![]() Things that Go Bump in the NightA Poem by Steven Goodykoontz![]() This is about a story about you and the bumps that you feel every night![]() You are asleep in your bead Dreaming of Cakes and Bread When you hear a gumble Then you hear a humble And that is when you wake up You scan your room for What is making that sound or Who is waking you up so rudely. You see nobody And pass it off as nothing And then you fall back to sleep quite soundly.......................................................... ................................................ .................zzzzz.........................................................zzzzz....................................zzzzzz........................zzzz....... zzzzzzzzzzz Grrrruuuummmmp You wake with a stir Wandering what you just heard And then you hear this sound, Grrrrrrrrr. You begin to freak And you start to speak "Who is there? I have no money to speak of I am but a jobless man in seek of a job because I lost my job last week." Graurrrrrrrrrurrrrrrrrr That sound Turns you into a clown That is bound Like a dog at a pound That is going plumb crazy and running around Because it has no interaction with its own kind and I cannot find another word to rhyme so I will say ground Because I am such a sucky poet and I cannot write worth a crap and I sound Like a total jackface but I am getting off subject so I will get back around To the story that I am, oh I mean poem that I am typing on this page on my brow..........ser. Well, anyways, you get up from your bead And then you smack your head And fall back down hitting your wife's head.......... Unless you are a man and gay then that you be your husband name Fred? Or if you are a lesbian then her name would be......ummmmmmm........ Tanya Red Dang it!!!!!! I am getting off subject again with my rant I guess I just can't Write and not get off subject I guess I am suspect To writing retardation or maybe I have nothing else to write because of writer's block or maybe I just don't like to write poety at this late at night half asleep trying to get this done so you good people can read it and not get mad about how much my other writing's suck so badly and I guess I have to find a word for suspect so I guess I will write some smart word like intellect Because it make me sound so correct And now back to the story at hand Well, I guess I will cut to the chase and be a friend And say that the humbing and gumbling that you heard Was nothing but intestional gas fron that burger That you ate a McDonald's and the grease and fat gasses are trying to escape from your biological exhaust pipe because you just had to order that double quarter pounder with extra blubber And now it is coming out faster Than a Hillbilly getting free tickets to NASCAR And he is running very hard Because he wants to see the son of Dale Earnheardt So I guess the moral of the story if you actually in the middle of it commit suicide because of me getting off subject so many flippin times in the meat of my rants because I had to explain things like I am right now, which the moral of the story is, hey did you ever watch Maury. Oh come on Steve!! No, you come on Steve!! Who are you? I am your second personality Tommy Tu I am a Chinese Jew Wanting to make out a finacial draft with you I see that you are trying to start up your 401K And you may get lost along the way So I propose a plan that will help you. Ummm, Tommy Tu I am sorry to inform you That while you were talking about your stew Of investment ideas I seemed to have slipped in a few Psycho drugs into my drink, which is Mountain Dew And right now, you are now suppressed for the time due And I will end this poem in saying Stay in school Or you are going to turn into a basket Case Like me!!!! © 2009 Steven GoodykoontzAuthor's Note
Added on May 25, 2009 Author