My Funeral Speech

My Funeral Speech

A Poem by Gregoria Somol Ahmed

My Funeral Speech; the empowerment I want to leave behind


I am my father's daughter, born of love and light,
A blend of humor and sarcasm, shyness in sight.
A worker with a heart that loves deeply and true,
I carry his spirit in all that I do.

In moments of anger, I may fiercely react,
But love guides me back, never losing tact.
Loyal and principled, I stand tall and firm,
With compassion for children, whose lessons I affirm.

Children are cherished, their growth I will steer,
Teaching them right, their futures clear.
For adults, I hold respect, firm but fair,
Approachable to those who earn my care.

My life has been marked by shadows and pain,
Yet through my trials, strength I’ve gained.
A survivor’s voice, in the face of strife,
Helping others reclaim their life.

Though my wrath may come, it’s a force to refine,
A testament to the strength that’s intertwined.
Comforting, even when stern and austere,
My heart stays open, always sincere.

I am not a superhero, just human and real,
Navigating my path with the wounds I reveal.
In my presence, find warmth and a guiding light,
A daughter, a survivor, through day and night.

Remember me not for the battles I've faced,
But for the love and the grace that I've embraced.
In every struggle and every act of care,
Find the heart of a woman who’s always been there.



Empowerment Statement:

“In every trial, incident, or moment of pain,
Stand in truth, for truth will always remain.
Love and truth will guide you through,
Even when doubt and cruelty ensue.
For in the end, when all is said and done,
The flag of truth and love is the one that’s won.

This door of truth has given me might,
From timid beginnings to a future bright.
I’ve grown from shyness to strength so clear,
With wisdom and confidence, I hold dear.

My intelligence shines, my questions precise,
For those who deceive, I see through their guise.
With God’s moral law as my guiding star.
I stand in truth, and rise above, never marred.”

© 2024 Gregoria Somol Ahmed

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Added on September 18, 2024
Last Updated on September 18, 2024


Gregoria Somol Ahmed
Gregoria Somol Ahmed

Saipan, Garapan, Northern Mariana Islands

I am a resilient poet navigating the complexities of love and healing. Drawing from personal experiences, I explore the balance between vulnerability and strength, capturing the journey through pain a.. more..
