

A Poem by Girl Friday (Sarah W.)

an army of ants built this hill

moved the earth and cut the door

created arteries in the copper sand

with single-minded acquiescence


and with one well placed footstep

I have laid waste to their divine colony

dethroned a deific queen-mother

diffusing her daughters like sundried florets


but if I watch them long enough

the scattering will turn to unification

tiny bodies will erase the past and rebuild

a replica of their wrecked world


I yearn for this resolute resiliency

ache for the ability to focus on the eventual

discarding the molded husk of memory

that flowers like violet bruises across

                        the flesh of my consciousness

© 2013 Girl Friday (Sarah W.)

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Amazing, just yesterday I was standing outside with a friend, he was talking and I was watching an ant trail on the concrete admiring their hard work and dedication, their ability to function as a single unit moving in both directions, performing their duties and I thought about their world. When my friend saw me looking down, he looked as well and then with one big foot, planted it in the middle of this factory of nature. It pretty much broke my heart as I watched them "scattering" frantically and wondered what they must be thinking. I smiled as I saw them eventually fall back in line and carry on as if nothing had happened. But it had, I know they were only ants, but I felt sorry for their fallen comrades. (I am weird like that) Why did I go off on a tangent like this, hell I don't know, your poem just told the same exact story in a much more beautiful way and I loved it.

Posted 11 Years Ago

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Ants can be so wise
removed from the here and now
planning ahead in positive perspective always

Somethings Ants have managed to achieve that no human mind has

I think you done a great job depicting that

Posted 9 Years Ago

wow, i enjoyed this greatly. it is very strange, i have a poem also about ants also. but it was your words "divine colony" that took a turn for the surreal with me, since my poem also mixes in the idea of divinity or rather the idea of "god" with ants. i guess great minds think alike. i never expected to see another poem with a similair theme here, that's for sure. *smile." well done. this is my favorite so far.


Posted 11 Years Ago

i am still looking for the "like" button as on fb..beautiful and natural :-)

Posted 11 Years Ago

You've got to hand it to ants. No matter what befalls them, they eventually collect themselves, dust themselves off, and continue their lives. They're a great analogy for what we humans should do when we get derailed from our routines. I don't know if this was deliberately a metaphor, but that's the great thing about poetry, yeah? It's interpretive. Keep up the good work.

Posted 11 Years Ago

Girl Friday (Sarah W.)

11 Years Ago

It was deliberate...but it was also a true story. I tend to see the world in metaphors most of the .. read more
We, with our wondrous minds, can't seem to unite and come together like this. No! We set about to destroy the wonders which Mother Nature has made; but, as ever, she reigns triumphant. We can stamp our feet and try to shatter her world, but she will reinvent herself anew and even better.

Your language is beautiful and easily seen in the mind's eye.

Posted 11 Years Ago

Girl Friday (Sarah W.)

11 Years Ago

You are so kind...thank you so much, Linda!
this was awesome, got a picture of myself stepping on ant hills as a kid and its true to watch them all scatter to gather everything back, and make again the master piece they once held dear to themselves. to rebuild a home and makes you wonder how we do not have the same ability. great write

Posted 11 Years Ago

Oh the age old question, how to escape our pasts, or to be free from the pain or seemingly never ending hold it has on our psyche, denying that which we we all desire, true happiness. This is an interesting way to illustrate this universal theme, as harsh as the destruction of other beings to force it into existence may be, it shows how truly hard it can seem and to what measures we may consider to bring it about. A fine write Ms. W.

Posted 11 Years Ago

Ah, but theirs is a collective consciousness -- like the Borg. They do not understand the concept of creating; they simply sweep away the injured and DO. I would not call it resiliency but a tunnel-visioned drive. We humans are gifted with individual consciousness; when we are wounded, our compatriots do not kick us to the side of the road and go about their business. They tenderly carry you to a place where you can be fixed (it is hoped), and they visit you later with awkward smiles and goofy gifts. This "molded husk of memory" you speak of is natural for us; sharing that pain and the incidents that caused it with others is what restores our drive. You really made me think with this one. It is beautifully written, stark images of destruction and despairing knowledge of pain.

Posted 11 Years Ago

I love this. Very creative.

Posted 11 Years Ago

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36 Reviews
Shelved in 2 Libraries
Added on October 15, 2013
Last Updated on October 15, 2013


Girl Friday (Sarah W.)
Girl Friday (Sarah W.)

The Beach, CA

"She's mad but she's magic. There's no lie in her fire." - Charles Bukowski A NOTE TO MY FRIENDS: Thank you, everyone, who has supported me so kindly on this site. I am humbled by your kind revie.. more..


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