Chapter 1

Chapter 1

A Chapter by Justaman

(Written by Rahim/Ryan.)The first few pages; If you enjoy what you see, ask for more in the reviews. This story entails about a young homo sapien boy in the pleistocene era, who with the help of an...

Page 1.The night was dark and wet, the only light, coming from the constant descending of electrically emitted lighting bolts, which progressively came from the thunder. Which was nearly muffled out by the heavy thundering sounds of rain drops and as a result, transformed the entire land into a black hole of mud puddles. The moon and all of the stars were blotted out by a thick wall of purplish, grey clouds and due to this confinement of complete blackness--not a single animal dared to immerge from its sheltering habitat--which no doubt served as a safe-haven. That is of course except one very young homo sapien; and all of the hunters of his tribe, who chased him armed with spears and axes sharpened to the very edge. The weapons that the hunters weilded were made of wood, stone and bone, and at every moment that they had, they fired arrows at him which were aimlessly loose upon the trees that surrounded them. The tribe leader, a man of uncommonly significant girth and stature,  crashed through the jungle like a rhinoceros, with his teeth bared like a lion on the prowl for wildebeasts-- while sucking in vasts amounts of air likened to a vaccum cleaner-- with so much anger in his expression that everything about him appeared as though it were going to explode and splatter amidst the jungle. Just as quickly as his eye brows lowered, he screamed," YOU are a DISGRACE MARIKU!!!" Mariku, a seventeen year old and as of five minutes ago, a former member of the inaguished tribe, grinned a deviously provocotive grin as he sprinted for his very life. Clutching in his palms like a dying carcass in the talons of vultures a so called 'sacred artifact' wrapped in a thick bundle of a homotherium pelt(saber-toothed cat.) Everything about Mariku was sharp, his intellect, his facial features were indefinitely regal( royal) for his time; all seemed to come to an elegant and perfectly defined point. Everything except of course his hinting knife, which was the only weapon that he had on his person--blunted and cracked all the way to the hilt. Meanwhile, twenty people more or less, were attempting to catch, detain and kill young Mariku. Mariku knew that to escape, he had to leave his home in the jungle. He also knew that this was the embodiment of complete and utter 'INSANITY.' But, nonetheless, he was determined to make due in his escape. When the rains come, shelters are fomed in the trees to flee the flooded grounds. If Mariku left the woods in order to abscond, he wouldnt make it to the secret free hidden  shelter that he made specifically for this very night. On time for the inescably dense flood,  it was already becoming increasingly difficult to run through the thick mud and water, filled with sitcks and dead leaves up to his knees; as rain drops hit him in the face like pebbles from a slingshot. But, he had prepared for this as well. So, just in case, he built a raft from weedrope and logs that he found 2 months ago directly behind his fathers hut.

 He hid the raft underneath tan leaves-- but relying on this was ludicrous, Mariku thought desperately to himself. Anaketu,(pronounced: An-a-kay-two.)Mariku's elder brother and predesignated successor to the chief(father), was at the age of twenty-one, but retained the wisdom of an ancient shaman. This gave him a cautious and aloof mentality, which was not shared by his fellow tribesmen. The tribesmen along with Anaketu all declared in unison, "Perhaps we should make our return, he's bound to be killed soon enough, he is heading for the plains-- we can return to continue our search for him and the artifact tomorrow, when the sun is nigh." This laziness caused a blood vessel to pop in the chiefs eye. "ARE YOU ALL STUPID??!!" He exclaimed with such an immensity of anger, as though the very humidity was rising. With a second breath he yelped out and said," the flood will wash it away by then!" The chief wasn't as easily fooled as he thought apparently.  Mariku could see the end of the jungle, and the soggy pile where his raft lay. Just as the water was beginning to carry it away. They had all been running about for a mile now, Mariku up to his waist in water, struggling helplessly, trying not to get knocked off his feet by the sideways moving current. He was instead alerted to the advancing of ythe tribe by the increase in volume as they all screamed curses at him. " You traitor, you were our brother, possibly our next leader!!!!" "Grab himmmmm!!!" Just then, as the chaotic action only grew more powerful, a spear went through Marikus back; its weilders reach just short of a deep penetrating blow. He dived for his raft hesitently, but surely. It was drifting diagonally, floating past him swiftly towards the opeing of the thinning bushery and skidded across the waters surface with the current. The ravaging destruction nearly broke his ribs as he landed with a hard "thump" against the artifact. Several arrows landed on the raft with him, none of them even grazing him.

PAGE 3. He then slowly, but almost endlessly, drifted into the deep depths of the darkness that awaited him; at least it seemed that way to the huntsmen. Just as soon as he disappeared into the darkness, the current began to pick up speed unmatched by any pack cheetah, he knew that the flood would be enlarged, unlike any other day; an unseemly event indeed. No one expected the water to rise as highly as it was. The tribe waded back hopelessly, while Mariku floated aimlessly, latching on to the most viable and sacred object in the world. The men of the tribe were forced to swim back, by the time that they arrived, the water had already rose ten feet in depth. They had to resort to what any adaptive creature would do, in this case they were forced to climb and swing collectively, from branch to branch to avoid drowning. The only one who didn't join them in tree swinging was the tribal leader Daruka(courageous monster). Meanwhile, the tribesmen noticed upon their arrival, that Anaketu was missing.  Mariku thought deeply about removing the homotherium hide so that he could examine the object in more detail but, given the darkness and wetness that he was enshrouded in,  he decided not to until the morning. He instead, thoughtfully and insight-fully tied the bundle of the mammalian carcass down on his raft, and he used it as a pillow. Before He even knew it, he had fallen into a lucid slumber. He woke up in the water, his raft fifteen feet away, where the artifact still lay. The once shallow water had become twenty foot deep raging rapids and not only that, but the water was freezing towards the top and warmer in the muddy depths which were less fresh and more swampy-like; this made the current behave unpredictably; due to the friction, Mariku tumbled as he struggled to swim towards his raft.

© 2014 Justaman

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Added on August 4, 2014
Last Updated on August 4, 2014