Burning hell...
A warriors eyes open to see a bloody, burning ground
What hath happened here? she wonders
Blood soaked and stained her dress is
Where is her shield, her sword, her love?
She panics knot know....nor remembering
A memory pricks at her mind...
She brushes it aside, for she must find her love!
She pulls herself to her feet@
Oh, how her muscles scream
Scream for her to stop...
She resists the urge and struggles to keep her balance
My shield, my sword, my love
"Aiduai!" she screams extending her hand
"Blatah!" she whispers...tears film her eyes
"Shetie?" she says but its barely audible
Nothing but the blood soaked, burning ground
But wait?
What is that...?
The shape that lay face down in the distance?
The warrior trembles in fear and anxiety...
She knows...
The fire on the ground, she realizes...
She hath wrought, this blood she hath wrought...
The black demons, their lifeless bodies...
Strown on the ground...
This wrought by the fire Shetie warrior
The ancient one...
Thats what they called me
The bringer of peace and prosperity
But this bloodied battle field looks nothing like peace
The warriors heart drops down into blackness
As she shakily appraoches this abstract shape
Covered in dirt, she sees a hand...
outstretched as if reaching for something...
The warrior falls to her knees
Not her sword , not her shield, but it is her love
Blood smeared across his angelic features
But his beauty untouched
The warrior throws herself on the bloodied ground next to him
The heavens hail to her mighty power scream
Loss of all senses...
The world shall know the warriors pain!
Never again shall anyone else desrtoy her love!
But the memories leap forth without her consent....
An epic battle...
Her hand releasing the crippling blow...
The mighty novas taking interst in such power...
A sky of fire raining down on her love...
And she the fire Shetie warrior...
Delivering the pain that slowed her loves heart and took hs breath...
Her power scream calling the stars to Earth....
The island of the angelic ones falling into the core...
Untold power ripping through her...
Every cell in her body screaming for mercy...
But she couldn't stop they had to pay...
For taking her love, her only, and turning him against her...
She could do it, all she had to do was hang on...
A little more...
She could feel herself breach its power...
Then she would be...Shetigratera!
But her body, though being of great power, could not hold the strain
She let go...
And the world was hushed into an eary silence...
And then she awoke...
The memories parted and left the warrior in awe...
She hath wrought this...
This bloodied ground, this ruined place..., where were her fellow warriors?
She remembered...they were destroyed in her fiery rain
Her other half...
Never would she be whole...
Never would fire and water rejoin...
There the warrior lay for a large expanse of time...
Until a black demon crept up behind her and blew the hole in her chest
There the fire warrior lay...
As her blood soaks into the dry dirt...
And her breathing fades into silence...
She die beside her love...
"Aiduai" her last word. The metal joining with her hand...
Shouts around her...
Her body moving...
Hands pressing down on the gaping hole in her stomach...
A light flashing before her eyes...
Her body floating in the air...
The water warriors voice beside her...
Inside her...
Opening their eyes...
The prophesy fulflled...
But the fire warriors heart in eternal torment