I liked the reference to "Eye of the Tiger"....a fighter going for the one he wants...the "ring girl" (and that is a clever way to describe it!). Lots of references to fighters throughout....like the "Thrilla in Manilla!" Your words are intense and show a sense of purpose. In the rhyming sections, your shortened lines were so effective. This was an enjoyable read, Glen. I liked it. Lydi**
Posted 11 Years Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
11 Years Ago
Wow Glen. I am so happy I sat down to read this. Once I started I couldn't stop. It had a tempo about it, like a song or rap. I cant put my finger on it but I felt like I wanted to read it fast and not to get through it but to feel the "bounce" as you say. It just had a fantastic flow and some of the repeated lines where great I think. One line I loved:
"Now, you know how Tom Brady’s perfect season catastrophe felt at quarterback."
But mostly because I am a Pat's fan, they are my team and that game was crushing to watch!
Posted 11 Years Ago
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11 Years Ago
I guess you know then I'm a Steelers fan... I wanted to put both aspects of them in that write...als.. read moreI guess you know then I'm a Steelers fan... I wanted to put both aspects of them in that write...also with this line:
Now, you know how Tom Brady’s perfect season catastrophe felt at quarterback.
F.A.D. team got your back.
You can’t take another “Big” Ben Roethlisberger hit and sack.
How true. I do believe that in some cases being knocked down is a necessary evil that shows us what.. read moreHow true. I do believe that in some cases being knocked down is a necessary evil that shows us what we are really capable of.
I did enjoy the "Other-Side of Empty piece, I liked the ending, these lines specifically.
Torture not what is left of you.
Let go of the past issues.
Walk the line.
its a bliss to entertain... the bouncing beat and the flowing rhythm is really good...
i really enjoyed bounce the most, the upbeat seems like a song...
really the words overflows...
nicely penned...
I must say that you are a man of action; of things in motion! I got physically tired reading your word picture, my adrenylan was flowing! I liked your writing for a variety of reasons but, the mos important being your style being a welcome departure from the patterned poetry that I see being written today. I applaud your work and I am sure that I will be reading about your successes!
Posted 11 Years Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
11 Years Ago
P - thanks for your time to read my work... the Filipino American Dream Series was a challenge... a .. read moreP - thanks for your time to read my work... the Filipino American Dream Series was a challenge... a different write altogether from my other styles... at times I wanted to give up and throw-in the white towel... I just kept enduring... and this is the results...
Love the repetition and the rhythm here! It's so different than other writings of yours that I have read.
Agree to disagree this verse will hit you and bleed.
Heed to smear blood, sweat and tears.
Shear 7 years of disgrace.
Haste there’s no wasting time.
Find you’re going down like a dime.
Chime the bell get ready to swell.
Farewell, digging deep in the well.
Foretell gut wrenching, teeth grinding and give me a mouthpiece.
As always- such INTENSE emotion.. that's what draws me most to your writing. The raw, intense reality of it. Great write!
Posted 11 Years Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
11 Years Ago
L- thanks for your time... like a said before to Everett... this verse... I about gave up to complet.. read moreL- thanks for your time... like a said before to Everett... this verse... I about gave up to complete at times... the write has been revised several times... again... I wanted to just throw it across the street... when I would pick at it like a carpenter's bee... I still would like to know how they make them perfect circles in wood... going off the subject... yes... I had to do some research also with this write... I'm glad after walking back and forth... with this one... I got what I wanted to express... and this is the end result...
I love the tempo! It really grabs hold and propels you along! Great!
Posted 11 Years Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
11 Years Ago
Sharon - thanks for your time... and interest in my work... the highs and the lows... but what we ma.. read moreSharon - thanks for your time... and interest in my work... the highs and the lows... but what we make ourselves in life is what matters...
Read and enjoyed the rhythm of "Bounce"...and that's how I read it, with a bounce...you sorta of forced me to...Obviously waiting (if not already), to be turned into a song...Perhaps YOU already have the music in your head, seems like you almost have to. A lot of your writes have that beat...that cadence....that rhyme and reason.
Liked the style and form of the write..helped move it along at the right tempo....for me
Nice work...
Posted 11 Years Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
11 Years Ago
Allen - I agree with you... about the music part being in the head... Hard to write this type of sty.. read moreAllen - I agree with you... about the music part being in the head... Hard to write this type of style without it playing in your mind... In part two of the Series... I wanted to be more strict with the word play... and get the reader to hear and cue in on the meaning... this is a bit different then the first one... but the dream aspect is instilled with the lines... when you're on top... being knocked down and finding the will to get back in the game... and the trials along the way that you have learned and move on...
Lovely flowing write , you kept the rhythm going throughout .
Posted 11 Years Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
11 Years Ago
Moon - thanks for showing interest in this work... I had many a headaches to keep the read going... .. read moreMoon - thanks for showing interest in this work... I had many a headaches to keep the read going... but I like that I was willing to do this in order to challenge myself... in a whole new way of writing something in a style I was not accustom...
Glen you totally sucked me in this story, it seemed as if it was a game I played,
I felt every detail, every edge, very precise ...
and every move and thought that brought you here.
Nicely done. It keeps me really focused, great to see some of your roots,
Back into this one. You have an unique quill my friend.
- Elisa
Posted 11 Years Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
11 Years Ago
This one dealt with fighting back from the void... in the first series the write was more a bit of b.. read moreThis one dealt with fighting back from the void... in the first series the write was more a bit of being a writer... a comedian (sarcasm) and a way to share who I am as a person with real life events... Here I can get into the action... face adversity... win or lose... in the end you fight back for all of it... just like life... if you wanted to be perfect... what have you really learned about yourself... when you face the real demon within you... defeat is very much like winning... you learn from the experience and move on... because you're human... naturally flawed... that's what makes us so much more... to understand that crawling is not your only option... that you can actually walk on two feet... and carry yourself to the last journey on three legs... now that's living... any way you look at it...
11 Years Ago
Yes, so true, I know all about that.... thanks for being so detailed here. :)
Not read all, but a few and they are wonderful, loved going through them. :)
Posted 11 Years Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
11 Years Ago
Thanks for stopping by... I'm currently in hiatus for a few months... but I shall return in a few we.. read moreThanks for stopping by... I'm currently in hiatus for a few months... but I shall return in a few weeks and comment on others work... Just enjoying the time off with rest and relaxation... If you get a chance read through the whole entire narrative... gives more of a punch... Good day!!!
I find it really cool, to read...the rhythm of your writing is impeccable and whimsical...but what I find most cool, is you embracing the Filipino American Dream...I like how you sprinkled ebonics in your write...lawdy lawdy lol...I find it only American, as well...I use to read extensively, but as I get older I can only read when I have the time, and that's usually online, here, reading other people's writing...I Love it though, because its the everyday person...you wrote your heart out, like you were fighting in the ring, and I truly respect that. I tip my hat to you. Cheers.
Posted 12 Years Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
12 Years Ago
First and foremost, thanks for the review. This is the 4th time I’ve edited this series. Making ch.. read moreFirst and foremost, thanks for the review. This is the 4th time I’ve edited this series. Making changes here and there. But for the most part this is completed. I did research before attempting to write, Thrilla in Manila, some years back… I took out the profanity throughout the whole spectrum of the write and will do so with the rest of the series, where possible. Once I get time to edit them. This is the other-side of me and simply came up with AKA Filipino American Dream back in 2005. I’d like to put this to music, but that part I have little know how… for now just keep writing more verses. Until, that time comes… Thanks again…
12 Years Ago
Oh wow, that's cool, you based it on the Ali and Frazier fight...yeah, profane words are useless, if.. read moreOh wow, that's cool, you based it on the Ali and Frazier fight...yeah, profane words are useless, if it doesn't make sense.
Follow me at Twitter tag: @GlenManese, St. Petersburg/Pittsburgh/Makati, Philippines
Me in a nutshell:
I am currently, done with my first book of verses: The Onyx - Vena Amoris. Friesen Press finished in December and is out for release before the holidays at the end of the year 20.. more..