I smile the same way like you do,
I wear the same way like you wear your shoes.
I walk like the same way you walk,
And I talk the same way you talk.
Then, why did you say, I would change?
Am I not in the human range?
Does it really differs me from everyone?
And I confess, I haven't lost my fun.
I speak like the way everyone speak,
Then why am I called a weak?
Does going through surgeries make me bizarre?
Why do you think from fun I'm far?
Maybe I am funny with no hair,
but let me say, you are worst when you stare.
I am struggling, suffering, striving,
Everyone thinks that is striking.
But why should one, when I have only one
I know it well, when you'll be in same
situation, for instance.
But just have a look at yourself, and then at
Should I have the feeling of wee?
All those tablets, vaccines and my faith,
Has saved me from death.
Leading you to your grave,
When you just don't control the behave.
I haven't cried as yet,
It's your mistake that you didn't place the bet.
World, I'm the way like you are, and will always
Even if I serve as a cancer patient for more