Shadows past: Nocturnal call (A story of Sashai and Tela)

Shadows past: Nocturnal call (A story of Sashai and Tela)

A Story by Glazier

As Blackstreak runs to the side of his fellow Werecoyotes to enlist their help, he bring with him the wounded man for safe keeping.


 Sending someone for help and to take care of the wounded man


Desc:  As Blackstreak runs through the plains to reach his allies to have them lend aid to the hunt (all the while craddling his charge in his arms) he reaches his friends and his frineds set off for the hunt and leave him to protect his charge.

     With the moonlight filtering through the canopy of the trees to light Blackstreak's path before him, Blackstreak moved as fast as he safely could with his charge cradled in his arms. It had been an hour since he had left his friends behind and he was very close to the groups main camp now. The time seemed to have past away with what seemed like breakneck speed. All the while the only thoughts that where flowing in his mind where of the friends that he had left behind and of the ones that still lay before him.


     The light of the moon (though the moon was full) this night seemed feeble. Though this was of no hindrance to a Werecoyote's superior night vision. With the light of the moon being cast into the forested path before him seeming so dim, it seemed to cast everything in a dark and foreboding light, which only seemed to heighten the tension of the moment (or so it seemed that way to Blackstreak).


     The forested path to which his feet ran over was bathed in darkness and the only sounds that could be heard was Blackstreak's own heavy breathing and the lighter breathing of his companion and of the heavy footfalls that seemed to pound themselves into the ground beneath his feet.


     As Blackstreak raced along the path before him his mind equally raced a mile a minute with the thoughts of how in so many ways this night could go wrong. How a loved one could be lost. And in a time so soon after the lost of Loren at the hands of Sashai's betrayer father. How all this loss could happen all over again. These thoughts only spurring Blackstreak into faster action, even at the expense of his charges safety. For Blackstreak had forgotten his charge that he held still cradled in his arms (though with the weight of the man most would think should remind him of his charge held within his arms, but it did not).


     As Blackstreak weaved to the right of a oncoming tree, he could see between the trunks of two trees the main campfire of the camp and knew he was their. His heart and thoughts now lightening somewhat at the thought now that he could enlist the help of his fellow clansmen to fight along side Sashai and Tela against any lost ones that would oppose them.


     As Blackstreak broke into the camp and came to a halt he saw the familiar spectacled clad face of Specs looking up at him as Specs sat in front of the campfire facing him across from where Blackstreak stood (with the look of concern growing on his face).


     "What is wrong? And what has happened? And where are the others, not to mention who is the man that you are carrying?" came the questions of a worried Specs as he climbed to his feet with a look of concern showing then on his face.


     "This man was wounded by a member of a Werecoyote group that seems intent on devouring his family. Both Tela and Sashai have went on a hunt to kill those lost ones and I have been sent to get your help to help them in this hunt." explained a somewhat winded Blackstreak.


     The whole encamped group of ten Windigo's springing to their feet at hearing that their clan leader and both her mate and second in command had gone into battle without the rest of them.

     "And you left them" came the reply of Specs to Blackstreak's response (though with the look on his face and in his eyes Specs well knew Blackstreak's leaving was necessary).


     "Yes. You must leave immediately to help them for it is not known how many lost ones could be out there. They are an hour and a half due east of here. Make haste for there is no time to waste." said Blackstreak as he moved nearer the main campfire and laid his charge on the ground to rest.


     "I can not leave him. For though his wound is light, the infection will make it impossible for him to defend himself." said Blackstreak as he laid the man down and Blackstreak looked up at a still concerned looking Specs.


     "Stay with and protect him" said Specs to Blackstreak before Specs turned his head to his right to face his next in command (a Werecoyote by the name of Brunen).


     Looking then at his next in command Specs said,"Have the group prepare to leave immediately. We must move with all due haste, for our matriarch and her mate needs us."


     "Yes sir" said Brunen as he then moved to stand in a small clearing in the midst of the camp and then yelled,"We move NOW! Prepar for battle."


     "I would rather die than let two of my best friends die" said a solemn Specs as he turned his head back in the direction of Blackstreak. While all the while saying this, Specs cast his eyes to the ground (no doubt his thoughts were of both Sashai and Tela while with the knowledge of his even dearer friend Loren being lost to them only months before)


     With the camp now in full buzz, the party prepared for battle. Blackstreak could see as some of his fellow Windigo's strapped their lead bladed daggers to their chests. While others held torches in their hands (the torches not meant to guide their way but meant to be used as a secondary weapon). All were focused on the group's task at hand (and that was the reinforcement of their matriarch). Blackstreak all the while really wishing he was going with them.


     But that (for now) was not meant to be, for Blackstreak had after all a charge to protect and that was of the wounded man that he had brought to their main camp while retrieving some of his Windigo clansmen.


     With the assembled party now ready for battle, the group prepared to set out (their eventual destination that being the side of their matriarch and her mate and second in command). As the group now assembled at the east fringes of their main camp (preparing for their hour and a half sprint) Specs looked into the eyes of the now standing Blackstreak and said,"Stay safe. Protect your charge and wait for us here. Hopefully we won't be gone that long. With any luck we will be able to quickly dispatch our prey and be back before full dawn."


     "Of course. We will be here when you get back. And be safe." finished Blackstreak as he peered into the eyes of Specs through the specs covering his eyes.


     And with that the group moved out at a fast sprint. Moving as fast as their legs could carry them. Their focus and attention now revited on the members of their group not yet with them (that being of Tela and Sashai) and the battle yet to come.

© 2011 Glazier

Author's Note

Please Review. I would like to know if my writing is getting better. I promise to review in kind. Thank you.

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Added on April 4, 2011
Last Updated on April 4, 2011



Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Hi, may Name is Geogre Glazier and I'm 34. I haven't had much time to be online on Writerscafe for the past while because I've gotten back to my writing. I'm still trying to finish off a book I've bee.. more..
