![]() What's In A NameA Chapter by ShelbieThe search to find out who I was when I stumbled out of the forest continued. After searching all of Hartwell to figure out what was going on, Eleanora decided we would go to another town. I was shocked that she said it. I thought that after going out each morning to the market to ask travelers if they knew me that we would be done. Nevertheless, she wanted to power on. Go to other places. We had gone to the market each morning for a week, asking all the merchants if they heard anything new. Eleanora had asked everyone there for the first time if they knew who I was they all said no. The next morning we went back and asked the buyers because the sellers did not give us anything. It was a lot of work from Eleanora. She had to leave Natalie at Lydia's each time.
After going there the second time, Eleanora said if any merchant hears anything, then they should ask and let her know. She told them we would be back tomorrow. In addition, we were. Every morning we got up and walked over to the market. Weaving in and out of crowds asking about a missing child. It was odd that no one knew. Eleanora reassured me that it was because everyone was a traveler just stopping in town before carrying on to the next town. "They shouldn't know anything unless you’re from a faraway land," She told me. I then told her that I knew I was in the forest for a least three nights but I did not know if it was longer than that.
She asked me if I was worn out and tired when I woke up, or if I was even hungry. I told her no, but it did not cross my mind. I was not thinking about my body. I was too worried about what happened than to think about what was going on. I was alone and afraid. She said she was very sorry for 'this mess' But I took it personal and thought she really meant 'sorry your family doesn't love you'. Ever since we started looking, I have felt like I was not loved. Therefore, I took everything in the worst possible meaning. I then took it to heart. I was being really sensitive about this whole thing. I'm not sure if others would think the worst like me. Maybe they would be more optimistic because that was all they would have.
Eleanora then suggested we go to another town. A week of nothing went by so fast. I was glad she came up with something else besides walking through town. Eleanora had packed food and she got some extra clothes for me from the market. We went over to Lydia's house. Eleanora stepped into the back with Lydia, while I sat on the couch. I tried my best to hear what they were saying but I could not tell. I could not even make out a voice, all I could hear were kids playing in the distance.
I got up off the couch and crept down the hallway. I leaned against the wall. I could hear Eleanora listing what I thought to be places. "Winchester, Richmond, Breckenridge." "What about Winchester?" Lydia asked. I was not sure I heard her right because Eleanora already said Winchester. "No," Said Eleanora "That place is no good." "Really?" asked Lydia. "Yes, it's run down." "Oh," Lydia responded. "I hear things in the market place about... some accidents happening." Eleanora paused as if she could not find the right way to phrase it. I still do not know why we never went wherever she said, but now I do not care.
We ended up going with Lydia she said she needed a break from Hartwell. I still do not know why she said she needed a break, but now it does not matter. Eleanora warned her that it would be all on foot. She said we would catch a carriage. I laughed for the first time in forever. I do not actually remember a time that I laughed. Eleanora smiled at me. She was happy that I was happy. I actually felt loved with Eleanora. She was so observant and she had motherly instincts I felt like she was my caretaker. Just as Lydia was for Natalie.
Eleanora took us all out to the main road of Hartwell and we started to walk along it. I held Natalie's hand while Eleanora and Lydia walked ahead of us. I had a mixture of emotions that day. Ranging from sad to angry to happy. I was not sure how I was supposed to feel about the journey we were taking. I was grateful but at the same time, I was annoyed. I felt like I should not have to do this. Who ever knew me should come find me. Wasn’t I important? I am a person. I mean no one knows me but I am someone.
We traveled to Winchester first and looked around it was a much more crowded place than Hartwell. People were looking for a place to live. Correction, many people were looking for a place to live, the streets were packed. We worked our way through the crowd and got to a smaller village within the town. Eleanora asked people if they heard anything about a missing child. No one knew anything we searched Winchester for about a week and a half.
We then traveled over to Breckenridge. It was on the other side of Hartwell. It was larger than Hartwell but not as crowded and Winchester. I was glad it was not so crowded because I felt nervous wandering around a crowded town. I could easily get lost. And I knew I was safe with Eleanora. I did not think I would be lucky for a second time. Breckenridge was a really green town. There were trees lining the streets and flowers blooming everywhere. I loved it. I thought I must live here because it seems like home to me. We searched for a week. We knocked on every single door but no one recognized me. People asked where I was from but I had no idea. They thought it was odd that I did not know. People thought a girl my age should know where she was from, at the very least.
Eleanora never went into detail about what happened to me. She would only tell people I was lost. Most people just said no. Only a few were curious and would ask questions. Eleanora would always interrupt and say we need to get going. I was glad that she would cut them off. It made me feel worse when they would stare at me. I felt stupid for not knowing where I was from or what my name was. It definitely did not help that people thought the same thing.
We then got a ride over to Richmond. It was the next kingdom from Breckenridge. It was a similar size to Breckenridge but it was not as pretty with a billion plants. We once again stayed there for about a week. Knocking on every door. Someone suggested we go to the King of Richmond and ask for his help. Eleanora said thank you and we left. Sometimes Lydia would ask people if they knew me. She was friendlier with the people. She would give them a big smile with a hello and tell them about how we have traveled really far and we need their help. She would go into detail about how I was found and needed my family. It was really weird because I did not see a reason for it. All she had to do was ask if I had been seen before. All they had to do was say yes or no. I knew Lydia had good intentions but I thought the dramatics were a waste of time.
Richmond did not have any answers either. Eleanora said that we did not have any other kingdoms to search. At least none that were close enough to take a trip to. We were able to find a merchant that was traveling from Richmond towards Hartwell. We got to travel with him and he let us off just at the border of Winchester and Hartwell. We walked along the dirt road tired as ever. We were gone for about a month and no luck.
I was feeling worn out and useless. Eleanor, Natalie, and I finally got home and I started to cry. I was so upset that I did not run into anyone I knew. How could a child be lost, and no one cares? I did not understand it and I never would. I cried and cried for hours. All of that hope that had was now gone. Eleanora asked if there was anything, she could do to make it better. To soften the blow of neglect that I felt would be impossible. I was so upset I went to bed in tears.
The next day Eleanora was up at the table waiting for me. I sat across from her and she asked me what I would like to do now. I had no idea and I never thought about what would be next. I was stuck on the past. "Are you sure there aren't any other places we could go?" I was now tearing up again. I was ready to swim in the ocean of my tears. I wanted to float away and never come back. "There is one more place we could go," She told me. "But I don't think you'd like it there." "Why?" I begged. "It's a town full of crime," She stated "Oh," I gulped. I did not understand why not; but she knew what I was thinking.
"It's had a lot of deaths in the past months. People have been fleeing the town to go to Winchester, which is why it was so crowded. That town is full of villainy, people stealing from each other, taverns are always over filled, and people are dying left and right. I don't know if that's where you came from but if you want, we can go look. I just don't like the idea of you seeing such a horrible place. It looks elegant to an outsider, but I've heard it’s a mess. Looks can be deceiving. When I found you, I had a hunch that's where you came from but I couldn't be sure without taking you everywhere else. Now that we've tried all of our options we can finally go there. I don't know how you ended up in the forest. It don't matter before but now it does. If someone from that town dropped you off in the woods, then I don't think it would be a good idea to walk back in. Who knows what could happen to you."
After hearing this, I was not sure what to think. I was not angry with her for not sharing this information, because she was trying to keep me safe. I was not happy about this though, because she said it was a place I would not want to live in. I was not really surprised because I thought there were more towns. I mean I did listen to her conversation with Lydia. I was not even disappointed with her because she told me. I guess I was just afraid. What would happen if I went to that town? I now believed I was not loved and wanted. I was sure that I had been dumped off. Maybe the woman in white was my mother.
"I don't want to go." I had made up my mind. I was now frustrated. I could not bring myself to go there. I thought that I had been abandoned. I was not going to look for the woman that left me. I could not forgive her if I found her. In fact, all I wanted to do was forget about her. I hoped that with time I would actually forget about her. I just didn't want to doubt myself anymore.
"Okay. We don't have to if you don't want to," She told me. "But if you really do want to go then we will." "No," I told her. "Whoever left me does not want me. I do not want to go back and make nice." "You don't know if they left you," She stated. She did not want me to feel bad but the thing was I did not want to feel bad either. "I cannot get over this," I told her. "I'm sure you think I should go back and make it right but I'm too mad to do that." "No," She said, "I want you to do what you want to do." "Can I live here?" I could not believe I asked her so suddenly but I just did not want to be alone. "Of course!" She chimed. "What should I call you?" She inquired. I was not sure what my name was. Nothing stood out in my mind. "Name me," I insisted. "Name you?" She laughed. "Yes, please," I begged. "I have nothing else but you." "And Natalie." She corrected my statement.
She was silent as she thought of a name. "How about Juliet?" She asked, "It means youthful." "Yes!" I rejoiced. I finally had a name. I was so over-joyed I started to cry. I felt like my long battle was finally over. Enough time had passed me by that, I was not sad that I was unknown. I was finally someone. Moreover, I could not be happier. I could now start my life. Sure, it was not the same as growing up with your family but being taken in by Eleanora (and Natalie) was just as good, if not better.
"Juliet," Eleanora beamed. "How old are you?" She added. I was not actually sure of my age. "Maybe 12?" I asked. Although I was not sure why I was asking. "Maybe my birthday is today." "Maybe it is," Eleanora said. "Happy birthday Darling. I'll go to the market and whip up a delicious meal for your 13th birthday." Eleanora grabbed her bag, gave me a giant hug, and headed towards the door. She stopped in the doorway and looked back at me. "I love you." © 2016 Shelbie |
Added on February 3, 2016 Last Updated on February 3, 2016 Author