![]() Chapter 3 scene 10 As the night wares on (and the past of Trevor)A Chapter by Glazier![]() As the group converses about the individual pasts, Trevor then takes up his own story and begins to tell the group his own life's tale.![]() As Trevor looked at his newfound friend Tracy, then to the faces of everyone of the rest of his friends that made up their group, he went on to explain about himself and about his hopes for the future.
"Well, I was born just north of the city of Calgary, Alberta and lived there and grew up on a farm for the first twenty years of my life." as Trevor then paused a moment to clear his throat (raising then his cup of water to partake of the clear liquid therein) he went on by saying,"I learned at a very early age to master the horse and to be able to control a horse even without the use of rains with merely by giving commands to the horse."
"It must have been something" said a wistful sounding Tracy,"I've never been out west. I've just, up until this point, lived my life here in Ontario."
"Well, believe me, it was something." said Trevor with a warm and gentle smile, his heart and mind being pleasantly surprised at the notion that she would be amazed at what he had told her so far of his early years,"I lived on the ranch with my parents up until two years ago, when I was twenty and I left home bound for Toronto and the province of Ontario." as Trevor took a few sips of his water then and placed his cup back upon the ground before him, he then went for his food (his stomach still telling him it was still time to eat).
After he placed a few mouthfuls of food in his mouth (in an attempt to quiet his stomach for a while) he chewed and then swallowed, he then continued his telling of his past by saying,"I had some dealings with large cities, with Calgary and Edmonton. But those dealings were to still leave me a little bit ah struck with a city as large as Toronto is. But after six months, I I then got my city legs under me."
"Funny, I never put much thought in how people born in rural areas might find the large cities a daunting place to try and live." stated Jasper with a contemplative look showing on his face.
"Like I said" said Trevor with an easygoing grin that showed to the rest of the group that he did enjoy conversing with anyone that had something to say or ask of him,"it was a bit much for me. But I got used to it. As I grew up and became more accustomed and at ease to the thought of helping to protect the centaurs and the rest of the peoples of the world of Ashena, I learned of the fear that the centaurs had for their evil kin." as Trevor then paused his talking for yet another mouthful of the delicious food that Mike had prepared for them, the feel of a cool breeze blowing up his back and under his jean jacket gave him a slight shiver.
As Trevor watched as a shiver took to the body of a seated Tracy, he thought to himself that with such an unexpected summons, that the group had not prepared themselves well against the elements, even with this fire that had been made by Mike as a cooking fire and possibly a guard fire against foe and cold alike.
As Trevor placed his food down upon the ground before him yet again, he climbed then to his feet. As he pulled of his blue jean jacket and draped it over his right forearm he walked then around Lilith and Jasper and proceeded then to squat beside the shivering Tracy,
"Here. Take this" said Trevor as he handed his jean jacket to her with a left hand,"I'm a bit bulkier than you, don't worry I'll be fine."
Indeed, he was bulkier. To all of the group that saw him he must have seemed immense, for he was six feet five inches tall and two-hundred and forty pounds. He was wearing blue jeans and a thich white shirt. He was wearing white running shoes and he wore at all times around his neck a neckless with the symbol of a Capricorn on its front as a good luck charm, one that his sister Deborah had given him just two years before his leaving home when she herself had left for Vancouver. He had medium length blonde hair and brown coloured eyes.
As Tracy smiled at Trevor and took from him his jean jacket, she turned to her love and said,"No. You should have it my love."
And as she prepared to hand the jacket off to the woman to who she loved, her love Sue placed a hand over Tracy's right hand while Tracy still held the jacket in front of her. As Sue held her love's hand a moment and gently and loving gave it a squeeze she merely said to her,"No, my love. You need it. I'll be ok."
As the gazes of the two lovers meet, and the love that they held for one another was shown evident to all present, all responded to their show of love and affection with a wistful yearning of their own. As Mike eyed the two of them with much respect and admiration and a wistful look in his eyes that showed of him that he wished he had someone of his own to love like the two of them loved each other. And the look of Lilith as she glanced at Mike with some blush to her cheeks all the while with a wistful look of her own in her eyes. As she eyed Mike a moment the rosiness of her cheeks showed to all of her feelings, though no one had noticed it. As she then cast her eyes to her left and at the ground located there, she thought that had anyone noticed her, that her response to Mike brought on by the show of affection between the two loves' would have shown to all of her feelings towards the man that long ago captured her attention and heart even before they had ever truly meet.
"Where is my manners." said then Jasper as he too then climbed to his feet. As he walked to stand by Sue he squatted down as he then removed his long, black leather coat that went to his knees.
As Jasper handed the coat to her he merely said,"Here. Take this. I had not realized the cool breeze blowing, do to the fact that I was wearing my thick leather coat. We don't know how long we will be here, and even with the fire it is only going to get colder."
As Sue took his coat from him and he helped her on with it, so too did Tracy drape herself with the coat offered to her by Trevor. As the two of them snuggled deeper into the coats for warmth, Jasper and Trevor both returned to where they had both been sitting. As they both sat themselves back down Trevor continued about himself by saying,"As I learned more about my role amongst the chosen, I learned that I would mold the centaur people into a cavalry and archery force once again and that I would lead them into battle against their evil, and lost cousins. I hope I have what it takes for me to unify the centaurs and to lead them like I need to."
"Even thought we six are the chosen, it does not necessarily mean success in our positions." said Lilith as she then paused a moment as she starred into the flames of the fire as a contemplative look came to her face. A moment was all she needed before she continued by saying,"Even though we have been chosen to lead our newfound peoples into and outside of battle, we have both our tutors and advisors, ourselves, and each other, and" Lilith paused a moment to glance and smile and Tracy to show she was excepted by her and the group as a whole,"and our allies. Though we may not be gods, and though we cannot see the future, we have come this far for our peoples and I truly believe if need be anyone of us would lay down our lives for our peoples, may it be us or our allies."
As the group took in the words of Lilith and pondered her true words of their devotion to the peoples that they (to a man and woman) had not even meet yet, the looks on the faces of the group became solemn at the thought of the task at hand, and that task was the protection of two worlds, of their newfound peoples, and a protection of a world to which none of them had ever yet set foot on.
As Trevor thought a moment longer on the wise words of Lilith and just what they meant to him, he spoke up again, this time on the hopes that he had on the future of Ashena and of his newfound people. As he spoke his voice took on a firm, but thoughtful tone as he said," What I hope for the future of Ashena and those I have sworn my life to protect is that I hope for a soon to be free world where the Gray Ones have no sway over anything, and the way to Earth is forever lost to the forces of evil, now and forever. And I also hope to live out all my days upon that world, and to learn more about the world of Ashena's peoples and their ways. This I hope to learn over a great many of years."
As Trevor picked up his cup (to once more take sip from it) he looked first at Tracy, and then at the group's two animal companions before looking from face to face and before he side (as his eyes settled once more upon the appearance of Tracy before him)"And finally I hope to learn how best to be a friend and ally to our allies as well as to the rest of you."
And as the nine of them (two animal companions included) sat there sipping their drinks and eating their food, William looked over to a now silent and contemplative looking Trevor and said,"I guess, now that you are done, that I'll start next." And as William cleared his throat, as he prepared to relate his own brief story and his hopes of a future not yet written and which had not yet come to pass, that his story was as unique as everyone else's story within their group, and that it was this uniqueness that gave each of them a certain special trait and strength and that it was within their commonalities that the group would cement itself together as one against a common foe, that all of this would bind them to a single destiny and a single goal and that was the destruction of the Gray Ones. And as he then looked from one face to another, until he had gazed at the faces of every member of the group, he knew then that he was amoung that of his equal peers and that it wasn't so much that they were of the chosen that they would lead well, but that it was because of those that had faith in them that would help them to make sure that they did not fail anyone. © 2011 GlazierAuthor's Note
Added on August 5, 2011 Last Updated on August 5, 2011 Author![]() GlazierToronto, Ontario, CanadaAboutHi, may Name is Geogre Glazier and I'm 34. I haven't had much time to be online on Writerscafe for the past while because I've gotten back to my writing. I'm still trying to finish off a book I've bee.. more..Writing