![]() What is a Rose?A Story by Steven Goodykoontz![]() Read it and see!!!![]() Why do people hate so much nowadays? Why do people judge someone because of their race, heritage or what they smell like? Why do people look at the negatives of people instead of the positives in people? I for one am appaled by what I have seen in my twenty-five year career as a match maker. I have seen the most horrible break-ups and most were because of the things I just explained. However, with these qualities killing this world and love seemingly becoming more about one person instead of a couple, I found one man, desperate for love and how I was able to bring him love despite the flack and the push-back that we got. His name was Brian and he was like no other man that I had helped. Although he stinks and his flesh was kind of blotchy and slumped, he was still a good looking man. I first met Brian walking to work. He was walking around with his arms stretched out in front of him and that created a scare. I know love when I see it, and all he wanted to do is hug someone, however because of his disabilities and the speech impediment that he had, people personified it as he was some evil devilish creature. Angry and saddened by what I saw, I walked up to the man and I embraced him. I hugged him as hard as I could and then he bit me on the neck. I did not think of it as a threat or as a sign of agression like most of the normal people in this world, I took it as a kiss. Some kisses involved teeth, I was with a woman who used teeth when she kissed, but I found out that she was a zombie and I was given an antidote and was cured, however this man had his heart into this. "What is your name?" I asked the man. "Brrrrrrraaaaaaaaiiiiiiiinnnnnns!" he yelled and he walked back up to me. I did not know that Brrrrrraaaaaaiiiiiinnnns, meant, however, I hugged him again and he gave me is personal kiss again. I looked up at him and I said to him, "I will find you love." I saw his glazed over eyes and a tear bagan to run down his face. He moaned a little bit and I knew that the pain he had felt began to fade. He knew that soon, he will know true love like he had never felt. That day, I took him to my office, sat him down and gave him a bite to eat, and I began to study him. I found out by the way he ate that he will eat anything and he will be a great mate to someone who even cooks bad. Then I took note that his table manners are less than good and then I noticed another trait, he loved my picture of Spongebob SquarePants on the wall that my daughter made. He walked up to it, stroked the edges and his moans became more and more somber. I looked at him and asked, "Do you like SpongeBob SquarePants?" He turend around and moaned. I took that as a yes. By what I assessed at that time, I looked into my love pool that he best fit in and found two women that would work for him. One was Ann Evilretardfromhell, and Iam Terr O'Rist. I called Ann first and she came in that day. I introduced her to him, and Ann is a big girl and she told me that she will love anyone that she can find for me. Ann also smells bad. She has no teeth and she also wears shirts that are way too small and her belly fat sticks out a lot. When Ann entered the room, immediately, Brian stuck out his arms and began to moan and say Brrrrrraaaaaiiiiiinnnnns. That freaked Ann out and she stormed out of the room. Brain gave chase, however was not able to run very fast, in fact, he was dead slow that a snail could beat him in a foot race. He slowly walked down the hall following the almost equally slow Ann. I ran down the hall, however Brian is very strong, when I tried to stop him, he swung his arm and hit me in the head and knocked me down. I was out and down the hall I saw Ann fall down and she was screaming even more. Brian jumped on top of her and began to give her his personal kisses. "HELP ME!" yelled Ann. I ran down the hallway, grabbed Brian off of Ann. Ann got up and got away. I turned Brian around and I and said to him, "You cannot do that. If a woman is not ready to make babies, you cannot force them. That is rape!" Brian moaned. That same day, I brought in Ima. Ima is hard and she also has an extensive record. She is a convicted terrorist, but she has paid her debt to society. When she came in and saw Brian, she acted even worse than Ann. She took out an AK-47 and began to shoot at Brian. Brian for some reason was extremely strong and every bullet did not hurt him. He continued to come toward Ima and tried to hug her. Once her ammo was gone, she fled. Brian at this time was crushed and to make matters worse, Brian was taken away by some government officials to the downtown quarantine. I did not want to give up on Brian, because I know that there was someone out there for him. That night, I went out and went to the quarantine and I found Brian right at the gate trying to hug all the zombies. I knew Brian was not a zombie at that time, however when I saw him trying to hug all those other zombies, I suddenly fell in love with him. I ran up to the gate, despite guards shooting at me. I looked at Brian through the gate and I told him right then and there that I loved him. "I love you Brian! I want you!" I yelled. "BRRRRRRAAAAAAAAIIIIIIIINNNNNS!" Brian yelled back. "Brian, will you marry me?" I asked him. Brain moaned and I took that as a yes. However, before I could present the ring, I was taken away by some guards and taken to prison. I continually think about Brian and I know that he is happy to know that I love him and when I get out, I am going to get him out and we are going to get married!!! " © 2009 Steven GoodykoontzAuthor's Note
Added on October 2, 2009 Author