![]() Prologue (A time of change)A Chapter by Glazier![]() As the Autumn continues to claim more of Ohmgar's forested realm, he meets by chance (or perhaps destiny)as silver dragons named Tesia, and together they embark upon a quest that will test them both.![]()
As the Autumn continues to claim more of Ohmgar's forested realm, he meets by chance (or perhaps destiny)as silver dragons named Tesia, and together they embark upon a quest that will see a slain king avenged and a terrible conspiracy uncovered, all this occuring while the fates of the mortal world hangs in the balance.
As Ohmgar walks through a clearing (one situated amongst his wooded realm that he both called his own and his home) he stretched out his massive dragon form to give release to all the knots in his muscles. As the knots then relieved themselves from his stiff and knotted body, he looked around the realm that was his woods and world and found a peace within his soul then, brought on by the picture-perfect scene and the serenity of his woods, valley, and mountain home.
"Hello again, and welcome must favored Autumn. How I've missed you." said Ohmgar to no one in particular save for the newly arrived season of Autumn. It was true that he favored Autumn, for it was a time of change, of soon to be slumbering lands and animals that would sleep till the time of Spring came again to his valley (even as it came to the world as a whole). But it was also equally true that he held Spring in the same regard as he did Autumn, for it was a time of renewal, of both animals and lands seemingly brought back to life, and of both spiritual and physical health and well-being brought back and renewed as their gods and goddesses had promised them.
As Ohmgar brought to a right hand a handful of leaves (leaves that had already been cast off by their soon to be slumbering trees in an attempt to get ready for that eventual slumber) he closed his massive hand around the leaves (and as he claws came to touch one another) Ohmgar inhaled a deep, full breath of his valley and close by mountain air and scents that surrounded all that he knew of his world up until now. The scent to his nose, senses, and mind was intoxicating to say the least. It smelled of rich brown earth, of decaying leaf litter as they would soon completely decay and be absorbed back into the soil as nutrients, nutrients that would then be used to bring forth and fuel the worlds next renewal cycle for this coming year. Soon his valley home would slumber and a blanket of white fringed by ice would cover the world known to him.
"Sleep well my world...My home." said Ohmgar to all that he knew about him and loved most deeply.
As Ohmgar took in another view of his forested realm about him, he let his eyes drift far into the distance to see where his abode abided and that was the tall and impressive mountain of Stafor, there at the base of the mountain's south facing side lay his home, dug deep into the mountain's south face at ground level.
As he unfurled his coppered coloured and scaly clawed hand to reveal once more the handful of leaves held within, Ohmgar looked for a moment at the leaves and was content then with the knowledge that it would bring nourishment for the following Spring. As he laid the leaves back upon the soil that he had picked them up from, Ohmgar sighed a deep, content filled sigh then. For Ohmgar was ready then to let (as if he really had a choice) the Autumn to come into full bloom then, to spread its colours throughout his realm and to help too make ready his home for the Winter months that still lay ahead.
As Ohmgar's eyes once more drifted to the mountain where his home lay, he felt a cool wind blow against his back (which to Ohmgar felt rather unusual since it was still the early days of Autumn and his valley lay not directly in the path of the mountain's shadow) and as Ohmgar turned his attention to just where the cool breeze had come from, he heard from behind him the thick, leathery wing beats of a dragon soaring not so high over his head and just a little behind him.
The thought that another dragon had entered into where he lived (his "realm" as he called it) did not bother him in anyway (indeed he enjoyed the thought of having company in a time so dear to his own heart). As the form of the newly arrived dragon flew past and over his head and circled him some two-hundred feet above the ground, Ohmgar took notice for the first time just what kind of dragon he or she was. The dragon was obviously female (this causing his attention to peek even more as since dragons were immortal to old age, they all had a mutual love for and of the thought of a constant mate and companion) the second (and more amazing thing of this new arrival) was that the scales were that of a silver dragon, with the bright and polished scales of her form it caused for the first time in Ohmgar's life for his heart to almost feel like it skipped a beat. Her form was perfect, and here visage looked to be of the purist of silver. Truly (thought Ohmgar) she was something to behold.
"Hello!" yelled Ohmgar to the beautiful silver soaring above his head.
"Hello, oh copper one!" did the silver one reply back with a playful grin and with a voice who's perfection was only surpassed by her physical beauty as she circled above him as she soared. "Indeed perfect!" thought Ohmgar, the voice was as beautiful and perfect as her image.
"Welcome to my home and realm!" called Ohmgar back to her.
"Your home!? replied the silver one as she then giggled, as she then sailed by him to the north east (towards Stafor mountain, but not nearly that far) before she alighted upon an outcrops of flat rocks but a mere fifty feet from him. "Your realm!? Why is it that most male dragon youth's must always stake claim to the lands that they inhabit?" said the silver one as she laid herself upon the rocks and held her head up by propping it with a set left fist below her chin (all the while she said and did all this with that same playful and easygoing grin on her face).
As Ohmgar then smiled back, he said to her,"Yes, this is my home and I do stake my claim to it as since no other has. And of you my good lady, may I ask of your age and of your name as well?"
As the silver dragon then lowered her left hand (to lay it upon the smooth rock beneath her left elbow) and as she then straightened her long and slender neck upwards and gazed with a warm look in her eyes at the dragon youth before her she then said to him,"If I were as stuck-up as some of my same age or older sisters are, then I would say must certainly not to the question as to that of my age, but since I am in no way stuck-up in the slightest, I would tell you. I am four-hundred and fifty years of age if you must no little one."
With the words little one came a smile that to Ohmgar's mind was the most beautiful smile that he had ever seen. "Truly" thought Ohmgar to himself, "that this was a dragon that he must know the name of."
"And to your next question, that of my name. It is Tesia, if you must know. And you, may I ask. how old are you, and to what do you call yourself? It seems to me that you are as young as a youth of our kind."
"My name, dear one, is Ohmgar. And yes, I do believe that this landscape that surrounds us is mine. Though all are welcome." as he had said the words "dear one" during his talk with the silvered dragon, he bowed with respect and put his left hand above his heart all the while casting his eyes to the ground before him. As he raised his head backup to gazing upon the dragon to whom absorbed all of his attention, Ohmgar was please to see her smiling more intently at him."And to your last question, how old I am. I will tell you, I am two-hundred years of age."
"Yes I am dear one, and your age would mark you as a young one of our kind, but that should not matter as we are dragons and therefore not bound up in the shortcomings of the mortalities such as the mortal beings are when it comes to things such as age differences."
"It doesn't young one?" Well, I suppose that your are right." said the silver one as the playful smile that graced her lips became even more playful then.
"Tell me, Ohmgar" asked the silver one as she eyed him with what seemed great interest,"have you been amongst many of our kind since you left your parents lair to find both land and a lair of your own?" as she asked this question she then propped herself up on by her arms, her hands flat upon the equally flat rocks beneath them as she still lay her back end flat on the same rocks that she still rested on.
"No." replied Ohmgar as he eyed the great silver dragon before him with as much great interest as she did him."In fact you are the first of our kind that I have meet since I left my parents home and lair some fifty years ago." finished Ohmgar as he continued to still eye her as he thought to himself just how beautiful she looked and how polished her scales seemed to be to him.
"Well then, you have been without a lot of company. Shame that is for one such as a member of our eternal race. It must have been somewhat lonely for you I would think my dear Ohmgar." she said to him as her smile somewhat lessened to Ohmgar's thought (perhaps thought Ohmgar the lessing of her smile was at the thought that he must have been lonely for all that time, but Ohmgar could not truly tell that for curtain).
Wanting then to put her mind at ease, Ohmgar decided to tell her the truth on the matter and that was that he had not really been lonely at all, for he did enjoy his peace, and he did this (try to put her own sadness at ease) by saying to her,"Not at all, well not really. For you see I quite enjoy solitude from time to time. I have the woodland creatures for company and I have my home at Stafor mountain. True, sometimes I did find it all just a bit lonely from time to time, but that would soon pass when I found something new to catch my mind."
"Something like me I suppose?" stated the great silver one as she eyed him even more intently then than ever (perhaps, thought Ohmgar, it was that she was quite interested in just how he would manage a reply to such a serious question that she had just posed to him then).
"Not at all. You are not a flight of fancy in anyway, my dear one." replied Ohmgar to the one of silver as he then continued by further saying,"Your beauty is exquisite, and I would only imagine is surpassed only by your intellect. You are as graceful as a bird and as light on your feet with landing as any a dragon could possibly be, maybe even more graceful than that. I will tell you here and now that you are NO" he then had paused as he had emphasized the word "no" to stress the meaning before continuing,"flight of fancy, and no mere distraction in anyway at all dear one."
"Well spoken, my youth. I will tell you now as you had told me then that," she started to say all this as she had stood up then on all fours and turned around so that she faced in the opposite direction all the while as she turned her head so that she my still look at him, and as she did all of this she continued by saying,"That flattery with get you nowhere, well perhaps a little flattery never hurts little one." she finished as the smile then returned to her face. As she continued to eye him then she continued anew by saying,"Now, dear one where do you call home, I mean by that where, when you are in need of rest, do you dwell?"
"My home, dear silver, is there" he paused his speech then as he pointed a clawed right first finger at the mount that all called mount Stafor before continuing"My home I dug well into the mountain's south facing side and at ground level. There I live most of my days in a dwelling made large enough for my massive dragon form, but is still suited more for life in my humanoid form."
"Why, dear one would you live most of life in your humanoid form when clearly our dragon forms allow us much more freedom than our humanoid form ever could? I mean I enjoy spending time within villages in humanoid form, for that is when the time for thus such a shape is most welcomed. for humanoid settlements can be so small and confining, but in your own dwelling, your own lair, why would you not rest in dragon form?"
"I find that the humanoid form has much to offer in the ways of living. From tending to a hearth's fire, to even sipping from a cup full of tea, even to how I've taken to putting to memory every picturesque scene of the turn of the seasons to both mind and paint as since I have taught myself a great many years ago to paint what I see and admire." said Ohmager as he made a sweeping motion with his left arm at the woodlands and scenery about them.
"A dragon, a painter! How odd." the great silver one then replied,"Most dragons pursue either being a scholar of some sort or a historian, they have even been known from time to time to be tinkers in the ways of alchemy, wizardy, and constructs, but not painting. Tell me my dear Ohmgar, have you always pursued a different course in life other than one more normally thought of as a far more traditionally thought of for a dragon."
"Yes. At least I like to think so." replied a satisfied Ohmgar as he placed a left hand over his heart and laid his right down at his side (the satisfaction that he was feeling coming at the thought that she found him so unique).
"Well then" said Tesia as she then circled the flat rocks that she still stood upon to once again face him while arching a right eyebrow before saying,"You are indeed an unique one my dear Ohmgar. May I now next ask you just how far it is to your dwelling and home?"
"Where I call lair and home is not far from where we are now, my dear Tesia, at least not by dragon flight that is. It would take us no more than an hour by dragon flight to reach it." finished Ohmgar as delight then filled his heart (delight at the thought that he may have her as a guest at his home soon."
"Well, I would like to see this dwelling and home of yours if you please. For I have found that you can tell a lot about a dragon from the abode he keeps and how he or she keeps it." said the silver as she stretched both her head and neck high and as tall as she could as if taking measure of the youth before her now, though all the more showing a graceful and accepting smile to show him to show he need not fear displeasing her and that he was most acceptable and well received by her both before and now.
"Well then. May we be off." said Ohmgar as he carried himself aloft into the air by means of his large and leathery dragon wings. Pointing a right first finger and arm towards then the mountain beyond before finishing by saying,"There is where we are bound and there is where you will find that I make my dwellings."
As the pair of them then lifted themselves higher and higher into the cool Autumn air, they soared now northwards towards mount Stafor and its south facing side and Ohmgars dwelling beyond, and there without knowing an epic adventure awaited to be unfolded and begun. © 2011 GlazierAuthor's Note
1 Review Added on October 29, 2011 Last Updated on October 29, 2011 Author![]() GlazierToronto, Ontario, CanadaAboutHi, may Name is Geogre Glazier and I'm 34. I haven't had much time to be online on Writerscafe for the past while because I've gotten back to my writing. I'm still trying to finish off a book I've bee.. more..Writing