![]() Chapter TwoA Chapter by moon-willow
I Worked till 5 PM I was sweeping the floor as I heard a tap on the window, and there he was in all his beauty. But wearing dark shades. I sighed and opened the door letting him in. "You know if my boss knew I just let you in. Shed kill me"
He looked down at me with a slightly smile stroking my cheek with the tips of his fingers "Id kill her with my bared hands if she even scratched your perfect face"" I shiver went down my spine. was he joking? His face unreadable and so serious. I couldn't but think. He may do exactly what he said. Brushing past him he turned as watched as I walked to a table I pulled out two chairs and look at him "Take a seat Ill make us some Tea, and you can explain to me, why you freaked and ran away" I said moving take take a tea pot. Pouring hot water in to warm up for starting to make a fresh tea brew and I learnt to do so effortlessly. "I didn't run I had" He sat down leaning his chin onto his hand watching my every move "I had.... pressing things to do " I rolled my eyes and sat face him "Right like getting your cool hipster sunglasses" I sat facing him and he smirked beneath his smooth lips his two canine teeth were I leaned in trying to see close before he coughed covering his moth looking away. "Do you believe we all have a soul?" He took the tea pot and ran his fingers over the lid before he began to pour us both a cup" I blinked folding my arms resting them on the table. " I didn't see you to be the religious type Luke" I laughed before stopping seeing how serious he was. " I don't have to be religious to as that question. Do you or do you not believe we all have a soul" He said placing the pot down. I nervously played with my hair gazing at his hands "I guess... Yes I think we do" He smiled leaning back " Do you think two souls can be set to be together, that they would move Planets just to see the others face? I licked my dry lips pouring milk into the cup stirring the content "I... I don't know whats all this about?" "Im going to tell you a story Paige, Maybe then you will understand. Long ago there was a young boy and he was strong and wise. He knew right from wrong and have views that helped his father govern his people. In his house two young girls worked and one, one was his soul mate. They grew close and fell in love. Her Name Elizabeth, But the other girl Anne also cared for Lucas. She watch them and despised what they had. On there wedding night, She cursed Him to live eternity and to corrupt his beauty. His eyes Blood red and his teeth sharp and killed his soul mate. Not only was she Cold hearted, she was a witch. On his wedding night she killed His on true love. But nature had other plans while he held her limp body the earth promised, as long as he endures his days. They would meet again. She would be reborn, where? he would just know in his heart he would find her. He spends his day searching the world. Traveling from one country to another. Seeking out his one true love. " I stared in shock my breathing heavy some how picturing it perfectly in my head. the sound of Elizabeth screaming she she died. Him mourning her death.... "He must have been so lonely to be alone and waiting, how do you know all this. did it happen? was it a story" " I know exactly of his his heart break of his longing Paige... My dear Paige" Removing his sunglasses I gasped standing up knocking over the chair. "I am him, and you... You are my Dear Elizabeth... Don't be scared I have been searching for you for a long time" I stumbled away from his to the other side of the shop "N-No you're lying... YOU'RE STOP BULLSHITTING ME LUKE" I panicked scanning the room for something to protect my self with. This couldn't be true it all had to be some sick joke. "Your eyes are blue I saw them you're lying, youre teeth are fake" He moves closer to me slowly like a was a scared animal and he was being cautious. "those were contacts I have to conceal myself,s o I could find you, I didnt come near you I didnt spy.... but God Paige he stroked my cheeks I closed my eyes tight "When He touched you I lost it... I wanted to hurt him so badly. You have no idea how much I have missed you" He whispered. I couldn't fight the pull and nor did I want too, I wrapped my arms around his neck and pressed myself against him. "what you said, is impossibly unrealistic, but I dont want to not believe you. I cant not be near you" He sighed in relief kissing my hair over and over wrapping his arms round my wait. "for a moment there I thought you were going to try and kill me" we both laughed and I looked up at him his red eyes smiling down at me "Let me get this straight, I was married to you? Did we...." I blushed as He smirked leaning down he placed small teasing kisses along my neck. I gasped. "Many a time Paige, and by the way You seemed to enjoy yourself with me " I giggled tangling my fingers into his hair. "Luke! Im at my work place!" I wriggled but he pulled me closer. "and how funny would it be if your boss walked through the door to find us-" I covered his mouth blushing deep. "We may have this past together but I don't know about it nor do I really remember, so to me we don't really know each other so we are not doing... That in my work place! I happen to like my job" He relatively kissed the back of my hand as I spoke before moving it at away. "Deal, not shall we get you home?" I moved past him nodding, he helped me Finnish off cleaning up the shop before we both made our way out and locked up. The walk back to my home was unusual and I had so much to process.but when I looked at him, I trusted and believed him. I knew I was safe with him more safer with him than anyone else. he had been searching for me for a long time. Knowing he was in pain and suffered so long. "s-so apart from being all immortal and everything" I stuttered though licking my dry lips looking at my feet" W-what else is there I should know? "hmmm" He wrapped an arm round my waist. Warmth spread though me just at the simple touch. I flushed leaning against him. He smiled lightly as I did " I love cats, my favorite colour is black and then red, err and Im quite hand with a sword believe it or not" I laughed a little bumping my shoulder to him " Very fitting like a knight in shinning armor. I moved opening my front door I turned to face him, he gazes down at me smiling. My heart leapt in my chest. He loved me I could see it in his eyes and I couldnt stop the love growing in my chest either. pulling on his shirt he leaned down and I kissed him with all the need my body could muster. He pulled me close kissing me back and walking us into my home kicking the door shut. I giggled moving further into the house with him. He pushed against the wall, my head was spinning with it all, my hands roamed his back as his tongue explored my mouth. My body hummed pulling his jacket off him and let drop to the floor. I gasped as one of his sharp teeth nipped my lip. pulled back from the kiss and licked away the slight bit of blood. Both of us breathing heavily and cheeks flushed. I reached up stroking his cheek. "Do, Do you want to stay for a while? I could cook" I asked shyly not wanting him to leave me sight. He smirked pressing a small kiss to my forehead "By cooking do you mean you burning everything to a crisp?" I gasped and pouted /He ruffled my hair "How about I honour by cooking and you watch and learn " I nod agreeing taking his hand I lead him through my home to the kitchen. and just on time Sebastian came through his cat flap with Loud Meow. I leaned down picking him up and kissed his nose. He looked over to Luke curious to the stranger putting him down I filled his cat bow up with food and he happily began to eat. "Go on then Chef make me some food." I smirked cheekily. He rolled his eyes throwing a dish cloth at me as I sat on the side he moved standing between my legs I blushed as he ran his fingers along my legs. "if I recall correctly " He murmured kissing along my jaw. I gasped bit my lip closing my eyes tight "You were the one who worked for me" I moved to wrap my arms round him but he led them down smirking again. "Arh arh can't touch the chef while hes cooking" He moved away and rummaged through my cupboards puling out the ingredients he needed. I watched him as he cooks admiring the view before hopping down and began to set the table with cutlery, turning to face him I played with one of the forks "So how did we meet?" I inquired. As he cooked he spoke"We grew up together your parents worked for my father. Your Father a Horsemen and your mother a Maid. So when you were little you came like me 'Play friend' even from that age you were so kind and gentle. as you grew you learnt to take over from your mother" He smiled lost in the memory. "Though when we could we would sneak down to the lake and go for a swim, Everyone else thought it was scandalous I saw you in the water. but we didnt care" I moved towards him and wrapped my arms round his waist from behind kissing his back. "I wish I could remember it all to know what were were like then. to seen you grow up" I whispered pulling away he dished out the food a Delicious looking and smelling Stir fry. He set them on the table and pulled out my chair "My Lady " He smiled as I sat down and pushed the chair in and sat facing me raising our glasses we toasted. "To finding you " He said "nooone will ever keep us apart again" I smiled clincing my glass with his. before diving into the meal he prepared. The flavors explored in my mouth I closed my eyes and moaned at the taste. "Luke where did did you learn to cook like like this. " I asked atounded "When you live as long as I have you learn a few tricks a long the way" he winked as he sipped his drink. I knew it I was done fore, he made my feel things I never felt before. But I didnt want it to end not ever.
© 2014 moon-willow |
Added on August 25, 2014 Last Updated on August 27, 2014 Author![]() moon-willowUnited KingdomAboutJust another screwed up job with a lot to say and not enough words to express. Im freaky and weird and like poetry and music makes my world tick. more..Writing