Shadows of my Heart

Shadows of my Heart

A Poem by Gregoria Somol Ahmed

When families are the weapon that can kill once a friendly fire is underestimated


In the quiet hours, shadows creep,
Anxiety stirs, steals my sleep.
A heart too big, it wears the scars,
Wishing on uncounted stars.

For every child, I’ve stretched my hand,
A promise made, a silent stand.
But love, it seems, can turn to chains,
When trust is broken, only pain remains.

My sister's words, once warm and bright,
Now twist and darken, dimming light.
She spoke of help, a lifeline thrown,
Yet left me stranded, cold, alone.

We shared the meals, her child to feed,
While my own hunger grew like weeds.

A broken car, a stagnant day,
All I could do was hope and pray.

Bills piled high like mountains steep,
With whispered shame, I tried to keep
My head above the rising tide,
But with each wave, my strength would slide.

I stood my ground, returned her child,
A heart once tender, now reviled.
Yet still she claims I owe her more,
The kindness offered, turned to war.

In this dark night, I search for light,
To find my voice, reclaim my right.
For love should lift, not weigh me down,
In this cruel game, I won’t drown.

So here I stand, with weary breath,
Amidst the chaos, defying death.
Anxiety may twist and break,
But in this heart, no more will shake.

For children’s laughter, I will fight,
But not at cost of my own light.
I’ll say, “no more,” and take my stand,
With love for self, I’ll heal this land.

© 2024 Gregoria Somol Ahmed

My Review

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It's good writing, I usually can't get to the end with poetry like this. You kept me entrapped though.

You seem to be a strong woman. And you should not take abuse under any circumstance.

It is not your fault that you feel anger, but it is when you inflict it upon others.

Be careful as you work through this, do not let this pain overflow and stain other relationships.

Posted 3 Hours Ago

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1 Review
Added on October 18, 2024
Last Updated on October 18, 2024


Gregoria Somol Ahmed
Gregoria Somol Ahmed

Saipan, Garapan, Northern Mariana Islands

I am a resilient poet navigating the complexities of love and healing. Drawing from personal experiences, I explore the balance between vulnerability and strength, capturing the journey through pain a.. more..
