![]() Zombie & CatA Screenplay by Skylines![]() A short and fun little play I wrote back in high school for my drama class![]()
Zombie & his Cat
Zombie arrives at his house from the pet store with his new cat. Zombie Opening crate So errr yeah. Welcome to your errr new home I guess. Cat Walking out Meow Zombie Errr are you hungry? Cat Meow Zombie Well errr I guess I should uhh feed you huh? Walks to kitchen Cat Meow. Meow. Meow. Meow. Meeeoww. Zombie Pours food into bowl I should probably eat too before I get hungry and eat you…ha…ha Cat Now finished eating Meow Meow Meow Zombie Uhhh what do you want? Cat Walks to door Meow Zombie Err am I supposed to walk you? Cat Meow? Zombie Errr are you sure? Do you come with an instruction manuel errr something? Cat Meow. Meow? Zombie Puts leash on cat and opens door Well errr lets go I guess. Cat Cautiously walks outside Zombie Umm… Cat Tugs on leash Zombie Errr should I loosen your collar? Takes leash off Cat Takes off down the street Zombie Kitty! Kitty! Come back! Cat Disappears Zombie Ugh…now what?…stupid kitty. Scene 2 Zombie Walking down the street Kitty! Kitty! Errr Kitty! Where are you?!?! Cat Faintly Meeeoowww Zombie Stops and looks around Kitty?…Come here Kitty! Cat Distinctly Meow Meow Meow Zombie Runs towards the sound Err im coming kitty! Comes to a sudden stop in from of a house Zombie Looks shocked Kitty? Boy Petting cat Umm…can I help you sir…or whatever you are… Zombie Taken aback Errr I think you errr have my cat there kid Boy What cat? Looks down at cat You mean Billy? Zombie Errr…Billy? Boy Looks annoyed Uhh yeah? I don’t believe I stuttered, or did I? Zombie Looks confused Errr…no…but…errr that cat you have there errr is kinda mine Boy Umm no he’s not. He’s mine. Zombie Errr look kid, that there is my errr kitty. I just brought home about errr half an hour ago. So if you can errr just give it back to me, I’ll err be on my way. Boy Look. I don’t know who you are or where you cam from and quite frankly you are not making any sense for this hear cat is my Billy. MY BIILY. Do you understand? Cat Meow Zombie Startled Errr…. Boy Now if you excuse me, I have to go feed my Billy now. Uhh…good day. Walks towards house Zombie No wait! Boy What now? Zombie Kid, that there errr is my kitty so if I errr have to ask you again to give it errr back…I errr will have no other choice but to errr eat you…and im sure your errr mother will not like that and I errr don’t want any problems with her. Boy Standing with cat in arms, looking annoyed So you say Billy’s you’re cat then? Zombie Errr yes? Boy Well then what is his name? Zombie Errr….Errr…Kitty? Cat Looks up Meow? Zombie Happily So you see, errr its mine Takes cat away from boy Errr goodbye Boy Wait a minute! Not so fast there…Billyyy! Cat Looks at boy Meow? Boy Takes cat back So you see, there’s really no proof who’s cat this belongs too. You say he’s yours and I say he’s mine. So I propose we have a race, from here to the park down the street. Whoever wins gets to keep Billy. Agreed? Zombie Confused But…errr…ughhh fine. Scene 3 Zombie Standing looking annoyed Errr can we jut get this over with kid? Boy Stretching One, two, one two, will you please, one two, just wait and let me finish, one two… Finishes stretching Okay, are you ready? Zombie Gets near starting line Boy Well then. On your marks, get set, GO! Cat Running with them Meow meow meow Zombie Running Errr Gasping for breath don’t….worry kitty Cat Meow Boy Running and gasping for breath Don’t worry Billy, we’ll go home in a bit and watch Dr. Phil Cat Meow Zombie Running and is ahead Almost….there Runs faster Boy Points to zombies leg while catching up Excuse me, but I believe that your leg is umm falling off. Zombie Looks back Huh? Zombies leg is detaching from its limb and is dragging on the ground Boy Passes zombie I…believe…Billy is going to be mine Zombie Tries to run faster Errr not if I win Trips Boy Looks back Ha! Runs even faster Zombie Dragging himself Must errr win Boy Passes finish line YES! Zombie Still dragging himself NOOOOO! Cat Meow Boy Walk to zombie Well I believe I have won fair and square so now if you don’t mind, billy and I will be heading off now Turns to cat C’mon Billy! Zombie Errr can I at least say my goodbyes? Boy Rolls eyes and looks at watch Ughh fine…but hurry up…Dr. Phil is about to start Zombie Holding cat I guess this is goodbye kittie… Cat Meow Zombie Eats cat. THE END © 2014 Skylines |
Added on November 28, 2014 Last Updated on November 28, 2014 Author![]() SkylinesSalinas, CAAboutI'm 19 years old, I love to read, and I love to write. They're pretty much my two passions. more..Writing