![]() RaelinA Story by Alex GoodGuy Greganti![]() New Sarum has become a battleground for the citizens and the Reflection Militia, and Raelin is stuck in the middle. All she wants is a way out of this place, and she is willing to do anything.![]() Raelin sat on
the floor by the end of her bed. Her door was locked and barred with a chair.
She peaked up for a second to look outside. The reflection militia were
storming houses. It wasn’t normal. The reflections were artificially created
humanoids whose skin color varied from beige to green along with very distinct
four fingered hands. Besides that they could easily be mistaken for humans. As far as she
knew there were no uprisings or escaped artificial animals causing the militia
to be called in. She could see a man waving a baseball bat at the militia as he
stood on the porch of his burning house. One of the militia ran up to the man
but was met with a blow to the head. He dropped to the ground with blood
beginning to ooze from the now dented helmet. The man on the porch readied his
bat again as five more rushed at him. Why they were not using guns on him Raelin
didn’t know. The man hit one in the knee and struck the guard on the head. As
the militia buckled on to the ground, the other four tackled him and jabbed a
needle in his neck. Raelin found
herself ducked back to the edge of her bed, then checked to make sure her hair
was underneath her jacket. The only way to keep her waist-length hair from getting
caught on anything was to stick it down her jacket. She checked her pockets to
make sure she had everything that was needed. Judging by the weight in her
pocket she had her journal, an iPod, and some left over twizzlers. That’s what
was assumed anyways. Most likely this house wouldn’t be seeing her again; it
was getting too dangerous in her section. Under her bed, there was a pack of
darts from her brother. She took one of the darts out, wrapped a cloth around
it and stuffed it in her front pocket. The rest went in her back pocket. When she lived in
South Africa with her brother, they used to go to pubs together and earn a
living by participating in dart competitions. Often there were comments on how
everyone was surprised that a white girl beat them every game. Raelin and her
brother were able to rent out a small apartment because of that. Inside they
were always practicing on photos and paintings they bought at second-hand
stores. There was a
knock on the lower floor. She got up; wanting to make sure the rest of her
roommates were ready to leave then slowly moved the chair out of the way and
unlocked the door. There was a second knock at the front door. She opened the
door as fast as she could without making noise and darted across the hall and
into another bedroom. Blueprints and spare parts were laid across the floor, the
window was open, and it appeared as if he didn’t want to wait for her. There
was another knock and militia guards shouting demands that the people inside
come out. There was a strange growling, hissing noise that followed. She
couldn’t remember what the hissing creatures were called but her roommate
called them Haggard’s. The best way to describe them was to say they were
hairless monkeys with three inch claws and large ears almost like bats. They
were only used for militia operations, which was a good thing. She looked among
the papers and gears to see if there was anything left she could use. Looking
around the room, a wench on a chest came into view. Next thing she knew, it was
added weight to her pocket. Outside it was clear that one of the reflection militia
was ordering Haggard’s to be moved in shortly following the noise of the claw
on the door and chills went up her spine. About a year ago the Dr. Hevas
thought it would be a good idea to show the people of New Sarum some
experiments that had taken place. He decided to make a zoo in section fifteen
and that was when people were, as Dr. Hevas stated, “Ever so lucky to see
mutants acting naturally”, which meant having a goat ripped apart to shreds. In
the end, it did not go over well with the public. Checking the
other rooms in the house for items wouldn’t help at all because soon enough the
Haggard’s would eventually find her. There was nothing that she could find
useful, but it wouldn’t hurt to check anyways. The reflection militia would most
likely take their time before letting the Haggard’s in so it was only a matter
of chance if she would make it out. Raelin went back to the door and checked
the hall anyways. There was nothing; there was only the sound of claws and
growls. With her finger crossed, she found herself in the next room and out of
breath. The room was
empty. Unlike the other room, this one was a bit tidier. The collection of
books on the shelf was untouched. There were actual piles of dust on top of the
books. Her roommate only had collections of books for decoration, as with the
paintings across the room. The bed was at the far end of the room with the end
towards the center of the room. At the end board was a chest. She walked to the
chest. There was a strange symbol on it, ignoring the crescendo of thumping at
the door, she opened the chest. There was nothing. Closing the
chest, she cursed herself for thinking her life worked like an ever-convenient
storyline. The sound of shattering wood filled the house. The door was broken
down. She began scrambling for the window trying to find the latches, the
‘woots’ of the Haggard’s became louder and louder as they ran through the house.
The latches were nowhere to be found. The last thing she wanted to do was break
the window. There was no shouting so the guards hadn’t entered yet. She barred
the door again and took her chances. She went back to
the door to see if it was possible to head to the other room because the thought
of going back to the room without a pre-existing exit would be easier to get
out of. She picked up the lamp on her nightstand and looked at it. There were
elaborate designs of once mythological creatures like wurms and dragons in
battle. Too bad it was going out the window. She repositioned
the lamp in her hand so that the bottom of the lamp was facing the window. Soon
enough the sound of pottery hitting glass filled the house. The window had
shattered. Raelin was happy that they didn’t purchase the security glass when
they remodeled. Raelin scrambled to clear the rest of the glass so that she
could crawl out. The sound of the Haggard’s running around the lower floor and
now the stairs grew louder. She jumped up and got her arms and upper chest out
the window. The door was being broken to pieces as the abominations pounded at
it. She grabbed at
the roof tiles trying to pull herself up. The chair flew off the door as a
Haggard burst in. Raelin turned around to see where it was. Its black eyes
stared at her for a split second before going into full sprint. As soon as it
came underneath her feet she stuck her foot on its face and pushed herself up
soon enough she found herself sliding down the tiles of her roof. Still on the
roof taking a breath, she turned around and stood up. One of the Haggard’s got out of the window
and started to make its way over to Raelin. For some reason the others decided
to stay back inside the house. Through all the rush she had found one of her
hands holding a dart that had once been in her pocket. Ignoring his, she
focused only on what was in front of her. “Screw off!” she
yelled at the abomination. Waves of fear began to rise up inside her, but she
just pushed it back into her stomach. The Haggard seemed unfazed. Raelin
struggled to focus as gunshots and yells filled her ears. It was still
advancing and found herself lifted her dart above her head and got ready to
throw. She threw the dart without aiming but she still had her eyes locked on
the creature. The beast stared at the dart as it approached it and was ready to
dodge. Then there was a loud thud that came from behind the creature. A Velogrun. A ten foot long serpent
like creature with long black wings and a large mouth. Obviously escaped from
the zoo. The thud of the creatures landing shook both the Haggard and Raelin
off their feet. The dart missed the Haggard but got one of the reflections
behind it. Raelin started to roll off the roof once again but this time was
focused on the Velogrun. Just as she fell off the roof, she saw the millions of
tongues stick out of the Velogurn's mouth and dart straight into the Haggard.
Once she hit the ground she ran behind the adjacent house. She found her back
against the wall allowing her to catch her breath, considered herself to be in
a blind spot at the moment. The feeling of her half shaved head still caught
her off guard as she still wasn’t used to her new haircut. Her hands went through
what she had left of her hair to make sure her head feeling light was not
because something was blown off. The Velogrun was
the least of her worries. She’d had spent a month volunteering at the zoo and
had learned what not to do. Mostly. Her only concerns where the sounds of
people hitting the ground either from dodging bullets, being restrained, or
colliding with a wooden bat. She peeked around the corner. It was only instinct
at this point, due to the fact that she had no plan only to not be taken in. The reflection
militia were still restraining people. Why this was happening she still had no
idea. She only knew about a small group of people lead apparently by Jay Ark.
Some thought they were just people sabotaging machinery, but she had a feeling
there was an issue with Dr. Hevas. She had met them once; sadly it wasn’t on
the best of terms. One of them had been lying on the ground sealed in a robotic
suit that wasn’t recognizable. She remembered red on the ground but there were
no wounds that she could see on the girl. It seemed as if the girl didn’t
survive because whenever she saw the group again, the girl wasn’t there. A hand grabbed
her shoulder turning her around to see a black visor in front of her. Her head rammed
into the visor of the militia grabbing her. The reflection stumbled back and
stood up holding its hands in front of it. She wasn’t sure what it was trying to
do so she grabbed a dart and aimed. The reflection spoke. “Hold on, don’t
move.” Its voice was distorted. The reflection moved forward with its hands out
still. For every step it took, Raelin took one back. Raelin was nervous. This
wasn’t normal behaviour for militia. She wasn’t going to let herself fall for
this ‘trick’. She threw the dart. The reflection was only two feet away but she
still threw it as hard as she could. The reflection didn’t move as the dart
pushed itself into its shoulder. The reflection removed the visor. Ava pulled
the dart out of her shoulder and gave a disappointed look. “I realize that
I looked like a reflection but I thought showing you my hands would show you
that I am human.” Ava said. A wave of embarrassment came to Raelin. She was happy
to see Ava. “Holy crap, are
you okay? Would have been nice to show your face before I threw it.” “It’s fine, I
pulled the thick armor out. You have no idea how hard it was to get this. I
suggest identifying your targets before you try to kill them.” Ava’s advice did
not help with making Raelin feel any better. “We shouldn’t be
just standing here, we need to go somewhere. Somewhere people are not getting
their heads bashed in,” Raelin said. The sounds of the Haggard’s grew louder. “I’m guessing
you want to do this now?” asked Ava. “Preferably.”
Both Raelin and Ava went through the first door they saw. The sounds from
the outside were fading out. No more growls, thuds, or gun shots. For now. “So what’s going
on with this place? It’s complete hell,” Raelin said. “Ever since Dr.
Ark was found dead in his room, Neil and I became suspicious of Dr. Hevas. Not
that anyone wasn’t, but that’s when we started getting into his background.
Well, tried to. He doesn’t have one. So we did some"let’s say, investigating.
We never realized how dangerous he was until we found out he was…” Ava fell to
the floor unconscious. Alive, but unconscious. Fear ran through
Raelin. She looked into the collar of the suit and saw a small needle
protruding from the collar into Ava’s neck. It seemed as if Ava forgot about
the security mechanism built into the suits. She should have known anything that
did not match reflection DNA would eventually set off the trigger. Raelin felt
herself back up as she saw Ava lying on the floor. She reached for the handle
behind her and ran out. The reflections would be notified of Ava’s location. It
would be best if she ran while she could. Ava would live. She scrambled over
the fence and soon found herself on another road. A dart fired
from a reflection grazed her arm. She looked up to see three of them standing
at the end of the road. Raelin ran towards them only because running away would
only mean more. Another dart was fired and Raelin scrambled to dodge it. Why
weren’t they using bullets? She was an altered after all and as far as she knew,
she wasn’t needed. She threw a dart that broke the visor of a reflection and
stuck itself to its forehead. The reflection dropped. More darts were fired and
she scrambled again as the darts whizzed by. The other reflections were
unimpressed. Raelin found herself in front of the reflections and stood up. The amount of
anger she had seemed to have come out of nowhere. Her fist collided into the
reflections visor. Her hand bounced back and the reflection stood still. She
swung again only to find her arm in the hands of one of the militia. The
reflections stood still. She became more confused than she was in the first
place. The anger and confusion seemed irrelevant at this point as she was
trying to figure out what was going on. Raelin found
herself turned around and metal rings were placed around her wrists. She rammed
her head back and felt the visor of her reflection captor shatter. The
reflection buckled over and Raelin brought her cuffs around its neck. It clawed
at the cuffs. The other reflection stood in front of Raelin and stared. Did
they not care if one of their own died? It was too much for Raelin. She kept
her hold even though the reflection stopped moving. “Do you not care
at all?” Raelin asked. The reflection in front of her stayed still and removed
its visor. He was a man with tattoos and piercings. On its forehead was a
triangle with lines perpendicular to its sides. He wasn’t a reflection. “No I don’t,
honestly,” said the man, “because once The Voice gets her body, you’re screwed
anyways. Plus, his soul is locked in the armour.” Raelin’s eyes grew wide. Jay
had told her about these people. Humanoids from a planet called Ezikeal. She
could identify the humanoid in front of her as a Dark Cleric, also called the demon. “Crap.” She
said. She heard footsteps behind her and then the demon smirked. “Well then,”
said the demon, “Dr. Hevas will have some fun with you. Thankfully, you need to
be conscious to be a threat. We wouldn’t want you poisoning anyone would we?”
Raelin felt her veins pulse in her throat allowing her mutation to take
control. She tried to rush the process and she felt the second layer of teeth
grow again. Raelin jumped
forward hoping to reach him before she was stopped. The Demon took off his
glove and grabbed her throat lifting her up. She brought up her hands to pry
off the demon. It was no use. The
tattoos glowed and a shock went through Raelin. She fell back and a wave of
cold went over her. The demon smirked. She rolled over and found herself facing
the demon she had strangled. Then she fell unconscious. Alive, but
unconscious. “She’s just like
Alice, besides the nasty mark on her head.” A shrewd, nasally like voice said
from a distance. “Don’t touch her
Charles. Hashim has to talk to her apparently.” Raelin was conscious now.
Someone had placed a blindfold around her head and bandaged her head. Footsteps
seemed to appear from nowhere and seemed to have stopped around where the
previous voices where. “Hashim! Speak
of the devil; I’ve been waiting for you to get here. Do you have my hat?”
Raelin felt her veins pump blood faster. Her mutation was starting again. If
she wanted a fighting chance it would have to speed up. “Well Mr. Hatts,
if you have my special drink I might have your hat.” There was a sound of
vial’s being shoved around in a bag then a pause. “Here it is.
What are you going to use it for?” Raelin felt the blindfold lifted off of her
face. Her eyes opened to see the demon from earlier, a man in what appeared to
be a doctor’s uniform, and a shorter man examining a black fedora. “Her.” The man
in the doctor’s suit said. “Now if you excuse us Charles, I have some tests to
do.” The man holding the fedora walked out of the room. “I was told you
caused some trouble out there. Roughing up some militia.” “In my defense,
they started it.” The demon hit Raelin across the face as she spoke, leaving a
small cut across her face. “Now there’s
someone out there, who’s much more powerful than me, that decides who’s in
charge. Apparently even though I shared a body with her for about twenty
years,” Raelin gave an odd look at Hashim, “Yes strange I know. Anyways, it’s
between me and a bounty hunter.” Hashim scowled under his breath, “In order for
me to maintain my purpose. I have to have a champion. You should work.” “Screw yourself.
I’m not doing anything for…” the demon plugged Raelin’s mouth forcing it open
before she could finish talking. The vile from earlier was drained in her
mouth. She tried to hold it, but it was no use. Soon enough the liquid took its
effects. “Its effects
will be temporary. If your body can handle it.” Hashim said as the demon
grabbed her and started moving her towards a door. “Don’t worry,”
the demon said with a smile on his face, “You wouldn’t be here if The man with
the scar had picked something stronger then you. Have fun. Even if you do
survive, I can’t say I won’t disable you again.” Raelin’s started to
hallucinate. The door appeared to be an array colours. “Good luck.” The
demon said sarcastically as he shoved her threw the door. She turned around to
get out, but soon found out it was locked. There was a tap on the glass window
to the left of her revealing Hashim, the demon, and another man with a scar on
his face. All of them looked as if they were sprayed down with neon paint.
Their bodies began to morph in front of Raelin. She turned away to see who she
was up against. Her eyes focused
in on the wall across from her. A green skinned humanoid stood in front of her.
There were two long horns protruding from the back of its head scaling down its
back. Its eyes were black and two large mandibles appeared to be fused to its
mouth. It looked like someone attempted to make a mantis chimera. It was clear
his was never human. Its arms lifted revealing blade like bones along its arms.
Just like a mantis. It let out a high pitched screech. The drink Hashim
gave Raelin was still taking its effects. The world around her was still surrounded
with color. It was hard to focus on the monster sharing the room with her. It stood still looking Raelin in the eyes. It
made a series of clicks with its mouth, sizing her up then it charged. Sword
like spikes on the creatures arms stuck out as it charged. Raelin ducked
avoiding the attack, sweeping its leg with her own. The creature staggered up
turning around to meet Raelin. Raelin’s hand came within inches of colliding
with the creatures face before it grabbed her hand and twisting it behind her
back. It twisted her around putting its spike on its free hand across her neck.
Her breathing
slowed. The poison Hashim gave her had made her more aware. Maybe she wasn’t
trying to make her die. Maybe he was telling the truth. She felt her mutation
beginning to work. Her blood began to pump faster than ever before. Her teeth
became sharp within seconds. She felt her saliva change. She became as much of
a predator as this abomination was. Raelin stuck her
head back with lightning speed breaking off one of the creature’s mandibles. It
stumbled back slashing its arms. Raelin picked up the broken mandible and
charged back at it. She rammed the mandible into the creature’s eye; in
response it made a loud screech hurting her ears. She backed up to avoid being
defenceless. There was a sharp pain in her side; somehow she hadn’t noticed
that the creatures spike making contact with her side. “It’s only a
scratch.” She said to herself. She advanced towards the creature before it
could make a recover and unleashed a fury of swipes with her nails that had
sharpened as well. The creature jabbed at her stomach. This time, Raelin was
faster. She grabbed its arm, twisting it around, taking it off with bone
crunching snap and throwing it off to the side. A greenish-yellow fluid jutted
out of its shoulder spraying across the floor. Raelin’s vision had focused on
one thing even though her vision was still filled with overwhelming colour. The
creature struck down the remaining spike towards Raelin. She ducked under it
and tackled it to the ground. “I’ve had
enough!” She yelled. All she wanted was to go home. See her brother. Get out of
this damn city. Her instinct kicked in. Her actions were no longer her choice.
Raelin’s teeth sunk into the creature’s neck leaving a black mark where she had
bit. She spit out a piece of flesh stuck in her mouth. The creature
laid on ground shaking with foam leaving its mouth as Raelin got up towards the
door. There was a quiet screech and the sound of footsteps. She looked down to
find the spiked appendage from earlier. Within seconds it was in her hands. The
creature made a moan making Raelin turn around. The creature limped towards her
with its other arm turning a sickly black colour. “You tried
killing me first. I’m not going to have a change of heart.” Raelin said. She
found herself ramming the other appendage into the creature chest with a
tremendous force. The creature flew back to the other side of the room. When it
landed, its head was bent at an unusual angle. Her mutation was still in effect
taking over the poison Hashim had given her earlier. Raelin stared
through the window at Hashim. The demon was gone and the man with the scar had
a disappointing look on his face. There was an intercom buzz. “You’ve made me
proud Raelin.” Hashim said with a grin on his face, “How would you like to be a
part of my revolution?” “What does it
include? Spreading chaos for no apparent reason? Killing only because there’s
moving targets? Just killing in general is out of the question.” “Look at what
you just did.” Hashim said gesturing towards the lifeless creature she had just
impaled. “He had just the same amount of right to live as you did. You’re
really no different. You did what you
must to survive. We do what we need
to do to survive.” “You two just
have so much in common.” The man with
the scar said mocking him. “I’m not like
you. Either of you. I killed so I would live. Nothing more.” She said staring
into Hashim’s eyes. “Didn’t I just
say that’s why we are in common? Oh as it comes to mind, can you tell me you
didn’t enjoy brutally attacking my
men? Or even ripping off that creatures arms and gouging its eyes out?” “It was
necessary only to…” “Live?” Hashim
interrupted. “Yes.” She said
slight disappointed in herself. “I’ll cut you a
deal. Now if you haven’t noticed, I like you. Proof is you’re alive right now.
Stay with us, help humanity and make sure the only reason things die is so that
others may live.” “I can’t. I have
my brother to live with. I have my home to go to.” “Your brother
has been dead for six years now and South Africa has been overrun by North
Korea. Don’t lie to me I know your brother was there fighting them off.” Hashim
said staring at Raelin reading her movements. “Fine.” Raelin
said. She had disappointed herself. Joining the people who had been causing
chaos for the past day in a half had been something she didn’t want to do. But
it was necessary. In order to live. “Excellent.
You’re starting a new life Raelin. Be happy for yourself. You will be hanging
out with Hound for now on.” Hashim said looking at the man with the scar, “Play
nice.” Raelin kept her eyes on Hound and Hashim as they left the observation
room. Anger filled her insides. She was not a cold hearted killer. She only
wanted to live. The drinks
effect came back filling her vision with colors. It came harder this time. Her
head felt heavy and hot as she found herself plummeting down what appeared to
be a rabbit hole. She opened her eyes to see her brother staring at her. “Did I make the
right choice Liam?” tears filled her eyes as she spoke. She stumbled up off the
ground hoping to get an answer. “Liam?” She
asked. Her brother was dead from what she could remember but he was standing
here with her. “Yes. You did
what you did to survive.” Liam said. Raelin’s head hurt even more than before.
That wasn’t what her brother sounded like. She walked over towards Liam hoping
for some sort of comfort. As she came closer Liam faded away like a mirage. She
fell to the floor hoping her hallucinations were right. © 2014 Alex GoodGuy GregantiAuthor's Note
Featured Review
StatsAuthor![]() Alex GoodGuy GregantiWINDSOR, Ontario, CanadaAboutI am currently working on a short story series AND a novel based in a "universe" that I created. I hope someday to become a full time writer. I'm very easy to get along with, ill talk about anything (.. more..Writing