Don't WorryA Poem by Mike GoodwinWhen do I kiss goodbye my troub..Lemme rephase that. SOJA too stronk.
At this point I can't
Stare at the cobblestones And truly thank them that I'm here. I realize the sound they make when I drag my broken shoes over them. Some bricks are loose, Like I am loose in the moment. I don't know what it's like to be young. And I won't know what it's like to be old, When I'm old, for I am young. But the bricks are lain and the grass is lush. Smiles in my ears, safety in my eyes. It could all be behind. If I don't climb, And feel the jagged micro-needles. In the creases of my palms. Here's hoping, And here's hyping.
© 2012 Mike GoodwinAuthor's Note