A Story by Glen Weimann

Folks and fellow WC users, hello and farewell.  I've decided to stop using WC because I found I was getting far too many scam web messages (I could elaborate but what's the point - the folk who do this will evolve and devise new things). Most of these messages and unintended popups happened when I clicked a link in my emails, where I'd received a note from WC saying so-and-so had reviewed, commented, etc and inviting me to 'read the review/comment'. Most times this was fine, but more recently it's been more often not fine. So I mostly stopped clicking a while back and just noted the writing and the person, and went onto WC to find the relevant comments.  But most recently in the last few days I've been getting scam Apple Security messages that rack up my level of concern to a point where I've decided 'I don't need this'. In addition, our internet provider Virgin has a web-safe service, and I think that's kicked in 2/3 times recently when I've been on or accessing WC. I say 'I think' because even legitimate-looking entries can be scams.  And touch wood, these issues do not happen on other websites I use ... so far.  Anyway, as the French would say when studying an egg, un oeuf's un oeuf.  So I'm done with WC.  I will leave my writing up for a little while in case someone had something in mind they'd spotted and intended to return to, but then I'll delete everything.
I'll keep the closing sentiments short. I have really enjoyed being on WC and hearing from all kinds of folk their views on my work. In return, I hope I've championed the cause for constructive feedback, although along the way I've sometimes inadvertently overstepped boundaries, for which I always tried to apologise.  But most of all, I have enjoyed access to some often fabulous writing and stimulating writers who have unquestionably influenced me.
Those who have looked at my work often will have seen song lyrics with frequent references to my band Cash Crisis, through which you can contact me if you would like to.  I hope you all continue to enjoy WC .... securely!

© 2024 Glen Weimann

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You were one of the few good ones, Nigel. Someone whom I could look to for intellectual clarity. I can see why WC is a cause of concern, been worried about several pop-up audio messages about updating the browser. It doesn't help when there are so many vile and dastardly men and women on this site, posturing as writers but heavens know what they are upto.

I do hope someday we can connect over poetry, Nigel. I wish you, your family, and of course, Cash Crisis the best of years ahead.


Posted 6 Years Ago

Oh, no. This is terrible. I understand your security concerns, but hate to think of WC without you. I've never had any problems, myself. Surely, there's something that can be done.

Posted 6 Years Ago

Glen Weimann

6 Years Ago

Sam thanks. The trouble with a lot of blog forum community type websites is that it's never easy to.. read more
Samuel Dickens

6 Years Ago

Perhaps I will check out Scribophile and look for you. Happy and good writing, my friend.
Dear Nigel,
Your affirming nature and input with thoughtful and intelligent comment will be missed. You have been a positive and hopeful light to my motivation to share and comment and of course place my humble writings here. I wish you good and a satisfying life as you move forward in any and every way. Oh course I wish you' stay but I understand. You have left your mark and I know many have appreciated your wonderful support.
bless you bunches and bunches,

Posted 6 Years Ago

Glen Weimann

6 Years Ago

Kathy thanks for your kind words. It may interest you to know that I've switched to Scribophile. To.. read more
Kathy Van Kurin

6 Years Ago

Thanks for the timely response! It's nice that youv'e come across an opportunity for .. read more
Hi Nigel, I am extremely saddened to know that you will be leaving Writerscafe. I will miss you immensely. You are one of the best writers and reviewers. Always took interest and patiently helped many with writing. I admire Your principles, intellect and personality very much. I am glad I got to know you through your writings. Wish you all the best. Uma grande abraço. Tudo de bom para você. Mrudula.

Posted 6 Years Ago

Glen Weimann

6 Years Ago

Thanks Mrudula. I might look around for another writing site, but next time I will be more wary abo.. read more
Mrudula Rani

6 Years Ago

Thank you Nigel. All the best.
OH Nigel, We do not want you to go. Please take care and look after yourself. D.

Posted 6 Years Ago

I too am sorry to hear of the problems you have been experiencing. Just want to say thank you Nigel for taking an interest in my work during the short time I have been here and wish you all the very best for the future.


Posted 6 Years Ago

Glen Weimann

6 Years Ago

Thanks Chris. I's been on my mind for a while. Best of luck with your writing.
Chris Shaw

6 Years Ago

And you with yours.
Sorry to hear that, although not a surprise. Ive closed mine for that reason before, and only came back on to reply to a message and saw your post. I took my phone and laptop to an expert, who found thousands, if not tens of thousands of bugs, all from google ads and adchoices, all deriving from this site. Basically the only way to get rid of it is removing google entirely from your device. I find the browser that worked best was opera, as it filters these out without the need for the user to interfere.
Hope this helps.
Good luck in the future,


Posted 6 Years Ago

Glen Weimann

6 Years Ago

Lorry thanks for this insight. I'm not adding anything new or commenting on others' work, but I'll .. read more
Bare trees

6 Years Ago

I downloaded opera and it comes up with a google search engine?

6 Years Ago

As I said, I got rid of google from my device by a professional. Thats why you need to get rid of go.. read more
I’m so sorry to hear this Nigel. Makes me wonder about WC too. I’ve been getting those Apple security alert scam emails, and others, but didn’t know they might be connected to WC. Thanks for alerting me to this possibility. Your work is so wonderful and we will miss you very much. Love Cash Crisis and will see you there. Might have a song for you to look at if you would be so kind (but I don’t think it’s good enough yet!). God bless, take good care and Rock On my friend!

Posted 6 Years Ago

Glen Weimann

6 Years Ago

Annette many thanks. In the 'contact' part of cash crisis.net you'll see my email. Always happy to .. read more

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8 Reviews
Added on July 16, 2018
Last Updated on December 3, 2024


Glen Weimann
Glen Weimann

Bristol, United Kingdom

I used to have a training role that often involved creating imaginative case study exercises. I've been writing lyrics for most of my amateur band's songs for several years. I will consider any frie.. more..


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