Chapter 1 Where Freelancer fear to tread Scene 1:What a day

Chapter 1 Where Freelancer fear to tread Scene 1:What a day

A Chapter by Glazier

As Alison attempts to put out of action the dreaded feeder haven of "The blood room" she enlists the help of both Sashai and Tela.


      As Alison enters into their sanctuary home at the time of noon, she thinks to herself how truly grueling the day (and it was only half done) had been to her. She had been Tracking the better part of the wee hours of this morning and up untilan hour ago trying to locate a feeders den known to all Freelaners and Hunters as "The blood room". It had stood as a bane to all freelancers and old world hunters alike for over a century now, for unknown countless numbers of both sectshad gone missing never to be heard from again. Their disappearances linked by the fact that they had all gone missingwhile they had all been attempting to locate this place of evil to extinguish it forever from this earth. And now withthis place's location finally identified (nearly a century after this place of debauchery and utter evil first made itsmark upon the world) she (along with the friends that she would enlist, for Alison knew she could not do this alone)would cleanse this place of utter evil and all there within from the earth once and for all.



 As Alison closed one of the double doors of the sanctuary's main rear doors (the right hand one actually) behind her, she sighed a breath of weariness, but also relief. The weariness came from the long day (and it was only noon yet) as Alison had worked on her hunt during the whee hours of the morning, working under cover of darkness, and as such all daywalkers knew (even the newly sired) that working out of their element meant a slow decay of their strength until the welcoming rays of the daybreak washed over them. The relief coming from the fact that she had managed to do what no other (may they be hunter or freelancer) had been able to do until now, and that was to track down and locate the both infamous and deadly feeder haven called "The Blood Room".


     The Blood Room, the very mention of the place would have sent both chiles through the blood and shivers down the spine of any mortal (no matter what their race, may the be Elder, Were-coyote, Werewolf, Vampire, or Human) who knew of the reputation of the place and knew personally members of the O.C. or Tribunal that had been suspected to have been lost to the place. It was a place (that even if located) a place that any freelancer or old world hunter would fear to tread. This fear being so strong to even bring worry and fear to two differing sects of hunters (old world and new world) where fear among them had rarely been experienced ever before.


     The fear meant nothing to Alison, for she knew very little of the horrors committed by those that had been linked to The Blood Room, and moreover even if she did take the time to view the information on the place, she still knew and felt that she could care less because she knew she had her friends and that they watched her back. For her it was just another hunt and just another cleansing. Well...maybe not just another hunt. For she knew of the links of over one hundred freelancers and hunters that had gone missing while they tried to locate and extinguish the place (and it was believed possibly fifty more than that) all linked with The Blood Room and the feeders held within the place. This hunt was as much for her (namely Alison`s) vengeance than it was for their (namely the freelancers and hunters) vengeance for them falling prey to their very prey that they had sought to kill.


     Alison felt weak, but see was safe inside their sanctuary home. Safe, for the spell sealing the doors and barring the windows against intruders meant that they all were safe here from feeders and anyone else who would try and do them harm. The whee hour event left her physically drain somewhat now, for a daywalker working out of their element would be left that way till the suffusing rays of dawn washed over their bodies and rejuvenated them (though in actuality the sun's rays needed not to touch their skin to bring strength to their bodies only that the daylight needed arrive that a daywalker would then regain their strength). The contact of sun's rays on skin needed only to bring forth their heightened strength during the day (indoors and with no direct sunlight with which to draw strength from would give a daywalker only three quarters of their daytime strength) and sunlight only needed to give concealment to sight (invisibility) and healing and regenerative powers to a harmed daywalker.


     The continuation of the day would bring further strength to Alison's body and would revitalize her strength anew for the inevitable battle that she knew was to come (as sure as the day was long and the sun was to raise and set each day). All Alison needed to do now was just sleep for a few hours, then her strength would return to her. Even now she could feel her body absorbing the day's strength, which even now brought her a renewed sense of well-being and gratitude that she was a daywalker and that the strength that flowed through her body and veins from the very essence of the day (as the same level of strength flows through a nightwalker from the essence of the night) made her strong again and gave her pause to know that she could yet make a difference by the lives around her.


     As Alison walked towards the east leading corridor (her eventual destination being her room) Alison lingered just a moment by the door of Tila and Sashai's room (both of them sharing a room as they were both lovers of many centuries now, both being Were-coyotes). As Alison lingered a moment longer at the closed door of their room (wondering to herself if she should enlist their help now in the matter of the hunt for tonight, or wait till later tonight to do so) choosing then at that moment to wait until later, she then turned towards the east leading corridor and headed straight then towards her room.


     Reaching her room, she opened her door and removed from her shoulders her black cloak and laid it on the back of a chair close to her bed. Alison's cloak was made of a fabric similar to velvet in texture and appearance, but the fabric was of a special nature as it had been cultivated from the land of the Were-coyote (a densely forested region in the jungles of South America) the material made from the fibers of a translucent spider that the Were-coyotes called "The shrouded one". This cloak was weaved, then sealed with spells to guard against the elements (especially fire, as such an element proved very lethal to both Were-coyote and Lycan alike). But what was the cloak's true saving grace was that it allowed (by the will of its wearer) to blend its wearer into their surroundings so well, that not even a daywalkers heat vision could detect the wearer of the cloak.


     With the cloak now resting on its resting place, Alison slide off her knee high black leather boots (boots of a normal make) slide beneath the covers of her bed, and then drifted quickly off to sleep.

© 2011 Glazier

Author's Note

Please tell me if you like this story, it's a work in progress. Thank you.

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Added on April 6, 2011
Last Updated on April 6, 2011



Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Hi, may Name is Geogre Glazier and I'm 34. I haven't had much time to be online on Writerscafe for the past while because I've gotten back to my writing. I'm still trying to finish off a book I've bee.. more..
