I sighed as Micah wrapped his arms around my petite waist. The feeling was almost over whelming as my back fell against his chest . The rythm of his breathing and thumping heart echoed through my body. Like electricty dancing on my skin . Outside of the exhibits doors crowds of colorfly clad people rushed by . Thier murmers growing distant as the past by leaving the space tottaly deserted.I turned around in Micahs arms to look into his dark black abyss-like eyes . " I 've been waiting to this for a long time he said, " I smiled a knowing secret smile and replied "me too," Standing there with Micah at that specific time felt sooo right. Everything felt like a perfect fairytale. The rustic building. Dim dramatic lights and softly glowing art exhibits . None of Micahs goofy joking around. I broke free with a sudden urge that tugged on my heart like a mouse attracted to a juicy peice of cheese . I smoothed out my light blue dress and looked towards the stairs . I have to get to the water I said confused by the force . "Why, he asked. I dont know I said. It just feels so right like I need too..... I searched for the right word pausing for a second as I bit my lip. I need to discover somthing I said looking up .Hoping my reasoning had been enough. . We walked slowly past the stunningly beautiful displays . His warm hand in mine time seemed to stop . We walked up the broad stairway my kitty heels clikcking on the stone steps and opened the glass door. In the room lots of children and adults seemed to be leaving people at least their companions behind jumping . No, diving into the cool spring like water. I gasped and wandered farther into the rooms marble floor towards the pool . I looked at Micah this is the place I smiled eagerly. He shrugged. His eyes drifting away. I could tell thet he felt confused by the sudden change ,angry,upset. I couldnt stand the tug any longer and I let go lettin gitripp through my body flinging myself into the water. The water arouFor what seemed a couple seconds I slid inro the feeling that felt right cmy legs binding together. A I swam peacfully with the others . My legs had turned into a long delicate pink shimmering taile flicking. I waved goodbye and swam away...