A Story by Himaya Ka

We want to feel important; we have this sense of entitlement.



Daily In The Word

May 4, 2021


Mark 9:7

And there was a cloud that overshadowed them: and a voice came out of the cloud, saying, this is my beloved Son: hear him.


If we don’t know what to say, we don’t have to force ourselves to look for words to utter just to prove ourselves that we are somebody. It’s better to keep our mouth close and continue to listen and observe what’s happening around us. It’s okay not to know, it’s fine to keep silent if we can’t figure things out. That’s an honest humility. There’s no need to pretend, for the more we act to be someone we are not, the more we look foolish. If it happened to Peter, one of Jesus’ disciples, it could also happen to us.


In Mark chapter 9, Peter was amazed to witness the glorious transfiguration of Jesus and the presence of Moses and Prophet Elias. While Jesus was talking to Moses and Elias (something that we don’t know what is it about) Peter really wanted to join the talk, though he didn’t know what to say, to impress his audience, he suggested to build three tabernacles for Jesus, Moses, and Elias to please them or maybe to be noticed by them? That, I don’t know. Maybe he was competing with James and John? Because after the event of Jesus’ transfiguration, they disputed among themselves who should be the greatest. (I don’t really know.) Sometimes, we are not aware that we are also like that. We want to feel important; we have this sense of entitlement. Though we don’t say it aloud, but unconsciously we want to be recognized: we feel great if we are the first person to experience, to tell, to bring the news, or to know; it inflates or boosts our ego. Secretly we covet for the spotlight; though it was not a premeditated intention to elevate ourselves, human as we are, it pops up without warning. But praise be to God, when it happens, He is always there to bring us back into our senses, this is the work of the Holy Spirit living within us. As children of God, we are blessed to be indwelt by the Holy Spirit; He is always there to enlighten and to remind us or to send us some red lights if something wrong is going on with us.


Though Peter was not indwelt by the Holy Spirit yet when it happened to him, for Jesus was still with him, but he was so blessed to be reminded by God the Father to focus his attention to His One and Only Son, Jesus Christ. His ego and pride melted when a voice from God came out of the cloud, saying, “This is my beloved Son: hear him.” Peter was reminded to focus his attention to Jesus Christ alone, not to anybody nor to himself. He was reminded that everything is about His Son, not about Moses nor Elias.


Today, we hear a lot of voices. If we are not careful, we can be misled by other voices if we don’t pay attention to the only trustworthy and reliable voice, which is the Holy Spirit, the Word of God. We hear God’s voice through the Bible. If we don’t allow the Word of God to speak and to guide us, we will surely get lost or go astray, like a sheep without a shepherd.


If we find ourselves clouded with so many unknowns, doubts, fears, and insecurities, let’s look up, and remember that the presence of God is also in the cloud. Say nothing, only listen. Let’s allow the Lord Jesus Christ to eradicate the narcissist spirit in us. It’s hard, but as we continue to beg for God’s enabling, mercy, and grace, we know that with Him, we can be cleansed. Let’s cry out to God for humility and purity in all things. Let’s give glory to God at all times.





Dear God,


We want to thank You for the Holy Spirit who lives within us. Thank LORD for rebuking us when our thinking flies so high about ourselves. Thank You for putting us back to our place when pride overwhelmed us. Forgive us Lord for stealing Your glory unknowingly.  Please cover us with Your precious blood. Create in us a pure heart, dear Lord. Help us and teach us how to walk our lives in humility, with a heart fully committed to bring You always back the glory. In Jesus name we pray. Amen!

© 2021 Himaya Ka

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Added on May 4, 2021
Last Updated on June 3, 2021


Himaya Ka
Himaya Ka

Cebu City, Visayas, Philippines

...WRITING TO EXPRESS NOT TO IMPRESS I am God's creation. I am a child of God. I am redeemed. I am loved. I am secured. I am saved. POETRY IS LIKE A CUP OF COFFEE THAT I CAN'T LIVE WITHOUT .. more..
