Hospitals and Heaven

Hospitals and Heaven

A Poem by Girl Friday (Sarah W.)

Bone white walls, gunmetal gurneys

like serving trays on spinning wheels,

blood and sweat -- don’t forget the tears --

and the light, that awful imitation of the sun,

that turns even the rosiest face sallow.


There are signs on the swinging doors,

“No Admittance” and “Do Not Enter”,

but no one follows directions here,

because everyone is hiding from Catastrophe,

            (or trying to keep her at bay)

as though stilted smiles and shuffling feet

will send her to the next windowless room.


You are a skeleton with skin, a wounded bird

whose wings have no flight feathers, only

bent bones -- graceful and awkward --


Is it wrong that I find you beautiful now,

while heaven’s handmaidens wait in the corners?


When you speak to them, I understand why,

            even if no one else does, 

because I know the tenor of their wilted voices --

I have heard the white noise of death before.


Your eyes are half moons -- eclipsing --

the void is somewhere before you now,

and you reach for it as a bare-footed child

catching lightening bugs on a summer night.

© 2013 Girl Friday (Sarah W.)

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I can feel those poor souls slipping away, floating up to heaven and into the loving arms of a handmaiden, thats a lovely touch by the way 'heaven’s handmaidens', I would like one of those to help out around the house. There is a huge contrast between the cold, sterile, unfeeling hospital wards and the ethereal feeling of a spiritual journey and you have captured both so well.

Posted 10 Years Ago

Girl Friday (Sarah W.)

10 Years Ago

Thank you, my friend!
Oh my goodness, Sarah, you brought me back to not only my mother's last few days, but my cousin's. We sit at the bedside....not sure if they know we are there....listening to them breathe and the machines beep...the rhythm is soporific. Those we love are there, but look quite different. They speak to the ones who have left years earlier and beg them to let them escape. Do they turn into children again? In many ways, yes. Monumentally moving poetry, Sarah. I am keeping this one. Lydi**

Posted 10 Years Ago

Girl Friday (Sarah W.)

10 Years Ago

Thank you, Lydi...there is sadness in the end, but also beauty. I'm glad you saw that in this piece.. read more
This one brought tears to my eyes, some sad, some happy. I received a call yesterday about a good friend who is in the hospital and they don't expect her to make it. I went to visit her yesterday. I saw these bone white walls and the gunmetal gurneys and a friend, who is not very old but looked as though she had walked this earth far too long. It was extremely sad to see. She was sedated and had no idea I was there, though that is only an assumption on my part. I do not expect to talk to her again, at least where she responds to me. So my heart is filled with sadness, but the ending to your poem this day, like a barefoot child catching lightening bugs on a summer night, changed those tears from sad to happy. Though I do not wish to lose my friend, seeing the state she is in, picturing her as a barefoot child did make me smile. Very nicely penned my friend and definitely timely.

Posted 10 Years Ago

Girl Friday (Sarah W.)

10 Years Ago

I'm both happy and sad that this read found you today, Jack...I'm terribly sorry about your friend. .. read more
Beautiful work. The imagery of your poetry is always so vivid!

Therr's a very brittle melancholia to the entire poem. The images are sepia-toned except where bone and blood show in your words.
Exceptional work as always.

Posted 10 Years Ago

Girl Friday (Sarah W.)

10 Years Ago

Thank you, Landred...I'm glad this one made an impact on you.
"You are a skeleton with skin, a wounded bird
whose wings have no flight feathers, only
bent bones -- graceful and awkward --"

Powerful poem Sarah. I have spent many hours and days in the emergency rooms with mother the past 8 or 9 years. The sterile but not really sterile feel still deep in my memory. You really hit it spot on with those swinging door signs that no one listens to. A moving piece. Thank you for the rr.. Rose

Posted 10 Years Ago

Girl Friday (Sarah W.)

10 Years Ago

Thank you, Rose...I'm both happy and sad that you can relate to this one. I have spent far too much.. read more
You had me at the beginning. Powerful imagery here in this Sarah..all the way to the very end. Well done.

Posted 10 Years Ago

Girl Friday (Sarah W.)

10 Years Ago

Thank you so much, K. Really appreciate your words on this one, and that you felt something in the .. read more
I volunteered in a palliative care ward or so many years ago. This brings back that feel. So much suffering and yet so many cling to life. Death is a comfort and remaining under those harsh light still another. There is not easy answer, only love and suffering. I definitely feel the love of his piece. A truly beautiful write, Sarah.

Posted 10 Years Ago

Girl Friday (Sarah W.)

10 Years Ago

Thank you, Pryde. I'm glad you felt the love and not just the tinge of saddness that usually comes .. read more
Pryde Foltz

10 Years Ago

And you. Thank you, Sarah.

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27 Reviews
Shelved in 2 Libraries
Added on September 24, 2013
Last Updated on September 24, 2013


Girl Friday (Sarah W.)
Girl Friday (Sarah W.)

The Beach, CA

"She's mad but she's magic. There's no lie in her fire." - Charles Bukowski A NOTE TO MY FRIENDS: Thank you, everyone, who has supported me so kindly on this site. I am humbled by your kind revie.. more..


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