Chapter 1 Hurassed By The Dim-WitsA Chapter by CoryI felt a brief shake on my shoulder. "Time to wake up Steven," mom whispered in my ear. I groaned because I was so tired. I had stayed up until midnight reading my book. I knew though if I didn't roll out of bed soon, my dad would come roaring in with a bucket of water. That wasn't the way to wake me up in the morning! I rose from my bed just as my mom was walking out of my room. Her blue pockadotted dress was the last thing I saw of her. It was the 60s she seriously needed to stop wearing such 50s clothes. It made her look so old. I slid open my closet door and pulled out a red striped shirt, with blue jeans and black high tops. I put it all on. It felt so good after me wearing my dirty pajamas for 6 hours. I walked out my door and down the wooden steps. I wished they were carpented like my friend's home. I have fell a lot on these stairs. I walked down the stairs with my shoes making a sqeeking noise with every step I took.
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© 2009 CoryAuthor's Note
Added on June 25, 2009 |