![]() Mirror Face Murder (Read This First!) - Everything You Need to Know!A Story by GhostOfTheLight![]() Read this before you read any chapters of the Mirror Face Murders to get a basic overview!![]() Attention Darkridge... ....As most of you may have noticed the killings have started again. Are you excited? I know I am. I've missed the thrill of hearing someone scream as they stare into my eyes. Watching as their blood oozes down their body and the life slowly slips from their eyes. Oh how I've missed that. I've missed the confusion that comes as they stare into my mask and see nothing but themselves. Waiting patiently with my knife in them, turning it and reveling in their pleas until they realize that they are the reason this is happening to them. Darkridge know that I am not a murderer, I'm nothing more than a messenger. Delivering retribution for the awful f*****g lives everyone in the town have led! You all deserve to rot and bleed out on the streets, and eventually you all will. But first....first I'm going to play with this town. I'm going to bring darkness to it, and let it panic, until Darkridge has hit the bottom of its very soul. And then? When the town is at its lowest? When you are all are curled up and ready to die, ready to admit that you are all evil? Then my sweet sweet neighbors, I will show you yourself, in your rawest most digusting forms, in the way that I have always seen you all and I will kill you. It will be slow. It will be painful. And it will be beautiful. -Mirror Face Hey everyone and welcome to the Mirror Face - Collaborative event! I'm super excited about this, as nothing like this has ever been attempted on Booksie! So I'll explain what is happening! We are looking for 3 more talented writers to join us on this completely interactive writing experience! Each author will create a character. These characters each week will have a chapter dedicated to them depicting their characters reactions to being a student at Darkridge High and the murders that are happening. All while trying to figure out who Mirror Face is and how to stop him! Each week the fans will vote which chapters are their favorties and which character they think should live until next week. While the bottom 2 will have one more chapter to get the fans on their side and keep them safe! If they recieve the least amount of votes again Mirror Face will be giving them a visit! This will continue until there is one survivor left! This person will be declared 'Sole Survivor' and will ultimately reveal the identity of the killer! :) I will be an awesome, enganging experience for any and all participants so let's have fun and get this thing on a role! To apply write a short suspensful scene played out with the character that you have in mind! And may the best author 'survive!' Welcome to Dark Ridge... Welcome all you awesome authors! Today is the official start of the ' Mirror Face Murders' collaberative event! Below I will explain all of the rules and the 'what's actually going on in this competition' questions that any of you have! Rules -Every week, every author in the competition will release a chapter. That chapter will be e-mailed to me and then I will upload it onto the competition official page! -This is the first week of the event so NO characters will be killed off in any way. This first week is just for the fans and the authors to relax and create their characters! - In addition to those single chapters a week, I will issue out challeneges or events that have to happen in your chapter to keep everyone on their toes. -Each person will only be allowed to have ONE main character, you are allowed to have side characters but remember the fans are keeping your MAIN character alive so make sure that you give them what they want and need to keep you safe! -Each authors character MUST have a vice or a situation that makes them look guilty and capable of being the Mirror Face Murderer at some point in time in their storyline. - After the chapters have been posted, the fans will have a chance to read everyones chapter and comment. Throughout this time I will be tallying up the fans votes. - I will then privately e-mail the person who has been eliminated. (If it's me I will eliminate myself. XD) - The week of elimination everyone must write a scene being chased by the killer, leaving the fate of your character uknown until the next week. - At the start of the next chapter period, everyone will react to the character who was killed off in a rememberence or dedication chapter. After that week the normal process will begin again of a challenge being issued, followed by voting, and a death. - You MAY chose to interact in another characters storyline or chose to stay alone and have your own thing going on. Keep in mind though that if you chose to interact with another character that interaction chapter will use up both of your solo chapters making it more difficult for the audience to appreciate you as a single character! I highly recommend doing at least one collaberative chapter so that we can all get to know each other and up our writing skills! -You can NOT kill your character off unless your character has been voted off! -You may however have your character being terrorized through a chapter, you just are not allowed to make Mirror Face talk or do anything out of character. The only time you can make him/her speak is during a death scene. -At the end of the compeition the sole surivor will be the person who unmasks Mirror Face and will be invited to come back for Season 2! Fan Rules You the fans are the most IMPORTANT part of this entire event! We need your reads and comments and votes to keep the residents of Darkridge alive and kicking! There are just a couple of rules we ask from you! -Be unbiased! I know that everyone has friends on Booksie and likes certain writing styles more than others, but this competition is about what CHARACTER you connect most with or care about most. So make sure that you think about their story rather than how you feel about the author. -Read EVERYONES chapter. I cannot stress enough how important it is that everyone gets the same chance to be read in this event. I will be posting the chapters all at the exact same time so nobody will release before anyone else. - Vote! Vote! Vote! Last but not least, make sure that you vote and comment on each persons chapter to let us know what you think about it and them! -When you vote you will e-mail me at [email protected] a list of each character numbered. 1 - Being the character you like most and 10 - the least. Number all of the characters in order of which chapter pulled you in the most. Darkridge High - This school is the pride and joy of the town. - Every adult and teenager has either went to this school or is going to the school. - It only has 2 floors. - While it may look old on the outside this school is actually pimped out on the inside that you would swear it's a brand new school. - The faculty is very persistent in letting it's students know about jobs and future careers within the town. - There is cameras in the school in every hallway and staircase. -There is a fence around the school as well, to high to climb and the top is barb wire. - There is only one front gate, that can only be opened with faculty and staff cards that have a chip built in.
Darkridge : The Town - Darkridge from the outside is like every other town. - They have a police department, a library, a grocery store, everything a self sustaining town would need. - Everyone has grown up with everyone, so news travels fast. - As far as anyone is concerned you never really leave Darkridge you kind of just accept life in a small town and settle. - There isn't any curfew rules ( Well weren't before the murder of Laurie). The town seems to be very trusting of it's kids. - Fields trips and other class events are only taken to places inside of the town. - All the TV channels are all stations made within the confines of the town and it's local radio station and studio. - Darkridge doesn't really get any news from anywhere else, but nobody seems to mind.
P.S. These pictures are in no way shape or form mine or made by me. They are simply pics that I felt like worked for the project at hand! BUT THEY AREN'T MINE! © 2015 GhostOfTheLight |