Closer in the distance
I use to come here as an eternal ritual.
I sit waiting for you, with the serenity of the spirits who know the secret of Life.
It does not matter if you come or not.
Beautiful is to be here, inwardly smiling, sitting, waiting for you.
If one day you would climb those stairs and walk towards me, with your
taciturn and dark attitude, like someone who has much to hide, not even
then, the city would be more beautiful than how I see it now, that you
are not here to see it.
Perhaps you even would undo the charm with one of those naked words which you are so unsparing to utter.
That's why this waiting is so sweet and doesn't need to be accomplished.
Without your body here, you are closer to me. Because what I love in
you, is closer in the distance. Your whole presence hurts me and erases
How beautiful is everything around! My soul is overflow with beauty.
I wonder if you would ever be able to share with me all this fascination of living.