![]() Chapter II - "Broken BeginningsA Chapter by P_F_COGAN![]() A modern day horror short story with a twist.![]()
Broken Beginnings
The first time Cathy saw him she was drawn to his sparkling green eyes. So much so she didn't hear him speaking to her as much as she saw his full lips moving. She couldn't take her gaze away from those eyes. Only when the lady behind her rudely bumped her bottom with a full grocery cart did Cathy realize she was staring at the new cashier at her local Waymark store.
His name tag said " Jason" and Cathy thought she had never seen such a beautiful man in her whole twenty seven years of living. Looking into his face Cathy knew she had finally found the man of her dreams " Ma'am are you OK? " the handsome boy was saying. Shaken from her delightful fog, Cathy blinked several times and almost came back to her senses. " Uh, oh, I, well yes , I'm fine " Cathy stammered to the guy named Jason. " I was thinking of something else I'm so sorry"
When Jason smiled and flashed the most perfect set of white teeth Cathy had ever seen she almost lost it again, but forcefully made her slightly shaking hands start unloading her groceries onto the now moving checkout counter. When she had put all her "food for one" on the counter, she smiled as she watched Jason scanning each item .
He carefully lifted the six cans of single serve soup turning each in his hand to find the bar code and swiping them one by one. He didn't catch her looking at him intently again until he picked up her bag of four cucumbers still damp from the produce section. He raised one perfect eye brow and grinned at her in what Cathy thought was a most intimate way. She blushed red all over and didn't exactly know why, but she knew it felt good , yes , very, very, very good.
When he had finished scanning her items, he bagged them perfectly. Cans on bottom, eggs and bread on top. Cathy had the cash in her hand to pay and suddenly decided to write a check instead. Looking at him she thought she couldn't be much older than him, so why not give him a check and maybe he would notice her phone number on it and maybe just maybe.... he would call.
" Thank you for shopping at Waymark." Jason was saying " And please come again." " Yes, I will thanks." Cathy said, still half way in a fog of feeling she hadn't had since Ryan had left her four months ago. Walking swiftly to her little yellow car, Cathy berated herself. at a guy in the grocery store! I must be mad. " Starting up her car Cathy drove the long way around to leave the parking lot. Taking her right in front of the stores big glass windows. As she passed the store front she glanced toward the check out line where Jason had been working. He was gone. Cathy sighed and turned her car toward her apartment complex seven blocks away... Her gray cat Tinges meowed her hello and jumped on the counter as she unloaded her bags. " Hi sweetie." Cathy murmured to her cat as she patted his head," Here's your dinner." She opened a can of tuna for Tinges and a can of clam chowder for herself and checked her answering machine. Still no messages.
She had moved into the small cramped place nine months ago when things got really bad between her and Ryan. And after her last trip to the hospital for another so called fall down the basement steps she had had enough and decided she wasn't taking one more beating from her husband. So she had left the next day while Ryan was at work. She had sixteen hundred dollars and her cat and two suit cases when she moved into the apt. Plenty of money to rent some pieces of furniture and pay the bills for a month. She found a job that first week working in a nursing home and so her new life without Ryan had begun.
At first she was certain Ryan would find her and cause her problems but after the second month had passed , she wasn't so afraid anymore and settled into a kind of groove of working and watching TV. She did a lot of reading in her spare time. When she heard from her sister that Ryan had moved she was relieved and decided he was gone for good. Cathy wasn't scared any more. With Ryan far away and her mother now dead, she finally felt really safe.
She knew it wouldn't be long before Ryan filed for divorce because Ryan was never without a woman for long. So in Cathy's mind she was already free of all the old pain and bad memories. Still when she would see no messages, she felt a twang of regret. She wondered how Ryan could go from the wonderful man she thought she married to the raving wife beater he had become in such a short time. If he had honestly loved her why hadn't he changed or at least tried to find her? Shaking off the lonely feeling Cathy went to the bathroom took off her uniform and turned on the water for her shower. stood under the flow as long as she dared. It didn't take much to run her water heater out of hot water. About ten minutes was as long shower for her now. When she had washed her long blonde hair and rinsed off, the water was just starting to get cold. She dried off with her favorite red beach towel and wrapped her hair in a smaller white one and put on her robe.
She walked barefoot to the kitchen , set the microwave to heat her soup, washed out the now empty kitty dish and grabbed a diet soda. The soup smelled good and she was suddenly very hungry. She ate her soup, washed her bowl and took her soda into the living room. As usual she flipped on the TV and scanned every channel. Nothing suited her tonight and she had it on mostly for company. Living alone had its advantages and its draw backs she thought as she snuggled into her favorite position on the cheap sofa. Tinges jumped on her lap and purred as she rubbed his soft fur. In less than twenty minutes she was nodding off to sleep with the TV still blinking in the dim room. read , watch TV. She hadn't made many friends in this new place she had moved to. She knew a few of the people at work but they were all either married or dating and she had turned down all offers to go to movies or shopping with them. At first she didn't want to be seen out at night for fear of Ryan and now that she had gotten to a place where she wasn't scared of him anymore, the girls at work had already stopped asking her to go with them.
So Cathy was feeling more alone that ever. Her only joy of the days were stopping by Waymark and buying something just so she could go through Jason's lane again. She had even started going home to shower and change before making her grocery runs which lately consisted of items she knew she would never have bought before. Kiwi and pomegranate juice, candy and peanut butter. The simple fact was Cathy forgot everything when she entered the big automatic doors of the Waymark and spotted Jason.
For reasons she couldn't understand Cathy had become fascinated with Jason. Just seeing his lean body, jet black hair with one curl slightly drooping over his left eyebrow made Cathy feel like a school girl. And his uncanny likeness to Ryan was remarkable. They could have been brothers or at least cousins. She always hoped he would say something to her besides come again and have a nice day but he never did. So she would smile at him say thank you and take her groceries home stuffing them in the cabinets and refrigerator until after three weeks of this both were over flowing. A few nights she tried to have dinner using some of the items but nothing seemed to be a real meal. Just any old thing she could grab off the shelves is what she bought. She only went every day to look at Jason anyway. At home her mind always drifted to Jason and she wondered what he was doing at the same time. Probably with his girlfriend or his wife she thought. No guy that good looking could ever be alone. She knew that for a fact. All the good looking guys were mostly taken. But in her mind she saw Jason asking her on a date and taking her to a nice place to eat. Maybe a movie. She dreamed of him being romantic and playful. Just the perfect kind of guy for her. She lately fell asleep holding one sofa cushion and imagining Jason's green eyes closing slightly, right before he kissed her for the first time. Then one day as Cathy planned her visit through Jason's lane at the Waymark the unexpected happened. tired from working a double shift. Sixteen hours in the nursing home felt like forty eight to Cathy and she was just too tired to go home and change before going to catch a glimpse of Jason. She hadn't felt really well in a few days and working over time hadn't helped. She felt weak and disheveled, but figured since Jason hadn't taken the slightest bit of interest in her when she took the extra time to clean up after work she really didn't expect to do any more than grab something fast go through his line catch a look at his dreamy greens and go home. She actually didn't know what she expected. She just couldn't shake the compulsion to see him at least once a day. Over and over in her mind she wrote all the right things she would say and all the perfect things she would do if he would only do or say anything at all to let her know he was noticing her even half as much as she noticed him. couldn't see clearly into the big windows. Her vision was blurred from the rain. She hurried into the automatic doors and was slightly blinded by the bright lights after being out in the gloomy morning. It took her only a few seconds to scan the registers and notice Jason was no where to be seen. He was always here every morning, same time. Cathy started to panic. She was standing still, breathing hard and wildly looking around the front of the store for any sign of Jason. Rain dripped off her now frizzy hair and in her somewhat spotty stained uniform. Her eyes took on a far away look and people began to take notice of her. It wasn't until she started to scream that they came to her side asking if she was OK and when she fell to the floor in a fetal position someone used a cell phone to call 911. down in a drafty ambulance. The two young paramedics were saying something to her. Her hand was stinging and she knew they had started an IV. Blinking, she tried to shake her head side to side to get her damp hair out of her eyes. " She's waking up" the blonde E.M.T. was saying. face, she could smell his minty fresh breath and see he had no spaces between his perfect white teeth. Still baffled and confused at first Cathy couldn't speak. Then the horror of her breakdown hit her full force and she began to cry. " It's going to be fine ma'am I promise " the minty fresh breath man was saying , but Cathy couldn't stop crying and with each sob she became more and more distressed. "Where are you taking me?" Cathy slobbered between gasps for breath. " We are in route to the hospital ma'am just calm down and it really is going to be OK." Cathy only heard the word hospital above the ambulance's siren and the honking of its loud horn and she fell into a complete panic.
She hated hospitals. She had spent eight years locked up in a hospital and she had no intention of letting that happen again. Not now that she was grown and had some say so about herself. Struggling against the restraints and trying to jerk the IV tube from her arm, Cathy let out a loud ear piercing scream. "NOOOOO!! LET ME GO . LET ME GO RIGHT THIS MINUTE I DONT WANT TO GO TO A HOSPITIAL. YOU DONT UNDERSTAND ! OH GOD LET ME GO!" Cathy's last wide eyed memory was the minty fresh breath man pushing a needle into her left arm. Then her lights went totally dark. She was too young to remember the first dozen or so times her mother took her into the hospital but that was a good thing. It was bad enough that she remembered the hundred or so admissions that came after she was six. Her mother always told her she had been a sick baby right from the start. At first accepting the word of her mother seemed to help Cathy as she grew older.
But that soon faded. She felt doomed to a life of painful tests, after effects of medicines and probing from doctors. No one could put their finger on exactly what was wrong with Cathy so she was subject to many diagnoses through the years. She would sometimes get better while in the hospital only to have horrible set backs and nasty infections on going home. Her mother became her soul caretaker and saving grace.
Or so it seemed to outsiders. Cathy began to realize about age 10 that her mother might not be doing all she could to make Cathy better. In fact Cathy knew her mom was trying to make her worse. Every time Cathy tried to tell someone about the strange things her mom was doing to her no one listened. Oh, they saw the results alright. A thin frail girl child puking green bile after her mom decided the tiny green pills that went into the gold fish bowl to clean it might just clean out Cathy's insides.
Or the decision of her mom to rub feces into already festering wounds on her small body causing it to erupt into almost gangrene like abscesses. But no one believed Cathy. Sometimes her mom would make her promise not to tell the nurses and doctors about what was happening and sometimes Cathy wouldn't. At that young age she only wanted to please her mom. As strange as it seemed. Cathy's mom seemed happiest when Cathy was the sickest or when she was laboring through the most painful of tests.
So for a long while, Cathy endured. She endured until she was almost thirteen and then she rebelled. Crawling out of her sick bed one afternoon while her mom was gone getting more bad or strange tasting medicine, Cathy knew she would force her to take, Cathy went to the phone and called 911. Fearful her mom would come home and discover her out of bed, which was sorely forbidden, she ran to a neighbors apartment and hid in the breezeway. She made herself as small as she could, shivering and praying the police would come and save her before her mom started looking for her.
The police did come, and finding Cathy crouched in the corner behind a large plastic palm tree, they took her still shaking and crying into a patrol car and carried her directly to a hospital. All the while listening and believing her mothers lies that Cathy was a troubled preteen who had tried to swallow bleach to get back at her for not letting her date. Protests from Cathy were squashed when her mother somehow presented a diary written in a childish scrawl admitting to the bleach revenge and many more horrible things. Cathy had never seen that diary before and she tried to tell anyone who would listen. No one did.
That night Cathy was admitted to the mental hospital. She remained a patient for the next eight years. The years at the hospital were even more terrible than living with her mom. She suffered horribly from the drugs she was once again forced to take and was at the mercy of overworked nurses and sometimes perverted orderlies. With no escape Cathy reverted into herself and became one of the silent suffering, locked inside her own mind thus able to detach herself from the abuse her body suffered daily.
Then one day she was free. She had turned twenty one. She signed herself out of the big house of broken dreams. Cathy left the childhood horrors behind her , as well as her memories of mother and soon after getting a place at the local shelter and a clerking job she met and married Ryan. When that ended so badly she ran as fast as she could away from him and ended up on her own again. She vowed to start over soon and found a better job in a place of caring.
The nursing home job would have seemed somehow perverse to someone who knew of the things she had suffered in hospital settings as a child, but to Cathy it was a setting she had also come to find comforting. Not all of her doctors and nurses over the years had been bad. So to her the environment was somehow comforting. She was not the patient now. She could come and go as she wished and that added to her sense of freedom. Her apartment came next and she settled into a form of normalcy and autonomy in a new city. That is until her world rocked off kilter when she first laid eyes on the Waymark checker guy Jason.
tests and within a few days determined she was not a danger to herself or others. Cathy smiled and gave all the right answers to all the questions she was asked. After all she learned long ago that in order to get out of a hospital she had to show everyone what they wanted to see. The doctors final report stated that Cathy had simply fainted in the Waymark, from lack of sleep and over work. He suggested she take a few days off from her job as a caregiver to the elderly and just rest and eat healthy. Then he promised her a clean bill of health. With in a week she was released from the hospital and in a cab on her way home.
of the first couple of days she thankfully had the sensibility to tell a nurse to call her neighbor and make arrangements for her Tinges. From the looks of her clean kitchen her neighbor had done more than just feed the kitty. She saw the counters gleaming and the refrigerator even had a new supply of juice and yogurt, bread and deli ham.
Cathy made her way to the sofa and sat sinking deep into the fluffy cushions. Tinges jumped into her lap and purred loudly. " Oh, missed me didn't you my sweet kitty? Well I missed you too my little honey" Rubbing her cats head as she spoke. " I have decided something Miss Kitty " Cathy spoke softly in the cats ear. " I have to go away for a little while and I want you to be good and not worry OK, my sugar pot?
You will be just fine and when I come back we can pick up right where we left off. I know you like Miss Lucy and her doggy Simon. I bet she will be glad to let you stay with her a few days ." With that she let the cat jump down and watched as it headed to the kitchen for another bite to eat. Cathy picked up the telephone, which thankfully still had a dial tone, dialed the nursing home and quit her job.
Next she called Miss Lucy up stairs and arranged for her to board Tinges a few days telling her the Dr. wanted her to rest and get some much needed sleep. Hanging up the phone Cathy smiled. She was going to fix everything. Yes, her life had taken a wrong turn and it was all Jason's fault. Him and his striking good looks and perfect skin. Him with his undressing her eyes. Him with his teasing words and back stabbing ways.
How dare he lead her on like he did. How dare him make her think he was in love and would never leave only to do exactly that! Leave her alone and at the mercy of the hospital devils! "Well I can fix his little red wagon Oh, yes I can " Cathy said aloud. She was now clutching her fists so tight that a tiny trickle of blood seeped through her fingers from the small cuts her nails were opening in her pale white palms. Shaking her head side to side furiously her hair spraying in all directions Cathy began to beat her fists against her temples, eyes tightly squeezed shut and her mouth opened wide in a silent scream..
It was Miss Lucy again and they confirmed a time for her to come and retrieve Tinges from the apartment. Cathy told her she would just leave the key under the welcome mat as she must make a run to the grocery store to pick up a few cans of soup and didn't want to inconvenience her by having her make another trip. Miss Lucy agreed and so Cathy was pleased. She grabbed her purse, car keys and a hidden stash of emergency money she kept in the bread box.
She put a half loaf of thick bread and a new jar of peanut butter in a Waymark plastic bag and left the apartment. Stopping by the hardware store on the corner she ran in to pick up a few items she needed. It was nearing dark when she finished shopping and drove slowly to the Waymark, circled the parking lot until she could see directly into the big glass front, she parked and turned off her headlights. As the evening sun stooped to hide behind the giant Waymark sign, Cathy watched and waited. The last few shoppers pushed their wobbly carts to their cars and loaded their purchases into them. Leaving the carts in the dim parking lot like so many scattered cattle waiting for the roundup. followed closely by the big Waymark sign. All but half of the sign's big letters went dark except for a few big letters which blinked off and on sporadically. The sign now read " W ARK” which made Cathy giggle. their way to their respective autos and drove away. First was the big blonde with the even bigger beehive hair. Wobbling on swollen feet stuck in too tight red sneakers. Cathy remembered her well. Gladys always popped her pink chewing gum and smiled a too big smile showing her oversized tobacco stained teeth whenever she saw Cathy in the store. Giving her a big "How ya doing honey" that made Cathy shiver every time. Three teenagers, a boy and two girls, followed behind Gladys waving goodbye to her as she struggled to squeeze into her small Toyota. The kids jumped into a yellow Chevy Nova, jerking off their Wally paper hats and aprons and laughed hysterically as the driver revved the engine several times to the delight of the two squealing girls before speeding out into the night.
limped out into the night. Wiping his hands on the front of his blue apron with the even darker blue pen stains on the front and climbed into his old Volvo. He too, was soon pulling away from the parking lot. A trail of blueish smoke inching out the car's tailpipe. car and their chattering sounded to Cathy like three blue black crows fussing over a shiny piece of tin foil. For several minutes no one else came out the big automatic doors. Cathy watched the dark doors and started to sweat. Her palms were stinging from the cuts her nails made earlier and her now tight grip on the steering wheel. The stench of panic filled the small car and the windshield was fogging up. Suppressing a low growl and clenching her teeth, Cathy swiped at the window fog with her hand. "Where is he? Where is he ? Where is that no good snake in the grass? " she wailed to no one. She was taking too deep breaths and her whole body began to shake. She bit her lower lip so hard droplets of blood seeped from between her teeth and slowly carved a red pink trail toward her chin. Squeezing her eyes shut Cathy began to chant."Let him be here, let him be here, let him be here..." eyes open. It was a red haired girl in too tight jeans and she was walking close beside Jason. Her arm loosely linked in his as they walked under the street lamp one row over from her. It was all Cathy could do not to run out of the car and confront them both right there. The stupid giggling red head was still laughing as they reached the side of an older model Ford and Jason opened the drivers door and helped her in. She watched as he shut the door and leaned one hand on the cars roof, bending at his waist to be at eye level to the girl. Cathy heard him laugh a deep laugh and saw his perfect head nod a few times at the girl and saw too when he playfully tapped the roof of the Ford with one fist and waved still smiling as the redhead drove out into the night, an idiotic smile plastered on her nasty w***e face. heard it with her own ears. He was not only cheating on her he was making fun of her too. Tears ran out of Cathy's dark circled eyes and a big glob of snoot escaped from her nose falling with a plop on the plastic car seat . . " Why me? Why ?Why? Why? Why always me? Why does everyone who say they love me and promise to take care of me always end up lying and hurting me? Why?"The words groaned out of her like she was giving birth. A real physical pain made her clutch her stomach and she threw up in her own lap. parking lot. The Waymark sign now mocked her as she franticly looked for any sign of Jason. She caught sight of his taillights just as he was leaving the lot. Cathy quickly started her engine and pulled out into the sparse night traffic behind him. She had to pull across the street and wait when he stopped at a gas station for gas. She trailed one car length behind him through the next three traffic lights and held back as he turned into the mini mall and stopped in front of a pizza store.
While she watched him run into the place, she wondered why he had not noticed her following him. "Probably has his mind on that redheaded s**t!" Cathy seethed through her clenched jaw. She waited for him to come out, wallowing in her pain of betrayal. Within minutes Jason returned to his truck caring a large steaming pizza box and pulled back out into the highway. She kept a close watch on his tailgate as he maneuvered the truck onto the exit ramp and headed out of the city. A few miles later she saw his brake lights flash and saw his blinker signaling his turn into a long dark drive way surrounded by trees.
Cathy slowed her car to a stop in front of a mail box that read: J. Morgan. She turned off her engine and headlights. With her window rolled part way down, she had no trouble hearing a dog bark hello and Jason's truck door slam shut. She waited under the bright orange moon for just the right time to follow him. She also wanted to have time to clear her head and decide just what she would say to cheating Jason. Black hearted cheater Jason. Jason who said he loved her and would always take good care of her. Jason who had stabbed her in the heart with a laughing redhead. He had gotten his first job at Waymark right after high school and hadn't missed but a few days working since he was hired. He was always on time and never failed to accept any overtime he was offered. He was well liked and a hard worker. In less than a year after graduation, he was able to move out of his mothers cramped apartment with his sister Beth and into a small rented frame house on the out skirts of town.
Beth was his younger sister by exactly nine months and it had been up to Jason all his life to make sure Beth was taken care of. His mother was a drunk and flitted from one bad relationship to another and that made things hard on her two kids. Jason and Beth spent most of their childhood living with their mothers parents on a farm. When their mother finally settled again they were around sixteen and seventeen respectively. Jason regretted their decision to give mom one more try and move back in with her. Things once again didn't stay OK for very long with mom. Jason made his plans. He wasn't much of a party animal and saved his money well. One day he was going back to their hometown and with his savings, help his grandpa fix up the old barn and get the ranch back in working condition. In the mean time his job as stocker / checker at the big Wally was just fine. Even Beth liked her job at Waymark. him as they left work, she had a date and probably wouldn't be home until morning. Sweet Beth, she deserved a good guy thought Jason. He wanted to see her happy and her new boyfriend seemed to do just that. When Jason had chided her for staying over night with Jeff , Beth had only laughed that angelic laugh of hers and reminded him he was not her father , only her older and not too much wiser brother. She promised to be home in time to pack for their visit to their hometown to check on grandpa that weekend and with a giggle and a flash of her auburn hair he watched her happily pull away from the Waymark parking lot. one hand and giving Sam their Rotty a hello pat on the head with the other, he whistled as he unlocked his front door. Snapping on the lamp, he set his pizza box on the coffee table and flopped on the tattered secondhand sofa. He watched T.V. flipping through the stations while he ate, hungrily licking the warm sauce and chewy cheese from his fingers and drank from a warm bottle of ginger ale. He dozed off with the TV blaring. Sometime after one A.M., he woke up and groggy with sleep, made his way to his bedroom and fell across the bed. He was snoring as only a young man can do almost before his head hit the lumpy pillow..........
confront the love of her life who had done her so very very wrong, Cathy tried hard to get control of her shattered emotions. How could this be happening again? First her mother, then Ryan, now the only man she ever truly loved, black hearted Jason. What was so wrong with her that everyone wanted to hurt her over and over again? Wasn't she a nice person? Didn't she always, no matter what, try her hardest to be a good girl? She couldn't understand why she was the one to always end up getting crushed. Crying softly she angrily wiped the tears from her face and blew her nose on the tail of her damp shirt. " Well I am not going to be a victim any longer , I am taking my life back and some day Jason and everyone else will be sorry they didn't appreciate me more".
Reaching into the crumpled hardware bag she looked at her purchases by the glow of the moon. Turning each item over in her hands, deciding which ones felt right. When she knew, she slipped each one into a pocket of her jeans. The last thing she slipped behind her back and lodged it into a belt loop. That done, she opened the plastic Waymark bag and using one of the long flat screw drivers still laying on the seat, she made herself a thick extra crunchy peanut butter sandwich.
Licking the metal tool clean she stuffed it into her back pocket. One bite was all her stomach could hold and even that bite made her gag. " Damn it Jason see what you have done now. I can't eat because you have hurt me so." The last time she couldn't eat she had to have a feeding tube shoved in her nose and down her throat. It had hurt like hell as it went down her raw throat, burned and blistered from the drain cleaner her mother had forced her to drink that day when she was a frail seven year old. A captive. A helpless victim to her mothers whims and horrors, all in the name of motherly love. truth about her mother and having to lie all those years to everyone who had asked what and why. Absentmindedly she stuck the sandwich in her jacket pocket and buttoned it to her neck. In what seemed like only a few minutes but had actually been hours, she heard the rumble of Jason's truck engine starting. She quickly started her own car and edged it down the road a few hundred feet , veered it off the pavement and into some tall trees. little sister wasn't home. If she had been he would have heard her stereo playing one of the fifty or so country cds she had collected. Still dressed from last night, Jason went into the kitchen and flipped on the coffee pot. He knew they needed to get an early start for their trip back home and he really did not want to have to stop and find someplace to eat on the road. Opening the fridge he saw there was nothing to fix for breakfast. Knowing Beth wouldn't think to stop on her way home he grabbed his cell phone and keys and jumped into his pickup for a fast run to the store for eggs and bacon and maybe even a half gallon of milk. the road. His truck would easily make the trip. The Chevy was a young mans dream ride. It had all the bells and whistles. fully loaded and it even had a custom killer alpine CD player with giant speakers. He and Beth had a lot in common for siblings but their taste in music wasn't one of them. Adjusting the volume to an ear splitting level only allowed in the country backwoods or a sound proof room, he backed up a few feet and turned around in the yard. Pulling out of the driveway Jason did not see the small yellow car hidden in the stand of pines right past his mailbox. her house cutting through the trees by the side yard. A deep growl met her as she entered the yard. In front of her, blocking her path was Sam the huge Rottwieller. Ears back, large slick glistening body quivering, constantly aware shiny black eyes fixed on the strange human headed toward the front porch. Cathy didn't slow down at all. Reaching into her jacket she grabbed the sandwich with one pale hand. " Here choke on this dummy!" Cathy said calmly and tossed it toward the big dog. thing hit the ground. He instantly wagged his tail and accepted the thick sticky nugget of joy and happily trotted back to his usual spot under the dogwood tree to eat. through the screen door. Jason never did remember to lock things up Cathy thought to her self. The smell of coffee greeted her and she hungrily picked up a thin dirty cup from the sink and poured herself some of the golden liquid. Dropping it carelessly on the floor when she had finished. house she shared with her brother Jason. She hadn't slept much all night but relished with joy every minute she got to spend with her new boyfriend Jeff. Jason's pickup was gone and Beth figured he had thought of some last minute detail he had to complete before they left for grandpa's. Sam was busy chewing something and didn't give her but a slight glance as she went into the house. The screen door slammed behind her and she tossed her purse and blue Waymark apron on the chair by the couch.
Kicking off her shoes Beth saw a still steaming cup of coffee Jason had left on the kitchen counter. Knocking the empty pizza box off the coffee table as she passed by, Beth grimaced and said quite loudly to no one, "Slob!" It was her pet name for Jim. He was always leaving messes for her to pick up. Well she didn't have time to play the maid this morning. She needed a shower in the worst way. She grabbed her favorite Willie Nelson CD and shoved it into the stereo. Willie's pure country voice filed the small house and Beth sang along with him. her lovely memories of Jeff and last night. When fully naked, she sat on the toilet and peed as she reached behind the flowered shower curtain to turn on the hot water. The shock of five thousand volts hit her in the arm and she fell with a thud to the cold bathroom floor.
Cathy stepped from the tub and gave the husband stealing w***e another couple of jolts for good measure. Then she wound the fingers of her left hand into the stupid b*****s red hair and forcefully shoved a long silver ice pick into Beth's eye. After a few quick cuts with the box cutter and a yank or two she claimed her prize letting the now lifeless body slam back into the cold white blood splattered tub. thought to himself, Beth's home now we can get this show on the road. He heard Willie Nelson singing as soon as he got out of his truck. He grinned at the thought of her always singing off key with Willie Nelson, as he opened the screen and went inside. He caught sight of a flash of Beth's red hair in the kitchen . Her back was to him and she was drinking his forgotten cup of Java.
"Just like you to be too lazy to wash your own cup sissy ' he teased her loudly over the twang of country music. He walked into the kitchen still talking and placed the food he'd bought on the kitchen table. "Your even to lazy to brush your hair after a long night of loving ain't ya? She must not be able to hear him he thought, because she didn't move, so he playfully reached out to give her long hair a tug. He knew that annoyed the heck out of his little sister. as butter melting on a slice of hot toast. The woman who turned to look at him , slammed the cup of warm coffee to the floor and it shattered at his feet. Unable to hold back his shock and revulsion he gagged. Jason wide eyed, starred at the crazy damp sticky thing stuck to his hand and then into the eyes of a monster. Pieces of what looked like flesh hung in long strands and mingled into the red hair he held in his hand.
Shaking with terror he franticly threw it toward the woman with the blazing eyes and blotchy face who was now screaming at him. "How dare you Jason!" he heard the crazy woman screech. "and in our own house too!. After all these years of me standing by you and loving you . You had to go and hurt me didn't you? Me ! Your wife! The one you promised to love and never leave. You just had to go find yourself a redheaded s**t didn't you, you sorry b*****d! Well you love red hair so much now you have it don't you mister man? You vile hurtful piece of s**t! Yea, you got it now big boy!
Jeff gagged and tried to back away from this living nightmare, but Cathy rushed toward him like a line backer knocking him off his feet and causing him to lose his breath. He gasped and tried to kick her off and at the same time tried not to choke on his own bile. The stench of her was worse than he could handle and he vomited last nights pizza supreme all over the floor. On his knees now and desperately trying to escape, Jason slipped on the steaming mess and his nose slammed into table causing a new gush of hot liquid to erupt and race down his face. He screamed when he saw the point of a long screwdriver heading toward his chest. vengeance and leaped on the woman that was attacking his master. Growling with rage Sam tried his best to grab her neck and rip out her throat. Cathy fought like a tiger wanting desperately to get past this beast and to her real target, Jason. Blood from the bites Sam was making on her body gushed hotly and when her flesh ripped with each new bite, it made her scream. She became locked in a life or death battle with the big black and tan dog. shotgun from underneath. His hands slick with gore, betrayed him and it took several tries to pull back the pump and drop a shell into the barrel. Aiming at the woman that was fighting with Sam he hesitated. He didn't want to shoot old Sam but he also didn't want to be killed by some maniac either. began trying to stab the dog with the big screwdriver. Raising her hand over the dogs head she gouged at it as hard as she could. On one upward reach a loud blast rang in her ears and sheered her hand off at the wrist. Her small pale hand still gripping the bloody screwdriver flew across the room and landed with a loud plop, in the kitchen sink. Sam, startled by the noise ran to his masters side. The woman writhed in pain on the floor calling "Jason, Jason ,why Jason? Why did you have to hurt me Jason? Why? Jason stumbled out the front door and locked himself and a panting, slobbering, blood covered, Sam in the pickup. Grabbing his cell phone off the seat he dialed 911. chrome ceiling lights. Cinched firmly in the straight jacket and strapped tightly to the hospital bed her stump ached something terrible. But pain was nothing new to little Cathy. It was just another part of her sorry life. She raised her head as best she could and looked around the room. She was alone except for a tall well built man in coveralls.
The man had a slight limp and was slowly mopping the green tile floor. He heard her move and turned to look in her direction. His dark brown salt and pepper hair hung short and flat on his head, highlighting a solid intelligent face with a strong square jaw. Cathy locked eyes with the man.
He reminded her of a famous author of several horror novels she had read, but she couldn't quite think of his name. Cathy looked into his sparkling blue eyes framed with sensible glasses and caught a breath. He was beautiful. The man tilted his head slightly to the right and smiled compassionately at the poor girl laying on the bed and Cathy instantly saw that the tiny gap between his two front teeth and his sweet little overbite only made him that much more desirable to her.
She had never seen such a beautiful man in her whole twenty seven years of living. " Looking into his face Cathy knew she had finally found the man of her dreams. The mopping man raised one perfect eye brow and winked at her in what Cathy thought was a most intimate way. She blushed red all over and she didn't exactly know why. But she knew it felt good , yes, very, very, very, good. © 2008 P_F_COGAN |
Added on February 11, 2008 Author