![]() The Alpha Squad: The Sword of WisdomA Story by Michael GillThe Alpha Squad The Sword of Wisdom.
Chapter 1
After receiving the urgent message from Zendra, The Alpha Squad wasted no time in preparing for their flight to Castle Dark-Rider. They prepped the cargo jet with everything they would possibly need, from vehicles to first aide supplies. It took them no more than two hours and they were in the air. Thankfully the day she had called was on the first day of spring break, otherwise they would have to wait out until school was over to fly to their destination. Out of all of the members of The Alpha Squad, Dark-Rider was the only one that had not been there. But from all the information that was on I.Q. he had learned all that he needed to know of the place and of his predecessors. The castle was built shortly after The Revolutionary War by The Dark-Rider of that time who had been a pirate that sought revenge on England for the murder of his father who had been The Dark-Rider before him. When God had called him to become the next Dark-Rider, he helped fight off The Red Coats. The money that he had stolen was then used to build castle Dark-Rider to be a place of refuge for The Dark-Riders’ to come. He had passed on but another had taken his place but not of his lineage for he had killed his foe out of vengeance. They were nearing Castle Dark-Rider when they realized that they would have to land in Dublin and take a ferry to Castle Dark-Rider. The ferry ride was nice for it was a private ride for those only going to the castle. They were greeted by Roy McFarren whose family had been the caretakers of Castle Dark-Rider. Once they had reached the castle and as soon as Mike placed his foot onto land he felt dizzy. “Are you okay?” Erica asked him concerned for her boyfriend. “Yes, I’m fine…it’s just that my abilities are gone.” Mike told her. “That means we have no time to lose. You must take the trials tomorrow morning.” Roy stated in a thick Irish accent. “Why not tonight?” Dan asked. “Because since the young Dark-Rider has not slept in many days, his body must be allowed to adapt for at least a night.” Roy answered plainly.
“I’m in no rush.” Mike admitted. “But what of this Leprechaun?” Clara asked. “We’ll discuss that as soon as you’re settled.” Zendra broke into the conversation. “Sounds good to me.” Mike said as he grabbed his bags and headed off to the castle. Mike couldn’t believe his eyes as he walked up the trail leading to the castle. The place looked as if age had not touched it. The bricks were made of the finest stone of the time of The Dark-Rider whom had built it and was smooth to the touch. As he and the others walked in they took in the sights of the castle. “This is more beautiful than Atlantis!” Erin exclaimed. “The lost city?” Roy asked in wonder. “Yes. In one of our previous missions we stumbled upon it.” Mike answered. “Roy shall put you bags into your rooms.” Jacob informed them, “We must meet with Zendra and the rest of her team.” They followed him down into the level below the main hall and they found themselves in familiar surroundings that looked almost like the exact replica of The Big House Headquarters. “Welcome to Continental Command.” Zendra greeted as they entered. “I would like to introduce you to my team. First there’s myself, and also someone else you know, representing USA is Kopy-Cat! From Japan is Mr. Sumo, a former sumo wrestler that went undefeated thanks to his mass gives him strength as well as invulnerability. The Japanese were so impressed with his ability in the ring that they named from being called The Mountain to Mr. Sumo. Next is Dingo who is from Australia, he is actually human but he is the best tracker in the world and can fly or drive just about any vehicle. After him is Red Coat who is from Great Britain. He is the great-great-great grandson of the General who had fallen to Washington in The Revolutionary War.” “And don’t worry I hold no grudge.” He bowed in a gentleman like manner.
“Red Coat is our intelligence gatherer as well has the ability to turn invisible. Next to him is Gill-Girl she is from Norway whom had been experimented on to be the next step in warfare in the ocean but we saved her and she is grateful to help us. Not only can she breathe under water, but she also can turn her body into scales to swim faster. From Germany is Blacksmith. That is not his only code-name, he comes from a long line of blacksmiths henceforth his name. He too is human but he makes our weapons and also he has his own battle suit for when he is in that he is called Warhammer. This is all we have so far, but you never know how many more we shall have.” “You have a great start Zendra.” Mike told her, “Don’t forget The Alpha Squad had started at 7 at one point in time.” “Yes that is true.” She nodded. Mike then introduced The Alpha Squad to the newest team of heroes. “Pardon the intrusion.” Roy said coming into the room. “But dinner is nearly ready.” “Thank you Roy.” Jacob acknowledged. “Come my friends let us feast.” They went into the dining hall which was as big as the under ground headquarters of The Big House. The food served there was beyond any of teens’ imagination. From turkey to a freshly butchered pig. Three different salads to choose from and bread. After they had finished what would be considered a seven course meal, they all went to their rooms and got settled in. Mike was taken to The Master Bedroom as he stepped into it. The bed had to be the biggest bed that he had ever seen in his life. There was a small library of books that had been the favored books of his predecessors’. The room was big enough to be at least three bedrooms that was in The Big House. He then checked on the others and saw that their rooms were half the size as his! They asked if this place could be their new headquarters and they all busted up laughing. Later that night Mike stood at the balcony in his bedroom facing the ocean soaking in the scenery. He missed the ocean at times, but at least now he could just enjoy the view. He heard someone coming and walking up next to him. “Hi Erica.” He said without looking at her. “How’d you know it was me?” She asked. “I don’t need my abilities to smell your perfume.” He smiled at her as he looked into her eyes. “This place is just magnificent!” She said with a heavy sigh. “It most certainly is.” He agreed, “Never in my life had I thought I’d actually see a castle let alone stay in one.” “But after tomorrow won’t you be its owner?” She asked him. “Actually I will be The Steward, just as I am with the sword.” He answered her, “God is the true owner I’m just the one to be sure that it runs in order. It would seem that Roy and his family who has been taking cares of this place for generations are the true stewards.” “Maybe so, but still this is an amazing place.” “It most certainly is.” Zendra’s voice rang through the room as she came in. “I hope I am not intruding?” “Of course not.” Mike assured her. “Just enjoying the sunset.” “Yes I have fallen love with the sunsets here.” Zendra admitted. “I just wanted to remind you that the trials begin shortly after breakfast.” “Thanks I appreciate it.” “Well than I shall be off…until tomorrow morning.” Zendra bowed and left. “Speaking of which, it’s best I go to bed.” Erica said, “Besides I’m sure that you would like to have a good nights’ rest.” “It’ll be the first one I’ve had in a long time.” Mike said with a smile. They kissed good night and he saw her out the door. He flopped himself onto the bed, closed his eyes and fell asleep.
Chapter 2
The next morning the teens met up in the dining hall for breakfast. Once they had their fill they met Roy in the garden behind the castle. “I hope you all had a good nights’ sleep.” They nodded. “Now we must begin the trials. Will The Dark-Rider of now please step forward?” Mike stepped up and stood beside Jacob. “You know that these trials will test you not only physically, but mentally as well. You must have your wits about you as go through the maze.” Roy held up his left hand and showed the entrance to the maze. “It has taken us nearly two years to complete it. As you can see the maze is 10 feet high and covered in thorns, so there will be no way for you to try and climb over it. There are also traps that you must avoid as well as riddles and questions that you must answer. When you make it to the end you will be face with your most ultimate question that only you can answer.” Roy gave a moment to make sure that it had all sunken in, “Are you ready?” “Ready as I’ll ever be.” Mike said, as Erica came up and kissed him on the right cheek. “For luck.” “Thanks.” He said as turned to the entrance. “Into the unknown of a great adventure.” Mike quoted and then he walked through the entrance. As soon as he walked through an iron gate came down behind him. He didn’t show any sign of surprise or paid it no mind for he had a bigger task at hand. The path so far was straight and nearly a quarter of a mile later it turned to the right. Another seventy-five yards he found himself before a door that had a riddle on it. He read it, “I have two arms, a face, and I can either help you or hurt pending on how you treat me.” He thought for a minute. “This is a two part riddle. The first part is a clock and a clock equals time. Which is the second part of the riddle and time can either help me or harm me on how I use it.” The door opened and he walked through and it shut itself once he was on the other side. He walked through the maze and took lefts, then rights, and sometimes had to go back to where he had started to finally find the right way. He had spent nearly in hour before he found not one door but two. In between the doors was posted a note with another riddle. It read, “Two doors with a sign in plain sight, one goes left and one goes right.” He looked at the door on the left and it showed a sign with a squiggly line, and the right door showed a sign showed a line going straight. “Plain sight would indicate the straight line posted on the right door. However nothing would be that easy to the finish. Therefore I shall take the left door.” He opened it and walked through.
Chapter 3
After he walked through he went straight then left, and just as he turned left, some arrows flew through the air and ducked before they could strike him. But as soon as he ducked a bunch of poison darts started flying through the air above him. “Oh this is just lovely.” He said to himself as he started to crawl on his stomach. He then looked back to see that the arrow were stuck in the wall of the maze. He crawled backwards and grabbed one of the arrows. As he went forward he stabbed the ground with the arrow to be sure that it was safe to crawl forward. After he had moved another fifty feet the ground gave in and there before him was a pit with spikes. The pit was a good seven feet across from the rest of the path. “Okay I need to time this just right.” He listened to the sound of the darts and timed them, and then as soon as he calculated the seconds in between the darts shooting, in one smooth movement he jumped up into a squat position and leaped across the pit with all his might within his legs and barely cleared the pit, with the majority of his body on the path and he dragged himself on up onto the path. “Well that was a close one. Good thing I had those simulations jumping chasms with 25% more gravity.” He then looked ahead and began to make a dead run to the next challenge. He saw now that there were three doors that were opened and just as he approached them they were immediately covered in vines. “Nice trick.” Mike commented. He looked over to his right and saw a note attached to an axe. The note read, “Three doors, three paths which way do you go?” He closed his eyes as he tried to remember what he had saw beyond the doorways before they closed. In the middle doorway stood a cross! “Jesus is The Way, The Truth, and The Life!” Mike quoted, “And Jesus also was crucified on a cross and his cross was placed in the middle.” The middle door opened up and he went through. “The axe was a nice temptation I’ll give them that.” Mike said as soon as the door had closed behind him. He stood in front of the cross and then saw that only was to go to the right. After a few twists and turns he finally found himself at the end of the path. There stood before him was a door with another note. It read, “Inside you must answer the question that only you can answer.” He went through the door and as he went in the door slammed behind him. The room at first was dark but then it lit up. As soon as his eyes had adjusted he saw that he wasn’t the only one in the room. There before him stood…HIMSELF! “Hello there brother it’s nice to see me again.” His mirrored image told him. “Dark-Clone!” Mike said as he felt the adrenaline surge through his body. Chapter 4
Mike stood before his “evil twin” and balled up his fists. “What are you waiting for?” Mike asked him. “I’m waiting for you to throw the first punch.” Dark-Clone answered. “That’s funny; I was waiting for you to do the same.” Mike said with a smirk. “If you insist.” Dark-Clone shrugged and went with a wild swing. Mike blocked it, punched Dark-Clone with a few fast punches to the gut and then he kicked his knee up to Dark-Clones face. “Not bad brother.” “How is it you’re alive?” Mike asked, “The last time I saw you, you were plunged into the ocean.” “Yes that is true. But thanks to your genes that I was cloned from I was able to survive and regenerate from the blast you gave me that sent me hurling into the depths.” Dark-Clone summarized. I later found myself on the beaches of Norway where I was rescued by the one called Gill-Girl. I was then taken by those who were experimenting on her and they decided to experiment on me! But thankfully Zendra and the others saved not only the fish girl but me as well. But it didn’t take long for Zendra to realize that it wasn’t you but your dear clone.” “How did she figure out that you weren’t really me?” Mike asked him. “My eyes don’t glow green for one. And two she kissed me…” “And then she knew it wasn’t me.” Mike finished. “Exactly, however I am you…just the evil and dark part of you.” Dark-Clone said with pride. “Thanks Dark-Clone you just helped with the answer that only I can answer myself. The answer is I am my own worst enemy.” The area above them opened up and there stood everyone else. Mike then saw that there were stairs leading up to the room. Before he walked up the stairs he looked at Dark-Clone, “I take it you do not want to finish our fight?” “Not at this time, just like you I do have a sense of honor.” Dark-Clone answered him, “I will pick my time to get back at you.” Mike nodded and he went up to the room where everyone else was. They all congratulated him on a job well done. They all then led to a room where The Sword of Wisdom was held. Roy took the sword down from the wall and extended it to Mike and said, “You have passed all of the tests, and have proven yourself to be The Dark-Rider. Take The Sword of Wisdom and merge the swords once again.” As soon as he grabbed hold of The Sword of Wisdom his eyes glowed green once again and his Dark-Rider suit came upon him once again. He then took The Sword of Leadership out of its sheath and said, “IN THE NAME OF JESUS CHRIST LET THE SWORDS NOW BECOME ONE!” He merged them together and after over 50 years of being separated The Sword of Power was once again whole! “Now this is what I want done…I want Dark-Clone set free!” “Say what?” They all asked at the same time. “I’m ashamed of you Zendra.” Dark-Rider looked to her, “There could’ve been another way for me to figure out that final task of the test but to use someone like that! Yes, he might be my clone, and yes he is evil. But he has committed no crime to be placed in a cell. He is to be given food to last him a few days at least until he can find his own way to provide for himself.” “You are right; I shall set him free immediately.” Zendra nodded and sought to the task. “I’m amazed at you!” Nicole exclaimed. “Now that you have The Sword of Power you feel you can say what happens here?” “Actually he can Nicole.” Her uncle answered her. “He is The Dark-Rider now, and this is his castle. Not only that but he is right. Dark-Clone has committed no crime and you heard what he had said, he was experimented upon.” “It is true.” Gill-Girl spoke up, “You should’ve seen the way he was treated in there. I thought they had treated me horribly until they had their hands on him. In a way Zendra had saved his life as well as mine.” “I guess you’re right.” Nicole admitted, “I’m sorry Dark-Rider I should’ve not had said those things.” “You said what you felt was right Nicole.” Mike said as he turned back to his normal self. “I’d expect nothing less than if any one questions anything I do if they have any doubt. That goes for anyone in this group and others. Just because I am the leader of this group doesn’t mean I am right all of the time. I will lean not only God but you guys’ as well otherwise we are not truly a team.” “Now that my friends is true wisdom.” Roy stated. Moments later Zendra met with them in the main hall as she led Dark-Clone. Dark-Clone looked at Mike and nodded, “Thank you brother.” Mike nodded back and they led him down to the ferry where Zendra and Roy took him across into Dublin. As soon as they were in town Dark-Clone put a hood over his head and said, “Tell my brother that I’ll be seeing him soon.” After he had left, Zendra and Roy went into town and gathered up some supplies. Once they had returned to the ferry they weren’t the only ones there for waiting for them was a white limousine. “Oh this is going to be fun.” Zendra said to Roy and he nodded. “Ah Roy, am so glad to see you.” Said the man who stood there wearing a green suit. He was in his early thirties with red hair, green eyes, athletic build and was 6’2. “Mr. McGrath.” Roy nodded, “May I ask what you are doing here, this is a private ferry.” “Aye I know. But I wish to speak to the owner of the castle.” McGrath told him. “Very well, but am sure his answer will be the same as mine.” Roy said as he began the ferry’s motor. “I’ll be in my limo if you need me.” Roy nodded to him and as soon as the door was shut, Roy nodded to Zendra who took her cell phone out of her pocket and said, “Mike this is Zendra we will be having company coming with us…I’ll fill you in as we head your way.”
Chapter 5
As Roy and Zendra ferried back to Castle Dark-Rider she informed The Dark-Rider of all that he needed to know of their visitor coming to the castle. She told him that Mr. McGrath had been coming to the castle at least once a week for about a month now, and that the Irish gentleman was interested in buying the castle. As soon as they returned to the castle they were met by Mike, Jacob, Nicole, and Erica. “Mr. McGrath this is Mike Black the new owner of Castle Dark-Rider.” Zendra introduced him. “A pleasure.” Mr. McGrath greeted extending his hand. Mike shook it generously. “Allow me to introduce you to my staff, my Chauffer and body-guard Mr. McHandel, and my assistant and secretary Miss McHandel his sister.” “What is your means of being here?” Mike asked him, that he didn’t already know. “I’m interested in buying this castle.” He said taking off his sunglasses, “And am willing to pay a hefty price for it.” “Not for sale.” Mike told him bluntly. “I would give you enough for you and all of your friends to go to college and then some.” He offered. “No money in the world will convince me to sell this place.” Mike said in a matter of fact tone. “I just inherited it, and I’m not about to sell to some stranger.” “You’ve heard that The Leprechaun has returned?” Mr. McGrath asked. “Are you threatening me sir?” Mike asked as he locked eyes with the man. “No of course not.” McGrath chuckled lightly, “Just a fair warning.” “I’m not worried; this place is more than ready to be protected.” Mike assured him.
“Very well, can’t blame a man for trying.” McGrath said putting his sunglasses back on. “Roy, please return Mr. McGrath and his associates back to the mainland?” Mike asked him. “As you wish sir.” Roy nodded and he ferried them off the isle. “You think that he’s associated with The Leprechaun?” Zendra asked him. “Not associated, he is The Leprechaun.” Mike said plainly as he turned to go back to the castle. “Come again?” Nicole asked. “The only way anyone would’ve known that The Leprechaun was attacking this place is either he hired him or he is him.” Mike explained, “Plus while you and I were on the phone, I was in the command center and while you told me about him I put in all the facts into I.Q. 3. It showed a 98% chance that he was The Leprechaun. Not only that but I also did a genealogy search and it showed that he is a direct descendant of the first Leprechaun.” “That’s right!” Jacob exclaimed, “I had nearly forgotten that all of Dark-Riders’ past adventures and journals were put into the I.Q.” “Exactly! Now we must be ready for tonight.” Mike told them and he told them of his plan.
Chapter 6
Later that night as the sun began to fade; Roy was looking out of the east tower when he saw figures flying in the sky. He took out his communicator and warned the others that visitors were coming. “Thanks for the heads up Roy.” Dark-Rider told him, “Now make sure the rest of the staff is in the safety zone.” “I shall do as you’ve asked.” Roy assured him. “Do you think it’s them?” Light-Blader asked Dark-Rider. “I know it’s them.” He told her, and then looked into her face, “You just be careful.” “Aren’t I always?” She asked rhetorically with a wink. Dark-Rider smiled under his mask. He knew that she could take care of herself, as well as the others. They were standing on the shore when Gill-Girl had jumped out of the water. “Report.” Dark-Rider ordered. “It is them.” She answered briefly, “But there is more than three of them.” “What does she mean by that?” Frezor asked. “Lately it has been The Leprechaun, The Dullahan, and The Banshee.” Mr. Sumo answered. “Who else is with them?” Zendra asked. “A Phooka, which is a shape shifter, a Bugbear, A Buggane, A Red Man, The Love Talker, A Pig-Faced woman, and an army of Sluagh.” Gill-Girl listed. “Crickey!” Dingo exclaimed, “The Leprechaun is playing for keeps this time.” “Well, we should be able to handle them.” Molder said with confidence. “It’s best we shut up The Love Talker first.” Dark-Rider said bluntly, “Legends say that they are able to sway a woman to do what they want them to do.” “I’ll take care of The Buggane.” Gill-Girl volunteered as she went back into the water. “Molder, Blaze, Frezor, Sparks, and Metallacia you will take on the army of Sluagh, which according to myths are undead souls.” Dark-Rider began to put his strategy into motion, “Shieldra I want you back into The Castle to protect the people that are in there, your uncle will join you. The rest of us will pick our opponents, but leave The Leprechaun for me.” “Well you don’t have to wait for here they come!” Blaze called out and pointed to the sky. “Alpha Squad and Continentals defend Castle Dark-Rider!” Dark-Rider said as he pulled The Sword of Power out of its sheath! He flew up to meet The Leprechaun who was flying in the air. Molder and his team made quick work of the undead army. Mr. Sumo challenged the Bugbear. “Nothing can move the great Mr. Sumo!” He proclaimed. “We’ll see about that tubby!” The Bugbear growled. They locked themselves into battle. The Bugbear clawed at the former sumo wrestler, but the claws proved to have no effect. Mr. Sumo pushed his opponent down with ease with one hefty push and The Bugbear landed in the water. Gill-Girl faced The Buggane whose claws were sharp enough to cut a piece of cheese with ease. Gill-Girl had to use her defensive swimming maneuvers’ that she had learned while she had been an experiment. “If there is one thing those scientists did right was they taught me how to defend myself in the water.” She thought to herself as she was evading from The Bugganes’ claws! She pulled a tablet out of her belt and she threw at the creature. When it was near the face of The Buggane that it exploded with squid ink. Being blinded by the ink, Gill-Girl took a small dagger made of a sharks’ tooth and she stabbed the creature. The Buggane howled in pain as it was being stabbed, it then swam off away from the Norwegian swimmer. “That’s right you wanna-be Black Lagoon Monster, run like the sea-chicken that you are!” The Red Man was no match for Red Coat who had turned himself invisible. The Red Man who at first used his mimicking of voices and sounds of creatures confused Red Coat. After being shot at by a laser beam Red Coat decided that The Red Man couldn’t shoot or mock at what he couldn’t see. When he turned invisible he followed the sound until he had found The Red Man hiding in the bushes. Red Coat took his Billy-Club and knocked him out from behind.
Dingo tracked down The Phooka who had turned itself into a bull hiding among the other cattle. “Now that’s odd, the only bulls in here are black…but that one over there is spotted.” He thought to himself, as he took out his boomerang and threw it at the fake bull that didn’t see the boomerang coming until it was too late! As it hit the Phooka in the head! Once it had been knocked out it returned to its normal shape and then evaporated in the air. “Now that’s oddest thing I ever did see.” The Pig-Faced Woman tried casting black magic spells at Zendra who had blocked each one by dodging the bolts. “You really need to work on your aim!” Zendra taunted at her. The Pig-Faced Woman squealed in anger and charged at Zendra who threw a flash grenade at her foe! The Pig-Faced Woman was blinded long enough for Zendra to shoot her with a Stun Bolt and once her opponent went down it also evaporated. The Love Talker had made his way through the frontlines and into the castle. But he was met by Mindra. “Please my dear, allow me to pass.” “I don’t think so lover boy!” She said as she attacked him with a series of combinations of kicks and punches. The Love Talker was not ready for the attack, but what threw him off was that he was being attacked by a female. She then stunned him and he too evaporated. Shieldra ran up to her to find out if she was ok. “I’m fine, but Love Talker went poof!” “But how did you escape his trance?” Shieldra asked her. “Simple I had these in my ears.” She showed her with ear plugs in her ears. “Smart thinking.” Shieldra said as she went back to her post. Light-Blader and her sister Star-Girl met up with The Banshee who had landed. “You’re death shall be a pleasure to be taking.” The Banshee told them. “That’s gotta be the worst singing voice I’ve ever heard.” Light-Blader teased. “I agree, let’s shut her up.” Star-Girl said as they charged The Banshee who screamed but it was blocked by a Light-Shield that Light-Blader had made and as soon as they got within ranged Star-Girl shot her with a Star Bolt and The Banshee had sung her last song. The Dullahan was charging on his horse when he was stopped by Warhammer! “Going somewhere?” Warhammer asked him. “If you don’t get out of my way, you’re soul shall belong to me!” The Dullahan warned. “My soul belongs to my Savior Jesus Christ!” Warhammer said raising up his arm and blasted a steel hammer! The hammer struck The Dullahan in the chest and the horse he was riding bucked around and left. Dark-Rider flew up into the air and met The Leprechaun, “Ah isn’t this a pleasure to finally meet the Dark-Rider!” “Your reign of terror ends here and now Leprechaun!” Dark-Rider told him as he blocked the first attack by Leprechauns’ dagger. “My terror of your life and your friends’ lives has only begun Dark-Rider!” He threatened. “We shall see.” Dark-Rider said as they landed on the ground and began to battle. Thankfully for the hours that he had spent in The Holo-Dome Dark-Rider was able to fend off his foe until he saw an opening and he cut at the hand that was holding the dagger. The dagger fell out of his hand and he howled in pain. “Do you yield?” “For now, but only for now.” The Leprechaun panted, “Banshee, Dullahan we take our leave!” The three left, and disappeared into the night. Both teams regrouped at the shore of Castle Dark-Rider. “Wasn’t there more of them?” Metallacia asked. “Yes, but it would appear that they were of the magical nature.” Dark-Rider said as they headed back into the castle. “Is that why they evaporated?” Zendra asked. “Yes, which means that only The Leprechaun, The Dullahan, and The Banshee were the only ones that were real?” Dark-Rider stated. “McGrath and the two siblings!” Star-Girl guessed. “Yes, but now we have to find a way to prove it.” Molder said thoughtfully. “Already in the works.” Dark-Rider said ominously. “What does that mean?” Dingo asked. “In other words his plan has succeeded.” Zendra answered. “As I battled The Leprechaun, when he and I were using diving attacks, I planted a homing device under his cloak.” Dark-Rider said plainly. “And when I hit The Dullahan with my hammer it also planted one.” Warhammer spoke up. “And us when we took down The Banshee.” Light-Blader stated. “So what do we do now?” Frezor asked. “Tomorrow I will go down to The Dublin Police, Roy has a friend that’s an inspector there, and we’ll go to McGrath Enterprises and make a surprise visit.” Dark-Rider explained. “Now everyone get some rest, tomorrow is another day.” At McGrath Enterprises The Leprechaun and his two cohorts had returned to their lair hidden under the building. “I can’t believe that they were ready for us!” Dullahan shouted in anger. “They were more powerful than we had expected.” The Banshee said taking off her mask, and removing The Vocalizer that was around her neck which allowed her to make sonic vibrations. “I wasn’t expecting the new Dark-Rider to be so good and so well prepared.” The Leprechaun admitted, “But next time we’ll be far more prepared.” “Next time? NEXT TIME?” His body guard asked in a rage. “You’re expecting to make another run of that place?” “Yes I am!” The Leprechaun answered back with authority. “Don’t forget without my inventions you would be nothing but that brother and sister thugs that I had found begging in the streets! Without me you wouldn’t have a job, food in your stomachs, and roofs over your heads! So until I get my hands on The Sword of Power and also all the secrets that are within that castle you will do as I say!” “But you’re already rich and powerful enough as it is!” Banshee complained, “Isn’t that enough for you?” “No it will never be enough, until the world is in the palm of my hands!”
Chapter 7
The next morning Mike, Roy, Jacob, Erica, and Zendra ferried across the mainland. They went into The Dublin Police Department to talk to Inspector Gallery. Once they told him that a tracking device was planted on The Leprechaun and his cohorts, he was convinced enough to get a search warrant to search McGrath Enterprises. When they entered the building, the receptionist told them that Mr. McGrath didn’t want to be disturbed. But as soon as they showed that there was a search warrant she backed off. They went into the main office and McGrath was very displeased. “What gives you the right to break in here?” “Last night we were attacked by The Leprechaun and his minions.” Mike answered him, “Thankfully The Dark-Rider had planted a homing chip on all of them. And it led us to this building.” He showed him The Locator. “It’s on a hidden floor of this building.” He told the inspector who nodded, and he offered his hand out for the key. “Very well.” McGrath said reluctantly, as he handed the keys to the inspector. They went into the elevator that was in the office. The inspector put the right key and activated the elevator to go to a hidden floor. Once it opened they saw a room full of costumes and arsenals. The inspector turned to the two policemen that were with him, “Please place Mr. McGrath under arrest, and then find his two henchmen.” “This isn’t over!” McGrath promised as they were reading him his international rights. “I’m counting on it.” Mike told him “It’ll take about a day to get all of this stuff into evidence.” Inspector Gallery admitted. “Well with them out of the way it shouldn’t be too difficult.” Erica said. “I don’t know about that Erica…something tells me they’re not the only ones in this caper we have to worry about.” Mike told her in a warning tone.
Chapter 8
Later that night McGrath and the two siblings were bailed out of jail. As soon as they stepped outside a limo was waiting for them. “This isn’t my limo.” McGrath said in surprise. “No it isn’t.” Ruther said as she stepped out of the shadows. “It’s mine.” “And who are you?” Dullahan asked. “My name is Ruthers. Please step into my office.” She opened the door, “It was I who paid for your bail.” They went into the limo, and drove off. “Now it is to my understanding that you are The Leprechaun.” “I was…” McGrath started to say. “You are The Leprechaun.” Superiors’ voice came through the monitor. “I have a proposition for you. How would you like to become The Leprechaun permanently?” “You have my attention.” McGrath said with interest. The next day Roy ferried the group to the mainland to enjoy all that Dublin had to offer. As they walked around the marketplace they discussed their latest battle. “So Mike those creatures we were fighting, what were they?” Angie asked. “They were solid holograms.” Mike answered quickly as he took a bite out of an apple. “Once they were beaten they just deactivated.” “So that’s why they just evaporated!” Dave exclaimed. “Yep.” Mike said gulping down a soda. “But what did they want with Castle Dark-Rider anyways?” Dan asked next. “Two things. One is The Sword of Power. Second, they wanted to break into the treasure vault.” Mike listed down. He looked over his shoulder and he saw Roy running towards them. “What is it Roy?” “We must return to Castle Dark-Rider…I just received a letter in the mail from The Leprechaun.” Roy panted. “He’s back!”
Chapter 9
As they ferried back to Castle Dark-Rider Roy filled them in on what he had found out. “I received this letter saying from The Leprechaun himself is planning another assault. Not only that but I went to talk to Inspector Gallery and he said that his men never came back from McGrath Enterprises with all the equipment that was found. And that he had gone back but the place was completely empty. Who could’ve done such a thing?” “The Society that’s who.” Mike said in a sincere tone. “International Law prevents anyone to pay for their own bail, which includes people like McGrath with him being rich and all. Not only that but The Society is the only one with the resources to pull something like that off.” “Do you think they will join up with The Leprechaun on their next attack?” Erica asked. “The note has asked for a one on one sword fight with The Dark-Rider.” Roy read from the note. “Then that’s exactly what he’s going to get.” Mike said plainly. At 8pm The Dark-Rider stood at shores of the Isle. Jacob walked up to him with something in hand. “This is something we forgot to give you.” He handed him a shield. “This is The Shield of Defense; nothing will penetrate no matter what it is.” “Thanks Jacob, thank you for all the training.” Dark-Rider told him as he put the shield on his left arm. “You sound like your trying to say your final good-byes’.” Jacob pointed out. “No, I just wanted to thank you.” Dark-Rider assured him. “That’s good, because I don’t think we will be able to find anyone better than you.” He patted him on the back. “Thanks for the vote of confidence.” He said as he looked up in the air and saw The Leprechaun flying into the air. “There’s something different about him.” As he drew near they could see why, this time he wasn’t wearing a mask. “The Society must’ve done the same thing they did with Gamers’ Goons. He is now The Leprechaun.” “Greetings Dark-Rider.” The Leprechaun said with his eyes glowing green off his green face. “As you may have guessed this is no longer a costume but it is truly me that stands before you.” “You’ve traded your humanity to become a monster.” Dark-Rider told him. “And now the monster within me has been set free.” Leprechaun said as he pulled out his dagger which was now in the form of a Druidic Ceremonial Dagger. “I shall spill your blood across the island, and then I will reap the benefits that the castle has to offer.” “You’ll have to get through me first Greenie.” Dark-Rider taunted him. “Then I’ll have to do just that!” Their swords clanged together as they began their fight. Leprechaun went for a lunge but Dark-Rider blocked it with The Shield of Defense. “Nice shield, I’ll have to add it to my collection after I kill you.” “I’m immortal there is no way to kill me!” Dark-Rider argued as he did a combination of slashes, but The Leprechaun blocked all of them, except the last one that slashed his open hand. “That’s one hand you won’t be using in this fight.” Dark-Rider declared. “One hand or no hands I will kill you!” The Leprechaun swore as he lunged in anger. Dark-Rider blocked the attack with the shield again and with The Sword of Power knocked The Leprechauns’ sword out of his hand and it landed into the waters behind him. “This isn’t over; I still have my suit as a weapon!” “Then allow me to make this a fair fight.” Dark-Rider said as he put down the sword and shield next to Jacob. “Now time for round two.” Dark-Rider said as he landed two blows to the head and as he did he called out, “Ding, Ding!” Then The Leprechaun extended his hands and a flash of light came out that blinded The Dark-Rider temporarily. “You can’t fight what you can’t see.” The Leprechaun taunted him, and he returned the favor of a couple of blows to the head. On the third strike Dark-Rider blocked it and with all of his strength pushed his opponent away from him. “You’ll have to do better than that.” Dark-Rider told him. He then attacked him with a combination of punches and kicks using his super speed to where The Leprechaun couldn’t block it. “They may have given you strength, the ability to fly and special gadgets in your suit but there’s no way you can block all of my attacks when I get on a roll like this!” Dark-Rider jumped into the air and round house kicked him in the head and Leprechaun stumbled backwards. “And for my finale…TWO-HAMMED HAMMER!” The laser-like hammer glowed out of his hands it forced The Leprechaun into the water. “You’re done!” Dark-Rider picked up him out of the water, “Send a message to Superior, he’s next!” He picked him up and threw him into the air! The Leprechaun swore as he flew into the air and flew out towards the mainland. Chapter 10
The Alpha Squad and the others congratulated The Dark-Rider on his victory over The Leprechaun. “Why’d you let him go?” Zendra asked him. “Because until they finish the new Prison Island there is nothing that can hold someone like him.” Dark-Rider answered. “Well this is one battle that he won’t forget.” Jacob said as he as handed Dark-Rider the sword and shield. “I just hope that Superior got the message.” Dark-Rider told him. Later that night, The Leprechaun walked down the hallways of Superiors’ castle. Superior was seated on his throne. “Even with all of the upgrades we gave you, you were unable to beat The Dark-Rider.” Superior said as he looked down upon his new lackey. “No words I could say can repay for my failure.” The Leprechaun bowed. “This one is smart Ruthers; I think I shall keep him.” Superior joked. “That he is my lord.” She agreed as Cykrill came running into the room. “What is the meaning of this interruption?” Superior demanded. “Forgive the intrusion my lord, but we have found it.” Cykrill blurted out in his computer voice. “You have what?” Ruthers asked. “We have found the location of The Sword of Chaos.” Cykrill told them. “Where is it?” Superior asked. “It is in that Atlantic Ocean, I have already sent a retrieval team.” Cykrill assured him. “Excellent, and as soon as I have learned it’s secrets…The Dark-Rider and his friends will finally be finished.” Superior laughed evilly.
© 2015 Michael Gill |
Added on March 20, 2012 Last Updated on November 11, 2015 Author![]() Michael GillEugene, ORAboutI write Christian Sci-fi stories and am looking forward someday in getting them published for all who wish to read it. more..Writing