I Was Lost

I Was Lost

A Chapter by Shelbie

The last time I could remember being this lost was the only other time I had been this lost. This past time was more physically lost then just lost for words. For I actually was not sure where I was. I woke up to find myself deep within the woods. I knew that much and only that. Nothing else. I did not know how long I had been there or why I was there. I was not sure how I even got there. I could not even remember my name. It was such an odd moment for me. I was probably 13 years old.


I remembered my dream of seeing a shining person. This person seemed to have a glowing light surrounding her. She wore a long white gown, with a giant hooded cloak, and had long, flowing, beautiful, blonde hair. I remembered in my dream that I believed no such creature could exist. Yet here she was. She was saying something to me. I could not hear her talking. I only noticed her lips were moving. She wore a sad expression upon her face; I was confused as to why this woman was so gloomy. She then turned away from me and started to walk away. I was not sure, if she had anywhere to be or if she just did not want to stick around. I felt as if I was a bad person, with the way she looked at me. Almost as if, she had a look of pity.


I then woke up from my dream to find I was in a forest. The dream had gone as quickly as it came. I stood up and turned in circles, taking in my surroundings. I could not tell if I was near civilization. I sat down and leaned against a tree. I closed my eyes hoping that maybe I could listen for people. Maybe I would hear people talking and I could follow that noise to find a village. And there I could get help. I knew I was lost and without any way of knowing where I should be. I sat against the tree for what felt like a lifetime.


I opened my eyes, in hopes that I would see that glowing woman. After being disappointed, I immediately became distraught. I was becoming more and more paranoid after each passing moment. Unsure of who I was and what I was doing there, I panicked. I started yelling for help. I stood up from the tree trunk, and ran around. Each shout seemed to bounce off the trees into nothing. I started sprinting through the woods unaware if I was going further in or farther out. I was now screaming at the top of my lungs gasping for air. My cries for help were not doing me any good.


I became extremely tired from the running and yelling. I knew I could not sit down and do nothing. Therefore, I kept marching on. I was unaware of how far I had gone or if I even, went in one straight direction. I was so disoriented. After walking for at least a couple hours, I looked up towards the sky. I saw that the sun was slowly fading through the mess of branches above me. I was even more worried than I had been before. I felt afraid of the dark. I had no idea if these mysterious woods were safe.


I decided that I was too tired to keep walking. My feet had been aching and I was not sure if I was heading in the right direction. Or if there even was a right direction. I once again sat down at the base of a tree. I looked down at myself. I was wearing a long gray tunic with a belt snitched at my waist. A pouch was connected to the belt. I suddenly felt like I had hope. I opened it up and found that it was empty. Why did I even have it, if it was empty? I became frustrated. How was I supposed to know what was going on? I thought about why I did not know who I was. I was wearing worn out boots, orange tights, and an orange cape. Maybe the orange signified something.


I was so sleepy so I took off my cape and laid down in the grass. I thought about what I would do as the sun completely disappeared behind the trees. I could run tomorrow in the morning. Or I could just stay at this tree. I thought about my two options and became upset. I was alone and afraid and my two options did not guarantee that I would find someone and feel safe. I then thought that maybe I could observe the trees tomorrow. Maybe they would have carvings on them so I could find a trail. I became hopeful once again and with that optimism, I fell asleep.


I woke up to the sun shining through the leaves. I felt a comforting wind blow across me. I felt like I would finally remember who I was. I thought maybe I would find a tree that I carved my name into. I thought about all the names that could be mine. I could be Elizabeth, Victoria, Flora, Helene, or Grace. After thinking about these names, none of them seemed to awaken my memory. I got up and realized that I was hungry. I started to scan the surrounding area. I could not recall seeing any trees or bushes that had fruit.


I decided that I should take a walk in search for food. I started to walk in the direction the sun would set. I just remembered! I forgot my cape! I swiftly turned around and ran back to the tree. I picked it up and thought what if this is a magical forest and I keep walking past the same trees? I picked up a rock and carved a horizontal line into the tree. I decided that I would try walking straight and each tree that I passed would have a line on it. That way if I got side tracked or backtracked I could get on the same path.


I kept walking and marking each passing tree. I stopped for a moment to listen for a sound. Anything would make me feel better about my sad situation. I closed my eyes. Nothing. I kept them closed and I slowly started to turn around. I thought that maybe I could hear well if I was facing towards the sound. Therefore, I kept slowly turning in hopes that I would suddenly hear something. Nothing. I opened my eyes and looked at all the trees. I checked the one nearest to me for my markings. I found one tree with the line I carved and then I looked for the second and third. After going back three trees, I knew which direction I had been going.


I started my journey again of marking trees and looking for something to eat. The sun was now directly above me and I felt too hot to wear my cape. I put the rock into my pouch. I untied it and held it in my hand. I looked around again thinking that maybe I should focus on more of the big picture instead of directly ahead. I became frustrated and tired. There were trees everywhere I looked. Nothing else but forest. I did not want to go on walking. I looked at the trees once again. I stopped looking when I believed I found the perfect tree. I ran up to it and looked up. Standing directly next to it, I saw how tall it really was. I became a little uneasy, but I knew what I had to do.


I dropped my cape and started to ascend up the tree. I was going as fast as I possibly could. I felt as if I was in a chase and if I did not get to the top, I would be caught. This crazy idea helped me move quickly. I got close to the top and the sun had started to set once again. I looked out past the branches. I only saw more and more trees. This tree was what I believed to be tall but I saw so many more that were taller. I then saw a bird swoop down below the trees. I thought maybe there was something there for the bird to eat. At this point, I could not see much more than shadows.


I started making my way down the tree making sure I climbed down slowly and carefully. I made sure I knew where that bird made its sudden plunge. Once I got to the base, I pulled the rock out of my pouch and carved an arrow into the tree pointing in the direction of the bird. I then laid down and pulled my cape over myself. I hoped that tomorrow would help me find anything. Anything at all, other than more trees. More trees along with a person would be great. More trees and food would be great. No trees and a village would be the absolute best, because I was tired of seeing the same trees.

© 2016 Shelbie

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Awesome she's got a case of amnesia? I wonder how she got it? Why she wore orange? Why the prince let her go? How did her leg recover? And most of all who the woman with the golden glow is. So many mysteries and I can't wait to solve them. :)

Posted 9 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on February 3, 2016
Last Updated on February 3, 2016



San Fernando , CA

Aspiring author, likes chowmein, and beanies more..

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A Chapter by Shelbie