![]() (Nocturnal call) Scene 3:The hunt for the evil doers and the rescue of the wounded man's family 1A Story by Glazier![]() Finding then the man's family dwelling and with no one yet to back them up, the duo of Sashai and Tela decide to go it alone and free the family held within.![]() Desc:Finding then the family's hut (the family to whom the hope to rescue) and their quarry (one from without and one fromwithin the family's home) the dou of Sashai and Tela decide to go it alone and to rescue the family held within the homethemselves.
As Sashai and Tela made their way through the tall grassed plains before them (their path guided by their night vision and whose path was only lit by moonlight) they came to where the grass started to give way to tree line and where the only sounds that could be heard was their own breathing.
There in this semi forested semi plain wilderness there was no sound once so ever of any animal life in the area. This was not new to the pair, for they well knew that the sense of danger that pervaded in an area often warded off the animal life first. The animal's had long since sensed the danger posed by the rogue Werecoyotes and had thus fled for safer ground lest they too become food to the rogues insatiable hunger.
The full moon that only a short time earlier had been high over head had now begun its slow descent into the west. For soon (in a few short hours) would be daybreak and thus would mean a somewhat safer time for the two of them. For then no shadows of the night would be left to conceal their prey from them, but on the other hand there would be no shadows left to conceal them either. But what else could they do but hunt and hopefully free the humans now held prisoner by the rogue Werecoyotes. Worst yet the thought had occurred to the two of them that the same humans to whom they now raced to rescue might already be dead (but this was a thought that neither Sashai or Tela wanted to labor on and as such always pushed it out of their minds).
As the two of them crept forward on bended knee (all the while trying to stay within the shadows) the duo of Sashai and Tela slipped amongst the trunks of the trees that sparsely dotted the out lying forest and then came to a abrupt stop just before a clearing where their trapped humans lay.
The moon's light that was being cast into the area of the clearing allowed the two of them to make out clearly the structure of the family's dwelling. From without the structure they could hear crying coming from within (which in a way gave strength to the hearts of both Sashai and Tela for it at least meant that the humans in need were still alive) and the voice of a rather bulky sounding (what they assumed was a Werecoyote) talking.
As they continued to eye the closed structure before them they let their eyes drift over to the only door into the dwelling. There their could easily make out the visage and form of (this they knew for certain) a Werecoyote who stood as sentry before the door.
The Werecoyote was tall, at least six foot seven (a lost one's bigger size being mostly due to their engorging of meat they ate from both human and Werecoyote bodies). He stood in front of the door with his arms crossed over his barrel like chest, watching for any signs of intrusion.
"Now this poses a problem" thought the two of them. This sentry that now stood watch over the doorway of the dwelling stood as both a hurdle and problem to the rescuing of the humans left inside. Some how (thought the two of them) they must find some way either around or through this sentry so as to allow them access to the dwelling's interior so that they may both slay their last prey and rescue those trapped within.
Knowing then what her mate wanted her to do, Tela started to pull away from her mate's side, only to have her right wrist loving held a moment by Sashai's left hand. As Sashai held her wrist a moment, Tela watched as Sashai pointed again to the spot that she wanted her love to go to, and then made a downward gesture with a clawed right first finger to indicate that she wanted her to coming into the dwelling through the hut's roof. A moment after the gesture of what she wanted Tela to do,Sashai then gestured with a clawed finger that she would smash in through the front door. All this gesturing Sashai had done in silence so as to not give the Werecoyote sentry any chance of detecting them.
With the gestures now complete, Sashai gently squeezed her mate and love's right wrist a moment, with the look on her face and in her eyes saying it all. As the two of them gazed lovingly into each others eyes, the look in Sashai's eyes said more than any words ever skillfully written or spoken ever could, and the look said to Tela "Stay safe my love, for by my love and by my soul I could never take losing you". With those words and feelings now said and yet unsaid, Tela let show in her own eyes the same feelings and thought, and by so doing showed to her mate and love that those words said and yet unsaid was just as meaningful and the feelings just as strong for her as it was for Sashai.
Releasing her gentle and loving grip upon Tela's wrist then, Sashai watched a her mate and love creeped through the dense brush, to the left side of the ridge, and then eventually the ridge above overlooking the family's hut. Now they were ready, thought Sashai to herself as she too prepared herself for the battle that was to come. Pulling then her lead dagger from its silver sheath (the coldness of the blades iron handle, giving Sashai the sense of just how cold-hearted she would have to be to her prey, for their was so many lives at stack now) she prepared to take action. Taking aim then with her dagger (its handle held firmly in her hand, and the tip of the blade pointed at her sentry adversary) Sashai let her dagger of death fly. © 2011 GlazierAuthor's Note
Added on April 5, 2011 Last Updated on April 5, 2011 Author![]() GlazierToronto, Ontario, CanadaAboutHi, may Name is Geogre Glazier and I'm 34. I haven't had much time to be online on Writerscafe for the past while because I've gotten back to my writing. I'm still trying to finish off a book I've bee.. more..Writing