A son's burden

A son's burden

A Poem by Gregoria Somol Ahmed

Captivating the poignant journey of a man navigating the complex relationship with his mother as he balances his own responsibilities as a husband and father.


Once cradled close in tender care,

A boy now grown; love laid bare.

In his mother’s eyes, he was the light,

Her baby boy, her heart’s delight.


But time has turned the wheel of fate,

The ties now tight and taut, not great.

No longer the child she could adore,

But a man with a life, and family to care for.


With his father gone, the pampering ceased,

A void where affection was once released.

He stands now with duties vast,

Caught between shadows of a troubled past.


His wife and child, his heart’s true claim,

Deserve his love, his care, his flame.

Yet his mother’s needs are fierce and wide,

A storm of demands he cannot hide.


In every word, a plea, a cry,

A life now tangled, strained, and shy.

His love for her is deep and true,

But her care’s a burden he can’t renew.


Her past affection haunts him still,

Her present needs, a heavy thrill.

His patience worn, his efforts stretched,

In echoes of the love once pledged.


He suffers not from lack of heart,

But struggles to play his part.

To balance love with what he can give,

In a world where the past won’t forgive.


Yet in his trials, a truth shines bright,

A testament to his enduring fight.

In the shadow of her demanding plea,

He carries the weight with silent dignity.


Though the path is fraught and long,

He seeks to mend where hearts belong.

In the balance of love and the past’s cruel call,

He stands, a son, amidst it all.

© 2024 Gregoria Somol Ahmed

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Featured Review

Very good use of rhyme and meter in this one. It depicts a story more than one man has seen. A man, once the apple of his mother's eye, now finds her needs depriving him of time with his own family. We are not told how he finally solves this problem, only that he realizes he must give his mother her time, while understanding his main responsibilities are to his own family.

Posted 4 Weeks Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Gregoria Somol Ahmed

4 Weeks Ago

Thank you for taking the time to read my poem and for your thoughtful feedback! I appreciate your ki.. read more


Very good use of rhyme and meter in this one. It depicts a story more than one man has seen. A man, once the apple of his mother's eye, now finds her needs depriving him of time with his own family. We are not told how he finally solves this problem, only that he realizes he must give his mother her time, while understanding his main responsibilities are to his own family.

Posted 4 Weeks Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Gregoria Somol Ahmed

4 Weeks Ago

Thank you for taking the time to read my poem and for your thoughtful feedback! I appreciate your ki.. read more

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1 Review
Added on September 18, 2024
Last Updated on September 18, 2024


Gregoria Somol Ahmed
Gregoria Somol Ahmed

Saipan, Garapan, Northern Mariana Islands

I am a resilient poet navigating the complexities of love and healing. Drawing from personal experiences, I explore the balance between vulnerability and strength, capturing the journey through pain a.. more..
