudge, bc they’re cousins. But the rest of us...just a bunch of code. That’s why it’s so easy to talk online. Nothing really matters.
9:07pm; Twrlin’MahMustache: Until you lose someone.
...ImaUnicorn is typing slowly...
9:08pm; ImaUnicorn: Until we lose someone.
9:09; ImaUnicorn: I have to go try to get some sleep. I’ll talk to you tmrw.
ImaUnicorn has left the chat.
3-08-16 2/9 users currently in chatroom.
7:02pm; ImaUnicorn: How’s Prince?
7:02pm; FudgeSociety: Well...Peep’s death hit him pretty hard...this kind of thing always sends him back in time...back to his first bf...the one who died
7:03pm; ImaUnicorn: Will he be okay?
7:03pm; FudgeSociety: Yeah, he just needs a couple of days to dig himself out of the memories.
Twrlin’MahMustache has entered the chat.
7:04pm; Twrlin’MahMustache: Hey, guys.
7:04pm; ImaUnicorn: Hi, Twrlin’! How are you?
7:04pm; Twrlin’MahMustache: My ex came back to school today.
7:05pm; FudgeSociety: Uh-oh. What happened?
7:05pm: Twrlin’MahMustache: She tried to apologize...I told her it didn’t matter and walked away. When she came into class fifteen minutes late, she was crying. I felt bad, but...she was cheating on me. With a 27-year-old! I’m not showing her any sympathy.
7:06pm; ImaUnicorn: ...
7:06; FudgeSociety: Preach it, man. No one likes a s(censored).
7:07pm; Twrlin’MahMustache: yeah. But...i can’t help missing her. Is that pathetic or what?
7:07pm; ImaUnicorn: It’s not pathetic, Twrlin’. It’s just human.
7:08pm; FudgeSociety: You stole my words again, Unicorn. :P
7:08pm; ImaUnicorn: Sorry
7:08pm; Twrlin’MahMustache: I didn’t realize how much I actually cared about her until now...now that she’s gone...
7:09pm; FudgeSociety: It’s like that Linkin Park song, “Until It’s Gone”, from their 2014 album. You know it?
7:09pm; Twrlin’MahMustache: Yeah, that’s a good song. And definitely very parallel to this situation...
7:09pm; ImaUnicorn: I don’t date, so I can’t really understand the exact feeling of the situation, but I do know the “Until It’s Gone” feeling...from when I lost my dad...
7:10pm; FudgeSociety: Why don’t you date, Unicorn?
7:10pm; ImaUnicorn: It just doesn’t seem worth it...I’d rather run into my Mr. Right randomly on the street than have my heart broken repeatedly trying to find him.
7:11pm; Twrlin’MahMustache: I wish I’d had that philosophy when I started noticing girls...I’ve broken hearts and had my heart broken too many times.
7:11; FudgeSociety: Yep, same :P
7:12pm; Twrlin’MahMustache: I gtg, it’s dinnertime. I’ll be back on later.
Twrlin’MahMustache has left the chat.
TigerQueen has entered the chat.
7:15pm; TigerQueen: Guys, I don’t know how the hell I can keep doing this...
7:16pm; ImaUnicorn: What happened, Tiger?
7:16pm; TigerQueen: T doesn’t even want to talk to me anymore...he didn’t say it out loud, but it’s clear he thinks I’m nothing but a worthless s(censored).
7:17pm; FudgeSociety: Can’t you try to tell him the truth? Tell him about *him*?
7:17pm; TigerQueen: Not if he won’t listen to me... 7:18pm; ImaUnicorn: Just hang in there, Tiger...stay strong, and you’ll get out of there eventually.
7:18pm; TigerQueen: I really hope so, Unicorn...I really really hope so. I gtg.
3-08-16 2/9 users currently in chatroom.
11:49pm; Twrlin’MahMustache: Hey, Unicorn? Can I ask you something?
11:49pm; ImaUnicorn: Sure, as long as it’s not “Will you go out with me?” ;D
11:50pm; Twrlin’MahMustache: xD no it’s not that. I was just curious...why are you on here? Like, what’s your “thing”?
...ImaUnicorn is typing slowly...
11:52; ImaUnicorn: Well, I’m the one who created this chat, remember? I told you about that.
11:53; Twrlin’MahMustache: No, I know that. But why??
...ImaUnicorn is typing slowly...
11:55; ImaUnicorn: I...guess I just needed someone to talk to. And I wanted to create a place where other people could talk, too, something that isn’t, you know, Facebook or something. Like those old IM chat rooms, you know? So I made this, and...now we’re like a little online family.
11:55; Twrlin’MahMustache: A family, huh? So who’s who?
11:56; ImaUnicorn: ???
11:56; Twrlin’MahMustache: I mean, like who’s Mom, who’s Dad, who’s the annoying sibling, who’s the wise old grandpa, who’s the crazy grandma.
11:59; ImaUnicorn: Oh! Haha :) well, let’s see: I guess I’m the mom, since i’m the creator and admin. I’d say Fudge is like that fun aunt, the one who’ll take you to adult movies and let you buy junk food. Prince is definitely the wise grandpa. Tiger is like...the quiet daughter, the one everyone loves and supports. Peeps was probably like the dad, since she helped me run it after i first started. If i couldn’t come on, she took over for me.... Demon and Insanity are probably the annoying little twins. We don’t see them much, but when they do come on, most of us get pretty annoyed with them. And Shadow, whom you haven’t met yet, is that mysterious uncle who you never really see, and he’s really quiet and studious and knows a lot about the the world.
12:00pm; Twrlin’MahMustache: Those are definitely accurate comparisons, based on what I know about them.
12:01pm; Twrlin’MahMustache: You never said what your “thing” is, Unicorn.
...ImaUnicorn is typing slowly...
12:03pm; ImaUnicorn: Anxiety, anorexia, insomnia, and self-harm.
12:04pm; Twrlin’MahMustache: Rough life.
12:04pm; ImaUnicorn: yeah. I’m like the ultimate masochist.
12:05pm; ImaUnicorn: What about you? What’s your “thing”?
12:06pm; Twrlin’MahMustache: PTSD. It...keeps getting worse. When I was with Kay, it got a little bit better, but then it came back again, and now that she’s gone...
12:07pm; ImaUnicorn: PTSD? Wow...what happened?
...Twrlin’MahMustache is typing slowly...
Twrlin’MahMustache has left the chat.
12:09pm; ImaUnicorn: Twrlin’?! Where did you go??
3-09-16 4/9 users currently in chatroom. 1 temporarily offline due to inactivity.
4:56pm; FudgeSociety: Where did Unicorn go? She was online a few minutes ago...
4:57pm; Where’sMyPrince: I don’t know. I’m sure she’s fine, Fudge, don’t worry.
Twrlin’MahMustache has entered the chat.
4:58pm; Twrlin’MahMustache: Hey.
ImaUnicorn has come back online.
4:59; ImaUnicorn: Twrlin’!
4:59pm; FudgeSociety: Hey, Twrlin’! Unicorn, you okay?
Twrlin’MahMustache: ...
ImaUnicorn is typing slowly...
5:00pm; ImaUnicorn: Twrlin’...you don’t have to leave every time you don’t feel like talking about something, you know. You could just ask to change the subject.
5:01pm; Twrlin’MahMustache: I know. I’m sorry. I just...it hurts to think about.
5:01pm; FudgeSociety: *is confused*
5:01pm; Where’sMyPrince: *ditto*
5:02pm; ImaUnicorn: Do you want to tell them, Twrlin’? You don’t have to...
Twrlin’MahMustache is typing slowly...
5:02pm; Twrlin’MahMustache: No, it’s alright. They should know, anyway. I have PTSD, Fudge and Prince. Unicorn and I were talking about it last night, and she asked what caused it...I couldn’t talk about it, so I just left the chat. It’s a bad habit of mine.
5:03pm; FudgeSociety: Now that you say it, I did notice that you tend to disappear when questioned...PTSD, huh? What are you, a former child soldier? Ooh, I know! You’re a fallen angel! I thought I saw something fall from the sky a couple of days before you showed up here ;)
5:04pm; Where’sMyPrince: Fudge, don’t tease him.
5:04pm; Twrlin’MahMustache: *laughing* No, it’s okay, really :) I actually laughed out loud...for the first time in months. Thanks, Fudge.
5:04pm; FudgeSociety: *is proud of herself* Anytime, fallen angel. So, do you have golden blood? ;) XD
5:05; ImaUnicorn: Were your wings actually white? Or were they brown or something? ;)
5:05pm; Where’sMyPrince: No, guys you got it all wrong. His wings were pure black - like his SOUL XD jk, Twrlin’, I know you’re a good guy :)
5:06pm; Twrlin’MahMustache: Thanks, Prince. I just wish I could agree with you. I probably do have a black soul.
5:06pm; FudgeSociety: What the hell would make you think that, Twrlin’? If you had a black soul, you’d be on here posting really mean crap to us, not talking to us like friends.
Twrlin’MahMustache is typing slowly...
5:06pm; Twrlin’MahMustache: ...I hurt someone. And they got revenge. I had to leave my old town because of it. It was...risky to stay, according to the police. It would be smarter for me to get away.
5:07pm; ImaUnicorn: oh...what happened? If you’re okay with telling us, anyway.
TigerQueen has entered the chat.
Twrlin’MahMustache is typing slowly...
5:08; Twrlin’MahMustache: My gf and I - ex-gf now - went to a party for New Year’s...I got drunk. Really drunk. I wasn’t thinking straight, wasn’t in control of myself, and...I raped her. I would never have done it if I was sober. I was dead drunk, and I don’t really even remember doing it. I only get flashes...her pounding her fists against my chest, her screams...no one heard her, the music was too loud...I passed out shortly after it was done. When I woke up, it was morning, and I was lying in a puddle of vomit, head pounding. I managed to drag myself home, my house wasn’t too far away. When I got there, her brother was waiting for me on the front steps. My parents weren’t home, they were gone for the week on their anniversary cruise. He grabbed my arms and shook me, screaming in my face. “Are you proud of yourself, a(censored)?!” He screamed. I tried to shake my head, I didn’t know what he was talking about. “Are you glad you got to take my sister’s innocence, her purity? Glad to get yourself some action, huh? Do the deed against her will? You f(censored) a(censored), I’ll kill you.” He dragged me across the street, into the woods. Waiting for us there was a pit seven feet deep and full of explosives. God knows where he got them. He spat in my face, yelling, “I’ll blow you up, you b*****d.” I tried to get away, but I was weak and horribly hung over. He tossed me into the pit. I managed to grab the side right before hitting the bombs. My foot smacked against one, just one. It blew off my entire left leg, and tore up the whole left side of my body. I somehow managed to pull myself out of the pit right before the rest of them went off. Then I passed out.
5:11pm; FudgeSociety: *speechless*
5:11pm; Where’sMyPrince: *ditto*
5:11pm; ImaUnicorn: Omigod, Twrlin’...I’m so sorry...
Twrlin’MahMustache is typing slowly...
5:12pm; Twrlin’MahMustache: When we moved, I was hesitant to go to school. I was hideous, covered in scars and healing burns, with a prosthetic leg that I still wasn’t used to. Toss that in with the new kid factor, and I was up for a whole lot of misery. But my parents convinced me to go to a school that was created specifically for students who’d been through trauma. I met Kay about three weeks after starting. I was sitting alone, just like always, and she suddenly plopped down next to me and said, “Hey, soldier.” A month later, I felt confident enough to ask her out, and she said yes. I told her I had one rule: No alcohol. She said that was fine, she had the same rule. She made me so happy...I didn’t care about my scars when I was with her, because she clearly stated numerous times she couldn’t care less how deformed I was. But after a few months, I noticed that she was acting strange...secretive. I would have a date planned, and she would have to cancel at the last minute. It was frustrating, but I was determined to work through it, even when she refused to confide in me about what was going on. Then I got that phone call.
5:15pm; TigerQueen: Taylor?
5:16pm; ImaUnicorn: ?? Who’s Taylor, Tiger?
5:17pm; Twrlin’MahMustache: How...Tiger, do you know me?? IRL???
TigerQueen is typing slowly...
5:19pm; TigerQueen: Taylor, is that you?
5:20pm; Twrlin’MahMustache: My name is Taylor...but how did you know that? Who are you?
5:21pm; TigerQueen: Because I’m Kay.
5:22pm: Twrlin’MahMustache: You...are you serious???? This isn’t a joke??
5:23pm; TigerQueen: On my birthday, you gave me a bracelet with three charms: A tiger, a stitched-up heart, and a K. You...you called me your tiger queen after you saw the tiger at the zoo treat me like i was his mother.
5:24pm; Twrlin’MahMustache: !!! Omigod, Kay...so you weren’t actually...cheating? It was *him*, your abuser? That was why you were acting so weird?
5:25pm; TigerQueen: Yes. He was getting suspicious, that’s why I was acting weird...I had to cover up my tracks. But I didn’t do a good enough job...he saw you kiss me after school one day. When I got back to the house, he was furious. By the time he was done with me, I was bleeding so badly that I had to go to the hospital. He hasn’t done anything since, other than touch me and leer at me. And he’s been drinking...I’m scared, Taylor.
5:27pm; Twrlin’MahMustache: I’m coming to get you, Kay. Give me the address.
5:27pm; TigerQueen: No, Taylor! He’ll kill you!
5:28pm; Twrlin’MahMustache: I’m not that easy to kill. Give me the address, Kay, please.
5:30pm; TigerQueen: *File uploaded. Click here to view*
5:31pm; Twrlin’MahMustache: Wait for me, Kay. ...I love you.
Twrlin’MahMustache has left the chat.
5:32pm; TigerQueen: Taylor!
TigerQueen has left the chat.
5:38pm; ImaUnicorn: That was...
5:38pm; FudgeSociety: Romantic? Ironic? Very Shakespearean?
5:39pm; Where’sMyPrince: Plot twist! I can’t even wrap my head around what just happened...
5:40pm; ImaUnicorn: Neither can I. Think they’ll be okay?
5:40pm; FudgeSociety: I’m sure they’ll be fine. They’re clearly star-crossed.
5:41pm; Where’sMyPrince: Oh, Fudge, why would you say that? :/
5:41pm; FudgeSociety: What do you mean??
5:42pm; Where’sMyPrince: “Star-crossed”? You have read or seen Romeo&Juliet, right?
5:42pm; FudgeSociety: I said that this is Shakespearean, not “Romeo&Juliet-ean.” Plenty of star-crossed romances end happily.
5:43pm; ImaUnicorn: Guys, knock it off. Taylor and Kay will be fine. We’ll probably hear from them later. I have to go, it’s dinnertime. TTYL
ImaUnicorn has left the chat.
5:43pm; Where’sMyPrince: Oh, shoot! We have that family dinner tonight at 6;30, Fudge!
Where’sMyPrince has left the chat.
FudgeSociety has left the chat.
FearTheDemon has entered the chat.
5:46pm; FearTheDemon: Aw, don’t tell me everyone left just as I got here!
© 2017 SkyAuthor's Note
Added on April 13, 2017 Last Updated on April 13, 2017 Author![]() SkyCanandaigua, NYAboutI am an 18-year-old in her first year of college, I've been writing for most of my life and will probably never stop. I also love art and hope to be a graphic designer someday. My top three favorite .. more..Writing