

A Chapter by Steven Goodykoontz

"Good evening, ‘S’," said Paul. "I take it that your short vacation was good?"

"It depends on what you consider "good", Paul," replied Steven.

Well, anyways, I have a new mission for you," said Paul, turning off the lights and the projector projected a map of New Mexico. A red dot appeared.

"This is a map of New Mexico, and this red dot you see is a napalm factory," said Paul.

"More explosive details?" asked Steven jokingly.

"Yes, if you would consider what is happening there," replied Paul.

"What is happening?"

"This factory, ran by this man," said Paul as a picture of a short, skinny man with a pony tail and was wearing a black and white suit came on. "This man is named Eric Norris, and his ways of managing his factory is not what you would consider, considerate."

"What do you mean?" asked Steven.

"Well," replied Paul, "in the last six month, the employee death rate has increased by 10%, and the hiring rate has increased by 25%. This is a call for concern and the New Mexican government has been trying to shut down the factory for years, but Norris has lobbyists on his side. So, when he uses them, the government gets bribed backwards."

"So, what is my job?" asked Steven.

"Well, your job is to infiltrated the facility, as a military representative and see what is going on. What you will do is try to see what is going on, and see what other things he might be doing. Then, I want you to shut down the facility."

"Yes, sir," said Steven. "But who will assist me?"

"Nobody," replied Paul. "I believe that you are good enough to do this on your own. Besides, ‘T’ is out investigating a missile tycoon along with ‘G’. ‘A’ and ‘GD’ are both investigating a breach in Antarctica. The other agents are on leave, but if need be, I will send one of the men on leave to aid you."

"Good," replied Steven.

"You will now report yourself to Roy, he is going to give you some new equipment," said Paul. "You are dismissed."

The lights came back on, the projector turned off, and Steven walked into Roy’s lab.

"Good morning, Roy," said Steven walking into Roy’s lab.

"Hello, long time, no see," replied Roy.

"It has just been two weeks."

"Quite. But, I have some new equipment for you, Steven."

"What sort of new equipment."

"Come this way," said Roy pointing the way to the back room of his Lab.

Steven walked toward his room as Roy trailed behind. When Steven got to the door, it opened and he walked into a nice temperate room. The room was white, and had gadgets on the walls. On the back wall were three new looking gadgets labeled, new.

"On the back wall," said Roy, "are your new weapons."

Steven walked up and examined them. One gun had three barrels on it, the other was just a black suitcase, and the last was a small, black box. Roy picked the black box up.

"This, Steven," said Roy, "is a new kind of grenade. All you do to activate it is push this red button on the top. When you want a delayed explosion, which I dearly suggest it, all you do it push the red button again and you throw it. Look what happens."

The two men walked behind a blast door as Roy threw the box. The red button on the box flashed and went faster, then all of a sudden, a big flash spun out, and the glass turned a black color. It was not gunpowder, but it was a special adhesive that sticks to people and paralyzing them. Roy explained that to Steven, as he looked at the black tar on the window.

"This next weapon," said Roy as he picked up the three barreled gun, "is what I like to call, the all purpose weapon. What this weapon does is that it uses a .50 caliber bullets for the longest one, the second longest one uses a repel gun that is more advanced than the old one you used, and the last barrel is a very dangerous poison dart gun. The dart uses a brain toxin, that not only kills your enemies quickly, but it causes no pain, and it is non detectable."

"Nice," replied Steven. "It seems that I might want to be careful with this weapon."

"Yes," said Roy picking up the suitcase.

"Let me guess, this is for lunch," said Steven.

"No," replied Roy, "this is actually a new vehicle."

Steven looked wide eyed and almost did not believe it.

"How is that?" asked Steven.

"You just push in the code, which is 777," said Roy as he pushed the button on top and a motor bike came out, "which folds out into a speed bike. This bike uses no fuel, but uses special those nuclear cartridges that you recovered from Smelser."

"Yes," replied Steven. "Very good."

"I am going to give you five explosive boxes," said Roy as he handed Steven the five explosives, three way gun, and the suitcase bike.

"Thank you, Roy," said Steven. "I will return this equipment in pristine condition.

"I surely hope so," replied Roy with a smile on his face. "And, Steven, do not forget to go back to Paul."

Roy handed Steven a black and white suit.

"Take this. This still has the tie radio and you will have to look as executive as possible during this mission."


Steven walked out into Paul’s office. Steven had his suitcase in hand, and he had his suit on. Steven also brought two guns, his three way gun, and a Colt .45 that had a silencer.

"Welcome back," said Paul.

"Thanks," replied Steven.

"I see that you are ready to begin the mission," explained Paul looking at Steven from head to tow.

"Yes I am sir," replied Steven.

The lights once again faded and the map of New Mexico came on.

"This, as you know," said Paul, "is New Mexico." The map got closer and closer until the projector showed a big factory via satellite. "This is a satellite image of the area that we just got from NASA just a few hours ago."

A red dot appeared.

"This red dot," said Paul pointing at the dot, "is something that was overlooked in one of our field operative’s reports. The satellites clearly show some missile silos there."

"So," asked Steven, "has this recent development changed my mission?"

"No," replied Paul. "All it has done is just put another objective into what you must do. You must destroy the factory, kill Norris, and any counterparts that he may have working for him. In order to get to this place, you must get on at the Kansas International Airport and fly to Phoenix. There, you will stay at a hotel, which is called the El Paso Inn, which we already paid the rent. You must stay there for a week, and on the first day of arriving, you must tell them that you are part of the military and you are inspecting napalm factories all around the USA. Do not give them any clue that you are from ADOC or even that you know that the missile silos are present on the premises. You will leave immediately. Be safe, ‘S’. Any questions?"

"Yes," said Steven. "When I get to hotel, and I have already set up the date, what must I do there? Must I do some investigating?"

"You can," replied Paul. His face changed to a smile. "But, you can call this a small vacation."

"Thanks, sir."

"You’re welcome, so please, be safe."

Steven nodded and walked out of the office to the garage. He stopped by his house, picked up some clothes, and returned to his route.

Later, about two hours, he came to Kansas City International Airport. He boarded the plane and flew to Phoenix.

When the plane landed, about an hour later, he got off. He went to a car renal store in the airport.

"May I help you, sir?" asked the teller at the desk.

"Yes, I would like to rent the fastest car that you have, please," he replied.

"I will need to see some ID, please."

Steven took out his wallet and flashed his ADOC ID card and his driver’s license.

"Oh," said the clerk surprised. "We have a special car for you. Just this way."

The clerk pointed a way to a door that led to a small garage. He clicked on the lights and a dark black car appeared.

"This, sir," said the clerk, "is a car that ADOC dropped off and told us that you will be coming to pick it up."

Steven looked with inquisition. He looked at the car, paced around it for a while, then he climbed in.

"This car," the clerk went on, "is a modified Corvette. ADOC has put on forward firing rockets from the head lights. The headlights detract the lenses and shoots the rockets. It reloads itself by flipping down the lights and coming back up. If that is not good enough for you, there are forward firing machine guns that are disguised as windshield wipers. Turn on the windshield wiper and push the button at the end of the stick and BOOM! The car ahead of you is shot at. Also, if you look in the front dash and flip it up, you can find a SPAS 12, which I heard is your preferred weapon. You can use that to shoot at up close and personal targets. On the side are flame throwers. To activate them, all you do it turn on the radio, and they come on. On the back, there is a spray that shoots acid that eats rubber from pursuing cars. Lastly, there are smoke screens that let you escaped your enemies."

"Nice car," said Steven. "How much for it?"

"Free," replied the clerk. "ADOC already paid for it and it is all yours."

Steven started the car. The garage door opened to a side road.

"Thanks, sir, and have a nice day," Steven said as he sped off with his luggage in the back seat.

He got onto the highway and stopped at a hotel, called El Paso Inn and checked in. His room number was 777 and he went up to his room. He went to the phone book and looked up Eric Norris. He skimmed through the names and found one. He dialed the number and waited for an answer.

"Hello," said Norris.

"Are you Eric Norris that owns Norris Napalm Corporation?" asked Steven.


"I am from the Department of Homeland Security and I am ordered to inspect your facility. Is there a good time that I should come in?"

"Let me see. I have to check my books."

Steven heard papers ruffling and book pages being turned. He heard grunts, and sniffs as he was waiting for Norris to come back on the line.

"Okay," said Norris, "I can have you come in, in two days and that will be Wednesday."

"Okay," replied Steven. "I will be there."

"See you there."


And Steven and Norris hung up. Steven then walked to his bed and fell asleep.

When Steven awoke five hours later, it was dark, and the clock next to his bed read 10:39. He got up and walked to the lobby. There he saw a man sitting in one of the arm chairs. The man was of fair size, sleek, and wore clothes resembling of a worker. Steven went over to the man.

"Excuse me, sir," said Steven.

"Yes?" replied the sleek man with a little bit of drunkenness in his eyes.

"Do you know where Norris Napalm Corporation is located?"

"Yes," replied the man with a surprised look in his face, "but why do you want to know?"

"Because I am from the Department of Homeland Security, and I lost my map to the location," replied Steven.

"I work there so I should know. By the way," said the man while shaking Steven’s hand, "my name is Tyler Small."

"Nice to meet you," replied Steven firmly shaking his and, "my name is Steven Goodykoontz."

Tyler stopped shaking Steven’s hand. And got a map from one of the tables in the lobby. He opened it to the page where it showed the factories and other industrial facilities. He pointed to a place that was almost on the border between Mexico and New Mexico.

"This," he said pointing, "is where the facility is."

Then he moved his hand up about fifteen miles away.

"This is where you are. All you do is travel down this road to hit the facility. By the way," he said while his face changed to a confused look, "why are you here? Most of the inspectors stay around three to five miles away, but you are fifteen whiles away?"

"I was about to ask you the same, but I was just looking for a specific one. The government decided to give us ones that they choose," replied Steven.

"I am here, because I go here to swim," he replied.

Steven had a strange look on his face. He knew that he was here for more than just swimming, but he just did not know why.

"Well, thanks, and I will be seeing you Wednesday," said Steven with a smile.

"Same here," replied Tyler.

Steven and Tyler parted. Steven went to his hotel room and Tyler went to the chair and dropped something on it. The clerk saw this and tried to catch up with him, but Tyler slipped into his car and sped off.

Inside of his room, Steven watched television from his big arm chair. As he was about to doze off, an explosion rang out and it made Steven jump up. He went to the door, and there was fire in the lobby, the door to his left, and all the floors below him. He could feel the fire breathing on the floor, and the floor got hot. Steven dashed into his room, grabbed the motorcycle suit case. He walked out to the hall and pushed the red button. When he did that, a black, sleek, and sturdy motorcycle appeared. He got on it and raced for the stairs. The stairs were not on fire, but he could feel the heat of it. He drove down the stair quickly, and each step bounced Steven. When he reached the bottom floor, he gunned his motorcycle and went out the door, where he saw a car speed off down the street. He gave chase.

As Steven raced after the black car, the hotel that he was in crumbled and exploded. Soon, he heard the fire department come toward the street.

Steven pulled out his Colt .45 and shot at the car. The bullet hit the windshield, but he missed the driver. The driver of the car peeked out the window and shot at Steven with an M16. Steven was in horror as he saw the man’s face. It was Tyler Small. Steven dodged the bullets and gunned the bike even more. He put back his .45 and got out his box grenades. He armed it, but Tyler bumped into Steven, and the bomb landed on the car’s hood. Steven was thrashed into a department store. Steven broke through the glass and fell on a bed.

"I got the hotel down, sir," said Tyler.

"Good," said the voice on the radio.

"But I had a tail though, it seemed to be a spy I met from the hotel," replied Tyler.

"Tell me about this spy," replied the man.

"Well, sir, I met him at the hotel, but he is ac... AHHHHH!"

The bomb that was on Tyler’s hood exploded and ink went everywhere on his windshield. He tried to wipe it off, but it just smeared more. Tyler finally hit an on coming car and it exploded.

From the store, Steven heard the explosion, and he was the two cars in a ball of flames. Steven quickly gathered himself and his bike and sped off toward the hotel to pick up his car.

Fire blazed at the hotel as Steven arrived. A block away from the burned up hotel, Steven folded back his motorcycle into his suitcase and walked to the hotel parking lot. He walked up the his car, but was stopped by a police man.

"Excuse me, sir," said a police officer, "but you cannot take this car, this is all evidence."

"I must," replied Steven.

"No! This is crime scene evidence and we cannot have someone taking evidence away!"

"Sir," replied Steven. "I work for the United States government, and I demand to have my car, NOW!"

"Sir, I will have you detained. Now stand away from the vehicle."

The officer pulled out his gun and pointed it at Steven.

"Step away from the car!"

Steven stepped away, but then he lunged at the officer, ripped his weapon away, and knocked him out. The other officers seen this and they shot at Steven, but Steven got into his car and sped off.

The cops gave chase as Steven sped down the street. Steven waited for the right moment to unleash his rear acid slick. When a cop was behind him, he unleashed it, and the cop stopped. The other cops hit the damaged police car. Steven was in the clear, until some more police came after him. Steven sped into an alley and turned on his cloaking device that was built into all ADOC cars. The police sped off past the alley.

When the coast was clear, Steven pulled out of the alley and went to the streets to another hotel.

Steven stopped at a place called The Sombrero. The Sombrero was a Mexican style hotel that had all the features of Mexico. When Steven parked his car and went inside of the eight story hotel, he looked around at the fiesta like surroundings. The music was Mexican, the clerks were Mexican, the band that was playing were all Mexican, and even the bar was of Mexican style. Steven walked up to the desk and asked the clerk for a room. The Mexican clerk spoke fair English and gave him the room number 777. Steven went to the elevator that was located on the east wall, facing the bar. He went up seven stories and came to his own room a minute later. He unlocked the door and walked in. The room was cool, dark, and when he turned on the lights, the room seemed Mexican, and all the comforts that he would ever need.

The couch was a sandy brown, the television was a plasma TV, the kitchen was just like what you would find in rich Mexican house which was American appliances. He then looked inside of his room. The room was elegant. The room was furnished with luxurious Mexican style beds. The beds were small, but had enough room for him. The bed was pretty much a honeymoon bed. The bathroom was all American though.

He sat all of his belongings on the bed and went to the couch and sat. He clicked on the TV, and a channel that showed the burning hotel. He viewed shots taken from the police. The pictures were of the car that Steven was driving. Then, the police showed a sketch of the man. Luckily, the drawing looked nothing of Steven.

Steven took out his cellular phone and dialed the number to ADOC. The phone rang and Paul answered.

"ADOC," said Paul.

"Paul?" said Steven.

"Yes? What is it?"
"I have had a change of locations," Steven replied switching the phone to the other ear.

"Why?" asked Paul.

"Because someone bombed the hotel I was in. It appears that they were trying to kill me, sir."

"How odd. This could compromise your mission, I want you out and report back to ADOC in the morning."

"No," replied Steven angrily.


"I said no sir, because I feel that I can continue on with this mission without compromise."

"Steven," said Paul, "I cannot have agents running to missions while they are compromised! I want you to report back to ADOC by tomorrow, and I will send the agents that are on vacation to finish the job. Understood?"

"But sir, I am so close, and have I let you down before?" asked Steven.

"Well, no, but what if you get killed, what am I to do then?" asked Paul with concern. "You are my best agent."

"Thanks for you sympathy, but I will be okay, I can handle this. I have been in worse situations before, and still, I am not dead. I promise, sir, I can handle this."

"Okay," replied Paul, "I will consent your request, but if you come back injured or hurt, I will have to terminate you."

"Yes, sir," replied Steven.

Steven and Paul hung up at the same time. Steven put down the phone and went to sleep.

Steven awoke, about 11:31 a.m. Steven jumped up and got himself ready for his mission to start. Steven grabbed his suitcase and his weapons and headed out the door. Steven got to his car and sped off.

When he reached Norris Napalm Corporation, he parked his car and went to the main desk.

"May I help you, sir?" asked the lady clerk at the counter.

"Yes," replied Steven, "I am from the Department of Homeland Security, and I am ordered inspect this facility."

"I will have to clear this," replied the clerk. She phoned in for Mr. Norris, and he came upon the speaker on the clerk’s phone. They said a few things.

"Mr. Norris will see you now, sir," said the clerk as she pointed to the door to a hallway.

"Thank you," replied Steven.

Steven walked out to an office at the end of the hall. The plaque on the door read, "Eric Norris, CEO." Steven walked in.

Norris looked up at Steven and smiled.

"Welcome, Mr.?" said Norris.

"Mr. Steven Goodykoontz," replied Steven

"Ah, yes, welcome."

Norris got up and walked him to a door in the back of his office. When they walked out, they were on a balcony overlooking a machine controlled workshop that made the napalm. Steven was concerned.

"This," said Norris, "I where the napalm and the napalm capsules are made at. These robots construct the liquid, and the capsules, so that they will be shipped to the military."

"Nice," said Steven.

Norris then took Steven to another room at the end of the balcony. This was another balcony that overlooked the boxing of the napalm in wooden boxes packed with bubble wrap.

"This is our shipping place," said Norris. "No robots here, just humans."

Norris then took Steven into an office. The door had no name on it.

When they walked in, Steven saw a man with his chair turned around.

"This gentleman you see is our product manager, Tyler Small," said Norris, as Steven’s eyes got real big.

Tyler turned around and looked at Steven and almost gasped.

"Sir," said Norris, "my I speak to you for a second?"

Norris went over to Tyler and they talked for a second.

Steven put his hand into his pocket, grabbing for his gun, when Norris turned back around to Steven.

"Mr. Goodykoontz, will you please come this way, please?" asked Norris as he shown a way to the door at the front of the office. When Norris, Tyler, and Steven walked out, they were in a hallway, and Norris took Steven to a conference room.

Steven sat down, and three men came in. One man had one eye, and the other eye was a laser eye. Another man was short, but had a fake arm, and the last man had a scar on the bottom of his eye.

"Now, Mr. Goodykoontz, I hear that you are from ADOC," said Norris.

Steven looked at Norris with surprise, as the three men tied him to the chair. The three men took his guns, and his suitcase.

"I see that you are a cleaver one," said Norris, "but I am more cleaver than you."

"What are you going to do?" asked Steven.

"Why, I am going to let you witness what napalm can really do," replied Norris.

Norris pushed a button on the table, and four screens came on. The screens showed the sky.

"These cameras are hooked onto the missiles that I have pointed to four different targets," said Norris. "One target is the Pentagon, another one is the White House, another one is the Empire State Building, and the last one is the ADOC HQ."

Steven got wide eyed.

"I am going to blow them up," said Norris with a little chuckle. "And you are going to witness it, first hand!"

Steven tried to untie himself, but it was no use, the ropes were too tight.

"Plus, I am going to blow this place with you in it, Mr. Goodykoontz," said Norris.

Steven got mad. Norris pushed another button, and the rockets took off. Steven got even more scared.

"In about five minutes, ADOC will be destroyed.," said Norris. "Then, ten minutes later, the White House and the Pentagon will be wiped out, and in about twenty minutes, the Empire State Building will be gone."

"You are a lunatic!" yelled Steven as Tyler punched Steven in the face.

Then, Norris pushed another button, and a timer clicked on. The time was thirty minutes.

"I have set this time, so that you can witness these buildings to be destroyed before you are dead," said Norris. "Have a nice day, Mr. Goodykoontz."

The five men walked out.

Steven tugged at his ropes, and finally got them off. Steven took out his cellular phone and called ADOC. It rang, and Paul answered.

"ADOC," said Paul.

"Paul!" yelled Steven. "Get out of there now, and warn the president, the pentagon, and New York, that missiles with napalm are coming toward you! You only have two minutes to get away. Go now!"

Steven hung up before he could give Paul a chance to speak.

The table had buttons, and Steven pushed them all, but none of them stopped the missiles, nor the timer. Steven got scared as he frantically ran about the room, trying to find a way to stop the missiles and the bomb set for the factory.

Then all of a sudden, Steven saw the ADOC facility in the camera. As it got closer to the facility, Steven got even more scared.

BOOOOOOOOOM! went the screen, and the screen turned to static.

"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" yelled Steven. Steven was really mad, and he ran out the door. He ran down the balcony to Norris’s room and went to the hallway. He raced through the empty clerk’s office to the almost empty car lot, where he saw his Corvette. Steven climbed in, and sped off.

Steven used his GPS to catch up to the limo where Norris was. As Steven got closer, he took out the Spas 12 out of the dash board and cocked it. Steven stuck his head out the window and shot at the limo in front of him. He hit the car, and made a few holes in it.

"What the!" yelled Norris as he looked back at the chasing car. "Get him!"

The man with the laser eye got an M16 and peeked out of the sunroof. He shot at Steven, but Steven’s car was too tough. Steven shot at the man and shot off his head. The man fell back into the car.

Another man got out. It was the man with a fake arm. He too shot Steven with an M16, and hit Steven’s bullet proof windshield. Steven shot his Spas 12, and he hit the man in the arm and shot the fake one off. The man’s M16 flew off on to Steven’s car. Steven grabbed for it and shot at the limo’s tires. The tires busted and the car swerved into a building and destroyed the front end. Steven stopped his car and got out with the M16 and the Spas 12 in hand. Tyler and Norris got out, and Steven shot Tyler with the M16, shooting thirty big holes in his chest. Norris fell down and died.

Norris took out a Desert Eagle. Norris shot at Steven, but Steven dodged the bullet and shot Norris with the Spas 12, but missed.

Norris went back into the destroyed car and took out a capsule of napalm. Norris wound up to throw it at Steven, but the agent shot at the capsule with the M16, and Norris turned into a human fireball. Norris died.

Steven fell on his knees and started to cry for Paul, Roy, and the doctors. Suddenly, his cellular phone rang. Steven answered it.

"Hello?" asked Steven

"Steven," said the man who is Paul. Steven was delighted and was happy.

"This is Paul," he went on. "We are safe, and the ADOC facility is okay. We were able to shoot down the missiles. We even saved the White House, the Pentagon, and the Empire State Building."

Then all of a sudden, there was an explosion. The factory blew up, and Steven saw clouds of smoke in the sky.

"What was that?" asked Paul.

"Norris’s factory," replied Steven.

"What happened to Norris?" asked Paul.

"Lets just say," said Steven, "he was a fireball of a man."

Paul laughed as Steven and Paul hung up at the same time. Steven got back into his car, and headed for the airport.

© 2008 Steven Goodykoontz

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Added on March 31, 2008