Ars Goetia Poetry (Demonology)
A Book by Ars Goetia Poetry
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© 2022 Ars Goetia Poetry
Spam!!! You are like a boy that Satan threw in a sludge pond. He was there so long that even his eyes were tainted with feces and still all he would do way cry or gloirify Satan, the very one that threw him in. Is he not insane for Jesus stands upon the wall extending him a helping had. All he has to do is change his mind and accept Christ's help. I riase my pointer fingers to my ears and move them in opposite directions if you cannot understand. It is univeral sign language for you're insane and in 2362 you will be condemned to the fairytalke sealed by the Lortd a seal only he can open. You will be only a character of that fairyrtale in the end. Change your mind grab Jesus' hand and let him pull you out if you do not submit to his authority. There is no need for you to wind up a mere fairytale creature with no mind but Satan's who says only what Jesus says and does only what Jesus does. To hell with you stinking thoughts.
Posted 2 Years Ago
1 Review
Added on February 11, 2022
Last Updated on February 11, 2022
Tags: Demonology, Occultism, Demons, Aliester Crowley, Supernatural, History, Fallen Angels, Dark, Book, Poems
Ars Goetia PoetryEssex, South East, United Kingdom
(Ars Goetia Demonology Narrative Poetry)
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