Headphones blaring meaningless beats, Eyes glued to screens, We know they're there, We choose to ignore, The souls, Screaming, Clawing for attention, The souls of our generation, Lost in a material world, Reaching out to us in desperation, We swim away from those, The desperate and the drowning, Clinging to our lifesavers, Our music and our dreams, We choose to ignore, The drowning, And the thought; ....will I sink too?
I agree with @CreativeStroke, it is a very relatable piece. I would have liked it better, though, if you expanded more on the 'screaming souls', as well as the ignoring ones. I like the idea, just want to see more explanation of it.
Are the people with the headphones ignoring, or are they ignoring the people with headphones? hehe :) Either way, it is a great statement and a wonderful comment on society today :)
Posted 12 Years Ago
12 Years Ago
The people with headphones are ignoring. haha Thanks :)
it is a common tendency of 'the humans' but no one is aloof from the thing. You can only spread awareness but cant lay fingers. the poem does the same. nyc.
About me?
People call me cute and I don't understand why.
People tell me I don't talk, but someone has to listen in a room full of talkers.
I don't really know who I am,
Except for perpetually lo.. more..