![]() Chapter 1 Scene 2:The recalling 1A Chapter by Glazier![]() As Alison awakens, her mind retraces her steps as she searched for a way to locate "The blood room" and what it took to find it.![]() As her mind drew closer to the waking world one more, Alison blinked her eyes a couple of times before rubbing the sleep from them. She knew by her internal clock that it was just a little after four o'clock, and that the time to get ready for the hunt was soon to be upon her. Rousing her sleep from her semi sleepy state and from her bed, Alison moved towards the spot that she had laid her boots and quickly slipped them back on again. As the sleep completely slipped from her mind and thoughts then, Alison thought over again as to how she had managed to locate The Blood Room and to what it took to bring this search for the place to an end.
The hunt for this elusive place had started in that place where the last hunter that had tried to identify The Blood Room's location went missing (and that hunter had gone missing over twenty five years ago from this exact day). The place was near Saint Lawrence Market area of the city. The time had been midnight (just after the day had rolled over from Sunday night to early Monday morning) and the streets surrounding the area virtually empty of any life (save for the ill-reputed and the criminal element of society). As Alison walked the street she took note of the many people in the dead-end alleyways of the city to whom every drug dealer, vagabond of notorious rep, and gun for higher plied their trade from (all this spying she did while under the concealment and protection of her cloak).
As Alison moved from street to street, from dead-end alleyway to dead-end alleyway, she had observed those around her as they worked against society and its well-being ways. In one instance she watched as money exchanged hands for a hit that the intended target most likely knew nothing about. As the money exchanged hands and she overheard the hit, she had decided to act to save a life and possibly prevent those guilty of the crime from going free, though she well knew that the life of either a hunter (or in her case a freelancer) lay within the boundaries of hunting feeders and in noway was she to lend herself to act as a crime fighter as it may lead the general public to knowing of the other four races existence.
The money exchange had been an exchange between a husband and a hit man, the husband hiring the hit man to make a hit on his wife. Apparently he had fallen out of love with his wife quite sometime ago and did not want to divorce her because he did not want to lose half of what he had to her, so in his mind it made more economical sense to have somebody else just take her life and be done with both the situation and with her.
The situation filled Alison with such rage that not even the surface of the sun (in Alison mind) could at that point rival the burning anger and hatred that she felt for these two men at that point. For in Alison's heart and mind she truly believed in true love and this, she knew, was not it. Allowing her anger to boil over then, Alison had decided right there and then to act.
Employing then, her daywalker ability of mastery of both flame and its heat she allowed the money held within the right hand of the hit man to burst into flame and within seconds be reduced to nothing but ash (the flames and its heat never once straying to either burn nor touch the flesh of the hand and its person's being as the flames and its heat utterly consumed the tainted cash held therein). Astonished at (to what both men must have thought) what should have been an impossible event (namely the consumption) of the cash by sudden appearance of both hear and flame, the hit man had drawn from his left hand side of his waist a gun with his left hand and pointed it in now particular direction down the alleyway towards the street (in the general direction, though past Alison, with a look of such terror in the man's eyes as to show her just how terrified the hit man now was).
Turning then her attention to the barrel of the gun, Alison allowed the same heat to consume the muzzle of the gun. Within moments the muzzle of the gun melted and fused shut so that the gun proved of little danger to even a daywalker caught out of its element with neither sunlight nor the daylight hours to give her the regenerative healing power that a daywalker would normally have during the daylight hours of the day.
As the muzzle of the gun's barrel fused shut and the became useless to its wielder, the hit man and criminal threw aside the gun and view then the entire alleyway before him with such apprehension and fear that he must likely had never in his existence before felt. A grim satisfaction had entered into Alison feeling and mind then (as it did now at the remember of the day's earlier events) at the thought that the hit man should now experience such fear (the same fear that all those who must have meet their end at the barrel of his gun must have felt just before he squeezed the trigger of his gun and took their lives from the and their family).
Acting then with the anger and motives of an avenger and the strength (though diminished as it were somewhat by the lack of the presence of any sunlight) she moved towards her prey with lighting speed, grasping the man by the throat with an unseen right hand (for she was still conceal by the spell of her cloak and by her will to remain so) and lifting him into the air a foot off of the ground. As his would-be buyer turned to flee from his employee`s assailant, Alison reached back towards the fleeing man and grabbed him about his right ankle and lifted him too a foot off of the ground and dangled them above the ground to which (just a moment ago) they had stood.
"Now, my good gentlemen" the last two words their unseen foe had said a tongue and sarcasm as sharp as steel,"Now what am I going to do with you." And with that her motives and strength became evident to all. Their unseen adversary and the unseen force therein throwing the would-be gun for hire against the rear of a building that lay behind him, the man's back and his head hitting the rear wall of the building sending the man's senses wheeling, as the man slumped to the ground dazed.
The other man (namely the hit man's would-be buyer) she dropped to the ground, and as the man lay their he glanced back in the direction that Alison now stood (with a look that clearly meant that his end was nigh) and remained frozen where he fell. And as he remained frozen to his spot (a spot he could no more move from because of fear than the sun could refuse to raise) Alison while still conceal from vision and while still glaring at him, for her true anger was directed not at the hit man (for a hit man did what all hit men did, at that was to kill whoever they were paid to kill) but her anger and hatred was directed at the husband to whom the hit man was hired by. For it was this man (namely the husband that Alison now glared at with unseen eyes) that had deemed his wife's life worth (actually worth saving half of his wealth from her death).
Viewing the husband as he lay terrified, glued to his spot, Alison merely said,"Move one inch and you will truly find out what it is like to be burned alive." And as she had turned her attention then to the hit man lying, with back against the wall, and with his head slumped over, she had grabbed the man again by his throat (and startling the man back awake) lifted the terrified man to his feet. As Alison removed the hood of her cloak from her head (her will now that she be seen by all those assembled) she glared into the terrified man's eyes (eyes, with pupils so big as to be the size of moons) and employed a Vampires mesmerizing gaze ( a gaze that seemed to all those caught within it to go straight to their souls).
As she removed the hood of her cloak and willed herself to become noticed, was as if she just appeared before them as if out of thin air. This sudden appearance being enough to rivet the attention of both buyer and hit man to her like flies to flypaper.
"You will listen to me closely, for I'm only going to say this once" explained a very angry Alison,"You will forever leave your life as a criminal behind you and never look back upon it as a viable job option. And if I ever so much as think I have heard of a person with your appearance ever taking a life unjustly again, I will personally hunt you down and make you pay for your crimes. For I have a very long memory and even longer lifespan. Do I make myself clear to you?" said Alison as she (for the moment had finished.
"Yes" came the tranced man's audible reply to her question.
"Now leave. And Leave now." finished Alison to the man now as she then released him and he walked from Alison's reach and away from both her and his would-be buyer without even noticing them. She knew her suggestion would stick and that he would never lead a life of crime ever again, for only the truly strong of will could ever break from a Vampire's suggestion given through gaze (and she seriously doubted for a minute that he had the will to ever break hers).
"Now" thought Alison,"the true fun begins." She would not kill the man that both wished and paid for his wife's death, but rather she would make him pay for it. Since he thought of his wife as being not worthy of half of his assets, than she saw it only fair that by paying for her death (which would never come by his actions ever now) herr would pay dearly for her living.
Turing then to him now (the husband who had intended to keep all) she reached down towards him (and grabbing him by his shirt collar) lifted him to his feet. Looking her gaze with his (hers of sheer intensity, and his of bewilderment and utter fear) she had smile then a grim and terrifying smile (one that had shivers throughout the man's body visible) and if the man could have mustered a wit to look away from her gaze, he couldn't for his fear at what he had witnessed her do was not complete (his eyes now locked on what he now most feared).
"Now" said Alison with a cool and unnerving tone in her voice,"time for us" she said us with such distinction as to send even more shivers throughout his already quivering body,"to get acquainted."
The man's fear that she would focus her attention on him when she was done with his would-be hit man became manifest in his eyes then, as his pupils grew as large as saucers' and trembled within the intense gaze she gave him now.
"You thought your wife's life was worth nothing to you, certainly not half of your wealth. Well," continued Alison as her smile now turned to a seemingly pleasant one, this smile causing the man to whisper in a trembling voice (his voice barely audible, for his fear was so great that he could barely muster the will and ability to speak)"Please don't kill me."
"Don't kill you. My dear good man" the last two words coming with the same level of sarcasm as she had said good gentlemen before,"I don't mean to kill you, only make you pay. And make you pay" the word pay and the rest thereafter coming in a cold tone that allowed him to know that what she was next to say and do he would not like in the slightest,"I will."
Her gaze then locking with his, and the mesmerizing commencing, she knew that his will to keep all his worldly possessions would soon be nothing more than a memory."Now, you wanted to save half of your fortune by killing your wife. Well, you will go home and tell your wife that you no longer love her and that you are Very" the word very being said by Alison in a way that made it sound like she was desperately trying with all her might to keep from losing control and killing him,"sorry for his loving no longer being for her. And when you go before the courts to divvy up your wealth you Will give her" Alison then paused for a moment to emphasize what her next command would be," Three quarters of your combined wealth and Never ask for a single cent back Ever. Is that clear?" finished Alison with a look of satisfaction in her eyes, on her face, and in her voice and tone.
"Yes." came the reply to as soon to be less wealth individual.
"And one more thing" Alison said as a forethought to her commands,"When all is said and done. You will put your name and the entire settlement in the paper and even on the airwaves, both T.V. and radio. I want to know what your unknown betrayal has cost you personally. And you will never again pay to have a life taken or take a life unjustly again, for if you do I will personally hunt you down and kill you. Now leave." With all the commands said she waited for them to be done.
As she released her grip from around his shirt collar, Alison watched as the man turned away from her and started to walk off (his destination no doubt being for home). She knew he would not fail in her commands to the man, for like the former hit man, this man had not the will to break hers. As the man began to turn away from her, the look in the man eye's giving her to know that he nether saw nor would he even take notice of her voice if she were to call out (for not all implanted suggestions need be apparent). Indeed he knew now nothing of the events of this night (nor would the would-be assassin). The knowledge of her buried (at least for now) for if their paths were to ever cross again, those that had meet her and the memories of this night would be brought forth anew, and the terror with which they had felt tonight would be rekindled anew.
As the man drifted down the dead-end alleyway towards the main street, Alison felt a grim satisfaction for what she did and what she had accomplished (a satisfaction made grim because she well knew of what possibilities that made had gave way to that traitorous husband's wife). © 2011 GlazierAuthor's Note
Added on April 6, 2011 Last Updated on April 6, 2011 Author![]() GlazierToronto, Ontario, CanadaAboutHi, may Name is Geogre Glazier and I'm 34. I haven't had much time to be online on Writerscafe for the past while because I've gotten back to my writing. I'm still trying to finish off a book I've bee.. more..Writing