Black Bird
Sitting on the Line
Twitter Twitter
Cackle Cackle
Looking down
Silly People
Twit Twit
Gazing at them
In their Funny Ways
What do they do?
Why do they Walk that way?
Looks aside
Perking up
Loud Voices
Argue, Scream and Shouts
Act like a foolish
Flapping all about
Twitter Twitter Twat
Where do they Go?
In that Silly Box
What do they have Legs for?
If they do not walk
Silly humans
Foolish So
Waste of their Existance
Doing nothing, oh
Should just get
Down on their Knees
Go to the Ground
Get that big fat worm
That my eyes just seen
Swooping down
Hah I grabbed it
Nice and juicy, Hee !
Silly Humans
That they, Be.