![]() FIVE HUNDRED AND SEVEN BARS(rap battle with rahim)A Poem by Justaman![]() Try typing as fast as you can and rhyming as much as you can while still making some sense; this will give you an idea of what free style type is.![]()
im flowin1cuss im glowing2 groanin 3across the oceans4 and rowing5 the flowin6 matter like a rose thats a moanin7 rodent8, loathin9 through omnipotence11, scoathin12 and showin13 this entire rap clonin14ozone of motion15 how illmatically illumunoious falacilally potent16 that i am with the ronin17 of slowin18 down rhyme schemes bonin19 in the rap game tonin20 in my tones that21 bring me to insanely twisted cyclones22 and dome23 homes 24that cyclone25 around these clones26, makin um seem like clowns who get showed27 through the door of technocracy automatically sewn29 into the ground gettin flown30 in through the thrown31 gown of sound32 itself mound,33 no time for knowin34, my whole heart is towin35the town of rappers and intellectualism im blowin36 it out of the earth like a hearse ripped through a purse whos urge is urgeless like a depressed kid toatin36 and frownin37. turning38 the whole planet swurvin39, burnin 40weapons cursin41 settlements battlements sand with ursula 42urgin on like sea urchins43 with a word in44 tim-idly worthin45 upon worthenless-ness46 like slurin47 the end of curtains48, a blacksmith of words the itch49 disernenin 50those that diss curvin51 out the curves of your like carvin52 you out sculptchas learnin54 nothin55 discarvin56 and harten57 the barten58 like hearken59the barten-der60 partin61 through rivers maruders62 sixty two63 like marvin64 the master who slew64 two b*****s like vince carater65brewin 66 whooin67 all the c***s loosinin68 the losse ends69 of a nuisance70 causin nuisances80 lewd with81 the cluelessness82 everyone is f****n clueless83, too dense84 to do this,85they cant use spits86so they use gits87, i use new hits88 to hit 89bongs baby hong slady slim90 by his slim91 dick92 pompin93 his s**t 94like liquid95 f****n 96gravy into bakin bits97, nib98 on my niqqa99 dicca100 mecca 101licca102 swifter103 than a heavy lifter104 of weights105 and bars a god given106 giver107 of gifts108 your a slow spitter109 who cant even consider110 missin111 space thought for a mention112 at bein signed so you can finally get livin113, bentin114 and breakin since i knew my f****n sister,115 lift her116 and drift117 terms like spittin 118words of mergin 119rhymes all of the time 120twerkin121 schemes like my schemey cum on their bootys workin122 it123 like my blisters124 do a quicky dicking do when i get my c**k sticky like glistening glue125, take a hue or a hint126, a spew of red ven-om127 send um128 across the cross way of the whole planet burry uim in a blurry of a hole sylum then you blendin them129 im hackin130 and blackin131 the black board and slackin132 a jackin133 emacuin134 late, flackin 135across the brasin136 bars of the crackin137 like im f****n crackin 138scars mashin139 tars wackin 140and smashin141 cars with the far spit that my assin142 bars get gettin 143barned clashin144 with the gods but still lackin 145 the skill to be illmatic145 like the ill frantic146 of canibus magic147 sheer plastic148 tragic slappin149 gapein the black hole of black asses gapin150 the rappin151 assassin152 who can use blastin153 blurss to then disern154 crashin like the masses155 who imagine156 their free when that aint happnen157 youre the turtoiuse and im the hair158 you couldnt frair159 to scare160 whats importent161 distortin162 miscoursin163 its you that i wouldnt spare164 you dont even care165 if i dared to blare166 a billion bars burstin167 if you had any speed then you wouldnt burn but youre scared168, stick up your a*s staired169 cased you169 like flames erased you170 youre a fiery f****t flare171 so dont you dare172 f****n stare173 back at me with those eyes youre flat chair174 and im so high that i see air175 if this was a f****n war176 to the core, you couldnt store177 a match to the stash if i was a bear178 who was bare179 handed and you a quare(queer)180 this isnt unfair181 nor a fair182 not unfair-ness183 its fair184 and its complete f*****g fair-ness185, do i have to blair186 out the lines like im sparin187 an darin188 f****n liar whos careless189 im more non carin190 that a babys momma with a carriage192 not sparin193 anyone just dispatchin and bein outwaearin194 like im not wearin195 any clothes promise that im not carin196 for engagement b***h and for sure aint not f*****g marriage197 rahim this aint no fair win198 its too jockin or jagged199 so ill slow this shi200t down like a brace spit201 in a moshed up spit202 yeah thats a f****n mosh pit203 im so dangerous that i bite clits204, i moistin205 p*****s and c***s into hard puffed uped bricks206 with my dick207 im droppin pricks208bigger than triple iffs sliped209 over my slipp210ery 8 inch211 weaponized weapon of a wynch212 f**k it213 its a lynch,214 dispense215 everythin216 that i give217 im already too far ahead at 217218 now wait its two eighteen219 no two nineteen220 b***h now its two twen-ty221, get ready for the splitin scenes222, splittin obscene223 obscenities224 whether youre dirty225 or clean226 im still excavatin 227your vocation228 with lysterine229 till you break over backwards bein seen230 till your lean231 meat232 leans233 over in defeat234 got your f****n feet235 captured in deciet236, my decree237 is so wrapped in thee238 that rap gave up bein239 green240 it bent over for me241 because im too mean242 for it to be 243the king244 ima sling245 squires246 over your empires247 till i creme248 you with cremmy249 cum over your enemies250 with luiqidy251 whisky252, youll be so crispy253 when i light you that youll become crispy creme254 im the maliki255 dean256 and when i say see257 b***h you better f****n see258, im the dean of this universe see259 of this whole multiverses260 verses of the university261 disearningly262 murdering263 countless freaks264 of the f*****g freak265 show, now im showing these266 f***s how to freak267 and up chuck268 a hundred and onein bucks269 till these270 butt teethed271 crump fucks272 have learned the mean273ing of what274 it means275 to be butter fucked276into butter balls chunked277 till the butter thaws278 all and all like ten hundred people flunked279 it hurts but280 we all get a kick in the mustered salt nuts281, we get cut282 and get busted283 until we stunt284 much285 get thrown into failure and then ruffed286 into pris-un287 with rust cuffs288 mister rapper who smokes up289 too many rolled up290 blunts291 lifts and jifts up weights so he can get buff292 mister whos got a quicker gun 293 so he thinks that hes tough294 told his sisters sitter that he was a rough295 fuck296 so she took him by the rump297 a little sumf sumf298 grabbed him by the balls and grabbed his snake stuff299 pulled him out and braked his rake till he came bust300little b***h squirmin cuss301 rahim said he caint budge302 but he sure can cuss303 till his balls turn brown get his face fucked304 in plain mud305 isnt it plain and simple that if a plane was overcum306 by a plane307 on a higher plane308 with the biggest brain309 smoke buds310 bud311 id still be the most insane stud312 who ever did run313 around the world with his cerebellum314 till everyone else brain turned numb315 if this was a snack bar, you would be a crumb316 stumb317ble and then rumble 318 fi fy fo fumble319 like footbale this is where you start to crumble320, im an earthquake that makes you turn to milk shakes bundles321, if this were the end and stakes322 were at the end you would be in the tunnel323 funneled into oblivion your a dumb324 fool325 whos dumb full326 done with the fools327 so much that hes f****n fooled328its all cool329 im never tooled330 with, im just the bull331 dispens-er332 who doesnt fool333 with no f****n bullshit334if this is one hundred bars, then lets f****n do it335, lets just do this336 still got seven hundred more to go men337 we still be goin realistically338 like spicy things339 that get really fiery340 like steaming341 teaeverything gets to hard to handle342 like im being man handled343, im soft but hot inside im the core of the damn mantel344 got a light weight fannel 345 shirt on and its damn full346 of s**t like some redneck who goes by the name of randull347 beacause hes too dull348 and stupid, lives in the sand, so he wears sandals349 i hate people like him who cant stand tull350 all they say when they arent really laughing at all351 is lol of we lul352im think353ing of brinking354 the inner leaking355 and sinking356 the357 simmer weak link358 thats linking 359 the leaks to their bleak rinks360when i look to the window pane374, it brings me pain375, the rain376 starts raining by my face377, every lane378 of thought 379gets packin insane 380thoguhts381 so my brain382 gets lossed384 and tossed385 into a sand grain386 of migraines387 wrought388 out a fine rein389 around my heart, guess im a mind stain390 its plain391 and simple im no everglade392 never going to get straight a's393 never get the rightly desevred acclaimed grades394 for university, im livin in the shades395 because everyone else is in the suns name396 no fame397 but full of shame398 no glamour im already in my own grave399 if this were a game of my shirades400 id be a blade401 of grass and you the soul402 i wouldnt pass403 the test or math404 to live tall like religious mass405 id be a grazy haze406 that just falls bad407, never glad unless i got ryan on my phone pad408, always sad,409, im just a puzzle a true heart maze410when i look to the window pane374, it brings me pain375, the rain376 starts raining by my face377, every lane378 of thought 379gets packin insane 380thoguhts381 so my brain382 gets lossed384 and tossed385 into a sand grain386 of migraines387 wrought388 out a fine rein389 around my heart, guess im a mind stain390 its plain391 and simple im no everglade392 never going to get straight a's393 never get the rightly desevred acclaimed grades394 for university, im livin in the shades395 because everyone else is in the suns name396 no fame397 but full of shame398 no glamour im already in my own grave399 if this were a game of my shirades400 id be a blade401 of grass and you the soul402 i wouldnt pass403 the test or math404 to live tall like religious mass405 id be a grazy haze406 that just falls bad407, never glad unless i got ryan on my phone pad408, always sad,409, im just a puzzle a true heart maze410what path411 can i take ive taken412 them all, i hate413 everyone just as much as you mate414 understand me dont degrade415 pass me the blunt of your heart so i can smoke you and create 416 the ashes of our fate417, youre never too late418 we only deployed and made419 on this game420 i know your life, b***h just meet me halfway421, you know this government is just all played422, no play423 they assbackwards c***s be concave424we better just get goin like this was a japanese samurais raid425 this is my slow flow gotta get em in a row, make um our slaves426 on a surge of top raves427cockin our nine we braves428 this aint atlanta but soon we goin have it made429 like this whole f****n game430 was made off our name431four hundred and thirty one bars432and we still havent even seen the stars433 were a seamstress who stresses too much from afar434 we just need to release stress were on par435were three hundred and fifty kings ahead there just yarn436 and we needles in this branch of strings stretched and buzzin like a mornin alarm437this is getting difficult438 like were in a cult439 were f****n trapped so we sulked440 need a bull-et441 of waves till we hit geniusy like a billion bults442me and rahiim aint done, we already adults443 but this isnt over not the whole nuts and bolts444, not even cluse445, we aint even breached the ended roads446, it aint nearly shown447 it aint over folks448to get us done and to make us molt449, youd have to make us buttons and give us a hundred pokes450got the rope451 so we rope452 a dope453,somethin454-hatin455-classic456 with doped457 up clothes458,nothin459 patient460-passive461, matter a fact we pokin462 hoes463 till this b***h is loathin464 slow465 bumpin466 rapin467 and wrackin568 with a munchkin469-playin470-plastic471 pose472this is the darkness' my mode, b***h better bring in and hearken the dark end of the darkened crows473 in a thousand different rows474im parkin475 my disease like karl marx did476 with genius-y477 with a little bit of easy ease478 over his government like given tits a little squeeze479 now i dont support him no n***a please480 if i supported the governed or the higharchy481 of the ment in the govern-ment482 id be useless483 sheer cement484 for their making485im a dust pit486 with a lot of skill i vacuum and drill the two shits487 that you all claim to still not have till its s**t-ted488 into your cum filled489 clits490 till'491 it gets you hard and becomes the cum that makes you cum trills(trillions)492i will instill493 all that i feel494 till you all are sealed495 witha seal496 that makes navy seals497 cry out we'llllllll498 give uppppp if you will499 stop f*****g us in the brain like we were gettin deepthroated like monkeys throat banana peels500it literally took an hour to type five hundred bars501, guess thats another hour how far502 will we go503, still got five hundred more bars to go504, another hour to go505, hope506 we dont fall out before we blow507
© 2014 JustamanAuthor's Note
Added on May 20, 2014 Last Updated on May 20, 2014 Author