Beauty and the bean

Beauty and the bean

A Poem by Gill Fitzpatrick

Sticking with the bean theme (sausage egg and toast to come... oh and bacon too)



Beauty and the bean


Unctuous, umber globules of paste

Savour the texture, savour the taste

From the moment the lid is removed from the can

Releasing an avalanche into the pan

The soft sucking squelch as the broiling absorbs

Warming the core of tomatoey orbs

Crisp toast is waiting to welcome the streams

Of delectable, flavoursome, beautiful…. BEANS

© 2023 Gill Fitzpatrick

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I love a lot about this, especially the lines:

The soft sucking squelch as the broiling absorbs
Warming the core of tomatoey orbs

The poem (like all the other of yours I have read) is witty and clever, but also has excellent language and imagery. That can sometimes get lost when the subject matter is humorous or frivolous, but I for one very much appreciate the wonderful way you have used language here.

Posted 9 Months Ago


9 Months Ago

Oh, and I meant to complement you on impeccable meter. It effortlessly trips off the tongue.
Gill Fitzpatrick

9 Months Ago

Thankyou for your kind comments, I really enjoy writing them
I think Heinz would be delighted to employ you in their marketing department:) You certainly do justice to canned beans like no other. Not even my grandson !! Thank you for another smile today Gill.


Posted 10 Months Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Chris Shaw

10 Months Ago

Ha! You never know :) Are you contemplating a triology :)
Gill Fitzpatrick

10 Months Ago

I have a plethora!
Chris Shaw

10 Months Ago

Even better:) A book of beans no less :)
What a mouthwatering poem, plus am laughing and trying not to drool at the same time. Many thanks for sharing not only a fine vocabulary but quite a few smiles!

Posted 10 Months Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Gill Fitzpatrick

10 Months Ago

Thankyou, I'm glad it made you smile

10 Months Ago

Smiles are always better than those wet things, don't you think!
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I like beans; healthy, good side dish.
I like your analogy of releasing an avalanche.

Posted 10 Months Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Gill Fitzpatrick

10 Months Ago

Thanks, I was pleased with that analogy too.
Sami Khalil

10 Months Ago

You are welcome 😊

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4 Reviews
Added on August 29, 2023
Last Updated on August 29, 2023


Gill Fitzpatrick
Gill Fitzpatrick

Wigan, North West, United Kingdom

Assistant Headteacher at a primary school in the North West of England. I write poetry mostly for children but try to add some twists here and there to amuse the grown-ups too. I'm passionate about po.. more..
