Chapter 3 scene 9 The meeting of the complete group

Chapter 3 scene 9 The meeting of the complete group

A Chapter by Glazier

Chapter 3 The meeting (and the histories of Trevor, William, and Jasper).


As the rest of the group reaches the fringes of the camp, they meet for the first time the rest of the group (namely that of Lilith, Mike, Spirit, and Starling).




As the light of the campfire grew brighter (in which it cut through the nighttime darkness like a beckoning light) the party of five came to a stop just beyond the fringes of the clearing to where the campfire and their four other companions waited for them. It was now pitch dark around them and it would have meant that they would have had very little light to guide them if it were not for the sphere of light and the campfire's light that guided the five of them now, for overhead the stars and moon cast a feeble light as it tried to breach the canopy of branches that towered high above the group's heads.


     As the group hovered just beyond the fringes of the clearing and their waiting companions beyond (to settle their nerves that were excited at the thought that the group would finally be all together and whole) the thought to themselves that this was their moment, that they were the ones to lead other races and cultures into battle against and overwhelming and evil force. Each, to a man and a woman, knew and could sense that at this precise moment, that they were going to join as one and in a solid front against a growing and almost unstoppable evil. If there was a moment for them to both as a group and as friends, unite as one, then this was the moment to do so.


     With their moment of composer now passed, the group of five then prepared to step forward both into their destiny, new friendships, and into their new future in a world that neither of them had ever been to yet.


     As the five members of the rest of the group entered into the clearing and into the view of Mike, Lilith smiled both an excited but also a content smile. The smile to which creased her lips told  Mike that she was excited at the prospect that the others had finally arrived, and content at the thought that their waiting (both for them and the rest of the group) was finally over and that they could all enjoy each others company and a good meal now.


    "Their here!' said an excited Lilith as she smiled to Mike as she then rose to her feet.


     "Now we can eat and converse about ourselves and our futures together." said Lilith as she turned and stepped forward towards the group as they entered then into the clearing.


     As she stepped forward a five feet or so towards their other companions, she smiled at them a smile to both welcome them and to tell them that she was pleased to finally meet them, this she did before then saying,"Welcome. I'm glad that all of you could finally make it. I trust the sphere of light guided you all well."


     "It did." said Sue as she stepped forward to meet Lilith,"Thank you for the aid and thank you for your thoughtfulness towards us, for the light was fading and the path before could have been fraught with the possibility of injury if it was not for your kind thought and assistance towards us."


     As Lilith stood before them she merely asked of the sphere,"Return from whence you came" and as she said this the sphere vanished in a flash of white light. After the disappearance of the sphere of light, Lilith nodded her head then in acknowledgment to Sue's thank you, and as she did Sue's love Tracy stepped forward, excited at last to finally be able to meet both her and Mike in person.


     "Hello" said Tracy as she smiled at Lilith,"I'm so glad to finally meet the two of you. I hope you both haven't been waiting all that long for the rest of us to arrive?"


     "Not long." said Lilith as she showed a warm smile back at Tracy to show her that she was more than welcomed amongst them,"Though Mike I'd wager, had been waiting far longer than I." Lilith finished as she half turned to face Mike.


     As Mike walked closer towards their new arrivals he said,"Welcome, though I have been the one that has been waiting the longest, it was well worth the wait." as Mike had said this he smiled and then gestured with his right hand and arm towards the fire before them and then continued by saying,"Come. Let us eat. I have made a small meal for us, so we can all eat a meal as a group for the first time tonight. Please come and let us all sit."


     As the whole assembled group now moved towards the roaring fire, Spirit moved to walked at the right side of Lilith and licked at her right hand that had been offered to him as if to ask if these were the ones that they all had been waiting for, or if those that they waited for was still yet to come.


     "They have arrived, and these are them." Lilith said to Spirit as she then patted him on his head as they came to a stop at their place that they had been sitting at just moments before.


     As Lilith then finally sitted herself down (this time she sat emplace of kneeling) the others then quickly followed suit (two sitting to her left hand side and three to her right while Mike sat directly opposite her in his usual place).


     As they all took a seat and Mike began to handout the bowls (bowls with which held the soup and assortment of food within them) he said,"It is a assortment of carrots, potatoes, beans, and tuna and the brooth slash soup is made of its own stock and some mineral water. I still got a bottle and a half of mineral water left so if any of you are thirsty I can fetch some cups from my scooter's trunk and pour out some water for you all to drink if you would like."


     "Yes please." said Sue as Mike then rose to his feet and started off once again in the direction of his scooter.


     As Mike went off to get the cups, Lilith thought to say,"I'm glad that you all made it here safely and without any trouble."


     "With the sphere of light to guide us the trek here was much safer than it would have been without the it. Thanks. And how did you create such a sphere? I had know idea that such a spell existed." said Jasper with a look of interest on his face towards her forthcoming answer.


     "It was a spell that I had designed and created myself. It is a spell that requires a focal point, a place with which one can focus their attention and energies on, such as I do with my staff. It is quite an easy process to summon the spell once you have your focal point selected." explained Lilith with a smile showing on her face. The smile that she showed on her face was one that showed that she did quite enjoy being able to teach Jasper about various ways and methods of both creating and summoning forth magical spells into their world, for in her mind she saw him as one that could one day become quite versed in the fine arts of spell craft and spell crafting.

     "I had not thought that anyone but the ancient order spell casters could still be able and have the ability to forge their own spells, and with such ease." said Jasper with a look of humility showing then in his demeanor.


     "It is true that the art of spell crafting is an ancient one and that much of it has been lost to memory and to practice, but one can still learn how to do it and then proceed to use those ancient methods of spell crafting to pretty much create almost any spell that one can conceive of." said Lilith as Mike rejoined the group after retrieving the cups from his scooter's trunk, and as Mike took his seating position again (directly opposite her) she merely finished by saying (all the while looking at Mike as she did),"I can teach anyone at least some of the basic ways of spell casting and spell creating. Though I will only be able to teach simple spell creating techniques with which one not inclined to magic will be able to create for themselves simple spells."


     As she said this Mike smiled at Lilith and she smiled back, with the thought that she could teach Mike at least some of what she knew pleasing Lilith to no end.


     "I think both I and Mike are looking forward to your teaching on the matter of spell casting and crafting." said Jasper as he took from Sue the food offered to him.


     "I for one" said Mike as he handed off yet another bowl of the deliciously good smelling food to Tracy,"was amazed to find out that spells and magic worked in this world and not just the world of Ashena."


     As Mike handed out the last of the steaming bowls of food to Tracy (this one being for herself) he picked up his own bowl and prepared to eat. As he raised a spoonful of a mixture of diced potatoes and beans towards his waiting mouth, Mike said before taking his first bite,"I hope that you all enjoy, it is our first meal together as a group and I hope it's to all of your satisfactions. Oh, and I almost forgot," finished Mike as he lowered his spoonful of food back into his bowl as he reach for a cup and one of the bottles of mineral water,"The water that some of you wanted."


     As Mike placed back down his bowl on the ground, he picked up the first cup and started to pour out some of the water for the others he  while he finished by merely saying,"Enjoy everyone." and as Mike poured out the water into the  first of the cups, Lilith was the first out of the group to taste the delicious contents of her bowl which tasted better than what any of her other senses could have ever told her it would be.


     The food tasted great, for the different foods blended perfectly with one another, and the herbs made it both taste and smell even better.


     "You are an amazing cook." said Lilith as she took another mouth of food, chewed, and swallowed it down.


     "I agree." said Jasper as he too took another bite full of the delicious food from within his own bowl and from off of his own spoon.


     "Thank you for thinking of us. And especially me, as you did not even know that I was coming at all." said Tracy as she laid her bowl of food down so as she could pat Spirit as he had come along side of her to her right, apparently a little curious about the newcomers still (Spirit obviously wanting a bit of her attention so as he might be able to get used to her, and the rest of the group's new company).


     "Thank you, and you are all welcome" said Mike as he handed the last of the cups of water out to Trevor for him to drink while he ate,"It is amazing you know," continued Mike as he once again pickup his own food up as he himself prepared to eat,"that, with the right herbs, some well picked ingredients, and some water and a roaring fire, what it can do to pacify a hungry stomach and bring renewed strength to a tired body and mind."


     "I agree, and well put." said Sue as she sipped at the cup of water that had been handed to her by her love Tracy just moments ago.


     "Though with the food now gone, we will have either to purchase, catch, or gather our next meal. For before the call to arms and the summons went out, I had not in the way of much food in the house at the time. And so I had to take what little I had and could fit into the trunk of my scooter with me." said Mike as he took a taste of the meal he had prepared for both he himself and the rest of the group as a whole.


     As the gentle, but rich taste of Mike's meal lulled his stomach back to a satisfied state, he swallowed then and then went for a second helping from his bowl. As he put his second spoonful of his meal into his mouth (this one Mike noticed was of a full tasting of beans, and carrots with a good douse of broth, which was different from his previous mouthful of tuna, broth, and potatoes) Mike thought of how just before the rest of the group had arrived both he and Lilith was talking about their pasts and their hopes for their futures and of those that they sought to protect. Even though both he and Lilith already knew much about each other and the rest of the group through the realm of their dreamscapes, and that the group already knew much about them, he always wanted to here about them from them when he had finally meet his friends and was finally able to directly ask them about themself. And after all (Mike thought to himself) their was after all Sue's partner that the group did not really know, and how better Mike thought to help her feel accepted than to let her find out about them, and they about her.


     As Mike brought a spoonful of the broth into his mouth and swallowed it, he decided to ask the rest of the group, in particular Tracy, of their pasts and their hopes for the future of their new world.


     "Before you all arrived, both me and Lilith were talking about our pasts and the hopes of us and our newfound peoples. Since Tracy is new to the group, It seems to me that the easiest way for all of us to get to know her and she us, is for all of us to talk about ourselves and our hopes for the future. So how's first?" finished Mike with an easygoing smile on his face as her looked up from his meal towards the rest of the group.


     "Well" said Trevor as he swallowed a spoonful of his meal,"I don't mind starting. Where to begin." as Trevor lowered his bowl to the ground, he looked to the newcomer Tracy who sat opposite him, to Lilith's right and with a smile on his face that he hoped would tell her that he enjoyed the chance to tell her of himself and his hopes for the future, as well as for him to learn of her and hopes of the future too.


     "Well" said Trevor as he raised his cup of water to his lips, drank a little, and then placed it back upon the ground before him,"My brief story up until this point goes something like this."

© 2011 Glazier

Author's Note

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Added on July 29, 2011
Last Updated on July 29, 2011



Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Hi, may Name is Geogre Glazier and I'm 34. I haven't had much time to be online on Writerscafe for the past while because I've gotten back to my writing. I'm still trying to finish off a book I've bee.. more..
