Gideon's Guide || Third Chapter

Gideon's Guide || Third Chapter

A Poem by Gideon Boon

This Tale may be Tachytelic, Trump and Transcend Tachyphrasia and Telematics. 

He’ll Handout Hagiological Hymns, and Help Hone Hark Habits.

Ignavias Incendivity Is Inevitable and Irrefragable

Repeat and Rappel this Read…and Really!

Don’t Delay our Demented Delinquencies Demise. 


I may have gone off the deep end on Will!

But God gave me a gift of the Gill! A Thrill

A Tongue stone that can perfectly mill the seeds of stimuli


It’s the stem of a lie, hard to miss!  

When the tiffs of hithering sunlight persist…What happens?

Young Saplings will grab wings and climb most efficiently.

Collect their food, and remain rigid for smooth growth and knoweth they can tow with best of the most roast’n of competition.


This Falsity, will halt and be on the route to fueling sprouts.

Saplings take care of these sprouts, don’t shut their mouth!

Learn to clout that preexisting condition, a preconceived institution of belief…It’d finally be a relief.

But what is belief?  It’s the equivalent to knowing your shelter is an oxygen starved reef.

But to know? Is a pathless land that always gives a hand when off course!

But of course, it proportionally offers discourse.


Continue the search, dig for the first

Hand that can help fan, a shadowy man’s obliteration.

Your spirits dilation is sequential and essential to each shovel’s efficiency.

Gather these benign Mr. Mimes by the google, don’t be frugal.

Times an ever evolving tool for truth’s recapture.

Pasture it, plaster it, and cast forth with...a harmonic mind of a Jedi /Sith.

Get with it, Clear it and steer it accurate for a mirror’s flexibility.

Strictly see and be a formidable force with The Speedy P.

He learned it from Giddy B.


Revive please, build a hive for vibes to decrease evils tie

Within So Sigh, it teases and teethes on courage’s pie.

Concerned they are, about the pies plight, the height we’ve managed just write for flight.

Pragmatic they feel it is for us to pull right and come down, Sporadic we’ve been, Unlocked things that can’t be unwound.

It’s impossible to drown or to succumb whilst choking,

With the crown of empathetical toking we’ve acquired.


Its time, we’ll show you how to get wired.

Deep Minds Delve Manically Determining Misguided Dimensions Malarkey,

Obedientiaries Escalate Oppression Ecclesiastically,

And keeping our eyes forward constantly is disastrous for we.

When a facts excretion finally exceeds intake’s plea for its existence in silence.

Then we will align with, visualize with and cease with the dishonesty.


You may call this literature Sci-Fi.

And we’ll call it Sly Finding mint dimes by ideal grinding.

...May our egos gain nanocephalous!!!

Bless us with, a profound messages crit.

A critical hit, that prevents its return most indefinite. 


We should talk about virtual dacnomania, it has domain of ya.

Makes you wanna screw off the heads of virtual Teds.

Ted is Ned and Fred…and You! Did that sink through?

Just pull that grenade, when your fibs catch up with you.


Is virtual or physical reality any different? Of course it is, but forces with that evil seed within

And can overpower this, devour this gift of honorable tiffs.

Tiffs that balance talents, weed out the weeds, cleanse pallets, and builds the most honest creeds.

Release your inner kraken, and start crack’n the backs of your slack’n dragons.

Renew their spines, and their spirits will shine!

The Competition? Teach em’ to thrash em’ and trash n’ Bag em’ up for decomposition.

Compost the intuition, gained in or out of utter destitution.  

Grab a tube of gratitude’s attitude, don’t misconstrued

Glue this dude’s mood, undress your ear, and hear in the nude.

Elude the crude, and extract the root of this Boon.


Hold up a minute or 2 I gotta get in a few cents worth of Nutritional News.

But not like normal news, good news…but was bad news…transformed into infinite news.

It was news to me after 19 Revolutions I youthed.

Breeders kept me silent by strip’n clues, supplying blues, tainting chews, hijacking control of my violent tudes.

And really…just hiding the news.

Relearning how to poo, was the best thing you….the breeder ever taught me.


Stimuli bright, I could now kite in any form of flight within my realm

To utilize this new helm, that granted the power to fell the cowards, harvest the collards collards.

Leave stripes all over every gripe, and indict a ZERO TEN 40 sprint on the commenced convinced commission.

Now ideally nutritionally fed, I began, courted and wed my inner head.

Dinner’s FED! Dinner times been called to all the Alpha primes, kings of dominoes…The ones that can swing n’ fling dough and canned yams to rebuild hammed hams.

Strengthen the hams, refill cans of yam.

Use the cans so you can talk to Sam and Dan about fannin the fandom of the Random Braindom you’ve discovered.

Go get covered in life, honorably fight feast and responsibly fornicate!

But leave room her, leave room for her, gives praise to him, honor your earth siblings in triumph and grim.

Then pur when the time is nur for you to sing the most elaborate of hymns. 


Rinse and Repeat this rendered rhythm and rippem a new one

It’s just begun!

In pursuance of? Rippin a new entrance hole, widening a Lies exit role.

Increasing intake, transpiring abilities perpetual uptake, and remake.


See ya soon, 

Gideon Boon

© 2014 Gideon Boon

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Added on September 4, 2014
Last Updated on September 4, 2014


Gideon Boon
Gideon Boon

Janesville, WI

Story teller, Dreamer, Creative Thinktank, Combat enthusiast, MMACS, UC Survivor and an aspiring creative writer. July 8th 2014 I discovered a talent for poetic writing and speaking. My new ey.. more..
