![]() The Silver Fox: As the hunt draws to an end (a story of Brock Silverstreak) Scene 1A Story by Glazier![]() With the feeders now cornered (though his prey had not known it yet) The "Silver Fox" prepares to deal death to ones that would deal it to others.![]() Scene 1:The cornering and the leap into action
Desc:With the feeders now cornered in an ancient European town, the "Silver Fox" (a.k.a Brock Silverstreak) prepares to leap into action and slay those that would kill the innocent and bring death and misery to others.
The smell of feeder's clung like some choking smog in the cool (but damp) autumn air. The time was night (the witching hour to be exact) as the "Silver Fox" glided (more liked leaped) from rooftop to rooftop in an attempt to put to an end to a hunt that had started some three month's ago. The hunt had started in the city of Sibiu in the country of Romania and it was now destined to end in a town that "Fox" (which he was known by to his friends) was not sure how to pronounce.
This country had become a place of late to which these ancient order feeder's had rather taken nicely to, since their kind and ways had at one time flourished here until lord Dracul had put an end to the practice and had brought an end to many a feeder's undead or sometimes living life (though in the past few years the practiced had been both started and taken up anew again, for such is the pull of a vampires hunger for blood, and the perverse nature and allure of the acts of the feeders that it often would ensnare the weak minded and the degenerate and as such made exterminating the act and those who indulged in it almost impossible).
There was a total of fifteen of these bloodsuckers (no pun intended...well, maybe just a little little pun intended) close by (fourteen being in the dead-end alleyway to which "Fox" now sprang rooftop to rooftop to get to, and another near by held up in a rundown building) all of which would be permanently dead soon. As "Fox" finally leap onto and landed on the final rooftop (leaving not forty feet between him and his prey) "Fox" pulled from there attaching hooks his two blades and prepared to leap from the building to which he still stood upon and descend to the ground below.
The blades were both a crude and ancient device of the old world (crude, though at the same time, quite elegant in the simplicity). The blades were made of iron, clad in silver so as to be unusable to a Lycan (as at the time of the blades invention the vampire's and werewolve's were not only at war with each other, but at each others very throats). The blades of the...well, blades, emerged from the respective handles on an angle and curved outwards in a half moon, with the rounded edge of the blade facing forwards (this appearance giving the blade's blade a backwards sickle look to them).
The blade of the blades were of iron (clad of course in silver) and shaped around a curved piece of sacred oak. The oak, with its superior strength that was twice that of steel, was soaked in saltwater (which was meant to prove deadly to any an undead vampire who would cross a blade's wielder). At the apex of the blade's top end was a spike of sacred oak (also soaked in saltwater). This spike was held fast to the top of the blade's blade by a ring of iron and a cap at its flat end made of iron too. From the cap came four rather thick bands of iron (clad in silver) that ran in ninety degree intervals (starting from the spikes top, to right side, to its bottom, and then finally to its left side) these four bands coming finally to a termination point at the exact center point of the spike's front and only tip.
These blade's were made for one reason only, and that was for death. For these blades were meant to kill both vampire and Lycan a like, and as such would drink well tonight (at least when it came to the blood of vampires it would).
Walking slowly over to the lip of the rooftop to which he (the "Silver Fox") still remain atop of, "Fox" walked over to the center portion of the roof overlooking the dead-end street below. Placing and resting a right foot upon the decorative molding of this building's roof, Fox surveyed the (soon to be) "field of battle" below.
From first view, Fox could pick out five of the fifteen nightwalker members of the group. The first walking ever further down the dead-end road towards the very building where Fox now stood atop of, walking (no doubt without the knowledge that this nightwalker walked to his doom). the other four were leaning (most likely resting) from anything (most likely anyone) to whom they managed to prey upon and killed this night, for feeder's seldom feed upon anything else but human. Though in rare cases feeder vampires have been known to turn upon their own kind, making feeders that feed on vampires the most ruthless and dangerous beings in existence (with the sole exception of that of the Elder race, which all of the other races most feared). These other four vampires leaned against, with their back's up against the rear wall of the buildings that line the alleyway left side.
As Fox sniffed at the air further, he took quick notice of the scents of eight of the other nine to where their location Fox still needed knowledge of. Four of these eight scents came strongly from the roof of a building that lay to his left and some three rooftops down from Fox, and opposite that the last of the eight scents, thses last four secnts lay strongly located on a building three rooftops down and to Fox's right. As to the last individual that Brock still had to locate, that (so called "person's) scent came from the the ground floor of the building to where the first of the four (of the eight) scents had come from (and that was the building three rooftops down and to Brock's left). Their leader of course being the one held up tight in a rundown building to the far end of the alleyway (the far end being that of opposite Brock's position).
"Weak bloods" is the term that the Elder race used for both the Lycan and Vampire races, for the two races actually emerged from the Elder race to whom Brock belonged. Though Brock (unlike some of the younger sired Elders) was an Elder by birth and not of the sired variety. "Weak bloods" was not a term that he had ever assigned to either of these two race's, seeing as he saw them as his equals, most of the time anyways. There was after all (which was a common trait, an unfortunate one on occasion) an Elder's pride and (sometimes) very strong sense of arrogance to which most (especially those Elder's that were born as such) that sometimes showed up among his people when the mention of the two younger races would be brought up (the term "Weak blood" was meant to denote a diluting of the bloodlines of the Elder race to whom both of these races' descended from).
Though it had been mostly a nightwalker thing (namely the feeding on human life) and not a problem of any real note for the daywalker side of the vampire race, and never a problem for the Lycan race. The problem of feeding on humans was never a problem for Lycans at all, especially since the werewolf race had taken to the tenet of the Elder's as to never feed on the human race as it was the human race to whom all of the four unknown races (the four races being "unknown" to the human race because the human race had virtually no knowledge of them at all) were either directly descended, if not distantly descended from.
Though this tenet had never actually been given by the Elder race to the Werewolf race and as such nobody amongst the Elder race quite knew where the Werewolf race had actually acquired it from, though the belief among the Werewolve's on just how they had aquired such a tenet was they their goddess Luna (goddess of the hunt, moon, and life-giver to all the world) gave them this tenet to forever live by. As it was their (the Lycan's) belief that their goddess Luna had given them this charge to protect the human race for all time from themselves as well as any other feeder's when after the Lycan race had been formed from a still beating human heart that their goddess had removed from a dying human and placed within herself and thus transforming herself into the first She-wolf. The term She-wolf would then forever be the name of all female werewolves and as such would forever replace the name of "woman" in the language of the Lycan's (the replacing of the word "woman" coming with such reverence to both their goddess Luna and the females of the Lycan race as to forever cement the male Lycans fierce loyalty, respect, and love that the males of the Lycan race had for both their goddess and their mate and female counterpart for all time to come). It is believed (by all Lycans) that once the human heart started beating within her chest and she became a she-wolf (for though the Lycan's goddess Luna was a werewolf before the transformation and was already a female) the true Lycan race immediately began and their goddess then gave birth to the first living Lycan male and she-wolf.
It was from this Lycan goddess (actually this sole Lycan goddess) that the Lycan's believed that this tenet came directly from.
"This maybe true, or it may not" though Fox to himself as he readied himself for the inevitable battles to come. For even though Brock was one of the oldest Elders that he knew of, not even Brock knew quite where his people's own tenet had come from and to whom the law was made for.
As Brock glared down at the assortment of nightwalkers below him on the dead-end street, he let his anger and hatred for the feeder's and their kind (namely that of feeders, for no true member, may they be Elder, Lycan, Vampire, or Were-coyote thought of feeders as one of them) give way to pity for the souls of the lost feeders. Indeed, those that feed in this way, were lost to those around them. They were shunned and even outcasts among their people (indeed outcast among all the races that knew to what the feeders feed upon).
As Brock's anger slightly began to rise again, Brock thought that at least tonight their feeding ways would be over and their villainy gone from this world. More over that the souls would be left to face the life here after and what punishments that a life of feeding such as this might entail.
With that thought now done, Brock decided to now leap (as it were) into action. Brock (always being one to make a dramatic enterance) took off with lighting speed in the opposite direction of where his enterance would be (namely the dead-end alleyway) and ran nearly to the very edge of the roof over looking a street at the front of the home to what he was standing on. Then with equal speed, slide to a halt before taking off again (this time towards the end of the roof and his targets who was positioned throughout the dead-end alleyway just beyond the fringe of the rooftop).
As Brock flew off of the rooftop in the direction of the alleyway and his targets, the "Silver Fox" prepared himself for battle. © 2011 GlazierAuthor's Note
Added on April 7, 2011 Last Updated on April 7, 2011 Author![]() GlazierToronto, Ontario, CanadaAboutHi, may Name is Geogre Glazier and I'm 34. I haven't had much time to be online on Writerscafe for the past while because I've gotten back to my writing. I'm still trying to finish off a book I've bee.. more..Writing