

A Story by Albatross


            Car door slams shut, he steps away from the sleek black limousine and watches as it pulls away from the pavement and speeds off. Alone now, he sometimes wonders if his life could ever get less busy. Always running around. A blur of events rushing into a hasty list of priorities. Deadlines shooting up from out of nowhere. More lists. A never ending process of drudgery and last minute adrenaline. To top it off, there was the family... When was the last time he'd seen his daughter? His cell phone begins vibrating violently, reminding him again of the business at hand. No time to think, he turns towards the dark spacious building and walks in. A thousand greetings hit him as he confidently walks towards the elevator.

            Up the shaft now, occasionally stopping to export the other occupants of the small, crowded room. Higher. Only a few more stories to go. He looks up at the bright fluorescents and wondered at how this week was going.

            Today was it. Either the biggest day, or the most pathetic failure in the history of the company. But he was confident, he would succeed. He forces his smile back into a straight line, keeping his entire complexion stiff and businesslike as one of the underlings walked through the elevator doors. One glance, that was all. He didn't look at the other man again. He wondered why someone so low in company standings was allowed on the upper floors. Usually the underlings were kept on the bottom twenty. No matter, too much to do.

            They hit the penthouse at the top. He walked out, the other man following behind. Passing the receptionist with a curt hello, he stepping forward to the door, which automatically opened to his top office. Leaving the receptionist to deal with the underling.

Through the doors, underling left behind. He strides across the room, the leather chair hushes him as he sinks into it. His new great oak desk spread about him, he relishes his position now. Power, influence, control. He was it, the man.

            It was work now, clearing the password to access his shiny black desktop. Stocks? soaring. Business ratings? Record breaking. Work ethic? High. Chores done, he clicked open the program box and "

            His thoughts were disturbed by the buzzer. Someone was at the door.

            The receptionist gave him the name and business in her peppery, pleasant tone. He replied his consent, and the doors automatically open. He adopted his calm, cool business face as a tall slender female walked through the door.

            She was enchanting, her dark eyes beautifully complimenting her dark hair, which was pulled back from her handsome yet pale face. The way she walked emanated power, which was good, because power was what he was looking for when it came to the company division she was from...

            In her arms she carried a small cardboard parcel. He couldn't help but stare at it. This was the thing he had been truly waiting for.

            “This is purely for business purposes, is that correct?” Her clear, curt voice shattered the typical office silence. He gave a half smile.

            “Business and... a few personal interests.” He replied.

            “But then, aren't we all interested in it personally? What with the Human Protection Services constantly on our backs.”

            Another half smile, followed by a pained laugh.

            “Yes, constantly. Have a seat.”

            She nodded and sat down, placing the small box on the table. He opened his hands and caught it as she nudged it towards him.

            An x-acto knife pulled from the drawer, he carefully cut open the little box. He breathed sharply as he delicately lifted the lid back. A small glass case within the box gleamed up at him, and inside. Inside the case.. His eyes shone.

            The light was ethereal, entrancing, beautiful. It drew him in, it's power, he could feel the power in his hands as he examined it. This was big, huge... He couldn't help but stare. Suddenly he knew, he wanted this more than he'd ever wanted anything. This was his.

            “Some call it magic, but we know that's a load of bull.”

He looked up from the glowing case. Magic. He could almost believe that.

            “That's what I intended when I started funding your branch in the industry. May I...?” He ventured.

            She smiled graciously and opened the case. He reached his now trembling hand into the box, illuminating the tips of his fingers with the strange light.

            Instantly, warmth spread through his previously ice cold hand. He could feel it working through his once dead veins. He was alive again. For the first time in years, he could feel his soul...

            She cleared her throat, and he reluctantly pulled his hand away. She smirked, somehow it was still nice looking smirk.


            “Miss Kain, I believe I owe your division more than I offered.”

            “I told you that's what you'd say when you actually experienced the item.” She said, this time adopting a much more amiable face.

            He grinned widely, and the artificial florescent lights in his office reflected off his fangs.

            He had found the cure.


© 2010 Albatross

Author's Note

Any advice/constructive criticism is very welcome:)

My Review

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Watch your tenses- present tense can be difficult to write in. Most people end up switching back and forth between that and past, because past is what we usually write in.
Overall, I loved this piece-- wonderfully written. I loved how it almost like a stream of consciousness, focusing entirely on him while moving through the story at a solid pace. Excellent job. :)

Posted 14 Years Ago

if such a cure existed this world would lose whatever little is left of so called emotions ... nice story mam .. enjoyed it

Posted 14 Years Ago

reminds me of the movie 'Daybreakers'
different, but once reading this story,
I want to watch the movie again.
Great work (:

Posted 14 Years Ago

Very good, very interesting, makes me want to read more. :) My advice would be to please make sure you stay in the same tense throughout your wavered back and forth from past tense and present tense quite a bit, especially in the beginning-middle...but all in all, this is a very good story, you had me quite entranced! :)

Posted 14 Years Ago

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4 Reviews
Added on May 3, 2010
Last Updated on June 21, 2010
Tags: Vampire, Vamp, Cure, Fiction




I don’t write stories. I write moments. I write moments because they are all that make a life. Moments are what give people both joy and sorrow and humanity. Moments address our deepest emotions.. more..

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